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Semiramis The Vessel

Page 5

by Maya Daniels

  It is a very good feeling, so I do not know why it tastes bad in my mouth, like a lie. I open my mouth to say more, but a blast of power hits the house, making the windows shake, and I stand frozen there for a second, the shock of it taking precious moments until my brain catches up to what it means. Then I catapult out the door, followed by everyone else. If anything hurts her, I will destroy this damn realm and everything and everyone in it!

  As we all bolt to the woods across from the house, we are surrounded by burning trees. The air is thick with smoke and the crackling sounds make the scene eerie. Alexia stands in the middle of the raging fires, a vision that stops me in my tracks. Her arms are raised above her head holding a circle of fire between them. She looks like an avenging goddess and my chest hurts from the pride I feel seeing her like that. Trapped within the circle are hundreds of snakes with pitch black eyes. They spit acid venom, trying to free themselves but to no avail.

  Her hair floats around her head like she’s under water, making the entire scene unreal. Looking closer at the fires around us, I realize they burn like a shield around the trees but the trees themselves are not on fire. What a smart witch. She protects nature even when she fights to protect herself. Pride fills me as I walk up to her and stand at her back.

  “Don’t just fucking stand there. Do something,” she growls, looking at me over her shoulder. Her eyes flash with anger and a sense of victory that is impossible to miss.

  Before I say or do anything, the others reach us and I feel powers start to mingle and link together. The flames leap higher when Faith adds her magick to Alexia’s. Winds pick up, making sure that not too much energy is used to keep the circle of fire going, and I see that’s Remi’s doing. The ground starts to shake, and it opens under the circle, swallowing the snakes in its depths as Alexia lowers them slowly. I see Jezzinta kneeling next to Remi, her palms pressed firmly onto the grass, her head bowed down like in prayer. Meda and Daisy mumble incantations and purple shadows follow the snakes down before the soil molds together again like nothing ever happened. Within a moment, the wind stops, the flames and fires go out and the quiet of the woods surrounds us like a comforting blanket. It is the most impressive display of their powers and love for each other I have ever seen. Like an orchestrated dance, they all move at the same time, coming around Alexia, encircling her with their arms, assuring themselves that they are all fine. The rest of us stand frozen, watching the unconditional devotion of these women, and I know we are all humbled by its power. If I worried that Tiamat would somehow find a way to stand in their way, this moment removed those concerns.

  Alexia is afraid that they might get hurt on this journey, but I believe she finally realizes it is not just her journey to take. They must all do it together if they are to succeed, and I will be there to make sure they do. Her gasp makes me push everyone away and grab her to my chest, looking franticly around for the threat so I can remove it, but I see nothing. Looking down at her, my eyes widen in surprise.



  Shoving Lucifer’s arms away so I can look at my hand properly, I stare dumbly at it. I felt the heat, but I didn’t pay close attention until it became unbearable. Now I can’t do anything but stare, grinding my teeth so I don’t cry out. The pentagram that Azalea branded me with is pulsing and radiating heat like a furnace. It glows like there’s molten lava churning under my skin. It’s getting worse by the second, and I’m not sure how long I can hold on before I pass out. It’s that bad.

  Lifting my eyes to Lucifer, I see him staring as well, his eyes round with wonder. Is he aware I’m in pain here?

  “Fuck, this hurts! It’s getting worse, too. I feel like my hand’s on fire!” I tell no one in particular.

  They all gather around, and I see their worried faces. Just like me, they have no idea what to do about it. Lucifer, however, does not suffer from doubts. He grabs my hand between his palms, and I feel his power seeping into my skin. For a moment, nothing happens, and I’m about to pull away when blessed coolness covers my palm and I feel like crying from relief. The pulsing light between his pecs gets my attention and I look at the ruby around his neck getting brighter in color, joyfully bouncing off our faces. Few moments later, he releases my hand and kisses my forehead.

  “Come, let us go inside so we can talk.” Interlacing our fingers, he leads me towards the house and I numbly follow. Something happened. Something important, but I have no idea what.

  “What happened out there, Al?” Daisy is the first one to speak as soon as we settle in the living room.

  “I just started my meditation when I heard the noise. Leaves rustled like something was dragging a stick through them. Lucky I opened my eyes, because one of those snakes was about to sink its fangs in my thigh.” I shiver at the memory of seeing the snake’s open mouth dripping venom, ready to strike.

  “I don’t get it. How were they able to enter the property?” Remi muses softly, her eyebrows drawn low and her lips pressed into a tight line.

  “That’s what I was wondering, too.” I lock eyes with her.

  We both turn towards Archie and Will. At first they look solemnly at us, and after a moment it registers on their faces that they understand what we’re thinking. They both jump up at the same time, anger clouding their faces.

  “Now wait a goddamn minute here!” yells Will.

  “You can’t be fucking serious to think we had anything to do with this!” Archie asks incredulously.

  “We are not accusing anyone. But, they got past the wards and protection somehow.” Remi’s emotionless voice pierces the air like a shot.

  “I don’t see you looking at her for it,” accuses Will, pointing at Faith.

  “Piss off.” Faith very nonchalantly flips him the middle finger, looking bored.

  This makes Meda giggle and Jezzinta grin at Faith. I shake my head and see Remi doing the same. Daisy just sits there with her hands covering her mouth. I’m not sure if she’s trying to hide a smile or trying to keep herself from saying anything.

  “I have a soul bond with Faith. If she meant me harm, it wouldn’t have happened,” I tell them slowly, giving them time to process the information.

  “After what happened in the woods just now, the witches are all bonded,” Lucifer adds like it’s an everyday occurrence for people to bond their souls. We all gape at him.

  “Why are you all gaping at me like fish out of water? You cannot tell me you did not feel that bond out there. I felt it, as I am sure they all did.” He waves his plate-sized palm towards the men.

  “I thought only I felt the bond forming. I didn’t think you all did,” I mumble through pursed lips, looking around at my sisters.

  “I suppose you can’t get rid of us now, Sap. How brilliant!” Jezzinta says with glee, and I glare at her in return, which only makes her laugh.

  “You all have a death wish.” I snap.

  “Yup, we learned from the best. From you.” Remi can’t just let it go.

  “Anyway,” a heavy sigh escapes my lips, “what were those things?” I look at Daisy. She always knows more than the rest of us.

  “They are one type of the monsters Tiamat created for her army,” she says through numb lips.

  “She has a fucking army?” I scream and jump to my feet, horrified.

  “Of course she does,” Lucifer says slowly like I’m retarded, and I whirl on him.

  “You didn’t find that little piece of information relevant to share?” I scream in his face.

  “Calm down, Alexia. I did not know you were unaware of it. It is common knowledge amongst the rest of us. I would have expected Inanna to inform you of it. You are aware of many things, and it did not cross my mind to start quizzing you about the gods.” He glares at me like I’ve insulted him. See how much I give a damn.

  “I know nothing about Tiamat, apart from the fact that she’s been hunting me in every lifetime. Killed me in each of them, and in this one, she killed my grandmother because she couldn’t fin
d me. All that because she wants the tablets of destiny and she thinks I know where they are or that I have them.” I cross my arms over my chest and loom over him. He zeros in on my breasts, and I glare at him, making him chuckle. Asshole.

  “I do find it unusual that Inanna did not find it necessary to inform you about Tiamat and her quest for the tablets. She never said anything to you?” He looks at me suspiciously, like I’m trying to trick him. I kick his legs that are stretched in front of him, making him growl.

  “I wouldn’t be asking if I knew, angel.” Throwing my arms in the air, I start pacing like a caged animal.

  Vessel or not, Inanna is starting to piss me off. What kind of a goddess screws around with her vessel, while the said stupid mortal risks her life and the lives of her loved ones to do her bidding? Something is not right in this whole cluster-fuck, and I have every intention of figuring out who’s playing games with our lives.

  “Did she mention anything about your connec—” he starts but Daisy elbows him, making him growl and glare at her. Some silent communication goes on between them, and he turns around looking at me with his lips pressed in a tight line.

  “Did she mention what?” I lift my eyebrows at him.

  “The story about Tiamat and why she is looking for the tablets,” Daisy answers my question instead of Lucifer. He is still sitting with tightly-pressed lips, as if the words will escape on their own accord if he opens his mouth.

  “That’s not what he was going to say,” I point out.

  “No, it’s not, but it’s the only thing he is allowed to say at this time,” she says gently.

  “More games, more plotting, more riddles.” Shaking my head, I start making my way towards the kitchen. “Anyone want coffee? And, Remi, where did you hide those smokes? I need them like yesterday,” I say over my shoulder and go to satisfy my addiction for coffee.



  Keeping my lips pressed together for fear of saying something I will regret later, I look at Alexia’s retreating back for the second time today and it is not noon yet. I have a strong urge to call her back and tell her everything, but the fear of something happening to her if I reveal too much keeps me mute. It’s not easy, and I turn all my frustration and anger on Daisy.

  “Why hasn’t she been told?” I growl at her, my words sounding more animal than human.

  “That I can’t answer. Maybe she wasn’t ready?” Daisy says, uncertain.

  “I shall get to the bottom of this. You keep her in this house until I’m back if you value your life.”

  I don’t wait for the old witch to answer. I walk out of the house as quietly as I can and head for the woods. I don’t need anyone seeing what I’m about to do, especially not Alexia. Something doesn’t feel right, and I will know what it is today or heads will fly.

  As soon as I’m far away enough that no one in the house will notice the signature of a portal opening, I wave my hand and step through it without breaking my stride. I’m in no mood to practice patience. Squinting, I try to get used to the difference in light. The scene greeting me is not what I expected, and my anger deflates immediately.

  I’m in the middle of Inanna’s temple and there is not a soul in sight. There is no sound anywhere, no matter how hard I focus my hearing. She’s sitting on the ground, leaning back against the altar, and she looks at me with tired, red-rimmed eyes. My stomach clenches like the Creator is squeezing it with an iron fist. Something is horribly wrong. I know it before I hear her say a word.

  “If anything happens to Alexia, everyone will meet their maker.” The conviction in my voice makes a shiver run up my spine like I just made something happen by uttering the words.

  “Isn’t that the sad truth,” she says tiredly.

  “I do mean it,” I tell her, making sure she understands it loud and clear.

  “You don’t need to convince me, Lucifer. It was clear to me the day Lilith merged with her and gave Alexia her essence.”

  “She’s mine!” I roar at her from the top of my lungs, making the walls tremble.

  “I know. That changed everything.”

  There is sadness in her voice that intensifies the fear in my heart. I stare at her, daring her to hide whatever it is so I have an excuse to start destroying everything around me, including her. I have been too passive and quiet for too long. I think they forgot what chaos I can wreck when provoked.

  “Speak! Now!” I tell her and hold my breath.

  She looks at me for a long time as if collecting her thoughts or debating what to tell me and what to hide. I let her. I shall not leave her realm until she tells me everything. She will know that soon enough. Shaking her head slowly, she stands up and waves her hand over her altar. A bottle and two chalices appear and she pours the ambrosia in both of them. I stand and watch, crossing my arms over my chest. When she’s done, she picks them up and walks slowly towards me. She hands me one. I take it, look at it then I look at her, raising my eyebrow in question. She doesn’t say anything, just lifts hers to her lips and takes a sip. Without words, she’s saying it’s safe to drink. This makes me snort. Lifting the chalice slowly, I stretch my arm in front of me and pour it all on the ground.

  “We know each other too well to play these games. I am in no mood to drink and even less a mood to fall for your tricks,” I tell her quietly.

  She stiffens at my deceptive calm and quiet words. Indeed, she knows me very well. Well enough to tread very carefully when I am in the mood I am right now.

  “I meant no harm. What I have to say is not easy. I only thought you would appreciate the gesture.”

  “I would appreciate the truth more. Now!”

  “You act as if I want to hurt her!” She snaps. “She’s my child. I love her, too!”

  “But she is not your child now, is she? Somehow, you forgot to mention that little detail to her along the way.”

  “I have forgotten nothing, angel. She will know everything when the time is right and not a moment sooner.”

  Her voice cracks with power, and the tired friend from a moment ago is replaced by the goddess who demands respect. A little late for that now, after I got worked up. A small move or a word can make me lose control and start a war between gods. A fleeting thought comes that I’m showing Inanna that Alexia is my weakness, but it passes too fast to worry. It’s not like she didn’t know that already. Plus, if anything happens to Alexia, we both have too much to lose.

  “Why hasn’t she been told? What are you not telling me?”

  “I hid nothing from you. It’s just that recently things got bit more complicated. I never expected the weaver of the web of life to get involved. That made me look into all plans more closely. I looked at all paths, all possible outcomes…at everything, before I decided this lifetime for Alexia is the right one. Still, I didn’t see what was right in front of my face. Arrogance is the downfall of the gods.”

  She shakes her head, but my fists are clenching at my sides. I don’t give a damn about how her plans didn’t turn out as she wanted. I care about Alexia, plain and simple. Alexia is fine and breathing, and I do not care who does what. Alexia is in trouble and I’ll make them all pay with their immortal lives. As I said, plain and simple. “How does that affect her?” I ask.

  “I didn’t realize she will need to walk my path in the end.” Her voice is so soft and the words mumbled, as if she’s hoping I don’t hear what she’s saying.

  “Walk your path in what way? Where?” I ask through clenched teeth. I’m strung like a bow and my body is vibrating from it.

  “To get to the tablets of destiny, she will need to descend to the Underworld and open Ishtar’s gate,” she blurts it out and cringes.

  I suck in a sharp breath and she flinches away from me. It’s not going to do her any good. I feel my vision blurring; stars dance at the corners of my eyes and I get tunnel-vision. Everything else around me fades away and all I can see is the goddess in front of me. It’s her fault this is happening. She brought
this upon Alexia and she will pay for it with her life. Maybe if she is no more, everything will stop until Alexia gets reincarnated again and that will change things. Yes, that’s the best course. I see her moving and her lips are in motion like she is talking, but I hear nothing. Deafening silence brings calm to my soul as I make my decision to end her existence. ‘Protect what’s mine’ is the only thought in my head as I lift my arms, feeling my power build inside me like a volcano ready to erupt.



  As I walk towards the kitchen, an uneasy feeling prickles in the back of my mind, but I ignore it. It’s because I know that Lucifer wanted to say something but Daisy stopped him. It’s annoying that they can’t tell me everything. Don’t get me wrong; I know why they don’t. I’m grateful to them for trying to guide me without altering my path, but at the same time, I want to strangle them all, because if I know what’s waiting for me, I can prepare for it. Yup, control freak, that’s me. Too bad life and the universe don’t function like that.

  I walk straight for the coffee pot, start pulling mugs and filling them up because I can hear everyone following me. Only Lucifer and Daisy stay in the living room. I hope she’s lecturing him. That thought makes me snort. The angel has changed lately, but his prickly pride gets the better of him at times. The poor guy didn’t know what hit him when he got tangled up with our lot. If he expected for us to obey and follow his directions blindly, he got cheated by whomever thought it would be smart for us to cross paths. Maybe in a sick way this was a lesson to humble him a little. Just thinking about it makes me grin like a fool. I have no idea what it is that makes me want to antagonize him. I can’t help it. Every time any of us gets to him and his controlled behavior slips, it makes my day. As I said, I’m very mature.


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