Book Read Free

The Neighbor

Page 5

by Gerri Hill

  She took another swallow of her beer, listening. There were no voices, only the occasional splash of water. Laura had half a mind to run upstairs to see who was in the pool, but she’d told herself she needed to stop spying on the neighbor. For one thing, it was extremely rude and, well…a little creepy. Besides, she didn’t really care what was going on next door. She was simply thankful the yard guys hadn’t come at seven yesterday morning. She frowned. In fact, they hadn’t come all week.

  She looked across the expanse of their own yard…lush green and trimmed to perfection. Thursday was mowing day for her. Friday was when she used the weed trimmer around the trees and fence, the sidewalk, and flowerbeds. The yard looked nice. Very nice, in fact. Her mother was thrilled by the transformation she’d made already. Everything looked nice. Except the house. Next week’s chore was to get quotes from painters. She’d already picked up paint samples and she and her mother had been arguing over colors ever since.

  She smiled. Playfully arguing. She knew in the end, her mother would be the one to decide on the color. It was her house, after all. Laura was just…what? Maid? Cook? Caretaker?


  She was content, though. Surprisingly so. She’d been keeping up with her friends sporadically through Facebook and the occasional phone call and text. Several had invited her to dinner, but so far she had no desire to head back to the Metroplex. She thought she’d miss the city more than she did. She only had two grocery stores to choose from here, but they were both as large and well-stocked as those in Dallas. Since she’d been cooking their meals, she hadn’t really missed going out. And since she had her bedroom—and her writing room—set up the way she wanted it, she certainly didn’t miss her overly expensive apartment.

  All in all, this move had turned out so much better than she’d imagined. Now, that’s not to say that in a few months, during the heat of summer, she wouldn’t miss being in Dallas and at her fancy apartment that had not two, but three swimming pools.

  She flicked her gaze to the fence. Shame she didn’t get along better with Cassidy Anderson. If she did, she might be inclined to ask if she could use the pool during the week.

  She heard a loud splash and wondered if someone had jumped off the diving board. That was nice. You didn’t find many pools with diving boards anymore. Again, she felt a twinge of envy. Yes, it was a shame she and the new neighbor had gotten off to a rough start.

  She called me a bitch, she reminded herself. Then she smiled. Well, she kinda was being one, wasn’t she? But still…

  “Hey…are you out there?”

  She frowned, then looked at the fence. “Are you talking to me?”

  A laugh. “Yeah.”

  Laura leaned forward in her chair. “What do you want?”

  Another laugh. “Well, I’ve got a proposition.”

  Laura’s eyebrows shot up. “Okay…no. Really not interested,” she said to the fence.

  “You don’t even know what it is.”

  Laura stood up and walked over to the fence. “What do you want?” she asked again.

  She heard Cassidy walk closer too. “My yard guys quit on me.”

  “They didn’t like the change from seven to ten?”

  “That…and I wanted flowers and stuff. We kinda had a mutual parting of the ways.”

  “And you want me to recommend someone?”

  “I want you to do it.”


  “It pays well.” Then she coughed. “Not that I’m trying to throw money around or anything.”

  Laura smiled, then wiped it from her face. “I don’t know the first thing about being a yard girl.”

  “Not true. I’ve seen your yard. And flowers. I want mine to look like that.”

  Laura hesitated, then shook her head. “Look, you should probably hire professionals. You’ve got a lot of land. I’m not sure I could keep up with it and our yard too.”

  “It’s less than you have. Most of it is wooded. It’s only in the front and back here by the pool. The other side I left natural.”

  Laura hesitated again, wondering how much Cassidy would pay her. It would be nice to have some extra cash. Her savings was dwindling at a rapid pace and she had no intention of touching her investments. Even though she didn’t have any living expenses here, she still needed some kind of income. Cassidy must have sensed her indecision.

  “Listen, why don’t you come over and take a look? Then you can decide.”

  Oh, hell…she was curious to see the house up close, after all. She’d only seen it through the fence in the front…and her binoculars, of course. “How did you know I was out here?”

  “I saw you when I went off the board.” A pause. “You coming over?”

  “All right.”

  “The gate is locked. I’ll meet you out there.”

  Laura stared at the fence for several seconds, aware that Cassidy had already left. Why am I doing this?

  “Because your writing career is at a standstill,” she reminded herself.

  She walked through the grass, along the fence line. By the time she’d reached the front, she heard the gate opening next door. She went around the fence that separated the two properties and out onto the road. The gate wasn’t in the center of Cassidy’s property but much closer to the side by their house. Laura found her waiting under the oak tree, casually leaning against it. A T-shirt covered what appeared to be a one-piece swimsuit and, like her, Cassidy was wearing flip-flops. Her hair was damp from the pool, her skin tan. Laura had to admit—tall, dark, and handsome—she was even more attractive up close and personal.

  “Ah, you like beer,” Cassidy said with a smile. “Come on in. I was about to get one.”

  It was only then that Laura realized she was still holding the beer bottle. Geez, she’s going to think you’re a lush. She shrugged. Did she care what Cassidy Anderson thought?

  As they walked up the driveway, Cassidy motioned to the yard. “See? Not a whole lot to mow. There’s even less in the back.”

  Because of the woods, the yard was actually much smaller than their own. And of course, she knew what the backyard looked like. She had a perfect view of it from her writing room.

  “I’m glad you left the woods.” At Cassidy’s raised eyebrows, she explained, “I used to play in them when I was a kid.”

  “Oh. So you grew up here.”

  “I was three when we moved here.”

  “I never had the opportunity to come out here. I wish I had.”

  Laura followed her around the house and to the back. “What do you mean?”

  “The property here. My father bought it about thirty-five years ago. Thought when he retired that they would build out here.” Cassidy smiled, showing off perfect white teeth. “My mother had a different idea, though.”

  “So you got it?”

  “My brother had no interest in it. He’s a city boy.” She walked over to the outdoor kitchen area and opened up a full-sized, stainless steel fridge. “Another beer?”

  “Sure. Thanks.” She went to the sink and poured out what was left in her bottle and handed the empty to Cassidy. “This is pretty awesome,” she said, pointing at the outdoor kitchen.

  “Yeah…I haven’t gotten to use it as much as I’d like to. I’ve got some friends coming later today, so I’m going to try my hand at some teriyaki beef kabobs.”

  Laura nodded, thinking that sounded good. Instead of commenting, she glanced out to the yard. “So…your yard guys left you, huh?”

  “Well, like I said, it was mutual. They don’t do flowers.” She handed Laura a beer that she’d first slipped into a koozie. “I like what you’ve done over there.” Cassidy walked toward the pool and sat down at one of the tables. “I was paying these guys four hundred dollars a month. They mowed the lawn, trimmed the grass, edged along the sidewalks…that sort of thing. If you’d do all that plus add some flowers—and take care of them—I’d pay you four-fifty. And of course, I’d pay for the flowers and whatnot.” She raised her
eyebrows. “Interested?”

  Four-fifty? Laura tried to estimate how long it would take her. Using the riding mower, she figured she could have the lawn done in about an hour, front and back. The trees were mature, so trimming the grass around them wouldn’t be much of a chore. Planting and tending to flowers would be more pleasure than work. Was she interested?

  “Yes. I’ll do it.”

  “Great! I only have one rule.” Cassidy showed her smile off again. “Have it finished by noon on Fridays.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Cassidy wasn’t fond of blind dates. Never had been. But Erica promised her that she’d “love” Kathryn. Cassidy reminded herself that Erica had said the same thing about Claudia. However, Erica forgot to mention that Kathryn only ate chicken, never beef. So she’d had to scramble to adjust the teriyaki beef kabobs to include one with chicken breast. Sure, it wouldn’t have the twenty-four-hour marinade on it—one hour, at the most—but it was the best she could do on short notice.

  “So do you like her?”

  “I’ve hardly talked to her. I’ve been busy thawing a chicken breast.” She glanced over to the pool. “Besides, she and Amber seem like they have a lot to talk about.”

  “They haven’t seen each other in months.”

  “I thought they worked together.”

  “Not anymore. Kathryn’s in Irving now.” Erica leaned closer. “How great would it be if you two started dating? We’d get to see you more often, that’s for sure. I can’t believe this is only the second time you’ve invited us out here.”

  “Is it?”

  “I know you have a long list of friends, Cassidy. I’m glad we at least have warranted two visits now,” she said with a laugh. “So what happened with Claudia? You were dating for over a month. That’s a record for you, isn’t it?”

  Cassidy shrugged. “It was okay. I wasn’t going to marry her or anything, so I didn’t see the point in drawing it out.”

  “Still looking for that soulmate, huh?”

  “Yep. I’ve never been one to settle. Not in business and not in my private life.” She took the pitcher of margaritas from the fridge and topped off Erica’s glass. “And…it’s kinda fun to date.”

  “Well, you have variety, that’s for sure,” Erica teased. “Who was this last one?”

  “Larson. On our first date, she invited me in for a nightcap and sex.”

  “Right up your alley,” Erica smirked.

  Cassidy stared out at the pool. Was that right up her alley? “I don’t know. There’s a huge difference between sleeping with someone—sex—and making love. And honestly, I can’t remember the last time—if ever—that I’ve done the latter.”

  “I think you need to give them more than a month, Cassidy. It’s hard to get to know someone in a few weeks.”

  “It only takes a few weeks to know if they’re the one or not. Sex is just sex.” She shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe it’s my age.”

  “Your age? What? You don’t like sex anymore?”

  Cassidy laughed. “I like it as much as I always have. I would just like to get to know them a little first, I guess.”

  “How old are you again?”

  “Forty-four. A few weeks ago.”

  “Did you have a party?”

  “God, no. The last party I had was when I turned thirty. I may do one at fifty, though. Depends on my frame of mind at the time, I guess.”

  Erica touched her arm. “Well, you probably don’t want to hear this, but Claudia was heartbroken.”

  “Come on. She knew the score. I never once said anything to make her think I was emotionally involved.”

  “That always seems to be your problem. You don’t let yourself get emotionally involved.”

  “I know you’re friends with Claudia. But she wasn’t the one. I’m sorry if I hurt her.”

  “Oh, she’ll get over you. They always do, don’t they?”

  Cassidy wasn’t sure how to reply to that and she was thankful when she saw Amber hold up her empty glass. “Your wife wants a margarita refill. I guess we should join them.”

  “I’ll take the pitcher. And I’d love to get in the pool if it’s still heated.”

  “It is. But the weather is getting warmer. I’ll probably turn it off after the weekend.” She motioned with her head. “Go ahead. I’ll grab some towels.”

  * * *

  “Now who do you have over?” Laura murmured.

  She’d resisted picking up the binoculars, telling herself once again that it was just wrong—wrong!—to spy. Especially now that Cassidy was going to pay her four hundred and fifty bucks a month to tend to her lawn. She didn’t need binoculars to tell her that these other three women were new. Judging by the kiss she’d seen, two were obviously a couple. But…also judging by the way Cassidy treated the other woman, they weren’t a couple. New date, perhaps? Blind date? Her friends trying to set her up?

  This one wasn’t for her either, Laura thought. Who picks your dates? Blond again. Thin, but not as bony as the anorexic one had been. Watching her throw her head back as she laughed…nauseating.

  Oh? What was that? Margarita?

  She couldn’t stand it any longer. She snatched up the binoculars, focusing on the new blonde. Okay…pretty cute, although she’d bet a hundred dollars that blond wasn’t her natural color. Early thirties, maybe. She looked at the other two. They appeared to be a little older. Then she found Cassidy. She was smiling. She was chatting. It looked forced. Then Cassidy stood and pulled her T-shirt off. Not a bikini, but a black one-piece again. Oddly disappointed that it wasn’t a bikini, Laura lowered the glasses, just in time to see Cassidy look her way.

  She ducked down below the windowsill. God, did the woman have a sixth sense or what? That’s the second time she’d almost gotten caught.

  “You have got to stop with the damn binoculars.”

  A margarita sounded good, though. Pity she had no tequila. She leaned against the wall with a sigh. How sad was it that her sole entertainment was spying on her neighbor? Maybe next weekend, she’d plan a trip to the city. Surely she could find someone to have dinner with. Or she could pop over to Carla’s house, see the kids, talk Carla into springing for dinner. She thought her mother might actually like to have the house to herself for a night. Yeah…maybe that’s what she’d do. Of course, that meant she’d have to tolerate the twins. Was it worth it?

  She sat there for a while longer, twirling her hair in her fingers. She had thick, unruly hair, not thin and silky like the women at the pool. Maybe she should go blond. They seemed to be having much more fun than she was. Then she remembered when she was in her twenties and the hair color episode from hell. He assured her it would be a beautiful, light blond. It would look great on her, he’d said. Nope. Ronald McDonald red on the first try. Orange when he tried a second time. And then a shocking off-white was the last result as he attempted to “tame” the color. Her hair was so frazzled, she was afraid to touch it for fear it would break off.

  She sighed. Maybe she’d stick with her natural color. Nothing exciting about light brown, but it wasn’t all that bad. She ran a hand through it. She could stand to have a trim, though. Maybe she’d do that on Monday.

  * * *

  Despite Kathryn’s obvious willingness, Cassidy had no desire to have her share her bed. Perhaps it was true what she’d told Erica. What was wrong with getting to know someone before jumping into bed? Did everything have to end in sex? Couldn’t they at least wait until a second date? Claudia had been a sex machine and even she hadn’t suggested bed on their first date.

  But Larson? Yeah. Cassidy didn’t even remember their dinner, what they’d talked about. All she remembered was being pulled into an apartment and not leaving until the next morning. The weekend here? Much of the same.

  And now Kathryn? Hell, they hadn’t said more than a handful of words. Apparently margaritas, and then wine, had made Kathryn lose any inhibitions she may have had. She’d run her fingers up Cassidy’s arm teasingly aft
er dinner. She’d flirted. She’d touched. And no doubt, after being initially disappointed to be going to bed alone, she’d crashed into a deep, alcohol-induced sleep.

  And now here she was, sitting alone on the patio, the water of the pool rippling in the light wind. Erica and Amber were in bed. Kathryn was in bed. And she, after attempting to sleep, was sitting here listening to the night sounds—frogs in the trees mostly—and feeling a heavy sense of loneliness settle over her.

  Was it her age that was making her feel this way? She’d never given her age much attention before, but turning forty-four had been more traumatic than she’d let on. Because forty-four was one very short year from forty-five. And forty-five was too damn close to fifty.

  And she still hadn’t met the love of her life.

  She stretched her legs out, staring into the darkness. Maybe she was trying too hard. Or maybe she wasn’t trying at all. Flitting from date to date, bed to bed, never settling long enough to really get to know any them.

  Oh, she knew them, all right. Take Kathryn, for instance. They had zero in common. From what she’d learned, Kathryn was a movie buff. Rarely missed a new release. Her? She could think of twenty things she’d rather do to kill a couple of hours than sitting in a movie theater with a hundred other people. Kathryn also liked shopping and malls. “I could spend hours just browsing.” Cassidy would slit her wrists. And, of course, there was the whole “I don’t eat beef” thing. Who didn’t like a tender, juicy steak, medium rare? And the teriyaki beef kabobs? They were sinfully delicious. Add to all that, she simply wasn’t attracted to her in the least.

  So, yeah, she already knew that there would be no second date with Kathryn, if you could even call this a first. But Cassidy would be a good hostess. She’d already planned brunch for tomorrow. And if the forecasted rain showers held off, they could enjoy the pool a little before heading back to Dallas. She would then tell Kathryn she’d enjoyed meeting her and leave it at that.

  And the next time Erica—or any other friend—tried to set her up, “No thanks” would be her answer. She could find her own dates. That had never been a problem.


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