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A Lover's Game

Page 4

by Max Hudson

  Each stroke inspired Charlie to unfold further. His legs parted wider with ease and his hands clung to the armrest behind his head. He bucked with desire, greeting Elias's lips excitedly as he appeared to reach his peak. He shuddered uncontrollably while Elias bathed his cock with soaked lips.

  Elias rose, watching Charlie as his hand took over the work of his mouth. He responded to Charlie's expressions and spat generously over his fingers to coat Charlie's cock, lubricating his strokes. He squeezed gently while increasing his rhythm. While he witnessed Charlie's reaction, he smiled mischievously, letting his tongue dance on the edge of his lips. His crooked smile reached his eyes and lit them up.

  “Let go,” he whispered. “Just let go...”

  Charlie grunted. His labored breathing barely able to produce language. He gripped the couch as if holding on for life and released his load, coating Elias' mouth with fluid.

  Elias readily drank. He swallowed every drop, licking his lips as Charlie relaxed into the cushions. He sat up with a grin and tapped Charlie's exposed hip.

  “I think I'm full now.”

  Charlie broke into a chuckle. “You have a joke for everything, don't you?”

  “I try.”

  “Well, it helps ease tension.”

  Elias smirked. “Only my jokes ease tension?”

  “I mean, your mouth is...” Charlie faded as he sat up, meeting Elias's lips with his own. He sighed breathlessly, “Fire.”

  “I take pride in my work.”

  “I can tell. I should return the favor.”

  Elias smiled. “Maybe later.”

  “Would you like me to spend the night?”

  Elias wrapped Charlie in a hug, curling into the crook of Charlie's arm as he sighed, “Yes, sir.”

  Chapter Five


  Charlie groaned as he stretched his arms above his head. He squeezed his eyes shut as he released a great sigh, allowing his muscles to relax all at once. His ears perked up at the sound of bubbling. As he struggled to open his eyelids, he took another deep breath and groaned, longing to stay asleep.

  “Good morning, handsome,” Elias whispered. “I made you some coffee.”

  “Oh, you're such a doll.”

  “Don't sit up just yet. It's still hot.”

  Charlie heard the mug clink as Elias rested it on the nightstand. His nostrils flared as he smelled the fresh brew, smiling warmly in response to it. Before he could fully rouse himself from the bed, he felt a warm hand greet his cheek.

  He sighed. “Good morning.”

  “Did you sleep well?”

  “I did, surprisingly. You don't snore.”

  Elias chuckled. “Did you expect me to snore?”

  “I mean, it comes with experience.”

  “Did Stanley snore?”

  Charlie frowned suddenly. “Yeah, he did.”

  “Sorry, I didn't mean to bring him up.”

  “No, it's all right. It's part of my experience. It just...took me off guard is all.”

  “Well, let me make up for that.”

  Elias crawled beneath the sheets and wrapped his limbs around Charlie. He stroked Charlie's hair, pushing the short strands back away from Charlie's forehead.

  Charlie grinned. “That certainly works.”

  “Does it?”


  Charlie went quiet as he focused on his senses. He inhaled the scent of Elias's skin, a mixture of sandalwood and sage. He followed his nose right into Elias's neck and caused Elias to giggle, delighting in the joyful sound coming from Elias's lips.

  He grunted and took a playful bite of Elias's neck. “You smell so good.”

  “I showered before you woke up.”

  “Do you have work today?”

  Elias hummed. “No. Do you?”

  “Unfortunately, yes.”

  “Oh, what time? I don't want to keep you!”

  Elias attempted to sit up and Charlie dragged him back down, inviting another round of giggles.

  Charlie met Elias's gaze. “I don't have to go in until noon. It's no big deal.”

  “Oh, phew,” Elias sighed. “You still have two hours.”

  “That's plenty of time.”

  “Are you sure? We were, uh, pretty occupied for a while last night.”

  Charlie smirked. “Hey, I don't expect you to perform every time we're awake. We can just lay here.”

  “I'd like that.”

  After Elias got comfortable, Charlie rested an arm over Elias's body. He let his fingers dip into the curves of Elias's muscles, sighing repeatedly with both longing and contentment.

  “Can I help you?” Elias asked with a chuckle. “You seem like you want something.”

  “No, I'm just admiring your form.”

  “Does it please the bard?”

  Charlie chuckled lightly. “It does more than please—it inspires the bard to sing.”

  “Would the bard be prepared to deliver an impromptu performance?”

  He blushed. “No, you wouldn't want me to do that. My voice is impossible in the morning.”

  “I bet it's wonderful.”

  “I'll save your ears.”

  Elias laughed. “Just one song. For me?”

  Charlie hummed and rolled his eyes, focusing on Elias after a few seconds of consideration.

  He shrugged. “Sure. Why not?”

  Elias got comfortable under the sheets and closed his eyes. A smile sat on his lips that seemed to lighten up his features, joined by the light of the sun shimmering through the blinds.

  Charlie cleared his throat. He sat up from the sheets and reached for his mug of coffee, coating his throat with the soothing liquid before setting the mug back down. He tested his voice with a few notes and then cracked his knuckles, leaning his head against the headboard as he sought a focal point in the room.

  He focused on the dresser.

  “Do you know of Bracken? Do you know the Cracken of his whip? Much of the world he studies with his eyes highly equipped...”

  He watched Elias as he sang the rest of the poem. After he had finished on a low note, he smiled warmly and rested his eyes. He hummed the verses softly while he felt Elias touch his chest.

  “You could take down nations with that voice.”

  Charlie laughed. “I can hardly do much in the campaign.”

  “That's because Roger doesn't believe in your power.”

  “He believes in something. Otherwise, he might have booted me from the entire thing weeks ago.”

  “Well, I think he isn't giving your power enough credit. He hardly writes you into our troupe encounters.”

  Charlie shrugged. “That's his problem.”

  “You have an interesting way of seeing things.”

  “I guess divorce does that to you.”

  Elias nodded and rested his cheek on Charlie's chest. “Have you been okay lately?”

  “I've been okay. We're currently trying to determine how to split custody of Scotty.”


  Charlie grunted, “Yep.”

  “Is there anything I can do for you?”

  “You've been doing more than enough for me. Food, fun, and fancy coffee has been keeping me afloat.”

  Elias chuckled. “I wish I could do more.”

  “You do so much already, Elias. I couldn't possibly ask you to do more.”

  “Still, if it ever comes down to it, I'm here for you. All you have to do is ask. I want to be of help as much as possible.”

  “But not at the expense of yourself.”

  Elias shrugged off the comment. “I care more about you.”

  Charlie hugged him tight. “Hey, I care about you, too. I'm more than satisfied with what you have provided.”

  “Are you sure there's nothing else I can do?”

  “I'm positive. Besides, the team probably wants to help, too.”

  Elias sat up suddenly. “I forgot to tell you!”


  “Mike sends
his regards. He said to let them know if you need anything.”

  “Ah, see? I'm just fine. There's no more you need to do.”

  Elias smiled weakly. “He said he was going to call you. Did he? I feel like I was far too distracting.”

  “Well, I haven't checked my phone yet. I don't much care to at the moment. I'd rather hold you for a little longer.”

  Charlie beckoned Elias back into his arms, sighing contentedly as Elias's scent returned. He inhaled the sandalwood deep into his lungs in an effort to impress it there. After a few minutes longer, he released Elias and tossed his legs over the edge of the bed. He searched the floor for his boxers.

  “I guess we got a little wild.”

  Elias laughed. “I wouldn't call it little.”

  Charlie shot a mischievous glance over his shoulder. “Oh, you noticed.”

  “Who wouldn't notice?”

  “I've always been self-conscious about my girth.”

  “Oh, honey. Why? It's honestly a perfect size for me.”

  Charlie smirked. “I'm glad you think so.”

  He located his boxers and pulled them on, lazily snapping the waistband over his hips. He shrugged as his eyes lingered over the carpet, following the trail of his clothes into the living room.

  Elias chuckled. “Are you having trouble?”

  “I think I've found everything I need.”

  “Do you want me to make you breakfast?”

  Charlie smiled warmly as he pulled his shirt on, tightly tugging it over his stomach. He adjusted his pants over his hips and tightened his belt.

  He nodded. “Sure. I'll be here for another hour. What do you have?”

  “Eggs and...more eggs. I think I have bacon!”

  “I can help.”

  Without hesitation, Charlie entered the kitchen, gathering two pans. He set them on the stove and turned up the heat, opening the fridge to collect butter, eggs, and bacon. He set up the pan for eggs with butter and started cracking them open with expertise.

  Elias raised his eyebrows. “So much for me cooking.”

  “Sorry, it's a habit.”

  “Well, I'm not complaining. I'll totally sit back and watch you cook. It's kind of hot.”

  Charlie laughed. “I make a decent house husband.”

  “I bet.”

  Although he chuckled, he felt a pang of guilt rip through his chest. He focused on stirring the scrambled eggs and added cream, stirring them again before adding salt and pepper. He repetitively took it off the heat in order to stir them, adding them back to the heat to cook them further. He added strips of bacon to the other pan and switched between stirring the eggs and flipping the bacon.

  I wonder why Stanley didn't appreciate this, he reflected while he cooked. It's not like my food is bad. I don't make a mess. I always season everything.

  He shook his head.

  Now isn't the time for that. I'm with Elias. I don't need to be thinking about Stanley.

  Within minutes, he had set up two plates with fresh food. He handed a plate to Elias and winked as he wandered into the living room. He sat on the couch, watching as Elias followed suit. As soon as Elias dug in, he did the same, chewing slowly and quietly.

  He reached idly for the coffee table, grabbing air.

  He chuckled. “I left my mug in your room.”

  “I'll get it.”

  “You're too sweet.”

  Elias disappeared, then reappeared with Charlie's mug, setting it on the coffee table. As Charlie reached for it, he sighed.

  “What will you do with your day?”

  Elias shrugged while scooping eggs onto his fork. “I'll probably work more on my character. I might call Mike and Ivan, see if they want to do some more editing as well.”

  “That sounds nice. Ivan might be working with me today.”

  “Then, I'll call Theo.”

  Charlie chuckled. “Do you know much about Ivan and Theo?”

  Elias laughed. “Who doesn't know about Ivan and Theo?”

  “They're kind of adorable. I can't help but notice how much Theo stares at him during campaigns.”

  “It's cute. I wish Ivan would just ask her out already.”

  “God, right? I keep telling him to take a chance, but he keeps backing down.”

  Elias nodded. “He's a shy boy. You have to give him some time. I'm willing to bet if Theo made a move, he would totally fall into it.”

  “Oh, definitely.”

  Charlie finished his food and held out his hand to Elias to accept Elias's plate. He took the plates to the kitchen and ran water over them before placing them in the dishwasher. As he cleaned up the stove, Elias wrapped him in an embrace.

  He hissed with delight. “You're going to make me late for work.”

  “Oh, well, I can't be doing that.”

  “No, don't let me go.”

  Elias chuckled, burying his face into Charlie's back. “I can't help that my touch arouses you.”

  “That's not really your fault. I just like you a lot.”

  “I like you, too.”

  Charlie completed his cleaning and turned, greeting Elias with eager lips. He tasted the salt and pepper sitting still on Elias's lower lip and smiled, knowing he had done well to feed Elias with more than mere affection.

  He nuzzled Elias's nose. “I should head out soon.”

  “I understand. When do you want to hang again?”

  “I can do tomorrow afternoon. I actually have the day off.”

  Elias grinned. “I'd like that. I can clean up again.”

  “Wow, cleaning two days in a row? What have I done to you?”

  “I think you've disrupted my computer programming.”

  Charlie laughed. “We don't have cyborgs in the Guild. Or is this a side quest again?”

  “You're a side quest.”


  He kissed Elias, tugging Elias even closer. As his hands slid down Elias's waist, he heard his phone buzz from the bedroom. He tore reluctantly away from Elias's lips and grabbed Elias's hand, dragging Elias toward the room where he glanced at his phone.

  “Crap,” he grumbled. “I have to go in right now.”

  Elias nodded. “I understand. Nerds have a lot of needs.”

  “I'll text you later, okay? I'm sorry to cut this short.”

  He kissed Elias repeatedly.

  “Are you sure you're leaving?” Elias asked between kisses. “Seems like you're lingering.”

  “I'm leaving.” Smack. “I swear.” Smack. “These are sending me into battle.”

  Elias giggled and shook his head, holding Charlie by the shoulders. “Go, valiant knight. You need to tend to your people!”

  “Okay, I'm gone!” Charlie snatched up his shoes and his glasses. “Leaving now!”

  He paused at the door to slip on his sneakers. When he turned, he found Elias smirking expectantly. Elias raised his eyebrows curiously. Charlie couldn't help himself. He darted across the room in seconds to steal another kiss before flying out the door.

  His heart was pounding as he descended the steps. He greeted the sunny day, basking in the rays as he wandered to his car. One last glance at Elias's apartment revealed Elias was watching from the living room window. He waved affectionately before slipping into his car.

  When he turned the key in the ignition, he chuckled to himself.

  It was hard to leave, he reflected while popping the car into gear. But I'll be back. I promise, I'll be back, Elias.

  Chapter Six


  Punk music played in the background as Elias bounced around his apartment. The windows were open, causing the thin blankets hanging over them to billow in the breeze. He heard an engine shut off in the parking lot and immediately darted to the window to draw back the blanket.

  He frowned. “Oh, just the neighbor.”

  Sighing, he withdrew from the window and went to the couch where he sat down with his phone. He stared at the message thread with Charlie, going over the numerous pi
ctures that Charlie had sent the evening prior. As he read through a few of their flirty messages, he received a new message that popped up at the bottom of the screen.

  He immediately scrolled down to it.

  His face was alight with joy as he started reading the new text from Charlie. But soon, his features were drooping with disappointment.

  “Sorry, I have to cancel,” Charlie had texted. “I have Scotty for the day, and I know you're allergic. I don't want to leave him alone.”

  Elias nodded knowingly as he wrote, “I understand. You need time with your boy.”

  “You should call the gang and see if they want to hang.”

  “I could do that.”

  He set down his phone, feeling the weight of dismay causing the corners of his mouth to sag into his jaw. He shrugged away the sensation while sitting up.

  “That's fine,” he said aloud. “Charlie needs to spend time with Scotty. I'll be sneezing up a storm if I let them in here.”

  He lifted his phone again, renewed with excitement at the prospect of having company. He texted Mike and Ivan as well as Theo, hoping that one—or all of them—would get back to him soon.

  He set down his phone and went about doing his laundry. He dumped a new load into the small washer and set it to cold, pouring detergent on top of it. After the machine started up, he shut the lid and returned to the couch where he relaxed into the cushions.

  He sniffed the air.

  It still smells like him in here. I can't even place that specific scent. It's earthy with a hint of something else in there, maybe something floral.

  He smiled to himself.

  He was so sweet last night. He wanted to please me as much as I wanted to please him. I'm not used to that.

  A few minutes passed before his phone buzzed again. Theo regretted to say she was busy, but Mike and Ivan were already on their way to Elias's apartment. Elias burst with energy, bubbling up from the couch to go to the stereo where he chose a different punk track. The fast guitars screeched through the speakers and he adjusted the volume, lowering it slightly.

  The song quickly faded into another one, none of the tracks lasting longer than a couple of minutes. Soon, the door erupted with knocks and poorly sung songs announcing the arrival of the ranger and the dwarf.


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