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Daring Provocation (Shadow Veil Academy Book 3)

Page 16

by Heather Renee

  Amalia snapped her fingers and raised her hand again. Each of us watched her intently until the moment it dropped.

  The wait was over, and our fate would soon be decided. Whatever path I was supposed to be on was either about to hit a dead end or be something I hadn’t yet let myself dream of.

  Chapter 21

  A group of no less than fifty stormed through the forest toward us. All the while, I could sense another batch of Malina’s army waiting just beyond the tree line. When shifters began to fight other shifters and vampires started snapping heads, I inched closer.

  Amalia’s hand pressed against Chelle’s leg. “Not yet.”

  “Why not?” I asked sharply as we watched several of our people go down.

  “If we move too soon, then our efforts will be wasted. Just be patient.”

  If dragons’ eyes could roll, I was certain mine did. Didn’t everyone know by then that I had no patience? Asking me to stand by while other supernaturals were being defeated did not sit well with me, but I trusted Amalia and stayed put.

  Enzo brushed closer to my other side, silently providing me with the strength and support I desperately craved. Even Chelle lowered her head toward him, needing the something extra he provided us both.

  Another tortuously long minute passed, and the second wave of Malina’s people began to break through. My insides tensed, but Chelle didn’t make a move until Amalia gave the signal.

  Finally, her hand fell and the three of us charged forward.

  “Don’t let the second group combine with the first. We need to keep them separated if at all possible,” Amalia yelled as I sprinted ahead, moving faster than both of them in my dragon form.

  Making a big first impression, Chelle charged into the incoming horde like a bowling ball and plowed into the enemies before us. Her spike-tipped wings spread out, taking down those that dared to come near us, while her tail swung in well-thought-out circles and took several people off their feet at once.

  None of them were down for the count, but many of them were at least knocked out for a few minutes from the force in which she used. Enzo moved in behind us, and I noticed those who were already out, he was touching each of them on the forehead.

  I had no idea what he was doing, but I assumed it was something similar to when we’d put as many people to sleep as possible during the last battle. We weren’t heartless opponents. A decent amount of the supernaturals fighting against us likely didn’t deserve to die.

  Malina could be quite persuasive with her words and threats, and I didn’t want to damn someone without having solid proof they were another Desmond.

  “Raegan, on your left,” Enzo yelled, and I didn’t even bother to look.

  Well, Chelle didn’t anyway. Her head dipped and the vampire running full speed toward us with a sword raised met his fate with a spike on the top of Chelle’s head.

  Even though I had just been thinking that not everyone deserved to die, self-preservation definitely came before mercy.

  He’s not dead. Vamps need their heads severed for them to die. He’ll come back, and we’ll be ready when he does, Chelle said as she swatted away a wolf who had been creeping up on my Meme.

  How I didn’t know about how vampires died was beyond me, but I went with it since I’d missed a decent amount of school the year before. Instead, I focused on the incoming shifter, a massive grizzly bear that was foaming at the mouth and roaring as he ran straight for us. The beast dipped low at the last second—a move I would have used myself against a larger opponent—and swiped at Chelle’s front legs.

  The sting of contact told me blood had been drawn, but Chelle wasn’t fazed for even a second. She adjusted her stance and took a few steps back before using her tail to distract the bear while swiping out with her six-inch-long talons.

  The bear ended up catching hold of Chelle’s tail, but she landed her mark as well, and he howled in pain as her talons raked down his side.

  When he let go, Enzo appeared before us and pressed his palm to the bear’s forehead before disappearing again.

  Do you know what exactly he’s doing? I asked Chelle.

  He’s rendering them unconscious and taking away the memory of the last day or two so that if their magic is on the stronger side and they wake before the battle is over, they’ll at least be disoriented and hopefully not continue to fight.

  Oh, that was genius. I had forgotten Enzo had the ability to take memories away. I knew he didn’t like to use it after how things transpired with us, but this was as good of a time as any to resume that particular skill.

  We continued forward, following Meme through the horde and keeping as many of the second-wave attackers at bay as possible. Chelle glanced back and it seemed to still be a pretty even fight with the first group and our people.

  I caught a glance of Gemma and Talon. Gemma was bleeding from her cheek, but Talon’s dragon was right at her side and she wasn’t slowing down, so I tried not to worry.

  Malina still hadn’t made an appearance, but that didn’t surprise me in the slightest. She was playing a game, and while I hadn’t quite figured her out completely, I knew enough to be certain of the fact that the army she’d acquired was nothing more than a means to an end.

  Meme turned back toward us. “I don’t think there is a third wave. When we get through most of the second, I want you to shift back. Your dragon is too vulnerable against Malina. You’re going to need to draw on your witch side now.”

  Chelle nodded for me as we continued to work our way through the crowd. Since Chelle had broken free before Headmaster Stone finished removing all parts of me, I’d learned from Emmett that a part of my heritage from Malina was still alive and well. Most importantly, since it was a natural part of me, my witch side hadn’t affected my dragon like the forced elf aspect had.

  The magic part of me had been buried deep when we started training, but just as when I had fought to bring my dragon out, I fought to keep the parts of me that belonged. I may not have been proud to have Malina’s blood running through me, but being the creation of two Doyens had to be good for something.

  A group of vampires came out of nowhere, moving faster than we could track. There were at least five or six of them blurring around us, and Chelle was severely outnumbered. Their daggers must have been laced with something, because with every cut, she began to weaken.

  Within moments, I realized I was going to have to shift back sooner than Meme requested if we didn’t get some help.

  Chelle’s tail swung out blindly and finally connected with one, but her hit wasn’t as strong as it should have been. Plus, the contact had only knocked him down and not out of commission.

  JayLeigh’s dragon appeared in front of us, and she did her best to help, but more and more of Malina’s people descended on us. Fear started to seep through both of us for the first time since the fight initiated, but we weren’t giving up.

  Do whatever it takes to get them off you, Chelle. We can’t let them win, I said to her when I sensed her holding back for some reason. We weren’t so far gone that she was willing to start killing people at random, but if she didn’t change her tactics soon, it would be too late to change her mind.

  When she didn’t respond, I worried she hadn’t heard me or was choosing to ignore me. Then, my worry turned to horror when she stopped moving and let the vampires and various shifters jump all over her.

  Agony bled through every bite and slash they made, and I attempted to force a shift on her, but she overpowered me and did something I never expected.

  Her body began to tremble and heat up. Once JayLeigh saw was what happening, she retreated, and I started to lose my shit.

  Chelle, what are you doing? I screamed inside her head. I was not ready to die and definitely not by the hands of a throng of crazy supernaturals.

  Will you shut up so I can concentrate, please? she hissed in return.

  She had yet to lead me down the wrong path, so I did as she demanded and waited, then waited some
more even as I felt her growing weaker by the second.

  Then, when I thought she would pass out from blood loss, a light surrounded us so bright, she closed her eyes and cut off my vision to what was around us. As the light grew stronger, it also became hotter until I was pretty sure we were going to turn into ash.

  Screams sounded from all around us, but I held my tongue, because even though I was pretty sure we were burning alive, Chelle’s strength seemed to be increasing. Or, maybe it was mine; I couldn’t be sure.

  I’m going to shift back, and then you’re on your own. Possibly for the rest of the fight. The vampires, most of those from the second wave, should be gone now, she said, sounding out of breath.

  What did you do? I asked.

  I turned into a fireball and probably gave our mate a heart attack, but it was the only way we were going to survive the attack.

  Before I could ask any other questions, the transformation back to my human form began, and I felt Chelle fading away. She’d used a lot of her own energy but had somehow recharged my human form.

  She was hovering in the back of my mind, and I let her rest while I focused on my surroundings. I was no longer blinded and weakened.

  Enzo was on me in a split second, hands moving rapidly over my body. “I thought you were going to explode. JayLeigh told everyone to retreat, and when I wouldn’t listen, her dragon grabbed me and pulled me away forcibly. How the hell did you do that?”

  “No idea. Chelle apparently has a few surprises up her sleeve, but she’s resting now, so we’ll have to ask her later. Is everyone okay so far?”

  I swiveled around while waiting for his reply and noticed Malina’s people were gaining the upper hand with the first group. My eyes continued to search for the rest of our team while Enzo answered.

  “The vests from Richard seem to be doing their job, but we’re not out of the woods yet. Chelle attracted the attention of Malina, and she’s headed our way. We still have a long way to go before we’re in the clear. Try to stay focused on what’s in front of us and not behind.”

  The request was easier said than done. I couldn’t find Gemma or Jules, not even Talon’s dragon, and I wondered if he had the same ability to become a fireball like I had. If he did, he better use it soon and make sure my best friend stayed alive or I wasn’t sure what I would do.

  Marek appeared between where Malina was headed and us. Meme joined him and just as I took a step forward, I heard a scream so horrific my blood ran cold.

  Enzo’s head turned before mine and he grabbed my arms trying to get me not to look. “Don’t, Reagan. There’s nothing you can do from here.”

  “Enzo. Move.” My eyes glared at him before I ripped myself from his grasp.

  Turning around, I saw Talon’s dragon on the ground just at the tree line, blood pouring from a long cut on his neck, and Gemma kneeled unprotected next to him. Several beings were moving in on her, and I’d never make it there in time, but I could sure as hell try to make sure whoever was near paid with their life.

  My best friend’s heart was broken, and mine was about to be shattered.

  Chapter 22

  I didn’t care that I wouldn’t make it in time. All that mattered was that I tried, because regardless of the fact that Malina was close by and I probably shouldn’t turn my back on her, Gemma was my best friend. I would never be able to live with the “what ifs” if I didn’t attempt to save her.

  Enzo snarled as I raced into the heart of the battle, but instead of trying to stop me, he picked me up and teleported us to her just as the nearest of her attackers moved in.

  We appeared out of nowhere and threw them off a little, but they recovered quickly, and we were outnumbered. While Enzo fought against the closest two, I moved for Gemma, shaking her shoulders.

  “You have to help us,” I begged when I had her attention.

  Her lip quivered, and my heart crumbled at the sorrow emanating from her. “He’s gone.”

  JayLeigh appeared from nowhere. “Not if I have anything to do about it. Keep those bloodsuckers off of me while I work on him.”

  Hope sparked in Gemma’s eyes as she nodded and turned to jump right into the fight without questioning JayLeigh. Peyton and Finley showed up, and all three of them worked with Enzo to keep the attackers at bay.

  Before I could join the fight, I watched in detached fascination as Gemma snapped the neck of a vampire and blasted a fox with so much of her own magic, I smelled burnt fur.

  They’d messed with the wrong dragon, and regardless of whether or not they were officially bonded, Gemma was going to defend Talon as if they were.

  “Raegan, I need your help,” JayLeigh called, and I didn’t hesitate to go back to her since the others appeared to have everything under control.

  “Hold his neck here where my hands are.” She pulled one bloodied hand away, and the dragon scales immediately began to separate again.

  My hand replaced hers, and blood oozed through my fingers as my stomach turned, but I did exactly as she asked and didn’t lessen the pressure as I fought through the queasiness.

  “I need him to shift back to his human form or this will never heal. It’s too big of a wound for the level of my healing abilities, and it’s in a sensitive spot. I don’t want to do more harm than good.” Her hands rubbed together, and I didn’t have to wait long before finding out what she was doing.

  She pressed her palms to the dragon’s chest and shocked him like her hands were a defibrillator. He didn’t budge, and I worried she wasn’t going to be able to wake him, but JayLeigh wasn’t one to give up easily.

  She started over and tried again, but still nothing.

  Gemma joined us and caught on quickly to what JayLeigh was trying to do before pushing her out of the way. “Move.”

  Gemma was beyond furious and covered in blood. I was legitimately afraid of her.

  I had no idea if it was a great idea to remove my hands from Talon’s wound, but she glared at me until I did. JayLeigh moved closer to me as we both backed up to watch Gemma do her thing.

  Her hands pressed together, and she thrust them forward without actually touching Talon, then she screamed at the top of her lungs. Golden magic poured from her hands and straight into Talon’s chest.

  People all around us paused for just a moment to simply stare at what was happening, though I had no idea what was actually happening, but I was equally enraptured.

  Once the magic stopped, Gemma stepped forward and snarled. “Shift.”

  Talon’s form began to shimmer, but we were out of time to watch. The battle still went on around us, and the others needed our help.

  My hand raised at just the right time when a panther lunged for me. Her claws sliced down my forearm, cutting deep enough that I lost movement in my fingers, but that didn’t mean I was completely defenseless.

  Raising my left hand, I created a shield like Phox had taught us and pressed forward in an attempt to keep the shifter away from Gemma and Talon.

  My name was called, but I couldn’t turn and risk the panther getting the upper hand on me, so I continued to dance with her as she tested my reflexes. I might not have been able to fight back, but I wasn’t incapable of protecting myself and others, either.

  A hand gripped my injured forearm from behind, but instead of pain seizing through me, I experienced relief.

  “Hold still,” Meme grumbled as I sidestepped the panther for the fifth or sixth time.

  “Well, unless you want your face to look like my arm, then I kinda need to move,” I replied with a grunt as the oversized cat slammed against my shield.

  “Don’t sass me, child.” She tightened her grip, and then all pain disappeared. “There. Now, end the kitty and get back to Marek. I’m headed there after I give Talon a boost as well.”

  Without waiting for my reply, she turned toward Talon. I dropped my shield and lunged for the panther. Even though Chelle was still taking her timeout, I didn’t need her to half-shift and use my partial talons to scratc
h across my attacker’s face.

  Hitting my mark, I blinded her and then blasted the cat back with some of my own magic when I heard Gemma and Enzo beginning to argue.

  The panther scurried away, and I could have easily chased her and finished the job, but she wasn’t my concern at the moment.

  Turning back to the others, Gemma was crouched over a naked Talon, practically foaming at the mouth and swiping out at Enzo as he tried to get closer.

  “You can’t take him away from me,” she screamed.

  “I need to get him off the field. I will take you to him as soon as he’s at the triage tent, but you’re not helping him by preventing any of us from getting close,” Enzo said softly, trying to reason with her.

  I knew it wouldn’t work, and I hoped Gemma would see reason if I intervened. So, I tried a different approach as Peyton and Finley continued to ward off any new attackers and Meme left our small group to go heal others, or so I assumed.

  “Gem, I need you to listen to me,” I said firmly as I lowered to her level, but still several feet away. “Talon is your mate and he’s hurt. I can see from the visible wounds that he needs more help than Amalia was able to give him in the short time she had. Don’t you want to help him?”

  She nodded her head but didn’t look at me. Her eyes were glued to the cuts still seeping blood. The only promising thing was that the one on his neck was no longer bleeding.

  “Okay, if you want to help him, how do you plan on doing so on your own?” I asked.

  “Killing everyone who comes near him,” she snarled.

  “What if more than one person comes? We can’t stay here and help you the rest of the battle. We have to stop Malina, remember?”

  Her eyes met mine, filled with tears. She was certainly on a rollercoaster of emotions. “I can’t let go, Raegan. The bond, I feel it.”

  Oh, shit. While I was happy it had finally snapped into place for them, it wasn’t exactly the best time.

  “I understand, babe, and so does Enzo. He even gets it better than me, because he was in your shoes not too long ago. So, let him help you and Talon. You can trust him, I promise.”


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