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The Broken Academy 2 : Power of Magic

Page 22

by Jade Alters

  “It’s amazing what a little…human fruit punch can do for you,” Darius grunts as the hole through his ribs seals itself before my eyes. I put my arms around him and turn him around, to shield him like he did me. I have no idea if my trick will be strong enough to keep us from the combined might of Horace and Deliah’s trick. They join one hand together and put the other out at us. I wrap us in a glassy cloak of protection.

  Before either of us has a chance to make a move, Helena steps past me. She throws both arms out in front of her. From one of them spirals a tangible vortex of wind. From the other, she spits a stream of flame. Her dual forces of nature unite in front of her to form a red hot infernal tornado. It spirals out around Darius, Fey Deller and I. No one else on the lower floor of the Runic Gate chamber sees such mercy. Helana’s flame wind rips through clothes and flesh. Those who can’t shield themselves with magic are incinerated or otherwise melted instantly. The Council flees to the upper catwalks. Rock and Hoster rush in to pull Darius and me back from the carnage. The last I glimpse of Horace and Deliah is a portal opening beneath their feet.

  When Helena’s flame fizzles out, a spiral-shaped glow is left in the eyes of all who witnessed it. She deflates into my waiting arms behind her. All that’s left of the Kyrie now are a handful of surviving, petrified workers. Every one of them lays on the ground with their heads down, hoping to be spared.

  “Where…” Chief Botan pants as he reverts to his human form. “Where did they all go?”

  “I saw my mother and father jump through a portal!” I call up to him with the last bit of air in my lungs.

  “Did anyone see the others?” Dragonlord Thise calls out, wings folding behind her. No one speaks up. “Alright then…Reynold. Why don’t you and Emery restrain...the survivors. Do you have enough strength for that?” she asks us both.

  “Yes,” we both answer.

  “Good. Get to it, then,” Thise sighs. She swipes wisps of hair back with her own sweat as she looks to the other Council Members.

  “The rest of us should clear the Facility. Make sure the Kyrie is really gone and see what other kinds of sick experiments they were doing here,” Sorceress Lily suggests. Chief Botan makes his way to the edge of the railing. He looks down at his son, four students, and a traitor who started the fight against the Kyrie, as well as finished it.

  “Can you manage the survivors until we return?” the Chief asks. I look at my battered, exhausted companions. We each share the same granite glint of battle that still hasn’t left our eyes.

  “Shouldn’t be a problem,” I tell him.

  “Good,” says Sorceress Lily. “When we get back…we’re going to have to have a bit of a conversation.” Only once the Council leaves, minus Reynold, does Helena let slip the first sniffle.

  “You… All of you came back for me?” Helena whimpers.

  “Shut your damn mouth and don’t say a word more,” I tell her. She leans into me for the biggest hug I’ve ever given. I’m surprised to feel a second pair of arms wrap the both of us, Fey Deller’s, extended by little vines. “I’d come for you no matter where you were.”

  I let her go only when I’m forced to help Magister Reynold bind wrists together with a trick. We make sure to encase their fingers in it too, to prevent breaking the hold with magic. The work goes swimmingly, with Rock and Darius circling the room as a reminder not to move. Hoster stays by Helena’s side, to help her stand. Then, just when I think we’ve gotten the last one, the Magister motions for Darius.

  “Hey, what the hell is the idea?” Darius spits at Reynold when the trick tightens around his arms and ankles. I raise my hands to the Magister without thinking twice. He is in league with the Kyrie! I’m convinced, up until he raises both hands in surrender.

  “Hold your fire. Darius is still wanted by the Council for his cooperation with the Kyrie last term,” Reynold announces.

  “He just stood between you and them! You might be dead, if not for him!” I object.

  “And that will be reflected in his hearing! But we cannot just pardon crimes without one. Now more than ever, we must remain orderly. It would be all too easy for the Academy to descend into chaos with the Kyrie still out there and two Council members gone!” Reynold barks.

  “It’s fine, Emery. Let them try me,” Darius stops me from screaming again. I can hardly believe his words. Darius Jecks, standing down? Maybe there is some of the man I remember from my childhood left inside him. Maybe he’s been dug up by some recent experience I can’t place. Then Darius takes a few short, pathetic paces towards the Magister. Just close enough to hock a nice glop on his shoe. “Fuck you, off-brand santa.”

  “Yes, fuck you too,” Reynold returns, swiping his spit off with his other shoe.


  Epilogue: One Month Later


  The Broken Academy, Council of the Six

  I take a deep breath to give the worst part of my report. The only incriminating part, in the Council’s eyes. I could spin it like I was working with Serge, like I was really a double-agent of the Academy this whole time, spying on my family. But it’s time to start living a new way. A better way. The truth. The blue light of the Council Chamber’s central light shimmers up my face as I let it go.

  “I attended my studies here at the Academy under the instruction of my Mother. My objectives were to cast a trick on the Tethers and retrieve the traitor Darius Jecks. My family also considered him a traitor, even though they betrayed him by trying to have Cece kill him last term,” I explain.

  “That’s consistent with Cece’s report,” Dragonlord Thise whispers to the rest of the Council.

  “I was never informed why my parents needed the Tethers tampered with. I never got far enough to know what the trick was. After seeing the kind of manpower the Kyrie has at their disposal, I assume it was for purposes…of an invasion,” I tell them.

  “At what point did you decide, fully, to change sides?” Chief Botan asks.

  “At Point Arena,” I tell them the truth that sends a gasp across their tables. But they won’t trust me, really trust me, if I lie to them now. “Before that, my actions were solely to save Helena. When I saw the four of you fighting for the same thing at the Research Facility, while my parents tried to use her as a battery, I knew where my loyalty belonged.”

  “We appreciate your honesty,” Sorceress Lily admits. “Although this does mean further deliberation to see if your actions prior to Point Arena will have disciplinary consequences.”

  “I understand,” I say. The Council begins their assessment with silent glances to one another for a few idle seconds.

  “Very good,” Magister Reynold takes the helm. I can scarcely look at him without laughing anymore. Every time I do I hear Darius’ voice say, off-brand santa. “Then your hearing is done for now. You can return to class, or wherever you need to go for now. We’ll send for you when it’s time for a follow-up meeting.”

  “Alright,” I give them a little bow. I turn to go, then turn right back when I can’t shake the thought Magister Reynold put in my head. “Permit me one question?” Reynold turns for a nod from each of the other remaining four Council members.


  “Has there been any decision on the sentence of Darius Jecks?” I ask. A collective sigh rolls through the Council.

  “Not yet, I’m afraid, Emery. In light of what he did to aid us against the Kyrie, we should be able to be lenient on him. If only he would cooperate…” Reynold tells me.

  “I’ll talk to him,” I smile at the thought of it. Twice as feisty for being caged - yeah, that sounds like Darius. “Assuming my visitation rights haven’t changed.”

  “They haven’t,” Magister Reynold smiles back.

  “Thank you,” I offer them, before I leave the Council Chamber of the Six-down-two behind. But I have nowhere I need to be. Not today. Today, I go where I want. For the first time in my life, I don’t have such a hard time figuring out what that is. The absence of
Deliah’s voice in my head is a welcome sound, indeed.


  The Broken Academy D-Wing Courtyard

  “You did not call them by their first names,” Serge tries to poke back at me. We each have a half-wrapped Academy lunch-burger in our hands. A massive mound of fries sits between us on a tray.

  “Not only did I do that,” I tell him, “I said fuck to them.” Serge gasps, then crackles into hysteria.

  “I…I wish I’d have thought of that!” Serge heaves out between laughs. “Your rebellion story is totally better than mine.

  “I don’t know,” says Cece as she plops down with a burger of her own. “You had some good lines for your Dad. Remember how he said how dare you?” Cece’s imitation of Horace’s haughty tone is so spot on, even I can’t help but laugh.

  We chat and munch until Rock arrives, just a beat ahead of Hoster. Rock sits down first, like a child claiming the last spot in musical chairs. I roll my eyes when Hoster twitches back and even turns to leave without saying anything.

  “Hoster,” I call out to him. He winces all the way up until he faces us with an awkward smile.

  “Oh so-so-sorry, I didn’t realize your spot was already fu-”

  “You’re so full of shit,” Rock laughs. “Come sit down. You don’t have to leave just because I’m here.” Hoster creeps over like the ground is covered in glass shards. He plants his backside in the grass behind us. Rock is already on my left.

  Neither of them reaches for my leg or back, like they normally would if we were alone. Neither wants to hurt the other’s pride out in the open. I’m not sure if either of them realize I’ve slept with both of them since we returned. Both times happened so organically, and I haven’t thought of a way to tell either of them. First I have to decide which of them I want, now that I can. Or even Darius, perhaps…but there’s time to figure that all out. For now, I just sit back and try to take in the moment. My brother. His…woman. Two men after my heart. I let my head back and soak in the summer breeze, knowing I’ll have to go over it all with Fey Deller and Helena later.

  “Emery,” Cece breaks the silence, which was painfully awkward for just about everyone besides me. “Are you going to play Sealbreaker with us again next term?”

  “You want me to?” I marvel.

  “I sure as hell don’t want to deal with another new Disruptor on the team. At least I can rely on you annoying me,” Cece chuckles. Serge’s hand smacks into his forehead before my snort of laughter relieves him. Hoster and Rock take the opportunity to flush a few awkward laughs from their own systems, too. God, what a mess.

  “We’ll see what I feel like when the signups come around,” I wink at Cece.


  The Broken Academy, Room B-22

  “He just turned around and tried to walk away,” I tell Helena and Fey Deller. All three of us sit cross-legged on the floor, at Helena’s suggestion. She’s always wanted to do a “real girls’ night” as she called it. I’m not sure if the five-gallon tub of ice cream I stole from the cafeteria is exactly typical, but it sure feels right.

  “What did you say to him?” Helena asks.

  “I didn’t have a chance to say anything.” I wave my spoon at her. “Believe it or not, Rock invited him to come sit.”

  “Would this not suggest that Rock is consenting to an addition of partners to your relationship?” Fey Deller interjects. Helena and I chuckle to ourselves. She’s getting better, but she still has a long way to go.

  “It might seem like that’s suggested on the surface,” Helena tells her, “but sex and human men are rarely that simple.”

  “I believe the matter requires further investigation,” I tell Fey Deller.

  “As long as that means more review sessions with us,” Helena adds.

  “And this thing has nothing to do with it, right?” I kick the massive ice cream tub between us. About a third of it has been excavated by three hungry miners.

  “Hey. I’m showing up either way, but you bring one of these if you want me at my sharpest,” Helena warns me. I throw my head back and laugh.

  “Oh, I need you at your sharpest. Both of you. If I ever want to get to the bottom of my bizarre sexual mysteries, right?”

  “Damn straight,” Fey Deller says. Both my jaw and Helena’s drop halfway to the floor. “Was that…the proper usage?” she asks, when we lack response.

  “Ye-ye-yeah, you nailed it,” Helena tells her.

  “Nailed it?” Fey Deller asks. “What is that?” I cover my mouth to stop myself from laughing at her. We’ll get through eventually.

  We sit around the carpet in a dairy-induced comatose triangle for the next few hours. We prattle on about anything we can think of. Exactly the kind of activity my family would… No, I stop myself. I don’t need to think about what they would or would never do anymore. Not now. Not when the real battle against the Kyrie looms over us like a hurricane on the horizon.

  Now is the time to enjoy the choice I’ve never had. Now is the time for every kind of romance, for taking it easy on classes, for Sealbreaker pickup games and girls’ nights. I have to enjoy it now. Part of me already senses that it’ll be over before I know it.

  Power of Blood (Broken Academy III)

  Find out what’s happening next at the Broken Academy:

  Magician. Dragon. Demon.

  I have three lovers and roommates at the Broken Academy.

  Together we’ve joined the Academy Security Task Force.

  I thought I was prepared to take on the world.

  Little did I know that my personal life would come crashing down.

  Adding a vampire to my list of lovers wasn’t part of the plan.

  Bart has arrived.

  And he knows a secret that would decide the fate of the Academy.

  The stakes are high and I’ve got a decision to make.

  A decision so critical that it might lead to destruction.

  And if I’m not careful, then I may as well accept defeat now.

  [Power of Blood]

  (Find out what’s happening in Broken Academy III : Power of Blood)

  Power of Fire (Broken Academy I)

  If you haven’t read what happened during Year 1 at the Broken academy:

  An unforgivable accident tore my family apart.

  It wasn’t my fault.

  It was his.

  I’m a Dragon and I’m seeking revenge.

  But in order to do that,

  I need to control the wildfire within me.

  Joining the Broken Academy is the only way.

  Yes, this secret world is my only hope.

  And another Dragon, Lee, wants to help me.

  Along with the other men who now seem more like lovers than mere allies.

  It’s a romantic world in here.

  But I can’t stray away from my path.

  There’s a reason why I came here.


  The one who destroyed my family has to die.

  And I’m the one who’ll put him in his grave.

  [Power of Fire]

  Also by Jade Alters

  Other books in the Mates & Magic collection :

  The Sharing Spell

  The Spell’s Price

  Backfired Magic

  You might also be interested in some of my other collections :

  The Descendants

  Shared by the Four

  Desired by Four

  Fate of Three

  Fated Shifter Mates

  Mated to Team Shadow

  Mated to the Clan

  Mated to the Pack

  Protected by the Pack

  Claimed by the Pack



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