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Seize the Crown

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by Gemma Perfect

  Seize the Crown

  The Kingmaker Series, Volume 2

  Gemma Perfect

  Published by Gemma Perfect, 2017.

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  First edition. January 1, 2017.

  Copyright © 2017 Gemma Perfect.

  ISBN: 978-1386750703

  Written by Gemma Perfect.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page






























































  Book three: Born to Rule










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  Also By Gemma Perfect


  I CANNOT SPEAK. OH, well you know that’s not true. I can speak but I can’t believe what I’m saying.

  Everleigh was meant to be Queen today. It’s all she’s talked about all week, since she made the river rise. It’s all I’ve thought about since I told her secret. I know, I know. I feel awful. I’m not proud of myself.

  I told Everleigh’s secret, then I tried to end it all. Stupid I know. But it was a bad week. Will had been hurt and the King was dead, and it was all my fault.

  So Everleigh has been destined to die since she was born. I’ve known her since I was seven and she was nine. I’m her handmaiden. I have spent most of my life looking after her.

  Then everything changed. She was told she would live.

  And now it has changed again. Her brother is King.

  The old King is dead, killed by his own son. Then he – Macsen – was killed by his brother, Millard. And he, well, he’ll kill you as soon as look at you, I reckon.

  It’s all I ever wanted; Millard to be King. When I thought Everleigh would die and her blood would crown one of the princes, I wanted it to be Millard. Everyone thought it would be. He’s so handsome, so clever, so nice. We know that’s not true now, of course. He sat by and watched his brother kill their father and he thought Everleigh was killed too. Didn’t lift a finger to stop it. Then he killed Macsen. And Halfreda.

  Halfreda was the wise woman. Old as even the oldest thing and scary and creepy, but I suppose I must admit, nice. She saved me when I tried know, and she made sure I was better. I feel sad that she’s dead. It was an awful thing to see. He just stabbed her right in the heart, in front of everyone.

  Then he killed Archer. Oh, Everleigh had fallen hard for him, let me tell you. She never thought she would find love, what with dying so young and being a princess, all protected and that. She wasn’t a good catch really, as beautiful as she is.

  Then Archer turned up. He was related to Halfreda and he was a knight, only young but a right good fighter. Well, he wasn’t good enough in the end. Millard killed him.

  Millard’s a mad man. I don’t want to even look at him, in case I’m next.

  Poor Everleigh, she put her cloak over Archer, and then as we walked away, her knees just went. She was sobbing that hard. Will and me kept her up, but she started screaming about Archer’s body. She didn’t want Millard to send him to the Ashes – where the dead bodies are burnt. She wanted him to be sent out to sea, like her father was.

  I took her to Halfreda’s rooms, it was the only place we could think that she might be safe. If Millard sees her he will probably kill her. What she’s going to do next I don’t know. I’m glad it’s not up to me to decide.

  So, Will went back to fetch Archer. They need to wrap his body up and then we can take it to the little island to send him off.

  Oh, it’s been a scary and horrible day. Every time I shut my eyes I see Macsen’s head flying clean off his body. There was so much blood and upset today. How any of us will sleep I don’t know?

  Poor Ginata had to crown him after all that – what else could she do? I don’t know her well but I feel awful sorry for her. I don’t go to the village much and when she came to the castle it was to visit Halfreda and I certainly wasn’t going to join the pair of them.

  She looked so petrified as she crowned him. And I knew she was hoping he wouldn’t finish her off too. I was the same. I didn’t want to catch his eye in case I gave him an idea. No one is safe here.

  Cook just knocked, guessing where I was – she’s wilier than she looks I reckon. She said that Wolf’s taken Addyson off to the tower. Wolf is Millard’s henchman, though everyone thought he worked for Macsen. Shows you what a sly one he is, changing his tune like that. I’m to take food up to Addyson. What is this place coming to? I know she’s the cursed princess but she shouldn’t be locked away. And what about Everleigh? She told him she’d kill him, he’s not going to want to see her at breakfast. Next time he sees her, one of them’s not long for this world I tell you. Who will live and who will die I wouldn’t want to guess.

  And Cook was full of it. Never seen anything like it in her lifetime. And now we all know he’s crazy, none of us wants to go near him. There’s to be a feast tonight, and Cook reckons he’s already talking about a proper coronation next week, one without a headless corpse watching him – his words apparently!

  Everleigh’s just sitting in front of the fire, watching the flames and crying. I don’t know what’s going to snap her out of this or who’s going to look after her. Poor dab.


  EVERLEIGH’S DRESS IS wet through from crying; tears flowing continuously down her face, with no move made from her to stop them. Her nose is running and she’s dribbling. The wailing has stopped; her heartbreak is silent now. She doesn’t care what a mess she must look or that Millard has probably put a price on her head. Everything has gone wrong.

  Lanorie and Will stand together watching her, in Halfreda’s rooms, the only safe place they could think of to steer her to, away from Millard. “I’m going to have to go.” Lanorie’s voice is a whisper. “Cook wants me to take food to Addyson in the tower.”

  “He has locked her up then?” Will asks the question, but it is more of a statement. They both know how bad things are. Lanorie reaches for his hand.

  “Where’s Archer’s body and the others?”

  “I asked the pages to wrap them up. They know Halfreda and Macsen but I explained that Archer was the one covered with Everleigh’s cloak. There are some other dead bodies – some fighting went on after the coronation
– but they’ll be taken to the Ashes. They’ll put the three of them on the island and leave them there till we decide what to do with them. I can’t imagine Millard giving them any thought.”

  “He may want their heads on spikes.”

  “Then I am glad I moved them. Bad enough that so many are dead today. He can’t play with their corpses as well.”

  Lanorie shakes her head, upset, and Will pulls her close, hugging her, giving and taking some level of comfort on this awful day.

  Everleigh is rocking, as she watches the flames. Everything is lost to her; least importantly her crown.

  Her father is dead, murdered by her oldest brother, Macsen. And Macsen. Her sweetest brother. Dead before she got to confront him. He tried to kill her too and if her good friend Will hadn’t put his own life before hers, she would have been dead at his hand as well.

  Halfreda – the wise woman – managed to save Will.

  Her happy, close knit family of only a week ago, is now altered irrevocably.

  Her emotions and lifelong loyalties need time to catch up with the facts of what has just happened.

  Her whole life long, from when she was old enough to understand her role, she has known she would die at seventeen. All Kingmakers did. Learning from Halfreda, that she would live and rule as Queen has changed her life for the good but ended up being the downfall of all that she loves and cherishes.

  Macsen, desperate for power had been plotting to kill their brother Millard at the sacrificial ceremony – when the Kingmaker’s throat is slit and her blood decides which prince will be King – instead of drinking Everleigh’s blood he had planned to give Millard a death draught. He tested that draught out on their father, King of the Realm.

  Letting her mind go there was painful. Wondering about her father’s last moments. Had he known it was his own son who killed him? She hoped not. She hoped that he had been oblivious. Can there be a greater crime than a child killing their own parent? Maybe a parent killing their own child?

  Macsen had then learned that Everleigh would live, or had it been the other way around? Had he learned that she would live and killed their father to get the throne, no one would ever know the order, or how his murderous mind had made something so awful seem like a logical next step for him.

  Whatever happened, he decided to get her out of the way too. She would never be able to repay that debt to Will. Always her good friend, he had done something she would never have dared ask of anyone; taken her place in her bed and almost died for his trouble. Thank goodness Macsen was a clueless soldier and thank goodness that Halfreda had been able to save Will.

  And then Millard. Her tears flow afresh when she thinks about him. Her other wonderful brother; acerbic but funny, blunt but loving, always there for her, if not always on her side. He had turned out to be worse than Macsen. She can hardly believe that’s possible.

  Millard had known of his brother’s plan to kill him during the sacrifice. He knew that he had bought the death draught. He knew Macsen had killed their father and he knew – or thought he knew – that Macsen had killed Everleigh, and he had just sat back and done nothing.

  With archaic law decreeing that the eldest son – Macsen – be King if the Kingmaker wasn’t there to make the choice the traditional way, Millard had stepped in during the coronation and killed Macsen, his own brother. Sliced his head clean off, so he could be King instead.

  She was glad she missed it. She had been hiding in these very rooms, such a short time ago, so happy and ready to be Queen, to take on her birth right. That was when Lanorie, hysterical, had come to take her out of hiding.

  She had tried to claim her crown and that was when Millard killed Halfreda, who she had known and loved her whole life long – as had he – and then he had killed... her mind almost refuses to go there, but she forces herself to. He deserves her to remember him. He had died for her. The ultimate sacrifice and what every knight promises to do for their King or Queen. She just never thought it would happen. Even after Ginata’s vision where she saw him get hurt, Everleigh had thought he would win. She had let him die and she hadn’t been able to help him or save him.


  Her tears are sobs now. Her body pained by the wracking.

  Lanorie whispers to Will, “I need to go now. I need to check on Addyson. Maybe it will help Everleigh to know she’s safe?”

  “Good idea. I’ll try to talk to her.”

  They both look doubtful and Lanorie gives his hand a squeeze before she goes, shutting the door quietly behind her, even though Everleigh has shown no sign of being aware that either of them are in the room with her.

  Will steps softly towards her. He is sure Millard is busy doing other dastardly things, but he can’t help but worry that he will come looking for his sister. He will not want her alive, not while she threatens his reign.

  He sits down beside her, his princess and friend. He rests a hand on her arm, wanting to touch her, to help her. “Everleigh,” he says. “Everleigh are you alright?”

  He knows she is not, even as he asks it, but he needs to say something.

  She turns to face him and looks surprised to see him. “Will.” Her voice sounds scratchy from all the crying she’s doing.

  “Everleigh. I don’t think you’re safe here.”

  Her gaze is blank.

  Will tries again. “I think Millard will try to kill you.”

  Gaze still blank, tears spilling over, she looks back at the fire.

  Will wishes Halfreda was here, she would give Everleigh some potion or other, something to help her. She’s obviously suffering from shock. And heartache. And stress. And no wonder.

  He is silent but still touching her arm. She feels stone cold, and he rubs her skin trying to warm her up. She is unaware of him once more, lost in her memories, lost in the trauma of the last few hours, the last few days.

  He locks the front door and moves through to Halfreda’s work room. If Millard’s soldiers come, the lock won’t stop them, but he will hear them. He cannot bear the thought of her being slaughtered like a defenceless lamb, unaware that anyone has even come for her head.

  Halfreda had many rooms within the castle, and several rooms here too, just outside of it. She had accumulated a lot of stuff in her long life; she was the oldest person Will had ever seen or known and he has no clue of her actual age. She was older than ancient when he was young and older still when she died. He can hardly believe she is gone. It seemed like she would never die, just become older and older and older, but he knows everyone dies eventually.

  Her work room is full of herbs and potions, bottles and books. He would never know what to give Everleigh but is hoping that Halfreda will have something bottled and labelled, something that might help.

  He cannot bear seeing his princess in so much pain. He is relieved she is alive but needs her to snap out of her maudlin thoughts, this inertia, before Millard sends an axe for her.

  Eyes roving along the bottles and jars, he sees something labelled as ‘Lift.’ Another as ‘Sleep.’ Another as ‘Boost.’ While she could do with all three, he just needs her to have enough energy to get away from the castle. He doesn’t know where he’ll take her but it won’t be long before Millard looks for her. Maybe he will enjoy the night, revel in being King of the Realm, but come morning, sober and concerned about his crown, surely, he will hunt her down like a dog and kill her. Or lock her up. Alive would be the best outcome for her, but she would still be a prisoner. Will wants her safe, with or without a crown on her head. Millard may want her dead, regardless.

  He picks up the bottle labelled ‘Boost’, opens the top and puts a drop on his tongue. He doesn’t want to inadvertently kill her with a mislabelled bottle of poison. He doesn’t drop dead, and so goes back to Everleigh’s side.


  WHAT A DAY. AND IT has not ended yet. It is the worst day I have ever had the misfortune to live through and yet I cannot thank the gods enough that I have lived through it. Several times to
day the gaze of a madman has come to rest on me and I have feared my time was over.

  But here I am.

  I knew something was wrong this morning, but I had no idea how wrong. Maybe Halfreda could have seen it if she hadn’t been so close to the end of her life, and yet her love for both of those boys had obviously coloured her vision of them and what they might be capable of.

  I have no such alliances, I had seen them a handful of times on visits to the castle and had only met Macsen when he was disguised in a cloak, buying a death draught off me. If only I had been down at the river the day he came calling, or next door enjoying an ale with Della, or anywhere else where he wouldn’t have found me.

  And yet he is not the problem anymore.

  With one prince dead, one princess in a tower, one Kingmaker on the loose, we have a new King. A mad and murderous one. And he has called me to his room.

  Standing with him now, while he tells me, the new wise woman of the castle, what he expects from me, I dare not let my attention wander for a second, but my heart is still beating too wildly.

  First Macsen and then Millard; two insane brothers had me in their sights and twice I have been saved. When I crowned Millard, I was sure he would run me through straight after, having fulfilled his need of me.

  And yet here I am. I cannot quite believe it. Am I a lucky witch? Maybe.

  Halfreda was not. I dig my nails into my palm to stop any tears from sprouting and giving my emotions away to this monster before me. And a monster he is. A beautiful monster, so handsome and affable. Now he is King he laughs and jokes and waves and smiles. But earlier on he pierced Halfreda’s heart with a sure sword. He pierced Archer’s beautiful heart without a pause.

  I feel Halfreda’s loss like a physical thing, a discontentment in my heart. I am sad about Archer but I knew him not. I know Everleigh will be beyond distraught and I wish I was with her now instead of here with Millard. I want to serve her not him.

  I will serve her. I will be as false to him as he was to his family, his sisters, his brother, his father. I will pretend to help him and obey him, but I will be an agent for the other side. I will assist and aide Everleigh in any way I can until the crown is on her head.


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