What Is Marriage For?

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What Is Marriage For? Page 34

by E. J. Graff

  British and New Zealand accusations about divorce: See Phillips, Putting Asunder, 485 and 464.

  Jump in divorce rates in England and France: See Riley, Divorce, 5.

  “Between 1867 and 1929, the population”: May, 2.

  “If marriage is a failure”: James P. Lichtenberger, Ph.D., Divorce: A Study in Social Causation (London: P. S. King & Son, 1909), 169–70.

  “One of the paradoxes of modern western society”: Phillips, Untying the Knot, ix.

  “Do you promise to give your daughter to me”: Gies, 23.

  “a daughter who does not openly resist”: Dixon, 61.

  “where there is to be union of bodies”: Gratian, quoted in Gies, 98.

  “such ephemeral factors as sexual attraction”: Stone, FSM, 128.

  “parents suggested he consider marrying”: Ozment, When Fathers Ruled, 74–79.

  “husband and wife are always together”: Duc de La Rochefoucauld, quoted in Stone, FSM, 214, 220.

  “A popular 1779 treatise described the ideal”: Rothman, 32–33.

  “remain in single ‘blessedness”’: Ibid.

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