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A Lover's Game

Page 6

by Max Hudson

  “What do we do now?”

  “Well, since he's being difficult, I'm taking it to a judge. We can easily rule the judge in your favor. It'll be a piece of cake.”

  He snorted. “You said that about this meeting.”

  “I underestimated how bratty your ex would be this time. I thought Blake might have advised him to be open and settle.”

  He laughed. “Thanks for saying that. I'll call you later, okay? Keep me posted on everything.”

  “Of course. I'll make sure everything gets pushed forward as fast as possible.”

  “Thank you, Chet.”

  “No problem, Charlie. See you soon.”

  Charlie lifted his head from his car. He noticed a white sheet of paper under his windshield wiper and sighed wearily, snatching it up.

  “A ticket is just what I need right now.”

  He squinted at the writing on the sheet. It wasn't a parking ticket—it was a note.

  Written hastily in chicken scratch letters was a threat: If you don't back off on Scotty, I'll keep him by force.

  Charlie crumpled the note in his hand. He slid angrily into his car and set the note in the glove box, shaking his head as the panic began to return. He whipped out his phone and clicked on the first name he could find: Elias.

  The line trilled repetitively. He tapped his steering wheel, feeling his heart rate jump significantly. When the line clicked, he didn't even wait for Elias to greet him.

  “That meeting with Stanley was awful and now he's threatening to take my dog away. Can he come stay with you? I know you're allergic, but I swear, I'll bring medicine and all sorts of treats and things. He's a really good dog. I swear, it's temporary. I just don't want this jerk breaking into my apartment.”

  “Wow! Slow down, Charlie. I can hardly hear you right now in the delivery truck. Give me two seconds.”

  Charlie listened to the squeal of brakes erupt from the other side of the phone.

  He sniffled. “You should get those checked.”

  Elias chuckled. “Yeah, I'm getting it serviced soon. So, what about Scotty? What happened with the meeting?”

  “It was awful. I need a place to house Scotty so that Stanley doesn't try to kidnap him.”

  “Holy crap, are you really that paranoid?”

  Charlie bit his lower lip, bowing his head toward his steering wheel. “He left a note on my car. It was definitely a threat. I'll have to hand it to my lawyer, but I want to make sure Scotty is safe for the time being.”

  “All right, well, I can load up on medicine.”

  “Really? You would do that for me?”

  Elias chuckled. “I mean, if it's to help save a pup, of course!”

  “Are you sure? I know the allergies can be rough.”

  “Don't worry about it, okay? I told you to call me and ask. I'm here for you. I want to make sure you both are safe from that evil ex of yours.”

  Charlie smiled wide. “Thank you, Elias. This means the world to me. I'll be over later to drop off Scotty.”

  “And I get to see you? This just keeps getting better.”

  “I'm going to stock up on your meds and make sure to pack up Scotty's things. I might stay, too.”

  “Stop. I can only get so aroused right now, Charlie.”

  Charlie broke into a laugh. “Wow, I needed that laugh.”

  “Good. There's more where that came from. Come over with Scotty and we can all have a nice movie night, okay?”

  He grinned warmly. “Okay.”

  After he got off the phone, he placed his hand to his heart. The panicked thumping had subsided, and his eyes were finally drying up. His cheeks hurt from grimacing and his throat was sore, but he was otherwise excited to see Elias again.

  Elias would make it all better. And Charlie knew that.

  Chapter Eight


  Elias stood in his kitchen with an allergy pill and a cup of water. He placed the pill in his mouth and washed it down with water just as a knock sounded from the front door. He set the cup down and danced toward the door, whipping it open immediately.

  He smiled. “Hey, guys!”

  Scotty boofed in, greeting them as Charlie leaned in to kiss Elias. Elias glowed with delight. He gratefully took Charlie's lips, sighing contentedly when Charlie pulled away.

  “Wow,” he whispered. “Do you want to come in or should we keep making out in the doorway?”

  Charlie chuckled lightly. He nudged Scotty gently, encouraging Scotty to wander through the doorway. Scotty had short fur that was a mixture of black and brown. His long snout searched the edges of the couch and then fled down to the bottom corners, sniffing curiously. He trotted around the couch and chose to sit in front of the coffee table with his front legs crossed. When he turned his black eyes to Charlie, Charlie smiled.

  “What a good pup,” Elias complimented as he shut the door. “And so quiet. Whenever I run my usual routes, I always encounter the yapping dogs.”

  “I took Scotty to a trainer when we first got him. I wanted to make sure he set an example for the other dogs in the neighborhood. He only barks if there's an emergency.”

  Elias nodded. “It's clear you've taken good care of him.”

  “I've been doing my best.”

  Charlie dropped his gaze, his eyes appearing puffy and red. As Elias stepped closer, he noticed how puffy Charlie's face actually was, more than when Charlie initially walked in. He noted Charlie's eyes were glossy with tears and Charlie's nose was crimson at the tip.

  “Are you all right?” Elias whispered with concern. “You look like you've been crying.”

  “Yeah, I've been...I...”

  Charlie broke. He collapsed into Elias, short sobs wracking his body as his chest heaved. His entire form vibrated as Elias embraced him, rubbing his back to soothe away whatever ache he was feeling. Elias guided him to the couch and sat him down, pulling him back into a powerful embrace.

  Charlie hiccupped. “Stanley is just being the most awful sort of human.”

  “Did you tell your lawyer about the note?”

  “I did. He said that's even more evidence for me to win over Scotty, but I don't want to have to sit in front of a damn judge.”

  “You shouldn't have to. Not after everything that man has put you through.”

  Charlie sniffled. “He needs therapy. He has all this pent-up anger that he keeps taking out on the people around him. If he would just go and talk to someone, maybe he could be a better human.”

  “How can you do that?”

  “Do what?”

  Elias nestled in closer. “How can you always see the potential good in people?”

  “I don't know. I would lose hope if I didn't try. Shouldn't I at least try to see Stanley as human even through all this crap?”

  “I wouldn't even give him that much. You're a better man than me, Charlie Maddox.”

  “Why are you so good to me?”

  Scotty whimpered from the ground. Elias glanced over the edge of the couch, noticing that Scotty had curled up around his owner's feet. His black eyes were wide and sad as his whimpering continued.

  Elias grinned. “Your boy is worried. Is there anything I can do for you?”

  “Just hold me for a while. I'm so tired.”

  “I can imagine. Stay here as long as you like.”

  Charlie chuckled lightly. “Don't say that.”


  “I might never leave.”

  Elias sighed as he buried his face into Charlie's neck. He rested his lips there, puckering them slightly to convey his affection. Charlie returned the sigh and exposed his neck, leaning back against the cushion of the couch. He twisted his shoulders to allow Elias more room to kiss him, inviting Elias deeper into their embrace.

  Elias licked the skin from Charlie's collarbone up to Charlie's ear, listening with satisfaction to the additional gasps of encouragement. As he returned to Charlie's shoulder, he circled Charlie's waist with his arm, causing Charlie to arch.
/>   Charlie hissed. “Should we…?”



  Elias promptly stood, grabbing Charlie's hand. He tugged Charlie eagerly toward his bedroom where he shut the door and began stripping away his clothes. Charlie aided in the process. When he was fully nude, he felt Charlie press into him, pinning him to the door. Charlie sank south with bated breath and greeted his cock with eager lips.

  While Charlie engaged Elias's cock, Elias leaned against the door. His eyes rolled up and his mouth dropped open while he focused on Charlie's warm mouth. He purred with longing, surging with desire as Charlie touched every exposed inch of his legs. His eyelids fluttered. His heart skipped a few beats.

  “Yes,” he encouraged. “Please, yes...”

  Charlie hummed while accepting Elias's cock. He coated Elias's shaft with his lips, licking every available surface. He sank down Elias's shaft and returned swiftly to Elias's head, pinning Elias to the door with his hands pressed to Elias's hips.

  Elias bucked. He gasped urgently and ran his fingers through Charlie's short hair, gripping a small portion to steady Charlie's lips. As he caught another dose of Charlie's lips, he drifted down the door, unable to hold himself up with his legs. His knees were far too unsteady.

  He took Charlie's shoulders and beckoned him to surface, coating Charlie's lips with affection. He guided Charlie back to his bed where he encouraged Charlie to relax into the mattress. He shimmied between Charlie's legs, taking Charlie's cock and pumping fervently. It only took seconds to bring Charlie to erection.

  Elias happily spat into his free hand and coated his cock with the fluid, lubricating himself liberally. He pressed his cock to Charlie's entrance and watched with a fluttering heart as Charlie's features shifted from pleasure to pure bliss. He met Charlie's gaze.

  As he probed gently into Charlie's entrance, he felt Charlie take his hips. The encouraging motion prompted him to slide seamlessly into Charlie. He hissed with delight while he gripped Charlie's cock, shuddering as he attempted to control his thrusts.

  But all control was lost. Charlie repeatedly begged for Elias to pump, digging his nails into Elias's hips. He massaged the skin there with eager sweeps while inviting Elias closer. He nipped Elias's earlobe and bayed with desire, the steam rising between them.

  Elias thrust impatiently, panting as he pressed his forehead to Charlie's. He felt Charlie tense slightly and slowed his pace only to find Charlie's hands hungrily grabbing his hips once more. He chuckled and smiled crookedly.

  “I don't want to hurt you.”

  Charlie gasped. “I just want you so badly.”

  “I'm here. You have me. Just relax.”

  Charlie obeyed, resting his head back on the bed as Elias sank to sample his neck. While Elias tenderly lined his neck with kisses, Elias reduced his thrusts. Elias reluctantly dropped his pace to a slow, passionate crawl that invited his heartbeat to steady. Sweat coated his shoulders and neck. His thighs shook unforgivably as he sank deeper and deeper into Charlie.

  Charlie expanded with each pump. He returned the affection Elias gave, displaying his desire through avid kisses and hungry groans. While exposing his neck once more for Elias, he released a rousing growl that prompted Elias to sit up.

  Elias gripped Charlie's cock. He stroked Charlie feverishly, cupping the head of Charlie's cock with his slick palm. He spat again between his fingers and increased his rhythm, studying the way Charlie's features shifted rapidly. There was pleasure as well as torture in the man's eyes. Charlie's gaze urged Elias.

  And Elias wanted nothing more than to deliver.

  He smirked and squeezed Charlie's cock gently, rolling his hips to crown Charlie's bottom. His dedicated thrusts caused Charlie to travel up the bed and hang on to the headboard. As he probed deeper, he kneaded faster, alerting his senses to the pleasure that was sure to come. He dipped repeatedly and listened acutely to Charlie's sounds. Once Charlie's breathing had labored, he leaned forward, timing his strokes with his thrusts.

  He shivered as his thighs tensed. He was losing control of his breathing, his motions, his feverish desire. The only thing he could see was Charlie and the vision of Charlie squirming beneath him was enough to cause him to teeter over the edge.

  Charlie hummed, frantically gripping the board above his head. He arched his back as Elias probed him, erupting in shudders that seemed to shake the bed. Elias grinned. He closed his eyes as he drew close to orgasm, following only when Charlie erupted. He felt Charlie's fluid coat his hands and he pulled out, adding his own fluid to the mixture on Charlie's stomach.

  A few eager hand pumps later, Elias collapsed against Charlie. He gasped into Charlie's chest, noting how their breathing had synced. As Charlie embraced him, he released a great sigh and shook his head while chuckling.

  “What?” Charlie sighed. “Did I do something?”

  “No, you were perfect.”

  “Then, why are you laughing?”

  Elias shrugged. “I'm just very...happy.”

  “I could get used to that.”


  Charlie hummed. “Yeah...”

  Elias heard the door shake and a low whine. Charlie rose from the bed.

  “I should walk him,” he whispered. “Do you want to come with me?”

  “I'd like that very much. But first, water.”

  “Oh, that's a good idea.”

  Elias chuckled as he searched for his boxers. He whipped them on followed by a pair of pants, opening the door to reveal a rather whiny Scotty. He smiled at Scotty while walking past. When he reached the kitchen, he poured water into two glasses. He handed one to Charlie.

  Charlie gratefully accepted it and slammed it down, stopping only when he had completely finished the glass.

  Elias chuckled and then took a sip of his water. He licked his lips and set the glass next to the sink.

  “Another great workout,” he teased. “Are you sure a walk is necessary?”

  “I mean, if Scotty didn't need it, I wouldn't.”

  “For sure.”

  Charlie smiled warmly as he pulled on a t-shirt. He reached for the leash that was sitting on the counter. “Are you sure you don't want to stay behind? I know the fur bothers you.”

  “Actually, I've been all right since I took my pill.”

  “Good. I just want to make sure.”

  Elias leaned in to kiss Charlie. “Thank you for being concerned.”

  “Thank you for being honest.”

  After Elias pulled on his clothes and sneakers, he followed Charlie out the door. He reached for Charlie's hand, smiling as he homed in on Charlie's warm palm pressing to his. Everything was right with the world. There was a tickle at the back of his throat, but he didn't mind it, instead preferring to focus on the moment unfolding before him.

  He smiled even wider when Charlie squeezed his hand.

  “This is where I belong,” Elias whispered. “Here with you.”

  Chapter Nine


  The living room was in an uproar. The fan above whirled ceaselessly as Charlie sat in the middle of the chaos, quiet as a mouse. He monitored the chatter between Mike and Ivan who were heatedly locked in a debate.

  “We play it as it lies,” Ivan argued. “You tapped the dice with your toe on purpose!”

  “Did not!” Mike argued.

  “Did too!”

  Charlie squeezed the bridge of his nose. To his left, Elias let out a great sneeze. When he opened his eyes, he noticed Theo covering her mouth and nose with her hands. Her eyes were wide while she focused on Elias.

  “You better not be sick!”

  Elias rolled his eyes. “It's just allergies.”

  His voice sounded congested and his eyes were more watery than usual. Although his face looked fine, his nose burned a bright red as the corners of his eyes crinkled up. He sneezed again.

  “I am so sorry, sweetheart,” Charlie apologized in a low voice. “I didn't mean for this to happen.
Scotty is out on the porch. I don't know what else to do.”

  Elias waved away the apology. “I'll be fine. It's fine. I took enough medicine and it should be kicking in.”

  “This wouldn't be happening if we had held the campaign somewhere else.”

  “Well, my house is under quarantine for the moment,” Mike explained. “If it weren't for those damn bugs, we would be holding it there.”

  “And mine is too small,” Roger added.

  “I have roommates who use the living room often,” Theo chimed in. “I mean, we could always go outside if it would make your allergies better.”

  “Nope,” Elias replied. “I'll just sit right here.”

  Roger shot Mike and Ivan a stern look. “Are you two quite finished?”

  Mike crossed his arms as Ivan shrugged. They both fell silent under Roger's critical gaze.

  Roger leaned forward. “We'll go by Mike's judgment and move on.”

  “But that's not fair!” Ivan cried. “We have rules for a reason!”

  “Would you two keep it down?” Charlie snapped. “Elias probably has a headache from his allergies.”

  “Why did you have to bring your dog?” Roger asked. “It's not like you don't have a home to keep him in.”

  The energy in the room sharply shifted, a deadly silence reigning over the players that Charlie noted was impressively thick. He idly reached out to grab his bottled soda that was sitting on the coffee table. As he took a swig, Elias sneezed again.

  “Hey,” Elias groaned. “I said he could bring his dog. Lay off, Roger.”

  Charlie smiled. “Thanks.”

  “Whatever. Can we get on with it already?” Roger insisted. “Your turn, Ivan. Make it fast.”

  “Why do I have to make it fast?”

  “So, we can finally give everyone else a turn. You two fought for fifteen minutes and we lost game time.”

  Charlie groaned. “Please, don't argue, Ivan. Just do it.”

  His phone buzzed in his pocket. He whipped it out to silence it, noticing that Stanley was calling. He frowned at the screen and then tucked his phone away. He avoided glancing at Roger who was undoubtedly shooting a death glare in his direction.


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