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Silver Fox & The Western Hero: Warrior's Oath: A LitRPG/Wuxia Novel - Book 4

Page 54

by M. H. Johnson

  …before hearing a wet splat all around him, spinning around to find body parts everywhere and a bloody mist raining down around him, Bingwen’s head with its wildly gyrating eyes the last bit of his enemy to crash to the ground.

  The catastrophic failure Alex had dreaded had been anything but.

  Alex had held fierce desperate hope that his divine ring could rupture at least one of Bingwen’s protective enchantments. Yet whatever supremely potent Golden wards Bingwen had protecting his flesh had been effortlessly countered by Alex’s humble little ring.

  And for a single split second, Alex wanted to howl with triumph, having just obliterated the gods’ own trump card, this psychopath who had been ready and willing to burn an entire city to the ground.

  “That’s six cards down, motherfuckers!”

  Then Alex caught sight of Bingwen’s furious gaze, all too aware that even modern soldiers feared a dying man’s last five seconds. His heart jittered in sudden terror, understanding instantly the awful choice before him.

  He could port back into his ring before this monster unleashed every iota of his being in a final retributive strike that would level this city to the ground, or Alex could grasp that psychopath’s dying skull and endure the maelstrom inside his ring.

  With the gods’ mocking laughter ringing inside his skull, Alex made his choice.


  “I will end you, worm! With my dying breath, you will burn!”

  So roared the spiritual phoenix of a dying Gold torturing Alex’s screaming soul with all the fires of the sun.

  Willpower check made!

  Alex shrieked, his agony transcending mere pain.

  He had transported intact and whole into his divine artifact, an entire imagined world filled with fantastic resources real and visualized at his command, and it meant almost nothing against the fearsome power of a dying Gold. Power Healing roaring through charred and tormented flesh as a river’s worth of water slammed into the deadly pyre that should have spelled Alex’s end.

  His desperate attempts to heal himself and minimize horrific damage did little but prolong his agony as his foe blasted him with curses of black flame and pyres of red and gold, spiritual whips flaying his mind as tendrils of fire seared his flesh. A tiny corner of Alex’s mind was cogent enough to realize it was as spirits alone they fought, for there was no other way Alex could have survived the blazing phoenix tearing into his flesh time after time. And his enemy was no longer a decapitated head that should have already passed on, but a blazing spirit, fierce and proud.

  “That’s right, worm! Your body lives still! Your body which shall soon host my soul for all time!”

  The phoenix’s fiery countenance flashed for just a heartbeat into Bingwen’s dying features.

  “You cannot hope to stand against me, fool! For I have mastered both Fire and Wood! Even the forbidden power of Spirit flows through my veins! A discipline I have purged from Dragon Academy entirely! Burning out the meridians and compelling the suicide of any mongrel who dared to show the slightest affinity for my clan’s sacred gift, lest they are of my own flesh and blood! So all know to fear the deadly kiss of my flames blazing upon a foundation of Wood, and none know to fear the power of a master of Spirit as well!”

  Bingwen’s fiery cackle echoed through Alex’s cavernous ring. “No mortal has ever before forced me to reveal my darkest gifts, flame alone enough to sear all my foes to ash! But you, vile, disgusting, piece of horrid filth, you alone will savor the embrace of my gifts transforming your flesh into my eternal vessel even as your soul howls forever in the prison of flame I have made for Panheu and you both! Fear not, little worm. Your mentor will soon be joining you in eternal torment as I feed upon the power of both your spirits for all time!”

  The phoenix shrieked, charging once more for a desperately warding Alex.

  Yet it mattered not how well he embraced White Crane and Silver Swan as one, fists coated in gloves of Dark Qi.

  It made no difference how desperately he tried to parry his foe’s onslaught, a frantic storm of Light Qi and the furious power of the crashing sea doing nothing to stave off the blazing pyre of Golden fire searing through his soul.

  Alex howled with agony, desperate to weave past his foe’s deadly attacks, Soul Sight alone blossoming in this trial of torment, seeing his foe’s naked spirit in all its deadly intent. But no matter how gracefully he darted and dodged, his enemy’s hideous assault never ended.

  Willpower check failed! You’re at the border of Oblivion!

  Alex’s furious desperate struggle just to survive crumbled as he was hit by the darkest insight of all.

  Furious resolve and iron focus meant absolutely nothing when one’s entire soul was bathed in agony without end.

  He shrieked as his opponent laughed, knowing black death was coming for him at last.

  It was time for him to accept it and let the agony encroaching death brought with it flow through him, just as he had made peace with oblivion’s terrible burdens, a lifetime ago.

  “That’s right, Alex. Let the pain flow through you,” said the voice of the pain specialist from a life he had been forced to surrender, countless centuries ago. The pretty Chinese doctor flashed the same warm, gentle smile that let him feel a little bit less alone, a little bit less afraid, when first he had met her, for all that he didn’t recall her eyes being quite such a striking shade of green. “Let those blazing nerves have their say. Understand pain’s message. Good. Now push it down, down, down into your left leg. Localize it and imagine it transforming to the cool exhilaration of splashing in the lake, trickling out your toes and flowing away on the gentle currents washing over you.”

  Alex shuddered as that ancient soothing voice caressed his ears, prophetic words of wisdom that had never come from his therapist’s lips.

  And in a dizzying flash, he blinked his eyes wide open, finding himself in his ancient hospital bed, gazing into exquisitely beautiful features so very like Jidihu’s own. She flashed an almost flirtatious smile, and Alex couldn’t help remembering the promise he had made to himself that should he survive his cancer, he would give the beautiful wonderful woman before him a night to remember. Of course he knew part of his infatuation was because she had been there for him, and he hadn’t cared a bit.

  Then, of course, he had died.

  Her smile grew as he choked back a scream, the soothing chill of his legs flaring with hot pain once more, a massive bulbous tumor on his leg swelling before his eyes.

  Alex shuddered, noting how the tumor’s flesh was warping into Bingwen’s twisted scowl at that very moment.

  His therapist’s cool fingers caressed his cheek, brilliant eyes of jade and silver capturing his own.

  “I think you already know what you have to do, Alex, if you want this pain to leave for good.”

  Alex flashed a terrified smile. “I have to enter the cryonics chamber again, don’t I?”

  She winked. “Your doctor’s one of a kind. Remember that, Alex.”

  Alex choked up fiery blood as he laughed. “Yeah, a real practical joker.”

  He didn’t hesitate to lift himself off the hospital bed, tearing free catheters and tape, ignoring dripping blood and the bulbous tumor gurgling on his leg as he stumbled out into the hall, panicked doctors and nurses flying in all directions as the hall lights flashed brilliant blue and sirens blared.

  “Emergency, doctor! The patient’s dying!”

  But who they were referring to he had not a clue, focused only on stumbling down the corridor even as the hallways grew dark with shadows and the chill of death. There were no doctors, saints, or healers to be seen anywhere. Only stumbling patients that looked exactly like him, gazing at Alex with the eyes of the dead.

  And then he was before the ice cold metal door serving as the entrance to the cryonics facility, and it was all he could do to force himself to jerk it open once more, stumbling into a room filled with worried-looking nurses, struck dumb by the soft sobs of his mother and t
he smiling face of Dr. Wilm himself, about to dip Alex’s tumor-laden body of a thousand years ago into his liquid nitrogen bath.

  His twinkling eyes and cheerful grin were the spitting image of WiFu’s own.

  Alex’s heart lurched when Dr. Wilm flashed that devil may care wink that had been the last thing Alex had ever seen, before suddenly jerking his head up, pointing to Alex’s left.

  “What you want is over there.”

  Alex’s eyes widened in disbelief, for a moment caught between memories and the agony of two lifetimes, before jerking his head to catch sight of the massive river of liquid nitrogen pouring through the middle of the cryonic facility.

  A river Alex had just been lowered into.

  A river of endless cold and darkness Alex only now recognized for what it truly was.

  The River of Souls.

  And in a single heartbeat, Alex opened his eyes as his soul-flesh was blasted once more with living fire.

  “This is the end, maggot! Your body and soul are mine!”

  And Alex laughed even as he coughed and choked on endless flame, no longer attempting to dodge his enemy’s attacks, instead doing what his enemy least expected, his retreat turning to a full on charge, plucking the fiery phoenix from the heavens and holding tight to the shriveled spirit of a man wearing a blazing corona of crimson fire.

  No matter how his flesh burned.

  Rank 10 Eternal Fox versus Golden Flame! Spiritual bonuses in effect. Transcendent understanding in effect. Congratulations! You have managed to keep your form!

  Your resolve has corroded one further degree.

  Even as Alex felt the last flickers of his bitter resolve burning to ash and oblivion, he took fierce solace in his enemy’s surprised gaze, Alex now holding tight not to a terrible phoenix, but to a shriveled old man.

  “I think it’s time we both cooled off, asshole! How about a swim?”

  “Never!” Bingwen snarled. “You no longer have power over this realm! I command it, just as I command you, body and soul!”

  Alex laughed. “Wrong, idiot. Hear that roaring just under our feet? It’s where we’re both headed, Bingwen!”

  The former headmaster’s eyes widened with horrified outrage, as if only now catching sight of the ice-cold river that spelled both their doom. “You’re just a fading spirit, and I’m the idiot who actually thought a Bronze could take on a Gold. We’re both dying, fool, and if I’m going to drown, I’m taking you with me!”

  Alex felt a fierce moment’s satisfaction as he jerked his suddenly terrified opponent off his feet and sent them both crashing into the River of Souls.

  For a heartbeat all Alex felt was the icy chill of death, the mocking laughter of a half dozen gods delighting in Alex’s doom finally coming to pass.

  But he paid those bastards no mind. For all that his flesh was filled with terrible, unending cold, it was no different than the icy liquid nitrogen bath which had embraced his body for countless forgotten years.

  The frightened Gold’s eyes, wide with terror, caustic flames finally extinguished in the coldest river of all, filled Alex with all the fierce hot warmth he needed to wrap his hands around the frantic cultivator’s neck and squeeze.

  You are now grappling with your opponent! Soul Sight counters opponent’s advanced martial techniques! Physical stats have now been mirrored as your opponent’s body reflects your own! Rank 7 White Crane plus Rank 6 Silver Swan Trumps 5 Ranks of Copper Phoenix, and 1 Rank of Silver Flame!

  River of Souls is now up to your thighs! You have forced your opponent off his feet with a Spring Hip Throw!

  Your opponent is now fully submerged in the River of Souls!

  Water of Death and Rebirth trumps Golden Flame!

  Your foe has slipped free of his mortal coil!

  Alex gasped as the roaring river continued to rise, now suddenly up to his waist.

  But the icy chill was an incredibly welcome relief, compared to the sudden cessation of unending flame.

  And shocked as he was, he didn’t for a second let go of his grip upon the now confused-looking soul that had been Bingwen in his prime, countless years ago.

  A soul now fully submerged, wanting nothing more to do with this life, desperate to break free of Alex’s merciless grip and start life anew, all mortal power and memory forgotten, save for whatever wisps of wisdom would guide his soul in the next life.

  “I don’t care how innocent you look as a youth my age, memory wiped clean. I remember what you did, you fucking psychopath!”

  Alex flashed a fierce, feral grin, eyes alighting upon the prize that now blazed so brightly in his mind’s eye, his right arm shimmering like a thousand stars in a moonless sky.

  “News flash, Bingwen. Your reign of terror is at an end, in this life and every other!”

  With those words, Alex plunged his hand into his foe’s chest, clasping the brilliant Golden soul stone within.

  On some level he could sense the wailing spirit’s screams, the panicked cries of a thousand future lives begging for mercy, pleading for Alex to unhand that most precious part of their soul.

  Alex could even hear the howls of furious outrage from the gods impossibly high above, glaring down as Alex embraced blasphemy the likes of which perhaps only Panheu had dared in countless centuries.

  “We beg of you, don’t do this! Please!” The final desperate words of young idealists, proud men, and countless scores of cultivators through countless millennium, joined together in that single terrible moment, making one last plea.

  Heart hammering with the inescapable finality of his own actions, Alex made his terrible choice as the River of Souls roared and flooded over all embankments, up to his neck and beyond.

  You have successfully struck with Spirit Crane Strike!

  Willpower check made!

  Saving throw versus Oblivion made!

  You have successfully seized Golden Soul Stone!

  The power and potency of countless future Golden incarnations is now yours to use to fuel your final life!

  Spirit Crane Strike is now Rank 2! Freely claim the power and potency of any spirit pearl up to two full grades beyond your own without risk of oblivion!

  Do you wish to claim the potency of this pearl?

  Warning! Your divine storage ring has suffered Severe Damage! You must claim potency immediately, or potential will be forever lost!

  You have chosen Yes!

  Antagonist bonuses in effect! Self-refining bonuses in effect! You are presently submerged in the River of Souls! Saving throw versus Eternal Damnation made!

  Congratulations! Qi Absorption is now Rank 4!

  Alex shrieked as his mind was flooded with inconceivable power, roaring through him much like his enemy’s spiritual fire had, just moments before.

  Had Alex not already known what it meant to be near the bursting point with a foe’s unlimited potential, had his nerves not already been forged in the crucible of unending pain, he surely would have perished.

  But this was agony he had been all but made to endure.

  So when he shrieked, it was with a furious howl of triumph as he dared to submerge himself fully in the now-boiling River of Souls.

  Reforging his existence in the middle of his promised doom, using the deadly waters that would one day destroy him to keep his bubbling and boiling flesh alive as he forged not one but two more triple-state Divine cords of power, his very soul now shimmering with the same mad brilliance as WiFu’s laughing gaze, applauding Alex’s sheer mad audacity in a divine palace filled with roaring gods pounding the world so hard that volcanoes erupted and the land and seas shook and flooded with their rage.

  You have forged two new Divine cords! Congratulations! You are now a Rank 3 Divine Bronze cultivator!

  Alex’s eyes blazed with intensity, the fierce triumph of a gamer embracing the sweetest of builds sure to crush his enemies more than worth the aching back and sore wrists of an all-night grind session, or the howling cries of every cell in his body forced to s
urvive on the sweet, rich Dark Qi of the Netherworld, happy to cheat death once more as Eternal Fox kept even the river’s dark doom at bay for however brief a time, and so sweet was the power now coursing through his frame that he could almost ignore the pain as he reforged peripheral cords not just stronger than ever before, but stronger than any mortal cultivator could possibly hope to forge.

  Because at this point, he was determined to break every rule he could.

  He didn’t care if only his physical attributes had been able to transcend to Bronze.

  He already knew their underlying value. 15 had morphed to one step away from Bronze. Four free points given. So why the hell couldn’t his spiritual attributes also shatter that barrier if he pushed them all the way to 20, one point at a time?

  And sure enough, as he flooded four of his twelve total points into the stat he was desperate to increase above all others, his mind and body blazed with a flood of new peripheral connections stronger and more resilient than ever before, having broken through to Rank 1 Bronze in Qi reserves the hard way.

  Alex flashed a manic grin as he forced his throbbing skull back above the boiling waters, breathing deep and howling his triumph.

  But he wasn’t done, not by far.

  He had bent the rules. He knew that, somehow.

  Now, to shatter them entirely.

  For all that it was two points per rank after Bronze 1, each rank was worth five points.

  And Alex, mind flashing back to unorthodox builds of seemingly underpowered warriors who chained so many spiritual attacks that his opponents couldn’t launch a single strike before Alex wore them down to dust, knew well the advantage of twisting the rules in his favor. Just one more unorthodox solo build that would get him laughed out of raids or PuGs, but had served him well in countless PvP battles.

  And this mad realm was nothing but PvP, as far as Alex was concerned.

  At that moment, he didn’t give a flying crap if he was defying the ideal Ogre Warrior’s build. He would be a body cultivator with the spiritual energy of a wujen or Silver Naga, chaining even Black Swan, his deadliest attack, until his foes were obliterated, even if his Speed and Quickness were still a comparatively humble Bronze Rank 1.


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