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Page 5

by Sherry Foster

  Jeffery rolled out of bed and stood up before turning toward the door. “Boss finally gave the go-ahead and is sending a team in?”

  Samson snorted, “We should be so lucky. No, have a seat I have some things to tell you. Wait, give me your pistol. I have some things to tell you but preferably while you can’t shoot my ass.”

  Jeffery narrowed his eyes and reached down for the pistol under his pillow. “What have you done now?”

  “Me? Man I am hurt. You wound me truly you do. Also, I don’t know why you want to accuse me in such a tone of voice.”

  “I am not accusing you. I am assessing you to determine what level of shit you are about to bring down on our heads this time.”

  “Whoa, that last dust-up was not my fault. You know Jones started that shit.” Samson held his hands up in defense while trying for the most innocent look he could manage. Apparently Jeffery knew him a bit too well because the reaction was narrowed eyes and a firmer grip on the pistol.

  “Seriously, I need your help but preferably with the pistol out of range. You could shoot me by accident.”

  Samson watched Jeffery with wary eyes as Jeffery in turn watched him. “You and I both know I would never shoot you on accident so whatever shit you are trying to pull must be bad. Bad enough you think I would shoot you over it. You are not inspiring trust here.”

  “Look at me. I have never been more serious about a situation in my life and can’t imagine a situation I would ever be more serious about. I need your help. I need your trust. And I need that fucking pistol cause you are not going to be happy about what I have to say. And if you shoot me then you will be all whiny and I will have to listen to you whine and moan for days if not weeks.”

  “What the fuck man? The situation is so dire you want to take my weapon but at the same time you can’t let up with the snark?”

  “Fine, just don’t shoot me.” Samson finally snarled before he reached up and took his shirt off. Sitting in the chair he took both shoes off and considered his feet for a moment before shrugging his shoulders and taking off his socks. When he stood up and reached for his belt he saw Jeffery raise his pistol.

  “I know what the villagers think, and I know what our cover is, but I swear if you keep taking off your clothes I will shoot your ass. I don’t want to see your naked ass. We haven’t been without females that long.”

  “Oh for fucks sake put the pistol down. I can’t show you what I need to with my clothes on.”

  “Oh yes, you can show me anything you need to show me but the key is need to and you don’t need to show me your dick. If you got a problem there you best see a doctor.”

  Samson rubbed his forehead before he sat down again. “Fine, I will give you the condensed version, you will call bullshit, I will have to prove it and then we will move forward to what I need from you.”

  “Condensed version is good. Does the condensed version mean you keep your clothes on?” Jeffery asked.

  “Yes, yes I keep my clothes on. Now where do I start? Alright here we go, can you put the pistol beside you at least?” Samson watched his partner raise one eyebrow and shake his head no. “Fine. Whatever. I am not like you. Hell we aren’t even the same species. My people are shifters and we, what are you doing? Where are you going?”

  “To check the food and drinks, someone has gotten to us if they are drugging us. How long ago did our cover get blown? Shit shit shit. I told the boss we needed to move quicker.” Jeffery headed for the kitchen.

  Samson gave a deep sigh before shaking his head. “Well hell, that went well.” He stood up and took his belt off before removing his pants. He gave himself a mental shake before calling forth his wolf. He did not realize the internal fight he would have against the wolf once he gave over control.

  Go save mate. Go now.

  Samson struggled to regain control over his wolf staggering as he fought for control and as a result he didn’t hear Jeffery re-enter the room until he shouted.

  “What the fuck?”

  Samson watched the gun raise through the eyes of his wolf and knew if he didn’t gain control soon they wouldn’t have to worry about saving their mate. He wrenched control back and shifted just as Jeffery lowered the gun. Unfortunately the abrupt change startled his partner into raising the gun again. He watched from the floor as Jeffery stared at him then back to his pistol before turning and walking out of the bedroom muttering about drugs in the food and blown missions. He watched the door a moment more before shrugging his shoulders and getting dressed again. Since the wolf had been called forth and seen he had no reason to call that part of him again. He just had to convince Jeffery they were not drugged nor crazy before Jeffery made the phone call he was muttering about. He could not afford for his partner to call for a team to relieve them, not with his mate in danger and just a few clicks away. He needed to find a way to calm his damn wolf again since the latest actions had his insides being used as a figurative scratching post.

  Dammit stop. I can’t think with you on a rampage inside. We will get our mate killed if we go rushing in. Let me get Jeffery on our side and find a way to rescue her.

  Save mate now?

  If you will let me we will make plans to save her.

  Run free again?

  Yes, after we save her we will go home and run free all over the mountains.

  The internal clawing at his soul stopped and Samson bolted to the kitchen. He had just heard the unmistakable sound of a phone powering on and he had to stop that call. He lunged at Jeffery and yanked the phone from his hands as he shouted “NO!”

  “Dammit man we have not been drugged, our cover has not been blown, at least, not to my knowledge, and you are not going crazy or seeing things. Whoa man, put the pistol down.” Samson backed away with the phone, hands in the air. “Look at me, you know me, I told you I had something important to tell you. For the love of chocolate cake would you please just listen to me?”

  “You hate chocolate cake.”

  “Oh for fuck’s sake, really? Who gives a damn about chocolate cake? This is life and death. Do you remember back when we ran that mission down near Bogota and you found some tracks no one could explain. You swore they looked like wolf tracks and everyone said you were drunk?”

  “Bogota, Columbia? I was not, oh shit are you telling me you did that?”

  “I can neither confirm nor deny the possibility that I may or may not have any information on the tracks that may or may not have appeared to be wolf tracks.”

  “You fucker! You damn near got me pulled from the mission and sent back to the States! You made those. I watched you turn from a wolf to a human just now, at least, unless I am going crazy.”

  “Jeffery, you are not crazy, you did see me shift. I am not lying to you. I have not put something in your food. I told you I am different from you. But look at me. I am still the same person I was before you found out. I am still your partner. I still have your back till the end of time and furthermore, you can still have all the chocolate cake we get. And I need your help more than I have ever needed anyone’s help before. Please brother.”

  “I need a drink.” Jeffery looked around the kitchen before shrugging his shoulders. Drinking while on a mission could get you killed and it would get you pulled from a mission. He knew they had no alcohol in the house. “I don’t know what is so important you decided to blow your closest secret and possibly the mission, not like anyone would believe me if I told them.” He gestured toward the control room with the pistol. “Come on hotshot, let’s hear what ya got.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Marcus looked at the phone, “Kent, Trey is calling, I will be outside if you need me. Hopefully he got his outside buddies on board.” He headed out the door swiping to answer the phone as he walked.

  “Hey man, tell me you have good news for me and we can expect some rolling eyes.”

  I haven’t had a chance to call them yet. I have another layer to add to your mission.”

  “No adding shit to the missi
on. Get us what we need to make it happen. Pull every string you got to get us those guys. We are going to need everything you have and then some. I am going to be honest with you, this mission is going to be one of the hardest we have ever tried to pull from the intel we have so far.” Marcus nodded to Jaden when he walked up and held a finger up. On the phone with Trey, hold your thoughts bro.

  I got a call from my brother just now. Trey told him.

  “Wait, your who?” Marcus reared back at the words before looking at Jaden. Trey has a brother?

  Jaden’s eyes opened wide. Yeah, don’t mention him to Trey. I think there is some bad blood there or something. The only times I ever asked he and his clammed up and changed the subject.

  Trying to hold a conversation with Jaden while Trey was talking on the other end of the phone caused him to miss a few words. “Wait, wait, your who did what?” He asked Trey.

  My brother called me. He found his mate and he needs help rescuing her.

  “Trey, man, I feel for you, and we will do everything we can to help your brother rescue his mate but this mission has to come first. Get us all the information you can and we will work on saving her when we get back.”

  Actually, you are going to put rescuing her at the top of your list.

  “Are you threatening me? If we don’t drop everything and help your brother you will what? Hold back the drones and keep your friends from helping us?” Marcus growled.

  What? No, where did you, oh I see, no my fault. Look, Samson is, well I don’t know how much I can say. Shit, ok, Samson works for an organization. He will be calling you in about two hours. You need to take the call in private, you need to get all the information he can give you, and you need to figure out what to do.

  “Trey, I would love to help him. I will help him, I swear to you, but after this mission. I will take his call but he isn’t going to like what I have to say. Better coming from you.”

  Marcus, he has boots on the ground in Peto.

  “He what? Who? Wait, what do you mean? Why is he there? Shit, tell him to call me now!” Marcus demanded.

  I can’t do that. I have no way of calling him. He said he would call your number in two hours. I can’t tell you anymore than that. No, I take that back, I will tell you this much. Whatever odds you have on the mission being a success you can double them if his mate is in that compound. And I have reason to believe she is there and he wants her out. He is risking much to make the phone call to you so answer the phone and let him do the talking.

  “What does he do?”

  By my oath I can’t tell you. He may, I can’t. Just be prepared to take the call in, Trey paused, one hour and forty-four minutes. He said he would call in two hours and he is punctual. Don’t say anything to anyone but Jaden until you hear from Samson. Now let me call Talbort and see what mountains I can move. I will call you back when I have more news.

  Marcus looked at his now silent phone before turning to look at Jaden with disbelief. “That doesn’t sound like bad blood.” What do you think is going on?

  He said his brother is part of an organization and has boots on the ground in Peto. Now I don’t know about you but we never use the term ‘boots on the ground’ except for missions. When we have a team in position or need people in position. Trey doesn’t have our training but he has been around us enough lately to have heard that term. What do you want to bet Samson is in some kind of black op team?

  No bet from me. Trey made it sound that way, probably on purpose. Jaden, if we are right about this, Samson could be a game changer. Let’s get back inside and find out what the guys have worked out so far. Set your timer on your phone. I don’t want to miss that call.

  The two walked back inside and were soon deep in planning a mission. Marcus grimaced as the thought crossed his mind all the planning might change depending on one phone call. Kent finally noticed his Alpha and Beta seemed to be miles away and sent a silent query though the bond. Marcus took a deep breath and just shook his head.

  When Jaden’s alarm went off he and Marcus headed for the door after telling the men they had to take care of a few things and call Trey again since Trey had never called back. Kent just nodded and pulled up another map. They were trying to determine the best place to cross out of the States and the best place to land once they reached the Yucatan. Refueling the birds and getting back out of Mexico without starting a war had turned into a logistical nightmare.

  Chapter Thirteen


  “Talbort? It’s Trey, you got a minute?”

  Sure man, what’s up.

  “When we talked before you said you had company down there and wouldn’t be around too much. But I have a unique problem I hope you can help me with.”

  Trey, my man, the only problems you people ever have seem to be unique problems. Who got their tail in a bind this time?


  Oh well now, that changes things. What do you need from me?

  “The guys want some of those chakatas, the things they named rolling eyes.”

  Nope, can’t help you. I told your friend Marcus before he is not getting his hands on our toys. Now if you are asking me to go on another crazy ass mission with your people I may have to decline if the wild woman is with them.

  “I can assure you Kate will probably not be with them. I can call but from what I heard from some of the others Kate is never going to be allowed on another mission again if the men can help it. I think they almost lost four guys because of her. As important as this mission is, and the location, I can almost guarantee she won’t be invited. Hell man, I’m not even invited.”

  Where is the location and what is going down? I thought you said Samson was in a bind. If your brother is in a bind and you aren’t going, what do you know that I should know before I commit.

  “My brother found his mate in a human trafficking compound. Lots of men, lots of hiding places, lots of guns and the worst part of the whole deal, the compound is in Mexico, the southern part. He needs help storming the compound and it needs to be done quietly, in and out, without starting a war between the two countries.”

  I see. Let me discuss it with Remi and Drac and see what we can do without Dacron losing his mind. He is already in a snit about how long we have been on this planet and how many laws we had to break to stay here.

  Trey heard a strange voice in the background asking what snit meant. It was a moment before Talbort started talking again as the others explained the word snit and then dealt with the fall-out when the stranger, Dacron, took offense.

  Did you hear? Tell me that is not a world class snit going on right there. I tell you what.

  “What?” Trey waited.

  That’s it. We picked that phrase up this last week from the locals. Apparently that is the total of the sentence. I tell you what, but then you never tell anyone anything. We were kind of hoping you would have heard it and knew what it meant. The next words were muffled but Trey still heard them, Trey said look it up on the Internet. I told you these southerners are crazy. Remi, your brother should fit right in. Trey heard the next words more clearly as Talbort took his hand off the phone. Let me talk it over with the others. We might be willing to help you but we don’t want to start a war either. However, we have been discussing leaving the planet, or at least Dacron has been badgering us to leave the she-devil stuck here and jump ship. He isn’t very fond of the planet, never has been. He said the technology is shit but you people are coming along and in a few more years you will either be overrun with little she-devils or have enough technological advances to find her and eliminate her.

  “Over run with she-devils? I thought she had to have Dracula to breed?”

  Aint technology great. She found a way. We have removed the newest terror from the planet but Catherine got away, for now.

  “Well talk to the others and get back to me as soon as possible. You know how our wolves get when a female is in danger, multiplied when it is your mate and my brother is a powder keg waitin
g on a match. Nikita said they are going in fast and dirty and Marcus told me they leave tomorrow evening. Any help you can give would be appreciated my friend.”

  Did you say they are going in dirty?

  Trey shrugged before he realized Talbort couldn’t see him, “Yeah, that’s what Nikita said, you know what he meant?”

  Oh yeah. Loaded with explosives. I thought you said they didn’t plan on starting a war?

  “Marcus doesn’t plan on starting a war. Gammon may not feel the same apparently. You got Marcus’ number or did I give it to you before that last mission?”

  Yeah, I got it.

  “Call him and find out what they plan, if you can help. I am out of the loop on this mission so I can’t tell you enough to help you decide.”

  Trey heard a snort of the other end of the phone, Going in dirty might help Dacron decide in favor of the mission, once I tell him what it means. I will do what I can for Samson. Hang loose and I will call you back later.

  “Alright, Samson is suppose to get another call out to Marcus in about an hour and a half and I don’t know what kind of changes to the mission his intel will create. So don’t set any plans into motion if you decide to jump in our playground and party.”

  Alright. Later.


  Chapter Fourteen

  Jeffery shook his head, “Let me see if I understand you correctly. You and your kind are a dying race. You shift into wolves. The wolves are semi-intelligent beings.” He held up his hand at Samson’s snort. “Look, I am having a hard enough time buying your ocean front property as it is, I don’t need you insisting the wolf talks to you. Just, no, okay? Now where was I? Oh yes, magic, mate bond, blaa blaa blaa. Do you realize how hard this is to believe? No, don’t say anything, still processing here. So your race is dying because hardly any females are born anymore. So females are rare which makes them a treasure with no price and fuckers are always after the treasure. Now we gotta go all Indiana Jones on their ass and rescue the treasure before the bad guys get it or you will die? Yeah, see that part I am having a hard time processing.”


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