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Endless Online: Oblivion's Promise

Page 27

by M. H. Johnson

  Val noted that the traffic was decreasing as they continued down the vast corridor, individuals in dark blue uniforms with a certain degree of self-importance to their gazes were now the norm, at least a few so bold as to nod the inquisitor's way, one even daring to question Adolf's injuries. Adolf's answering glare soon put the man to rights, however, and they were disturbed no further until they came before the entrance to what Val assumed was the heart of the ship.

  Two guards in jet black armor saluted as a jaded looking man in a blue uniform gazed up from his monitor. Val frowned, sensing a subtle potency about the man. "Inquisitor Adolf Mordingi. Our master has not summoned you. How may I be of assistance?"

  Adolf seemed utterly inured to the man's jaded gaze. "I have immediate business with our master that cannot wait, Estof. If he judges my news unfit, he may do with me as he likes."

  The officer known as Estof flashed a pale smile. "Our master is free to do whatever he likes with us at any time. That still does not answer the question, Adolf. I know you entered via an unregistered ship and refused to state your purpose to the officer on duty. Very well. That is your right, and I won't gainsay it. But you will answer to me, as is my right, unless you wish to challenge me?"

  Estof smiled and stepped back from his monitor, flipping open his blue cloak, forceshield hilt and psiblade clearly in evidence.

  Not just another officer, but a Darklord as well, Val noted. No wonder he seemed so at ease with the inquisitor before him.

  Estof frowned, attempting to gaze behind Adolf for a moment before turning back to his target. Val could taste the intensity of the man's gaze wash over and past him, so very like Elise's own.

  Adolf chuckled. "So you wish to challenge me for the Overlord's favor? Jealous of my status, tired of all your revered talents being reduced to doorman for our master? I can imagine how such a job would wear on one after awhile."

  Estof's gaze hardened. "It's your choice, Adolf. As an inquisitor, you already have plenty of experience in ferreting out secrets others would rather keep hidden. No doubt you will find yourself quite suited for this job, once I lop off one of your legs." He flashed a cold smile. "In the time it takes for you to fully regenerate, you will be fully acclimatized to your new post, I am sure."

  Adolf grimaced and shook his head before a whisper of air caressed his still intact ear.

  Adolf swallowed. "Very well, Estof. I will tell you. But send the pair of guards away, lest you'd have them killed for no reason."

  Estof's brows raised. He gave a slow nod. "Intriguing." He turned to the pair of guards standing at attention, pretending not to be listening in. "Both of you. You are dismissed. You may return in thirty minute's time."

  "But sir," said one, before the other abruptly stomped on his foot, saying "yes sir!" then grabbing his partner and dragging him away.

  Estof's gray eyes peered intently at Adolf. "Explain."

  Adolf swallowed. "The Dauda clan knows."

  Estof paled.

  "They know everything!"

  "Impossible," Estof hissed.

  "Inevitable," Val replied, having flown behind the man in a heartbeat, his crackling Psiblade the only warning his distracted opponent had before Val cleaved his hand off.

  Ego Crush successfully resisted!

  Estof shrieked and lurched back. Even Adolf grimaced and stumbled back as the pale-faced psionicist let loose with a panicked blast of Psion energies. A horrid wave of agony and fury, washing harmlessly though the space where Val's form would be.

  The shaking man fell to his knees, keening, one hand desperately staunching the flow of blood streaming from his mangled wrist before being slammed to the ground, a quick tug and forceshield and Psiblade both were torn free, Val needing only a heartbeat to send both Valorium laced artifacts into his pocket dimension, taking up grid spaces close to his second Psiblade and Elementium stores.

  Val frowned, sensing that the fragile artifacts would be inoperable once he removed them, thus he could not expect to pull Psiblades out of storage and use it immediately. They would have to be reset with his True Artifice skill first. It would take precious moments, but Val could feel how the node had been jarred off alignment, and how simple the fix would be.

  And an instant later he was back in the moment, flowing behind a stunned Adolf gazing down at a screaming Estof once more, sensing the sudden alarm from the chamber beyond.

  "Get moving. Tell Estof he will announce us. Only then do I give him permission to collapse."

  The inquisitor gulped. "Yes, Lord Dauda," he whispered, before turning to Estof, still trembling and staring vacantly at the spurting stump of his wrist. "I told you this was of utmost importance," Adolf snapped. "This is what you get for your surly obstruction! Now rise like a man and announce us!"

  "He cleaved off my hand." Desperate eyes pled with a pitiless Adolf. "He cleaved off my hand!"

  "Yes, you fool. We can all plainly see that. Unless you wish the representative to do worse, you will announce us. Now."

  Voice a sobbing keen, Estof nonetheless forced himself to his feet, left hand clenching tightly upon his spurting wrist, all but racing inside.

  Adolf followed, standing tall and imperious, but a second behind.

  Val blinked, taking it all in as he entered. The massive chamber was filled with exotic decoration and ornamentation. Exquisitely cut glass and crystals shimmering with a thousand lights caught the eyes wherever one looked. Dozens of well dressed men and women were in the center of the chamber, several individuals playing musical instruments in a haunting melody ensconced in a discrete alcove. And at the center of it all, taking his ease upon a raised throne of rubies and gold, was a giant of a man who could only be Overlord Tytus himself.

  Even cloaked in Shadow, Val could sense the raw potency radiating from the figure. He wore a cloak of shimmering blackness, much like Val's own. His skull was shaved bare, crimson eyes taking in everything, the faintest smile upon his lips. His focus instantly locked upon the trembling Estof, his bloody appearance like a bow wave in the festivities, everyone's attention immediately locking upon him and Adolf as the pair made their way to the grand dais before dropping to their knees.

  Estof took a trembling breath and spoke. "Great and terrible Overlord, I bring news of significance. I pray you will grant me private council."

  The imposing figure he kneeled before flashed a cold grin. "No need." Tytus turned to the crowd, his gaze coldly examining each of his guests, all paling and bowing when they felt the weight of his gaze. "All here are in my confidence, bound by Psionic Oath to never betray me. And should any dare, they know exactly where they are destined to spend eternity."

  His eyes then fastened upon a massive jar filled with bilious fluorescent green fluid set in the farmost corner of the room, dozens of heads floating within. Even cloaked as he was, Val could feel the waves of agony and horror emanating from that vessel, could taste the pain associated with those madly blinking eyes, mouths forever screaming in eternal agony. So very like Solena's own container, save for being far more massive.

  As if Val's stray thought had been a summons, Solena herself emerged from the crowd, dressed in an elegant evening gown hugging voluptuous curves as sensually as any man could desire. A slit up her thigh revealed creamy flesh, and assured her garment hindered her movements not at all. She was every inch the seductress and Highlord both. Psiblade and forceshield were fastened to a shimmering belt over curved hips, her hair piled up in a cascade of honey-gold curls, crimson lips curving into a bemused smile as she stood over a trembling Estof, shaking her head in mock pity.

  "Dear Estof, is manning the door truly so difficult that you lost your hand over it? I knew we were expecting too much of you, seeing as how you botched every other mission of import you were ever assigned."

  Estof gasped, his eyes bulging with outrage. "You lying whore! You stole credit for all my work on Earth. Stole credit while framing me for your failures!"

  The sudden hiss of a Psiblade being
activated hummed through the air. Solena's mocking smile turning to a glare of icy hate. "You will take back those words forevermore, or you will accept challenge this instant."

  Estof gazed at her incredulously. "Are you mad? My hand was just cleaved off!"

  Solena's cold glare became a twisted smile. "You should have thought of that before you gave insult, worm. Accept challenge, or forever concede that your words are scurrilous slander, and you have only yourself to blame for your failures on Earth."

  Estof glare was one of ice cold hate. "You think I don't know what you're doing? That's why you taunt me now, in my moment of weakness!"

  Solena's blade lashed through the air, stopping but an inch from a suddenly shaking Estof's skull. "Concede or die."

  Estof shook his head in frustrated fury. "Fine!" He spat. "Let the records show that my words are scurrilous slander. All Earthbound glory is yours and all folly is mine. I furthermore concede that even the Chicago disaster was absolutely and utterly my fault, for all that you were the only Psilord present, and my confession has absolutely nothing to do with you giving challenge seconds after my hand was cleaved off!"

  Solena's blade fizzled out. She leaned back, a smug smile upon her features. "Very good, worm. I'm glad you're finally able to accept your many failures. Now, tell us what act of idiocy is responsible for you interrupting our celebration? You know where your place is, Estof. And it certainly isn't here, among your betters!"

  Estof's frustration immediately stilled as dread took its place. He ignored Solena entirely, prostrating himself before the coldly smiling Overlord.

  "A representative from the Dauda clan is here to see you, Your Eminence."

  The room grew deathly still. All eyes turning to Estof and Adolf in shock, the Highlord's gaze blazing like fire. Val could feel his potency washing over the room entire, Val instinctively coalescing his sense of self behind Adolf even as fierce winds of hyper-alertness tore at his hair and skin, his core remaining undetected.

  The Overlord senses that something is amiss! Test of Skills - Shadowmind successful!

  The giant of a man glared at a suddenly terrified Estof. "Tell me what you know. Then leave."

  "Yes, Your Eminence! Inquisitor Mordingi approached, demanding entrance. I asked him to explain the nature of his interruption, at which point he mentioned the Dauda Clan. Then, before I could ascertain the nature of this claim, my hand was cut off, my Psiblade and shield stolen!"

  The Overlord's brows furrowed. "Explain how your hand was cut off."

  Estof blinked. "I didn't see the attacker, Your Eminence. Perhaps a momentary dimming, then the flash of his weapon and pain that burns through me, even now! No challenge was given. It was no honorable duel."

  The giant of a man smirked. "He defanged and disarmed you faster than you could react, and you have no clue what the man even looks like. I believe that is proof enough of the Dauda Clan." His gaze hardened. "You were bested twice, in the arenas of mind and body alike, this day. Do not fail me again, or I might find that you serve far better as a deterrence for failure than as any sort of tool in my arsenal." He glanced meaningfully at the vat of horror and death casually out for display. "Now report to the infirmary, and do not return until you are confident that you can do your job, knowing now the true price of failure."

  Estof blanched and trembled, nodding his head frantically. "Yes, Your Eminence. Right away."

  He then hurried as fast as his feet could take him back through the crowd that was all smiles and gossip, as if enjoying the show.

  Solena turned to Adolf, flashing a brilliant smile. "Well, Adolf? Aren't you going to introduce us to our guest? The accords do hold. I am sure that our master will let disciplining Estof go as an amusing diversion. No breach acknowledged. Our Dauda brother is free to enjoy the festivities, and share whatever is on his mind."

  The Overlord nodded. "You are correct. Our Dauda friends are more than welcome to join us, accords untainted by frivolity. I would see our guest myself, and I expect you to assure that he is appropriately indulged in all ways, Solena."

  She turned and bowed low before the Overlord. "As you wish, my master."

  Val shivered, somehow tasting the truth of the statement. So long as he did not strike and they thought him Dauda, they would not attack. And he needed to reveal himself at least somewhat, if he was to do what needed doing.

  Taking a deep breath in concentration, Val felt his physical self somehow materialize from shadow, even as his mind continued to resonate within the vast emptiness of frigid space just beyond the pressurized hull.

  More than one guest gasped in shock, the Overlord himself peering at Val with a curious frown, Val still careful to lock eyes with no one, feeling waves of perception wash over and through him.

  Solena's eyes widened with surprised disbelief, lurching back before a bemused grin caressed her features. She, more than anyone else, tried to meet Val's cold stare with her entrancing gaze.

  Adolf trembled before a suddenly manifest Val. "This is he, Your Eminence. He wishes to speak to you regarding Earth, and his clan's role in... providing assistance."

  Solena began to laugh. "Is that what you think, Adolf? Even as you shake and tremble like a leaf? Don't tell me dear Valor has disarmed you as well? Oh sweet serendipity, you are a fool!"

  The Overlord frowned. "Explain yourself, Solena."

  Solena smirked at Val before bowing low, facing her master once more. "His name is Valor Hunter. He is no Dauda assassin. He represents no great power or threat. He's just a boy who escaped from our newest acquisition! Admittedly, a very clever boy, who has done a wonderful job at revealing fools within our midst."

  Adolf's gaze widened. "Impossible. He is a potency. I could feel it! He oathbound me. How could he possibly be just... chattel?"

  Solena trilled cruel laughter. "Ancestor's mercy, you are a fool, Adolf! Are you sure he bound you? It wasn't panicked fear from a very clever boy very good at sneaking, who had a knife behind your back before you knew it? What did he say, 'poof, you're bound?' Did he whisper odd, arcane sounding words, or dire threats that caused you to shit yourself with fear? Are you truly that pathetic? He was a drone-head, even on Earth! A 'gamer,' as they call themselves. Losing his mind along with his friends in worlds of fantasy, priming their psyches to be our slaves far more perfectly than we could possibly have hoped! The boy was actually one of our harvests!"

  Her mocking laughter turned to a cold sneer. "You are an utter fool, Adolf. A pathetic excuse for an Inquisitor. This child outbluffed and outfoxed you. Mere chattel bested you at your own game!"

  Adolf gasped. "No! No, that's impossible!" He turned to Val, snarling with sudden fury. "You vile little imbecile! You think to make a fool out of me? How dare you. How dare you! I will have your head in a vat for this, see if I don't!" He immediately turned to the Overlord, falling to one knee. "Your Eminence, I have excellent news. I have successfully found and captured Elise Highblood! She thought to hide among a band of prospecting outlaws, where this boy was found as well."

  Greater Oath broken! You are now free to catalyze disharmonization. Proceed?

  Val felt a sudden cascade of resonating fields, holding tight to a nexus of ever-increasing oscillations. He sensed that he could squeeze so tight they canceled themselves utterly, or release his hold. In that moment, he had a choice. Gazing at the rapidly gesticulating Adolf, Val made it.

  A hideous scream cut through the din. Adolf's eyes opened wide, his monologue cut off by a flood of vomit. He began to writhe, clawing desperately at his throat, crimson streamers now trickling from his ears and nose, bleeding from every pour. Collapsing in a pool of his own blood, he twisted around, his face a mask of horrific desperation as he squeezed out a single desperate gurgle, one trembling hand raised toward a pitiless Val.

  "You gave me your word. You broke it. This is the price you pay."

  A final desperate mew and Adolf was lost in his death throws, blood now spraying from every orifice. His spasms grew i
ncreasingly frantic, back arching hideously before an abrupt crack could be heard. Adolf twisted in a horrific knot that squeezed itself ever tighter even as bones cracked and muscles ruptured themselves free of ligaments, bloody sinews laid bare, skin bursting under the pressure as a man in the extremis of unthinkable agony tore himself apart, muscle by muscle.

  And still he screamed. Screamed even as his body broke down into a shattered wreck of a man, screamed until he was silent at last, nothing more than a mound of shattered bone and twisted flesh.

  The room was now covered in a patina of brilliant crimson, a sharp contrast to the pristine white silks covering so many guests and the buffet table as well, everyone now utterly silent save for gobbets of blood and gore, dripping from where they had splattered.

  Solena chuckled throatily, clapping with warm approval, mad eyes bright with mirth. "Oh my dear Valor, how you do get around! What delightful tricks you have somehow picked up!"

  The Highlord frowned. "So this earthling has mastered both Shadowmind and Greater Oathbinding? Explain yourself, Solena."

  Solena blinked, growing pale, immediately flowing into an elegant curtsy. "Of course, Your Eminence. Valor Hunter was one of the first prospects we gathered when we began our harvests, seasons ago. He was the original anomaly we had reported."

  The giant slowly nodded. "The reason why we relocated our Chicago branch."

  Solena bowed her head. "As you say, Your Eminence."

  "My understanding, Solena, was that he dared the rift before it had been fully catalyzed, without collar or psionic link. He should have been reduced to quantum flux. Explain to me how he is somehow before us, with the skills of a Dauda and a Psiblade at his hip."

  Solena flashed a sensual smile. "I am intrigued as well, Your Eminence. But don't worry. I am sure I can coax my prize to reveal all his delicious secrets, even as I share my own." Her voice had fallen to a sensual whisper, cherry red lips flowing into a teasing smile. "Isn't that right, Valor Hunter? You didn't just come here by chance, did you, my sweet? You could sense your mistress, and you hungered for her. Just as she hungers for you. You did well, my pet. Now it is time to put away your toys and submit to my will. Submit, Valor, to the eternal rapture you so desperately crave."


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