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Southern Magic Wedding

Page 16

by Amy Boyles

  I flexed my fingers. Adrenaline rushed through my veins. Sweat dampened my forehead. I could smell the scents of fear, of anticipation. The scent of Blake’s hunger to fight was thick in the air.

  “And the Vault?” I said.

  Blake shrugged. “I thought I might find what I was looking for there. But after I spoke to some people, like your cousin Molly, I realized the power of this town is held right here.

  “And I want it,” Blake said. “This heart is the most powerful object I know of. I take it and my vampire clan will have more power than we know. We will call the shots.”

  “And so you pretended to want to be my friend,” I said.

  Blake clicked his tongue. “Because you’re the key, Pepper. I needed you to get this, but I decided since you’re still so caught up in your werewolf, that I’d have to get it myself.”

  “So you stole the mirror and stashed it with Laney’s things,” Axel spat.

  Blake confirmed it. “To keep everyone busy. It almost worked. All I wanted was this.” He pointed to the heart. “And now I’ll have it.”

  We couldn’t let the heart leave. We simply couldn’t. But I also suspected that it wouldn’t be as easy to steal as Blake thought it would be.

  He dipped his hands into the fire and curled his fingers around the heart.

  Blake screamed.

  Axel lunged for him. He crashed into Blake, knocking him from the hearth and sending him toppling onto Betty’s favorite patched-up recliner.

  The recliner collapsed into a bundle of sticks. Axel picked up the vampire and threw him into the wall.

  “Whoever told you about the heart should’ve warned you that it’s strongest in the fire.”

  Blake charged at Axel, grabbing him around the waist. Axel fell onto his back, bringing down a side table with him.

  The vampire hissed. His fangs grew, and his eyes glowed orange.

  “Axel,” I yelled.

  Blake threw himself on Axel, his fangs glinting in the light. I wanted the vampire away, gone. That was the only thing I wanted.

  I flung out my hand and yelled, “Leave!”

  Blake’s gaze cut to me before he vanished from sight, disappearing from the house.

  I rushed over to Axel. “Are you okay?”

  He groaned. Blood trickled from his forehead. I dabbed my finger around the gash. “Is that the only place you’re hurt?”

  Axel grunted. “It’s not bad. I’ll be okay.”

  “Let me help you up.”

  I helped him to his feet. Axel draped an arm across my shoulders until he found his balance. Then he straightened and surveyed the house.

  “Where did you send him? The vampire?”

  I shook my head. “I don’t know.”

  A mess of eels squirmed in my stomach. I should have stopped Blake, should have bolted him to the wall, but all I could think of was trying to keep Axel safe.

  Axel grabbed his side. “It’s okay. We’ll tell Garrick to put the shields back on the town and to keep him away. We’ll increase guards.”

  Axel smiled down at me. My face tipped up to him, and I could feel myself shining. “Do you think we’ll find him?”

  Axel’s mouth thinned to a line. “We’ll search for him. But first, let’s get your cousins awake, then come up with a plan to find Blake.”

  “Okay.” I moved to rouse Cordelia and Amelia.

  Axel grasped my hand. “Then once we’ve accounted for everyone and made sure they’re safe, there’s one more important thing to do.”

  I dared to let hope lace my voice. “And that is?”

  Axel slipped his hand around my neck. “Get married. That’s what.”

  I beamed as my heart opened to him. “Come on,” I said. “Let’s hurry. I’m ready.”

  “Me too,” Axel said. “Me too.”

  Chapter 24

  It was later that night. Laney had been freed, the shields on the town put up and reinforced, and a task force of Garrick’s men had been released to hunt down Blake Calhoun.

  “He was smart to hide under the guise of the wedding,” Garrick had said. “He slipped under our radar once. But not again.”

  “If he’s determined to get the heart,” Betty said, her pipe snug between her teeth, “then he’ll stop at nothing to do so. Pepper, it’s time you considered taking the fire. He knows where it is now. We have to hide it, and there’s no better place to hide it than inside you.”

  I felt the blood rush from my head. “Inside me?”

  Betty nodded. “You’re strong enough to take it. And young enough. That’s the key. You’ll have to if we’re to make it.”

  “He won’t stop,” Cordelia added, arms crossed.

  Luckily my cousins had been easy to rouse. They’d woken almost as soon as Blake left, the spell broken.

  “He has wizards on his side,” Amelia said. “Helping him. The power he wants is more than any one person should ever have.”

  “I agree,” Axel said. He spoke to Betty but gave me a sidelong glance. “We have to protect the heart and the people.”

  My stomach folded. Worry lay thick in my throat. They were right of course, but I worried I wouldn’t be able to handle the heart. That I wasn’t as prepared to take on that duty as they thought.

  But what other choice did I have?

  Their stares bored into me as my family awaited my answer. I exhaled a slow breath, hoping to steady my thundering pulse.

  “Okay,” I relented. “I’ll do it. I’ll accept the heart. After we’re married.”

  Axel reached for me and threaded his fingers through mine. “I think we’ve waited long enough, don’t you?”

  I closed my eyes and inhaled a long, cleansing breath. “Yes, I think so.”

  I stared at the midnight blue dress I was supposed to wear for my wedding. It was gorgeous, made of velvet and satin. I had compromised on this dress after Betty said I should wear a black dress made of spiderwebs.

  I traced a finger over the scooped satin neckline and smiled. “I’m to accept the heart. My life will change after that. You were supposed to be a compromise, but now…now, for one brief moment, I want to be Pepper Dunn and wear the color I should.”

  I said it to no one but myself as I tapped the dress and the blue changed to a shimmering white, iridescent from pearls scattered across the bodice and bell of the gown.

  Without another word, I slipped into the dress and surveyed my appearance.

  Idie Claire had come earlier to fix my hair, which was swept up, a few scattered curls kissing the nape of my neck and grazing my ears.

  I smiled at my reflection as the door to my bedroom opened.

  Betty gazed at me, tears shining in her eyes. “You look beautiful. A vision of your mother.”

  I wiped away the tears that threatened to pearl in my own eyes.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  “He’s ready,” Betty said. “Are you?”

  I ran my hand down her arm and pulled her in for a hug. “Do you mean about the heart or about getting married?” I teased.

  She pulled out a handkerchief and blew her nose. “I mean about getting married. The heart will happen in its own time. But it will happen,” she said, her eyes twinkling.

  “So it will,” I murmured.

  “You decided on white,” Betty said.

  I shrugged. “I needed something else. I love the blue, but after what just happened, the heart and Blake, I needed some normalcy.”

  Betty nodded in understanding. “Are you ready? Everyone’s waiting.”

  “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

  Betty opened the door. “Come on.”

  I followed her out of the room. As she walked down the stairs, I stood at the top of the landing, taking in the sight of my family.

  Gone was the big fancy wedding that was supposed to happen outside. Instead we were inside—all of us, and just immediate family. No others—no Molly, though Laney was in attendance. I smiled at Axel’s parents and my cousins, who shot me
looks that said, Right on!

  Mattie was perched on the steps beside me. “Are you ready?”

  “As I’ll ever be,” I murmured.

  “Then let’s get this shindig going.”

  The cat, a pillow cushion holding the rings strapped to her back, raced down the steps until she reached the altar.

  Chirping sounds caught my attention, and my gaze flickered to the doves, who’d been invited inside the house.

  They’d promised not to poop!

  They cooed softly as I slowly descended the stairs and made my way to Axel, who smiled broadly.

  He looked so handsome—black suit, sky-blue tie that matched his eyes, with his hair pulled back.

  He smiled so wide the corners of his eyes crinkled, and in that moment my heart was as full as it could ever be. I loved him with all my heart, and Axel loved me.

  Betty took her place at the altar, and I took mine beside Axel. There was no other place I wanted to be. There was no other place I could be because this—my family, my friends, the man I loved, this place—were the most important things to me.

  I would do whatever it took to keep them safe. I would have to. This life needed to be protected, and if I was the person to do it, so be it.

  “We are gathered together to join this couple in holy matrimony,” Betty declared to the houseful of guests.

  She talked on, but her words were a fog to me. I focused on Axel and couldn’t keep the grin from carving onto my face.

  He stroked the backs of my hands with his thumbs, giving me comfort, reminding me that he was mine.

  My heart softened like cotton. I was so glad Axel was back. My Axel. The one who knew and loved me.

  I don’t know what I would have done if he’d never gotten his memory back.

  “Have you the rings?” Betty said.

  “I got ’em right here,” Mattie declared.

  Axel slid a ring on my finger. “With this ring, I thee wed.”

  I took the band I’d picked out for him, one with magical engravings signifying love and protection, and slipped it over his finger.

  “With this ring, I thee wed.”

  Betty lifted her arms. “Then by the bonds of magic and the power of the sacred heart, I pronounce this witch and wizard, husband and wife.”

  A rush of magic ballooned out from Betty’s hands. A great fiery seal circled around us before evaporating into thin air.

  Power bubbled in my chest, and I felt a rope, a magical tether erupt from me and surge into Axel.

  The power built up, like humidity on sultry day, before hitting its peak.

  The magic pulled Axel and I together into our binding kiss. The weight of magic filled bright and then burned out slowly, a lit fuse reaching its end and fizzling out.

  Our lips sealed the bond. The magic sparked on my mouth, leaving a trail of heat behind as it slowly dissolved when we pulled apart.

  I exhaled low and hard. Axel squeezed my hands. “Some kiss, huh?”

  I nodded, blinked, unsure what to say.

  Axel slipped a hand behind my back and turned me toward the crowd. “Just wait until we get to the reception.”

  I stifled a giggle as Betty declared from behind us, “Introducing, Mr. and Mrs. Axel Reign.”

  The crowd erupted into applause, and from the kitchen I heard champagne corks popping.

  Garrick appeared loaded down with a tray filled with champagne glasses. He handed them out as Axel and I turned to hug and greet our guests.

  It didn’t take long for the reception to spill outside. Betty and my cousins had set up long tables out there, and they were filled with steaming hot food.

  I rubbed my shoulders, expecting it to be cold, but instead it was a warm, sunny day.

  I found Betty and hugged her. “Thank you for making it warm.”

  She cocked a brow. “What makes you think I had anything to do with it?”

  I shot her a knowing look. “Everything, that’s all. You were planning it originally.”

  Betty shrugged. “I just wanted to make sure that even though we’ve had a pickle bucket full of drama, some things turned out the way they were supposed to.”

  I smiled. “They have. Thank you.”

  “Kid, you’re going to have a great life.” Tears spilled from Betty’s eyes. She knuckled them away. “I just know you will.”

  “About that,” I said. “Don’t’ forget, I’ve decided to accept the heart fire.”

  Her mouth tightened. “I hope you don’t feel I pushed you into it.”

  “Well, you sort of did, but that’s okay,” I quickly added. “If it’s my destiny, then it’s my destiny.”

  Betty’s fist tightened. “We’ll find that Blake Calhoun, make him pay for hurting Erasmus and keep him from getting the heart.”

  “How will we do that?” I said.

  “We’ll appeal to the vampires’ and witches’ councils. They will know how best to deal with a threat such as that.”

  I shivered. Her words were supposed to make me feel better, but I had a feeling we hadn’t seen the last of Blake Calhoun. He was the type who wanted power, wouldn’t stop until he had it and was smart enough to figure out a way not to get caught.

  He’d been taken off guard when we found him trying to steal the heart. I knew he wouldn’t make the same mistake twice. Before I could ask Betty any more questions, my cousins rushed up.

  “Pepper, congratulations.” Cordelia wrapped me in a hug. “And it seemed this day wouldn’t come.”

  My lips quirked into a smirk. “It definitely seemed that way this week, didn’t it?”

  Amelia threw her arms around my neck. “It did, but I always believed in the power of love. I knew it would come through, that you and Axel would make it happen. You’re a true love story.”

  She gazed wistfully to the sky. “Yours is a love story that was meant to be.” Amelia cocked her head toward a table. “Same as me and Sherman.”

  My brow curled in question. “Amelia, are you trying to say something? That you and Sherman are soon to be engaged?”

  She hiked a shoulder. “Maybe. Maybe not. But I feel that at some point we will be.”

  My gaze flitted to Cordelia. “And what about you? Are you and Garrick planning on exchanging vows anytime soon?”

  Cordelia waved me away. “Please. He hasn’t asked yet, but I get the feeling it’ll be soon.”

  I grinned. “I can’t wait.” I enveloped my cousins in a hug. “I can’t wait for all of y’all to be married. I just want us to be happy.”

  We cuddled for a moment, and I relished it. I was now married and would no longer sleep under Betty’s roof. Axel and I were joined. It was time to start my life with him.

  As quickly as the thought hit me, my gaze snagged on Axel. He stood in a group of men that consisted of Garrick, Sherman and Roger Reign. Axel’s attention locked on me, and I heard him say, “Excuse me.”

  I untangled myself from my cousins and nodded toward my husband. “I’ll be right back.”

  I joined Axel in the middle of the garden. The sweet scent of roses permeated the air, and the doves cooed all around us. Hugo snorted softly in the background as the dragon watched the festivities and waited to eat table scraps.

  Even Grumpy was here—he stood by the trees with Hugo, each creature belonging with us witches as much as anyone else.

  Axel beamed down at me. Love radiated in his eyes. “Well hello, Mrs. Reign.”

  “Hello, Mr. Reign,” I said.

  At that moment music struck up from the band. The sound of strings filled the air.

  Axel extended his hand. “May I have this dance?”

  I slid my palm over his and grinned. “You may.”

  Then we took our first steps as man and wife, for all our family and friends to see.

  Chapter 25

  After the reception Hugo delivered us to our new house. Axel dismounted first, extending his hands for me.

  He gently cupped my waist and pulled me from the dragon, who f
lew up into the night, disappearing from view.

  Axel’s fingers threaded over mine. “So.”

  “So,” I mimicked.

  “Do you feel different now that you’re Mrs. Reign?”

  “Hmm, let me think about that… No.”

  He chuckled. “Good. I’m glad. Wait.”

  We’d reached the threshold. With a flick of his wrist the door creaked open. Axel tucked his arms beneath me and whisked me into our home, kissing me lightly on the nose before settling me down.

  I stared at the house that was ours. It was empty except for us. Axel and I were alone. On our wedding night.

  He took my hand and guided me upstairs. We reached the bedroom. Lit candles dotted every surface. The light danced and flickered, the glow adding to the romance.

  Axel dropped my hand and took a step back, studying me.

  Heat crept up my throat under the weight of his inspection. “What is it?”

  “You’re just so beautiful. I wanted to look at you.”

  “Axel,” I started. Stopped.

  His gaze dropped to the floor. His eyelashes looked so long, so silky as they nearly brushed his cheeks. I wanted to reach out and trace them.

  His voice was low and gruff, almost a growl. “When I think of what I was like, what I felt this last week, it was miserable. I couldn’t break out of the lack of feelings I had for you.”

  His gaze flickered up to meet mine. He took a quick step over and slid his hand across my neck, pressing his forehead to mine. “I’m so sorry. For what I put you through. I will never. Ever do that again.”

  The warmth from his hand seeped up the back of my neck, crawling to my ears and making them tingle. “It wasn’t your fault.”

  “It’s hard to accept that excuse,” he growled. “All I know is that once we bond tonight, nothing, and I mean nothing can break that. Not for me.”

  “I know you’re sorry,” I murmured. “I’m sorry I did things that I shouldn’t have. I should have trusted you more.”

  “You didn’t even know me,” he argued. “I wasn’t myself. I was…half myself. Not whole. I’m only whole with you. Without you, I’m a shell of a man.”


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