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The Life of a Prostitute

Page 20

by Doris Joe

"That you're still angry at me," Brittany said. "We have been talking about it, and you have a right to be angry if you still are,"

  "I'm not," I replied. It was the truth. I had moved on. I was in a happy relationship with two beautiful women that took care of me.

  "But," Kathy said.

  "Sore," I said, looking at Kathy. "Annoyed?"

  "And?" Sandy asked.

  "A bit angry," I said.

  "Because?" Kathy asked.

  "Why?" I asked. "I didn't do anything wrong." "Bingo!" Sandy shouted.

  Brittany nodded. "Closure is always a good thing, and I didn't give it to you, I just said we were a bad fit and the next day I was gone."

  "Yeah," I nodded. "I know we had a few arguments, and we don't share the same interests, but we were good together." "In every aspect, yes," Brittany nodded. "And that was the thing, the sex, the no arguing except for a few minor things, but it was the major things that made me feel uncomfortable. We don't like the same movies. I hate video games, and you love them. You hate country music, and I love it."

  "Same," Kathy said.

  "Ditto, on the video game thing, these two can spend hours playing, I can't watch them for twenty minutes before I am bored," Sandy said.

  "I know," Brittany said. She looked back at me. "I know I said these things after I left, and I didn't give you a chance to rebuttal or give your side, so I am saying I am sorry."

  Usually, when people said they were sorry, I would say it was out of guilt. Looking at Brittany, I could see she was genuinely apologetic.

  "Forgiven," I said.

  "Truthfully?" Brittany asked.

  "Absolutely, if these two can trust you, so can I," I said.

  After a long conversation about Brittany's options of jobs as well as things she wanted to do with her new life choice, we went to bed.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ After three months, Brittany had found a job at a mechanic shop. I could only imagine the guy's face when Brittany came for the interview. She had come home and told us the story. He didn't believe her that Brittany knew what she knew about all makes of cars and trucks. So when she showed all of them up by getting down and dirty as well as repairing three cars that day, she was hired for the open position.

  I took all of them out for dinner that night, and the looks I got as I entered the prestige restaurant said it all. Of course, Sandy had the other two riled up because of a couple of looks, so they pretended that all three of them were mine. I almost lost it when an elderly couple got up and walked out after saying we were a disgrace and should be ashamed of ourselves.

  Living in a house with three women was a challenge. There was always someone in the bathrooms until Kathy designated one of the three bathrooms to be mine. Other things like decorations and furniture were out of the question. I had to deal with fluffy and delicate items everywhere. I thought Brittany would be different, but even with her tough outer demeanor, she loved her fluorescent and pastel colors.

  I bought an outdoor shed to be put in the back yard that would be my sanctuary from all the femininity that had taken over the large house.

  "You going out to your man shed for the game?" Brittany asked days before the big game.

  "Of course not," I said as we made dinner together. It was my turn to make dinner, and she had decided to help.

  "Just making sure," Brittany smiled.

  We had thought it would be awkward to have our relationship around Brittany with her being the only single person in the house, but she reveled in it.

  "So," Brittany said after she had stopped to watch me prepare my famous chili. Everyone loved it

  ."I knew it," I said, shaking my head.

  I knew something had to be up when both Sandy and Kathy called me at different times of the day, saying they were going to be late coming home.

  "Well," Brittany said as she jumped up on the marble counter. She sat as she looked down at me working. "We were talking, and something came up." "Continue," I said as I sliced up some more peppers.

  "Remember, we all agreed that I shouldn't be in a hurry to move out?" Brittany said as she handed me some of the spices.

  "Uh-huh," I nodded.

  "Sandy and I were at the gym the other day, and I asked her what she thought if I stayed and didn't move out at all," Brittany said.

  "I am okay with that," I nodded. "Kathy?"

  "She is fine with it also," Brittany nodded.

  "I sense a but," I said as I got out the potatoes.

  "Not a but, an addition," Brittany smiled. "If you're okay with it."

  "Listening," I said as I turned to face her.

  "I, I mean we, I mean," Brittany shook her head. "This is harder to say than I thought it would be."

  "Spit it out," I said.

  "You know very well. I am not a spitter," Brittany said as she looked at me.

  "Brittany! Focus!" I said sharply at her.

  "I asked them if I could join the three of you in this relationship of yours," Brittany said as she got down from the counter. "They both loved the idea, but said it was totally up to you." I was floored. I put down the wooden spoon and turned down the stove as I walked around the kitchen island and into the living room. I hadn't thought about it. Of course, I found her physically attractive, there wasn't a male that wouldn't, but there was still a part of me that was still getting over the fact that she left me.

  "I know…" Brittany said as she followed behind me. I held my hand up as I thought about it as I sat on the couch. I had two women already, adding a third was something that would take a lot of thought.

  Our relationship wasn't just some sexual harem or a one-time thing. Brittany was asking to become part of something that I took very seriously.

  My relationship with both Sandy and Kathy was authentic, I felt the same for both of them, and I knew they felt the same about me. Brittany sat in one of the other chairs. I knew Kathy and Sandy wouldn't just say they were okay with it if they didn't think Brittany was being realistic about accepting them as equals in the relationship. None of them was above the other. I didn't have a favorite. They spent equal time in my bed as well as my time in theirs. Sure we joked around a lot and had joked about favorites and things like that, but all three of us knew that it was just joking around.

  I knew from the outside most people would consider what we had as sick or that I was brainwashing Kathy and Sandy into this situation, but they couldn't be further from the truth. I looked over at Brittany.

  "You know what people are going to think?" I asked. "Remember the night we all went out?"

  Even though Sandy had made a joke of the situation it had happened on many occasions, when it was just the three of us, it had stopped bothering us after a while. Brittany shrugged. "I come from a state where there are a lot of preconceptions on what is right and what is wrong. If my family saw the two of us sitting here, even talking about it, they would have a fit."

  Brittany leaned forward. "I know what it would mean and what the problems could arise, and I know that doesn't bother you, so be honest."

  I nodded. "I am still a bit hurt, the way you left, and afterward, the cold shoulder wasn't something I got over easily."

  "And you think I will do it again the moment things go sour?" Brittany nodded. "Exactly," I nodded. With the other two, the relationship wasn't perfect by any stretch. We still had disagreements, arguments, but I knew they weren't going to leave based on a dispute or conflict, it would take a lot more than that to break our bond.

  "I can say without a doubt that I have grown out of the phase that I want a relationship to be perfect," Brittany said. "Hell, I was married to a man that was gay just because I felt that we were perfect for each based on our ideals."

  I nodded. "I can tell you that until I am blue in the face, but I can't prove it until you let me," Brittany stated. Again she had a point. I had to admit to myself I loved having her around, not just because she was attractive or that she could fix anything in the house. She had become a s
table in the house. I liked knowing she was around.

  "Okay," I nodded.

  So, that happened, and for a few days, I thought I had made a mistake. On the other hand, it had made Kathy and Sandy very happy. It was like a sisterhood had been completed. It took just over a week until I knew I had made the right decision. It came shortly after Brittany, and I had our first date. We had many so-called dates while we were together the first time, but most of those ended with sex, this time was different. We knew we had good sexual chemistry; the thing we needed to find was something in common other than football and sex.

  We went out for a long walk, just the two of us. We talked for the first time in-depth about things we liked and what we didn't like, why we still felt attracted to each other, past the obvious reasons, of course. What happened was a deep connection in relationships, we both treasured friendships and relations we had with family and friends.

  We both liked animals of all kinds, and I found out that she had always wanted a large family of her own. The whole night had brought the two of us much closer. I thought I had rushed into a decision, but after that night, I felt that I had made the right one.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ "Great," Sandy said as she peered out of the kitchen window. The storm that had been scheduled to just pass through had turned into an overhanging downpour. The sky lit up with lightning, and the air shuddered with thunder as sheets of rain came down harder, with no signs of stopping.

  "Sorry," I said as I knew she wanted to go out on the town. Tonight was supposed to be a night out for all of us.

  "On the other hand," Kathy said as she still felt a little sick. "I can get some rest, finally." "Absolutely," Brittany said as she turned to what they had lovingly started to call each other sisters. Kathy being the oldest by a few months over Brittany, and Sandy bringing up the rear by just under a full year from Brittany.

  "Go ahead," I nodded.

  Kathy nodded as she took off her jacket and headed for the stairs.

  "Rats!" Sandy said as she thumped her fist on the counter. "I was going to show you guys the new restaurant I had applied. I have a good feeling about it."

  "It will still be there tomorrow, you can show me then," Brittany said.

  "And the others," Sandy pouted. "We will see it when you start working there," I smiled as I took out a sizeable frozen pizza. "You guys pick out a movie on the stream, and I will pop this in, and we will make a comfy night of movies, pizza…"

  "And beer!" Sandy and Brittany chimed.

  "Okay," I nodded.

  They both raced out of the kitchen as I put the pizza in the oven and got a can of chicken noodle soup out of the pantry.

  "You're a blessing from the gods!" Kathy said as I brought the large bowl of soup up to her.

  "Like the storm?" I said, sitting down at her side. "Was I that obvious?" Kathy asked.

  "Yes," I nodded.

  "Damn," Kathy said as she started to take a spoon to her soup. "I will apologize and make it up to her."

  "Thank you," I said as I stood up.

  Sandy had been going through a hard time since she had got laid off from the sport-themed restaurant, with the offseason upon us, they had to lay some people off. Sandy was one of them.

  "I truly hope she gets the new job," Kathy said. "She turned down my offer to hire her as an assistant secretary."

  "She doesn't want charity," I said, "But-"

  "I can seem a little more sympathetic," Kathy nodded.

  "Absolutely," I smiled. "After all, you are the big sister!"

  "Oh, shut it," Kathy stuck out her tongue.

  "Don't stick it out if you don't intend on using it," I said as I got to the door.

  "You know I am very good with my tongue if I wasn't sick…" Kathy said before a barrage of coughs interrupted her.

  "Eat your soup, then get some sleep," I said as I closed the door.

  The other two were in their PJ's which for Sandy were a pair of my boxers and a tank top, for Brittany cotton pants and a crop top. "How is she?" Sandy asked as I sat between them.

  I gave her a look. "I know," Sandy said as she laid her head on my shoulder. "I shouldn't have sounded like I didn't care that she was sick." "Definitely," I said as I kissed the top of her head. "You got too excited as usual." Brittany laid her head on my other shoulder. They had picked out a good action movie that I had secretly watched before, but I pretended that it was my first time watching it.

  We watched another movie after that one, the two of them picked again this time it was more of a drama.

  "I have to ask a question," Sandy said as she peered over at Brittany.

  "Okay," Brittany said.

  "How do you get it all the way down?" Sandy asked.

  "I told you, relax your throat and let it go down slowly," Brittany said.

  They were talking about Brittany's ability to deep throat my entire cock. They had both been massaging and stroking it for a while now. "Want me to show you?" Brittany asked.

  "Yes!" Sandy squealed with excitement.

  "What about the movie?" I asked.

  "Oh, please," Brittany smiled. "You've been squeezing and fondling both our boobs for the entire length of the movie so far."

  "And the movie before," Sandy added.

  I couldn't help it, they were both large, and I loved boobs. With one swift motion, they had my pants off. My dick stood to attention. Brittany took the base of it in her hand and slowly began to put it into her mouth. Inch by inch she took it deeper into her mouth until her nose pressed against me and her bottom lip was touch my balls, for added excitement, she stuck her tongue out and licked them. Then she inched it back out.

  "I can't get all twelve down," Sandy said as she tried.

  Sandy had remeasured; what I had thought was ten was actually twelve. Most guys had always exaggerated their length; I might have been the only guy that had shorted myself. When Sandy brought her head up, Brittany nodded. "That's more than half, better than Kathy."

  "Well, she can take the whole thing between her chest," Sandy said.

  "I know, the bitch!" Brittany said with a smile on her face. Sandy could take the whole length if I push her head down, but usually, it ended up hurting her throat. Brittany could face fuck my dick on her own, while Kathy buried my dick anytime she tit fucked me.

  They both took turns back and forth, bouncing their heads up and down my dick before Sandy threw in the white flag. "I am going to leave you guys to finish up," Sandy said as she paused the movie. "I will watch the rest of it upstairs with Kathy if she is still up."

  "Okay," Brittany said as her mouth went back down on me.

  I nodded. Brittany took this opportunity to tie her hair back in a ponytail. She kneeled between my legs and started to bounce her head up and down on my dick hard and fast. Her face was burying itself between my legs.

  "That's it," I said as I watched her take my dick down.

  "Like that?" Brittany said as she took a breath, long strands of saliva coated my dick and drooled out of her mouth.

  "Love it," I said. "Love what?" Brittany said as she wiped the saliva, from her mouth and chin. "This?" she asked as she buried my long hard cock down her throat again. She wiggled her head back and forth and pressed her face into my pelvis.

  Slowly she snaked it back out of her mouth.

  "Yes," I said as she looked at me with wild eyes.

  "Then, you do it properly then," Brittany said. Brittany laid flat on the floor as I straddled her face. "Fuck my mouth, fuck my throat!" I plunged my dick into her mouth and pushed it deep inside of her mouth, feeling it go down her throat. I laid out like I was doing push-ups as I fucked her mouth hard and fast. I stopped for a few seconds allowing her to breathe and spit out the saliva build-up before I fucked her throat again. I alternated between pounding her throat and taking slow long strokes up and down. I bowed my head and looked down at my dick, causing her throat to bulge outward.

  I sat up as I was about to cum, pulling her head up and
holding it all the way against me. "Take it all!" I shouted as I came hard, shooting my cum down her throat. I made sure I was finished and going soft in her mouth before I released her head.

  Brittany gasped for air as I let her go. "I missed that," she said as she laid her head back down on the floor.

  "The ex didn't do that?" I asked as I looked at her.

  "Oh, he did," Brittany nodded. "But it never reached as far down as yours, and never came as much as you do, or taste as good."

  "Keep saying things like that, and we will go another round," I said as I let her up.

  "Let me clean my face, and I will take you up on that," Brittany said with her face covered with saliva.

  I took the opportunity to check up on the other two. They were both asleep in Kathy's bed. "Aw," Brittany said from behind me.

  "Shh!" I said as I slowly closed the door.

  "You're a lucky man," Brittany said.

  "I know," I said as we walked towards her room.

  "Now, you up for another round?" Brittany asked. "Nevermind," she said as she looked at my hard dick. I pushed her toward the bed as she bent over. With one pull, I had her pants down. I pushed myself inside her from behind. "Fuck!" Brittany yelled as she buried her head. "Forgot how big that thing was," she said as I started to fuck her.

  "You just had it in your mouth," I growled as I angry fucked her.

  "Well, I have gotten used to something half the length, and not even close to its width for many months," Brittany said as I pulled back on her hair.

  "Seems like I have to get you used to me again," I said as I wrapped her long hair around my fist and yanked back hard.

  "Fuck me," Brittany yelled as I fucked her hard and fast.

  With each thrust, I pushed deeper into her until she took all of it. "That's it," I said as I felt my balls slap against her. "Now, you're mine again."

  "Don't think I ever was his," Brittany said as I let her hair go and grabbed her hips. I pushed her further onto the bed as she turned onto her back.

  I got between her legs and slid back into her. Cupping her massive boobs as I fucked her. "Cum in me," Brittany said as she felt me about to cum. "Cum deep inside me."

  I followed her directions and pushed myself deep as I came harder than before. I slumped to the side of her.


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