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by Thomas Penn

  Hatteclyffe, William, 38, 62–3, 95, 98–9, 121, 146, 153, 160, 321, 333, 430

  Haute, Anne, 311

  Haute, James, 120

  Haute, Sir Richard, 401, 475

  Haute, William, 130

  Hawkins, John, 192

  Hedgeley Moor, battle of (1464), 99–100

  Hedingham Castle, Essex, 68

  Henry IV, 4, 24, 132–3, 269, 270

  Henry V, 6, 162

  Henry VI: incompetent reign of, 5–6, 60, 64; marriage to Margaret of Anjou, 8; mental ill-health, 11, 13, 15; at first battle of St Albans, 14; attends the ‘loveday’ (1458), 17; at the Coventry Parliament (1459), 22; and dynastic change, 24; Yorkists take control of, 27; rescued by the Lancastrians, 36; escapes to Scotland after battle of Towton, 49; in exile in Scotland, 76, 82; at Bamburgh Castle, 90–1; at battle of Hexham, 100; escapes after battle of Hexham, 101–2; captured and taken to the Tower, 132–3; restored to the throne, 247–8; paraded round London as Edward approaches, 275–6; at Edward’s restoration, 276, 281; dies in the Tower, 293–4; religious foundations at Eton and Cambridge, 373; reburied in St George’s Chapel, Windsor, 533

  Henry VII (formerly Henry Tudor, Earl of Richmond): William Herbert pays Edward IV for wardship of, 62; lordship of Richmond confiscated from, 86; childhood in Raglan Castle, 175; at battle of Edgecote, 216; presented to Henry VI (1470), 264–5; attempt to reclaim earldom of Richmond, 265; with Jasper Tudor in Wales, 299; in exile in Brittany, 498; and the Woodville insurgency, 500–2; as putative heir to Edward IV, 505; attempts to land on English southern coast, 516; takes oaths of loyalty at Rennes Cathedral, 519; leaves Brittany for France, 534–5; letter claiming the crown, 540–1; support from Charles VIII, 553; lands at Milford Haven, 556; at battle of Bosworth, 558–63; declared king in Parliament, 564–5; marries Elizabeth of York, 565–6

  Henry VIII, 570–1

  Herbert, Lady Anne, 223

  Herbert, Sir William (later Earl of Pembroke): detains Edmund Tudor, earl of Richmond, 16; defeats insurgencies in Wales, 58, 60–2, 174; wardship of Henry Tudor, 62, 175; influence on Edward IV, 114; marriage to Mary Woodville, 153–4, 165; wardship of Henry Percy, 175; takes Harlech castle, 196, 200; Edward creates Earl of Pembroke, 200; accused by Warwick and Clarence of misrule, 212; at battle of Edgecote, 215–16; executed at Northampton (1469), 216–17 see also Pembroke, William Herbert, 2nd Earl of

  Hermonymos, George, 357

  Herte, Edmund, 129

  Heryot, William, 441

  Hesdin Castle, 109, 245, 385

  Hexham, battle of (1464), 100–1

  Hobbes, William, 321

  Holland, 245, 254, 309 see also Low Countries

  Holland, Anne, 154

  Holt Castle, Denbighshire, 93

  Honfleur, 235

  Howard, Sir John see 1st duke of

  Howard, Thomas see Surrey, Thomas Howard, Earl of

  Hunde, Robert, 538

  Hungerford, Sir Thomas, 202, 205–6

  Hungerford, Walter, 512

  Hutton, Thomas, 498–9

  Hyde, Richard, 392

  Idley, Peter, 112

  Ilkusz, Martin, 200–1

  Ireland: rebellion in (1467), 180; Richard of York as lieutenant of, 8; Richard of York takes refuge in (1459-60), 20, 23

  Ireland, Stephen, 500

  Isabella of Bourbon, 140

  Isabella of Castile, 98

  Isabella of Portugal, 88, 171, 194

  Italian merchant community, 56, 71, 77–9, 96, 155

  Jacques of Luxembourg, 117, 123, 125, 130

  Jacquetta of St Pol: deputation to Lancastrians after battle of St Albans, 37–8; daughter Elizabeth marries Edward IV, 110–11; lineage of, 113, 116; at Elizabeth’s coronation, 130; at birth of Elizabeth of York, 141; at Elizabeth’s churching, 142–3; profits from Thomas Cook’s disgrace, 197; named in petition issued by Warwick, 212; accused of witchcraft, 218–19, 469, 480, 486; cleared of witchcraft, 226; takes sanctuary in Westminster, 246–7

  James III of Scotland, 49, 65, 337, 359, 417, 425, 431, 434, 435, 510

  Jeanne of France, 161

  Jersey, 55

  John of Gaunt, 459

  Josselyn, Ralph, 118, 130, 409

  jousts and tournaments, 80, 126, 151, 159–60, 166–8, 195, 400–2

  Katherine of Aragon, 571

  Kemp, John, Archbishop of Canterbury, 85

  Kendall, John, 105, 507

  Kennedy, James, Bishop of St Andrews, 66, 70, 90

  Kent, Thomas, 176, 178

  Kerver, William, 120–1, 145

  King, Oliver, 481

  King’s College Chapel, Cambridge, 373, 525

  Kirby Muxloe, 427, 439

  Koeur, France, 89

  Kymer, Gilbert, 98–9

  Kymer, John, 513

  Lacy, John, 200

  Lailler, Christophe, 352, 357

  Lalaing, Simon de, 162

  Lancastrian kings see Henry IV; Henry V; Henry VI

  Landais, Pierre, 529, 533, 534

  Langton, Thomas, Bishop, 507–8, 530

  Lannoy, Jean de, 84, 109

  Lee, Richard, 239

  Lefèvre, Raoul, 261

  Leventhorpe, Nicholas, 254, 259

  Liber Niger see Black Book of the Household of Edward IV of England

  Lincoln, John de la Pole, Earl of, 376, 400, 450, 456, 532, 568

  Lincolnshire uprisings, 226–7

  Lindisfarne island, 74

  Lloyd, Griffith, 537–8

  Lomnour, Thomas, 162, 185

  London: Cade’s rebellion (1450), 7; Yorkist support in, 26; truce with Lancastrians (1461), 36–8; bars entry to Margaret of Anjou’s army, 39; Edward and Warwick enter (1461), 41–2; financial backing for Edward IV, 50, 71, 74, 95, 121, 181, 190, 411; Edward IV crowned king, 52–3; Steelyard, 77; plague, 77, 412, 415–16; coronation of Elizabeth Woodville, 127–30; Medici bank in, 149, 180, 190, 240, 334–5, 411; opens gates to Warwick’s rebel lords, 213; rioting and looting in, 220; Edward IV’s deposition, 246–7; during Henry VI’s restoration, 256, 259; Lancastrians flee from, 275; Edward’s return (1471), 275–6; Fauconberg’s assault on, 290–2; financial boom (1478), 409; news of Edward V’s detainment, 465; coronation of Richard III, 492–5; seditious rhymes during Richard’s rule, 529–30

  Losecote Field, battle of (1470), 230–1

  Louis XI, king of France: at the Burgundian court, 56; crowned at Reims (1461), 59; Lancastrian support, 71, 79, 93, 124, 157–8, 192, 200–1, 235–7, 336; treaty with Duke Francis of Brittany, 201; withdrawal of Lancastrian support, 84–5, 88–9; proposed marriage of Bona of Savoy to Edward IV, 98–9, 109; negotiations with Warwick, 115, 161–2, 169; Anglo-French relations, 117; relations with Burgundy, 117, 131; war with Burgundy, 255–7; and Anglo-Burgundian relations, 309–10, 385–6, 395–8, 423–4; trades insults with Edward IV, 352; and the Treaty of Picquigny, 364–8; ransom of Margaret of Anjou, 374; unpopularity in England, 377–8; invades Burgundy (1477), 381–2; negotiations with Edward, 413–15, 426–7; support for Duke of Albany, 417; signs Treaty of Arras (1482), 443; death, 509–10

  ‘loveday’ (1458), between the Yorkists and Lancastrians, 17–18

  Lovell, Francis, 1st Viscount: friendship and patronage of Richard III, 137, 313, 473, 490; at Minster Lovell, 499; seditious rhyme about, 529–30; patrols coastline against Henry Tudor’s invasion, 554; escapes after Henry Tudor’s accession, 568

  Lovell, Thomas, 513, 538, 543

  Low Countries: Burgundian rule in, 18, 396; Warwick recruits from, 36; Dukes of Gloucester and Clarence in exile, 39; trade with, 51, 79, 95, 118–19, 121, 148, 156; and the alum trade, 157, 184; Edward IV’s exile in, 262, 309 see also Bruges; Flanders; Holland

  Loyet, Gerard, 194

  Lucy, Margaret, 218, 491–2

  Ludford Bridge, 21

  Ludlow, 5, 10, 13, 19–20, 61, 453

  Machado, Roger, 456

  Machiavelli, Niccolò, 251, 424

  Machlinia, William de, 444

aidstone, Kent, 179

  Maisertuell, Philip, 409

  Makerell, Ralph, 202

  Malory, Sir Thomas: Morte d’Arthur, 73, 111, 416, 555–6; Yorkist affiliation, 72–3

  Malpas, Philip, 38, 121

  Maltravers, Lord, 456

  Mancini, Domenico, 496–7

  Manning, Thomas, 132

  Marchaunt, John, 355

  Marche, Olivier de la, 162, 353–4

  Margaret of Anjou: marriage to Henry VI, 8; birth of son Edward, 11, 12; claims regency of England, 12; focus of resistance to Yorkists, 15; establishes power base in the Midlands, 16; attends the ‘loveday’ (1458), 17–18; and battle of Wakefield, 31–2; assurances to London after second battle of St Albans, 37–8; takes refuge in Scotland, 49, 66, 74; seeks support in France, 70–1; returns to England with Somerset, 71; escapes to Flanders (1462), 82; takes refuge in France, 87–9, 91–2; petitions Louis XI, 124; French support for, 157–8; reconciled with Warwick and Clarence, 236–8; arrives in England and raises an army, 283–4; detained at Coventry, 290; ransomed to Louis XI, 374

  Margaret of Austria, 432, 443

  Margaret of York (later Duchess of Burgundy): marriage negotiations, 140, 146–7, 160–2, 171, 180–5; marriage to Charles the Bold, 193–6; support for Edward’s restoration, 262; patronage of William Caxton, 347, 348; seeks support for Burgundy from Edward IV, 381–4, 421–4; backs conspiracies against the Tudors, 569

  Marie, Duchess of Burgundy, 140, 147, 150, 380, 383–5, 395–6, 432

  Marney, Sir John, 203

  Marshall, Roger, 322

  Martyn, Alice, 39

  Mary, Queen, 571

  Mary of Guelders, 49

  Mary of York (daughter of Edward IV), 433

  Matthias, King of Hungary, 200

  Mauleverer, Halneth, 538

  Maximilian I, 395, 414, 423, 424, 432, 443

  Mechtild of Hackeborn, The Book of Ghostly Grace, 419

  medical treatments, 321–3

  Medici, Lorenzo de,’ 240, 334

  Medici, Piero de,’ 149

  Medici bank, 51, 71, 147–50, 157, 180, 184, 190, 192, 240, 334–5, 411

  Melbourne, William, 492

  Merchant Adventurers, 77, 78, 118, 150, 411

  merchants: Calais, 16–17, 22, 71, 78, 250, 253, 257; Dutch, 77; English, 77–8, 118–19, 410–11; Flemish, 77; Italian, 51, 71, 78–9, 96, 109–10; London, 38, 70–1, 95, 117–18, 121, 190, 253, 257; provide credit for Edward IV, 70, 71, 78, 96, 105, 184, 190, 250, 256, 528; and recoinage, 104–5, 145 see also Hanseatic League, trade

  Meres, John, 538

  Middelburg, Netherlands, 244, 254

  Middleham Castle, 49, 137, 170, 217, 221, 303, 305, 338, 408, 419

  Milan, Francesco Sforza, Duke of, 56

  Milford Haven, 556

  Montagu, John Neville, 1st marquis of, 384; repels Scottish raiders, 57; defeats Lancastrian army in the north, 81; at battles of Hedgeley Moor and Hexham, 99–101; granted earldom of Northumberland, 102; at the enthronement of George Neville as Archbishop of York, 135; marches against Robin of Redesdale’s uprising, 208; remains loyal to Edward, 221, 232; loses earldom of Northumberland and created marquis of Montagu, 224; killed at battle of Barnet, 280

  Montefeltro, Federico da, 354–5

  Montemagno, Buonaccorso da, Controversia de vera nobilitate, 114

  Montgomery, Thomas: sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk, 67; commercial interests of, 95; warden of the Tower Mint, 105; hosts Edward IV at Faulkbourne, 135; Anglo-Burgundian relations, 153, 163, 423; negotiates with Warwick and Clarence, 214; royal tournament (1467), 160; pension from Louis XI, 366; delivers Margaret of Anjou to Louis IX, 374; on royal council after death of Edward IV, 450; transfers to Richard III’s household, 495; pall-bearer to Henry VII, 570

  Monypenny, Guillaume, 176–9, 180–1, 255

  More, Thomas, 61, 110, 115, 406, 430, 468, 479–80, 483, 488, 492, 503, 506, 519

  Mortimer, Anne, 4

  Mortimer, Roger, 133

  Mortimer family, 4

  Mortimer’s Cross, battle of (1461), 3–5, 32

  Morton, John (later Archbishop of Canterbury): chancellor to Edward of Lancaster, 21, 36; arrested by the Yorkists after Towton, 49; flees to Flanders with Margaret of Anjou, 82; in exile with Margaret of Anjou, 124; transfer to Edward IV’s service, 306; fundraising for Edward IV, 357, 426; diplomacy with France, 364, 413–14; receives pension from Louis IX, 366; negotiations with Louis XI, 383; on Clarence’s execution, 406; financial reform, 411; executer of Edward’s will, 448, 450; at Edward IV’s funeral, 454; arrested and sent to the Tower, 481, 485; imprisoned by Richard III, 495; and Buckingham’s rebellion, 505–6; in Flanders after Buckingham’s rebellion, 515, 534, 539; support for Henry Tudor, 543

  Mountjoy, William Blount, 1st Baron, 144, 412

  Mowbray, Anne, 399, 400, 447

  Multon, John, 327–8

  navy: Burgundian, 237; English, 22, 66, 410, 427, 460; French, 16–17

  Nesfield, John, 310, 487, 502

  Netherlands see Holland, Low Countries

  Neville, Anne (later Princess of Wales, later Queen consort of Richard III): at the enthronement of the Archbishop of York (1465), 135; Warwick’s marriage ambitions for, 137–8; betrothal to Edward of Lancaster, 237; widowed at death of Edward of Lancaster, 290; marries Richard, duke of Gloucester, 307–8, 311–12, 314; piety of, 419; coronation, 494; in York on royal progress (1483), 507, 508–9; in Cambridge and Nottingham with Richard III, 525–6; death, 547–8

  Neville, Cecily see York, Cecily Neville, Duchess of

  Neville, Cecily (sister of the Earl of Warwick), 68

  Neville, Eleanor, 233

  Neville, George, Archbishop of York (formerly Bishop of Exeter): chancellorship of England, 42, 44; proclamation of Edward IV as king, 42–3; ambition to be cardinal, 85; negotiates trade treaty with Burgundy, 88; at Elizabeth Woodville’s coronation, 130; enthroned as Archbishop of York (1465), 134–5; overlooked as cardinal, 151–2; dismissed from chancellorship, 164–5; Anglo-Burgundian marriage negotiations, 181, 182; marries Isabel Neville to the Duke of Clarence, 211; declares for Warwick and the Lancastrians, 242; restoration of Henry VI, 247, 249, 254–5; defends London against Edward’s return, 275–6; arrested and sent to Calais, 315–18; communication with Pietro Aliprando, 331; pardoned and released from Calais, 357–8; and Edward’s invasion of France (1475), 363; death, 374–5

  Neville, Isabel (later Duchess of Clarence): at the Archbishop of York’s enthronement (1465), 135; Warwick’s marriage ambitions for, 137–8; marriage to Duke of Clarence, 172–4, 210–11; gives birth at sea while fleeing England, 233–5; inheritance of, 301; death, 379–80

  Neville, John see Montagu, John Neville, 1st marquis of

  Neville, Margaret, 70

  Neville, Robert, 176

  Neville, Thomas, 235

  Neville family, 11, 13, 22, 79, 89, 137, 420

  Newcastle, 73–4, 100

  Nicholl, John, 44

  Norfolk, Catherine Neville, Dowager Duchess of, 122

  Norfolk, John Howard, 1st duke of: knighted after battle of Towton, 60; commercial interests of, 95, 199; and Edward’s marriage to Elizabeth Woodville, 116; and Warwick’s rebellion, 234; oath-taking to Prince Edward, 300; support for Richard, duke of Gloucester, 314, 339; and the Treaty of Picquigny, 364, 366; Edward deprives of inheritance, 399, 447; French diplomacy, 423; Scottish campaign (1482), 427–8; on royal council after death of Edward IV, 450; at Edward IV’s funeral, 454, 455; patronage of Richard III, 473; Richard grants dukedom of Norfolk, 489–90; at Richard’s coronation, 494; and Buckingham’s rebellion, 512, 514; at battle of Bosworth, 557–8, 559, 560; killed at battle of Bosworth, 561

  Norfolk, John Mowbray, 4th Duke of, 45, 48, 93, 399

  Norham Castle, 81

  Normandy, English loss of (1449), 6–7, 8

  Northampton, 26, 80–1, 82, 93, 215, 216, 461–2, 466–7, 470, 471

  Northampton, battle of (1460), 26–7

humberland, Henry Percy, 2nd Earl of, 14

  Northumberland, Henry Percy, 3rd Earl of, 31, 49, 70, 175

  Northumberland, Henry Percy, 4th Earl of: in wardship of William Herbert, 70, 175, 209; Edward restores earldom of Northumberland to, 223–4; at battle of Losecote Field, 228; keeps peace in Yorkshire, 239, 372; loyalty to Edward, 259, 271, 290; conflict with Richard, duke of Gloucester, 342, 359; Scottish campaign (1482), 428, 431, 434; in London for Richard’s coronation, 493; passed over as head of Council of the North, 531–2; at battle of Bosworth, 557–8, 560, 561, 563

  Norton, Thomas, 254, 412

  Nottingham, 525–6, 535

  Nottingham Castle, 210, 373, 409, 551–2

  Order of the Garter, 72, 86, 113, 207, 354, 373, 386

  Order of the Golden Fleece, 207, 245, 331

  Ormond, Thomas Butler, Earl of, 258

  Orwell, John, 44

  Oulgreve, Thomas, 196

  Oxford, Elizabeth, Dowager Countess of, 339–40

  Oxford, John de Vere, 12th Earl of, 67–70

  Oxford, John de Vere, 13th Earl of: execution of his father, 69; title restored to, 129; at the enthronement of George Neville, Archbishop of York, 135; arrested for Lancastrian sympathies, 202–3; released from the Tower, 205; leaves for Calais with Neville brothers, 211; letter to John Paston, 214; lands in Devon with Warwick and Clarence, 241; and restoration of Henry VI, 247; appointed constable of England, 249–50; defends Norfolk coast against Edward’s return, 269; at battle of Barnet, 279–80; in exile in France, 316–17; attempted landing at St Osyth, 336–8; seizes St Michael’s Mount, Cornwall, 343; surrenders and imprisoned in Hammes Castle, 349, 539; joins Henry Tudor, 545; at battle of Bosworth, 560–1


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