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Fate and Fury

Page 31

by Quinn Loftis

  Decebel had rolled his eyes and said loud enough for everyone to hear “We’ll be lucky if they make it to their bedroom.” This only caused Sally to blush even more.

  “The three gifts I have brought for my beloved,” Costin smiled as he held out a box wrapped in shimmering silver paper. Sally took it and unwrapped it slowly. Costin took a step closer to her and watched as she opened the box. Inside were three items. The first was an ancient looking book bearing no title.

  “Peri and I did some digging into the history of the gypsies and, with Wadim’s help, we found your lineage. That book,” he motioned to it, “is the story of your ancestors.” Sally’s mouth dropped open as she stared at the book. So many questions of how she came to be a gypsy healer, and the answers might lie right before her, because of him. “Thank you,” she told him, but knew that she could never express her gratitude in a way that was worthy.

  “Oh, yes you can brown eyes,” He winked at her. Sally laughed as she looked back in the box.

  There were two other items. The second was another book. This one was leather bound and when she flipped it, open she saw that the pages were blank. She looked up at him. “It’s blank.”

  “It will be our story, our history. You and I together, will fill the pages with the legacy that we bring to our people. One day our children will read it and see what amazing things we experienced, trials we overcame, and most importantly, the love their parents had for one another, a love that nothing and no one can come between.”

  Tears streamed down Sally’s face as she held the book to her chest. It was the most touching, thoughtful gift anyone had ever given her.

  “And, the third gift,” Costin said as he reached into the box and pulled out a much smaller box. He opened it and held it out for Sally. She gasped and nearly dropped the journal. In the box lay a locket. A locket that she knew had been in her family for generations. She’d seen her mom wearing it before. Now, that she stared at it, the piece of jewelry took on a whole new meaning. Strange symbols adorned the outside of the locket, symbols that she had often wondered about in the past. Sally, now understood, that the markings were gypsy runes. She pulled it out and opened it and there inside was a picture of Costin and Sally. She looked up at him. “How did you get this?”

  Costin grinned and that wicked dimple flashed. “Your mother likes me.”

  Sally’s eyes widened. “You told my mom we were getting married?”

  Costin's smile widened, “Sure. I just didn’t say when.”

  Sally made a sound that was half groan, half sigh of relief. Costin took the locket and walked around her. She started to move her hair, but the growl from Costin made her freeze. He positioned her so that her back wasn’t visible to any one and then moved her hair over her shoulder. He wrapped the locket around her neck and clasped the ends. Before he pulled her hair back over her shoulder he ran his finger lightly down her spine and chuckled when she shivered.

  Vasile cleared his throat and brought their attention back to him.

  “Costin has informed me that he wishes to say his vows in private,” he said to the audience.

  Costin nodded.

  “Okay, then I will simply ask, do you take Sally to be your wife.”

  Costin smiled. “Definitely.”

  “Sally, do you take Costin to be your husband?”

  Sally shook her head, and then laughed at Costin’s frown.

  “Yes,” she finally said, “yes, definitely.”

  “I pronounce you man and wife; you may kiss your bride.” Vasile smiled at the couple.

  Costin cupped Sally’s face and pulled her to him. She stood on her tippy toes as he kissed her deeply. She wrapped her arms around him and sighed into his strong hold.

  A throat clearing had them pulling a part. Costin grinned at her. “Wanted to make sure it sticks.”

  Sally shook her head. “The kiss isn’t what makes us married.”

  Costin’s eyebrows rose. “Oh, what does make us married?”

  Decebel groaned. “Get a room already!”

  Costin swept Sally up in his arms and she squealed. He strode quickly past the others while Jen yelled at his back. “Details Sally, I want details! Take notes if you have to!”

  “Are you needing pointers?” Jacque asked her.

  “Psht, girl, please. You think I got like this,” Jen pointed to the small hump in her belly, “if I needed pointers?”

  Jacque raised a brow at her friend, as she stared at her stomach. “Too true, you have got the whole mating thing down to an art.”

  “Oh and what a beautiful art form it is,” Jen grinned at her mate.

  Decebel growled, he grabbed her hand, and waved to Fane and Jacque. “My female and I have art to make.” He tugged a giggling Jen after him.

  Jacque looked over at Fane who had an amused look on his face. She smiled up at him and he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close.

  “I suppose you want to talk,” he told her.

  “I always knew you were a bright one,” Jacque took his hand and pulled him forward. “Night, Vasile and Alina,” she hollered over her shoulder.

  “Do we at least get to make art first?” Fane asked. He turned those glowing eyes on her and it made it very difficult to hold her ground.

  But she did. “Nope. You’ve been holding out on me.”

  Fane groaned. “That means what I think it does, doesn’t it?”

  “Like I said, I always knew you were a bright one.”


  Costin led Sally from the bathroom, into the bedroom, and then over to their bed. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. She wore a black nightgown that barely came to the top of her thighs. It was cut low in the front and nearly non-existent in the back, which allowed him to see the marks on her soft skin that matched his own. He turned her to look at him and smiled when she blushed. She reached up and started unbuttoning his shirt with shaking fingers.

  “Shh,” he murmured, as he slowed her hands down. “We have all night love and, personally, I plan to make the most of every minute.”

  “You’re not helping calm me, if that was your plan,” she teased.

  He leaned down and pressed a kiss to her forehead, breathing in her scent at the same time. Costin groaned as the desire of his mate hit his nose. His head fell back as he fought his own desire to keep from rushing her or worse, scaring her. He opened his eyes and pulled his head back down to look at her. She stared up at him with such love that it nearly drove him to his knees.

  “Are you nervous?” Sally asked him.

  Costin smiled at his mate, his wife. He took in her long, brown locks, her large expressive eyes, and her beautiful smile. She was amazing, and she was his.

  “Of course, I think that’s normal,” he admitted.

  “Why?” She asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, why are you nervous? I mean look at you, Costin. You have the physique of a freaking Calvin Klein model, you're more handsome than any man I have ever seen and you have a dimple that could give most girls ammunition for years of fantasies.”

  Costin laughed and shook his head at her. “I’m nervous, because I have the most amazing woman as my mate and she deserves the best, the best of everything, even the best first experience making love. Can’t you see how that would make me nervous? If you wake up tomorrow and you regret tonight it will be because I didn’t give you what you need, and that is one of the scariest things for any man to face. The idea that he can’t be what his female wants and needs.”

  Sally started to speak, but Costin stopped her with a finger to her lips. “This is important, I need you to hear.” She nodded and he took his finger away, but rested his hand on her neck. “There are so many things that are important in a mating, a marriage; communication, respect, love, and even the physical aspect of it. I need to know that I am doing everything I can in each of those areas to make you feel loved, cherished, and adored. You need to know that you are the only woman I want
. You’re the only woman I desire, the only woman who makes me feel like the man I want to be. I’m nervous, because tonight is the first time of many that we will share in something so important and precious. I need you to feel all of these things by the way I love you tonight.”

  Sally blushed. She didn’t know what to say to him. Her mind was reeling at all the things he had said and she just wanted to throw herself in his arms and scream do it already. She nearly laughed out loud at herself. She wondered what he would say if she did just that. She looked into his eyes and could see the earnest need for approval there. He truly wanted to please her, wanted her to know just how precious she was to him.

  “If you aren’t ready, Sally, we can wait. I won’t rush you.” Sally knew that he meant every word. He would wait for her forever if she asked.

  “Costin,” Sally huffed, “we did the Blood Rites. I wear your markings and your bite and now I’m your wife, what else am I waiting for?”

  Costin grinned. “Those things are all true, but you are still young, and I am still the first guy you have ever been intimate with. I will completely understand if you want to move slowly.”

  Sally tapped her lips with her finger and Costin could see the mischief dancing in her eyes. “Slow is good I’m sure, but according to Jen sometimes a little rough is just as necessary.”

  Costin coughed, trying to swallow. Sally’s face turned bright red and she laughed. She couldn’t believe she had just said that. Well, that wasn’t entirely true, it didn’t totally surprise her. She had lived through a hellish evil spell, helped kill a witch, and fought an evil hoard of demons, saved a Warlock King, and brought a powerful Alpha back to life, so joking about sex with her mate and husband really was a piece of cake at this point.

  “Sally mine,” Costin’s voice dropped low and caressed her skin. She shivered as she felt his fingers begin to skim across her calf and up to her thigh. He tapped her hip playfully as he grinned wickedly, “rough you say?” She squealed as he flipped her on her back. One second his hand was on her hip, teasing, and the next he was over her. Sally’s breathing increased, as she stared up into glowing, hazel eyes. Costin’s unique scent wrapped around her drawing, her closer to him. She growled at him and nipped his shoulder. He chuckled at the surprise and longing he saw on her face.

  He kissed her deeply pulling her tight against him and when she shuddered, he tugged her bottom lip with his teeth. “Rough it is,” he whispered, hoarsely against her lips.


  “Every man makes mistakes. Every man faces times in their life when they would give anything for a do-over. Unfortunately, life doesn’t work that way. Once the mistake is made, the only thing left to do is deal with the consequences. That is when the measure of a man is made, when his character is revealed.” ~ Cypher

  Vasile sat in his office facing a group of solemn faces. He had called this meeting of his closest men and of Decebel and his top four to discuss the new enemy that had risen, just as Mona had fallen.

  “Has anyone ever heard of this man cloaked in smoke with yellow eyes?” Decebel looked over at Wadim.

  “I know you might think that I know it all, because I’m the historian, but I got nothing on this one.” He threw his hands up in the air and let them fall to his thighs.

  Vasile let out an exasperated breath. He had been wracking his brain, trying to remember where he had seen those yellow eyes. It had been a very long time, but he was sure that he had met the man at one point in his long life.

  “Whoever he is, he is deadly,” Costin said, from where he leaned against the wall, his bartending towel tossed casually over his shoulder. He had been at the bar working when Vasile had called and hadn’t bothered to set it down.

  “He is deadlier and more dangerous than you can possibly know.” A deep voice rumbled from behind them. They all turned to see Cypher standing in the door. He still looked weak. He was, however, finally walking on his own strength.

  “Please, come in Cypher,” Vasile motioned for him to take a seat among them.

  “You know him?” Sorin spoke up.

  Cypher nodded. “He is Reyaz, my brother.”


  Decebel lay next to his mate, watching her sleep. Her face was relaxed and peaceful, no lines of worry, no pain danced in her eyes. He gently rubbed her stomach where their baby was nestled safe and growing. Every day was one day closer to her birth, one day closer to the promise the Fates had made to take her from them. In all the chaos of the past weeks, they had not had much time to think about the impending birth. In the few quiet moments they'd had, they spent them talking of a future that might never come, but they refused to acknowledge that possibility.

  Decebel had a made a decision that he knew Jennifer would not like, but he did not know what other options he had. He kissed her gently on the forehead and then quietly rose from their bed.

  Once in the quiet garden he closed his eyes and knelt to the ground.

  “I request an audience with you Great Luna. It is of great importance and I beg of your help.”

  “You need not beg child,” her voice spread warmth into the cool room and Decebel felt a hand urge him to stand. “I have told you that all you need do is ask and I will answer.”

  Decebel met her eyes and he clenched his jaw, determined to get the words out without breaking down. “My mate is with child and the Fates have determined that her life is the debt that will be paid for Jennifer’s life being spared.”

  He watched as she took his words in. She had known what the Fates had decreed and she had chosen to wait to see how Decebel and Jennifer would respond.

  “What is it you ask of me?”

  “I want to take her place. She is an innocent, her life is not supposed to end. I have lived a very long time. I have been blessed to have found my true mate and it is only right that I should die before my child.”

  The Great Luna’s eyes softened, “And, what would your mate say about this?”

  “Jennifer will survive losing me if you will break the bond between us. I do not believe she could survive losing our child.” Decebel told her, honestly.

  “Don’t you think it should be her choice?”

  “I cannot ask her to choose between me and our child; that isn’t fair. I have always told her I would protect her from anything, even herself.”

  “This is truly what you want?” She stepped towards him and placed a hand over his heart.

  “Yes, if it is the only way to save her life, it is what I want.”

  The Great Luna nodded. “So be it.”

  And, then she was gone.

  Decebel fell to his knees as he felt his heart tear in two. His body shook with his grief and his wolf cried out for their mate. He kept the bond closed, not wanting to wake her. And, in the quiet of the garden he reached for the darkness that had tormented him for so long, for it was only in the darkness that he would be able to hide his shattered soul. He cried out for his love, for the woman who had saved him and brought meaning to his life once again. He prayed that she would be able to forgive him and that one day they might be united once again. He vowed that until the moment that the Fates sucked the life from his body, he would treasure every second he had with her.

  He stood and shook off as much of the pain as he could. And, with final resolve, he turned and went back to his love, enveloped her in his arms and whispered three words in her ear.

  “Please forgive me.”


  Sally lay contentedly in Costin’s arms hours later. She could hear his heart beating where her head was pressed against his chest and she found comfort in the steady rhythm. After so many dangers they had faced, so many ugly things that had been thrown at them, now she lay in the arms of her mate and it was beautiful.

  “You are beautiful,” he whispered.

  “Are you listening to my thoughts?” She asked with a grin.

  “Always,” Costin squeezed are affectionately. “Are you alright?” His words were soft and she hear
d the apprehension in his voice.

  She pushed herself up on her arm so she could look him in the eyes.

  “I’m better than alright, Costin.”

  “I love you,” he told her as he reached up his hand and caressed her face.

  “Thank you.” Sally’s head tilted to the side as she looked down at him, her eyes narrowed thoughtfully. “Hey, we never said our vows.”

  Costin grinned mischievously, he kissed her neck and then looked back up at her.

  “Do you remember me whispering in your ear tonight or the words I sent you through our bond?” He asked her.

  Sally nodded.

  “You are the air I breathe, the food I eat, the water that quenches my thirst, Sally mine. You are what I have waited for, what I have so desperately needed and what I could never deserve. Every whispered promise, every confession, every longing, hope and dream I have shared with you this night, those are my vows to you my love. All you need know is that I am yours, unequivocally and you are mine.”

  Sally stared into the eyes of the man she loved, the man who was more than a man and more than anything she ever imagined she could have. She saw every thought that coincided with his words, felt every emotion as intensely as he did and she found joy in the love that he held for her. She was his, no matter what new evil they would face, no matter the trials, the triumphs or the fury that would come knocking at their door. She was his and he was hers, fate had destined them and loved had bonded them.

  More books by Quinn Loftis

  The Grey Wolves Series:

  Prince of Wolves


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