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Goddess Choice

Page 11

by A Lonergan

  I tripped over what look to be cobble stone flooring while scrambling to keep up with the girls. They weren’t going to slow down either. Jessa hadn’t even looked back to make sure I was following. I couldn’t blame her though.

  “I really don’t miss having human legs. I don’t know how you do this each day.” Cora looked back at me and grimaced. “He’s so slow.”

  I was surprised to hear Jessa take up for me. “Well, we aren’t in our natural element either and we kind of have clothes that are hindering us, as well.”

  And she wasn’t lying. My pants were tight around my legs and heavy, while my shirt was loose and billowed around me as I moved. I was still surprised by the spell around the cities that didn’t allow us to swim. It made things extremely difficult but I didn’t blame Poseidon on his choice of spells. We didn’t belong here, it made sense in the long run. They didn’t want divers or swimmers around these parts and would do anything to protect their people. I knew it well with the valley.

  When I finally felt like I was catching up with them, Cora would turn and smirk at me before picking up her pace. I had no doubt she was doing it because of how I treated Myr and Jessa.

  I deserved it. I had done all of this to myself and the only person I could be mad at was me. When we finally and I mean finally got to this mysterious Cristoff’s place, I was exhausted. Walking underwater was about as bad as it sounded and I was almost ready to trade my soul for a tail-fin. Or at least call Myr back. I should have accepted her help graciously and I was now pissed I hadn’t.

  Cristoff lived on the outskirts of the city, in what looked to be an abandoned city of its own. There were many home looking things but they were falling apart. There weren’t even fish swimming around like there had been in the city. I was struggling to climb the side of the coral when Jessa finally paid me some attention again.

  She nodded her head toward me and Cora came down to help. She grabbed my wrist and yanked me to the top of the coral where I imagined Cristoff resided.

  There were no doors in the city so there was no surprise that Cristoff didn’t have a front door. I didn’t understand the mermaid culture but I heard stories that there was no such thing as indecency to them. I knew it had something to do with the fact that they went on land to procreate.

  It made sense. The mermaids didn’t wear clothes underwater unless they wore armor and I had noticed a few carrying their young on their chests and backs in hammock style fabric. It was an interesting culture and I almost wished I could have stayed and learned more from them and their way of life. Not many monsters lived the way mermaids did, besides the ones in the Amazon rain forest, they were protected by the government and people very rarely ventured out that way.

  The mer-people had more than enough space to thrive and with Poseidon’s magic, they were golden.

  I observed the way Jessa took in her surroundings though I wished I could smell around the ocean. Just as the thought popped into my head, I realized I hadn’t sensed beast the entire time I had been down here and I started to panic.

  No wonder I was exhausted. No wonder I couldn’t keep up. Something in their spell was suppressing my other half. Suddenly I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t see straight and my vision was going spotty. I couldn’t remember a time without beast. I could hardly remember my childhood that had been without him. He had always been there to help me sense danger, to be mischievous and to help me recon. I focused on my breathing.

  In and out.

  In and out.

  I didn’t know how I was supposed to react with him not there. I focused on my hands and tried to force a shift.


  It was like he had never been with me at all. Like he didn’t exist.

  “You should calm down, boy.” A powerful voice blasted through my haze. I looked up in alarm and this time I could feel power. The man standing in the doorway had it oozing off of him in waves. I took a steady breath and reminded myself that I wouldn’t be able to sense that without beast.

  He was there… Somewhere. Deep down.

  It was almost reassuring until the man spoke again. “I see we have brought the circus to town.”

  Jessa’s touch pulled me from my rage and confusion. She rested her palm on my shoulder. Her touch warmed me to my core. I shook myself, almost as if I were a bear, trying to calm myself more. Jessa gave me a nervous look before shooting the man a glare.

  “There was no reason you should be ugly.”

  “I don’t like the swine of the gods.” The man snarled at me.

  “I’ll take it you’re the famous Cristoff everyone has mentioned.” I rolled my eyes as I spoke.

  He ignored me. I didn’t mind, I had more snarky comments up my sleeve and I knew I wouldn’t have to wait too long before I got to use them.

  “What could you possibly want that you would disturb me?”

  Cora sounded frustrated when she answered, “You act as if you had no idea they would be here. Your power is the thing that keeps them alive down here.”

  Cristoff chuckled nervously under his breath. “I can see why you would assume that but it isn’t the truth. I didn’t know they had breached the kingdom’s wards.”

  “That isn’t possible. Your magic is what protects the city and they wouldn’t be alive without your spells. Right? You cast the spells to keep them breathing in our city?”

  “I’m just as perplexed as you are. This is not my handy work.” Cristoff cocked his head while sizing me up. “Though, this is truly particular. You should be dead.”

  I frowned at his words. “Excuse me?”

  “Nothing against you, though, you are a bit of a cad.” He moved away from the door frame he was perched in and circled me slowly. “Your monster. Your bear. The magic that holds him inside of you, your other half would have made it physically impossible for you to remain under the water this long without him. Though, here you are.” He spread his arms dramatically. “As much as I hate to admit it, I am not this powerful. This magic would have killed me to even try.”

  “Poseidon brought them to the city.” Cora cracked her knuckles, as if she was preparing for a fight from him.

  “That’s a big thing to leave out. Of course, this is Poseidon’s magic. Only a god could extract most of a person’s being without killing them. Though, I’m not sure why he wouldn’t have left them under my wards and left the magic to me. But he is a god and they do what they please.”

  Jessa gave me a concerned look out of the corner of her eye. “We don’t need you for your magic, though, that would come in handy.”

  Cristoff glared at Jessa and was about to reply when Cora cut in, “Under royal decree, you are released from your duties as City Sorcerer. You will go with Jessa and Crowley to enact vengeance for everything we have lost and you will not return until this duty is complete.”

  Authority rang true in Cora’s words and I knew Cristoff would have no choice but to accompany us by the look on his face. Cora’s eyes were red rimmed as if she had begun to cry but who could tell underwater anyhow? And then Cristoff was glaring at Jessa once more.

  “Your father is the only one with that authority in the kingdom, I don’t understand why you couldn’t go. You have learned your glamour spells and you no longer hiss. You have considerable magic and you actually care for the fools.”

  “I am Queen by situation. Mother has gone into labor and father has left for land. I thought you would want revenge. You have been holed up out here passed City limits for so long. I just figured it would be the best decision.”

  “You figured wrong but by oath, I can’t disobey your law. I will go and do you proud, Your Highness.” Cristoff bowed low and when he came back up, his face was a soldier’s mask of indifference.

  Chapter 18


  There was more going on than what Cora was saying but I knew my place. I was a visitor and wouldn’t pry.


  Cora dismissed Cristoff to pack his belongings and meet her i
n the thrown room in an hour before she grabbed both of our hands and swam us back to the castle. When my head stopped spinning from the speed of our swim, I rounded on her.

  “What happened to you two?” Bitterness bit into my words.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Don’t play coy, I saw the way you two interacted before I left.” I purposefully left the word, escape, out. Though, that had been exactly what I had done and I couldn’t believe I was going to be working with the class A jerk.

  “This is the way of things in our hierarchy. When I had left, he had been ordered by my father to follow me and keep my safe at all costs, even if it meant other’s lives. We aren’t in love and never were. There might have been a thought in that direction at one point, but it disappeared quickly.” Cora gave me a warning look. “We experienced many things at the hands of Apollo’s men. I know you did too but it almost broke us and more happened after you left.”

  “I saw the way he doted on you, I just assumed.”

  “You assumed wrong. I am his Princess, it was his duty.” Cora held her held head high and turned sharply away from me. “Stay put, this is where Cristoff will come for you.”

  At her departure, I took my time to observe the room we had been deposited in and sure enough on the far end, there was a massive chair covered in polish shells and coral. It was the only thing in the room besides a few high windows along the turquoise coral walls. The fish that had darted in and out of the other rooms didn’t venture in here. I watched them swim quickly by the windows and the entryway but that was it.

  Crawley cleared his throat beside me and I considered ignoring him for a moment. “Cristoff wasn’t lying when he called you a cad. He pegged you correctly on his first glance.”

  “Oh, I’m sure that was it. The dude was powerful enough to probably read your thoughts and see how much you hate me.” Crawley scoffed behind me.

  “He can’t read minds, but I was giving you dirty looks the majority of the time we were standing there, I’m sure that had something to do it, to be honest.”

  I could feel him getting closer and closer to me until he was pressed against my back. I held myself rigged. “Oh, is that so?” His lips brushed my ears. “You don’t hate me then?”

  “N-no, I don’t hate you, but you’re making me feel weird with all these mixed signals you keep sending me.”

  He took a step back and started laughing. It was a deep sexy laugh but at the same time, not sexy at all. He was toying with me. I didn’t like these games. That’s all my life was. A big game.

  I turned around and wanted to slap the satisfied look off of his face but slapping was too mediocre. I reared back my arm faster before I could even think about what I was doing and let my fist fly. I heard the crunch of his nose before I smelled the blood floating around us in the water.

  He let out a cry of surprise and, I hoped, pain as he covered his face.

  “I don’t like games.”

  His eyes got wide before he looked to the floor. He didn’t complain about his nose or the fact that I was secretly hurting. And then there was the part of me that was still confused. Apollo was probably behind it all and it made me feel sick. Mind games were going to push us apart and force us to kill each other.

  As much as I hated the way Crawley was acting, I didn’t want to see him dead. Especially at my own hands.

  Clapping interrupted my thoughts and I had a strange sense of de ja vu overcome me. I immediately dropped into a defensive stance and waited for imminent attack from Apollo. When I slowly turned around it wasn’t Apollo in the entryway and I felt dumb. It was Cristoff.

  “I knew I was reading the signals right.” Kristoff chest shook with unheard laughter and mockery as he took in Crawley’s beaten down form. “Such a cad.”

  “He sure is.” There was no point in arguing about it. Crawley had proven it several times already.

  Cristoff was empty handed besides a small pouch dangling from his wrist. “The transition to land might be a little harsh on your bodies but I’ll do my best to help you adjust.” He turned to look at Crawley again. “Maybe.”

  Cristoff held my hand tightly in his as he quickly swam as close to land as possible. I hoped Crawley was close behind because Cristoff had taken off without mentioning Crawley’s transportation. I almost felt bad for him when I saw his face transform from surprise to anger as Cristoff whisked me from the room.

  Then there was that part of me that didn’t care all that much. When we neared the shore, Cristoff left me on the sea bottom while scouting ahead for a secluded area. He came back looking relieved before grabbing my hand once more.

  When we got to the point to where I could walk on the sandy shore, Cristoff let go of my hand and went ahead of me. I wasn’t exactly sure how mermaids survived on land but I couldn’t deny the fact that I was curious. I tried to keep up with his speed in the water but there was no way. He was up and out of the water before I could pop my head out of the water.

  When I did, I felt my head go sideways and I was back under the water once more.

  I sank back down to the gritty shore bottom and struggled to find my breath. Where it had been easy to breath under water just seconds ago, it was now much harder and I felt like I had bricks on my chest. I gasped and gaped as I realized this was the rough transition Cristoff had been speaking of.

  Where was Crawley?

  My vision started to get hazy and I knew I was going to die down there. There was no doubt in my mind till a strong hand seemed to yank me from the abyss. I almost considered Crawley until I felt mist hitting my face.

  “You humans, you don't listen.” Cristoff’s voice broke through my reverie. “I said the transition would be difficult. Damn you mortals.”

  It was at that second that I realized the mist that had been hitting my face was his breath and I felt revolted for a moment. I tried to scoot away from his face but his hands held me firmly into the rough sand.

  “If you stopped moving so much, I would also be able to heal your lungs, or I can just leave you here to struggle until they possibly heal themselves. Shall we wait to see?”

  I stilled my movements and let him continue his magic. My eyes still burned and the sun was blinding my vision. I had an idea that it was because I had been away from the suns harsh rays for too long. Cora’s kingdom hadn't been dark but had just enough shade to protect their sensitive, iridescent skin.

  Cristoff spoke again but it didn’t seem to be pointed at me. “She’ll burn if I don’t get her in doors, but we should also wait for Crawley… Ugh…”

  Before I could fully piece his words together, I was lifted off of the beach and carried into the shadows. I was able to croak out a protest before my world went black.

  “Crawley… we need him…”

  Chapter 19


  Nothing surprised me anymore. The giant seahorse bowed to me before he swam away. There were still many things I didn’t know about the world and the sea had even more mysteries. Poseidon wasn’t one to share his knowledge with the rest of the world, especially descendants from other gods. He loved keeping secrets. I didn’t blame him. Knowledge was power and Poseidon was one of the most powerful. He liked to flaunt it too.

  Cristoff had called for the massive beast before he swam off with Jessa in his grip. I didn’t like it. I didn’t like the fact that I didn’t know what was happening or the fact that I wasn’t in control. It made me sick.

  But what was really making me sick was all the emotion jumping. How could someone feel one way then another way the next moment? It was confusing. I didn’t know how to keep up with these games for the most part and now this?


  My body sunk into the sand and felt heavier and heavier as I made my way up the shore. Cristoff was waiting for me, standing in the shallow water, now equipped with human legs. His dark skin glimmered in the light. Cristoff’s lips parted and he looked as if he were going to kiss me. I cocked my head
sideways, curiously and a blast of air hit me square in the chest. Something rose inside of me, like a tidal wave.

  Anger and something else.


  But before I could get excited about my beast being back, I couldn’t breath and Cristoff was whisking me up and out of the water. He disposed of me onto the wet sand as I gasped and gaped at the world around me. I rolled onto my back and my skin stung. The sun was too warm on my sensitive skin and I could hardly think straight. I couldn’t open my eyes, they burned so bad.

  I tried to gasp out words but nothing came from my lips. The only noises that came from my mouth were painful gurgles.

  Where had my tongue gone?

  Poseidon was clever, I would give him that. There was no way in Hades, I would ever go back to his world under the sea after this. It was far too painful of a transition to experience more than once. I doubted Jessa would even be able to convince-


  My beast surged forward at the thought and everything I had been feeling simmered away. Oh, how I had missed my fast, other worldly healing.

  I pushed myself up onto my elbows and tried to get a good look at the world around me. Where the sun had been blinding before, I could now tolerate it to a certain extent. In front of me laid out the crystal blue ocean front and I wondered how we hadn’t been spotted by tourists, till I realized that the beach that was spread out behind me, was empty. Which was odd, there weren’t many beaches that weren’t occupied, especially ones that looked like this one. It was probably the prettiest beach I had ever been on, much less seen.

  In awe of the beauty stretched out around me, I had almost forgotten that I wasn’t alone. Cristoff wasn’t anywhere to be seen and I was starting to get worried. All of my cockiness from before flew out of the window. I no longer felt confident though I could smell Jessa nearby, and that made no sense at all.


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