The Neighbor

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The Neighbor Page 18

by Gerri Hill

“Thank you, Cassidy. Glad you came over. And thank you again for letting me use your pool.”

  “It’s not a problem at all. Good night.”

  “I’ll walk you out,” Laura said.

  Once out on the patio, Cassidy pointed through the trees. “Full moon tonight.”

  It was dark and still, no breeze to speak of. Frogs were peeping in the woods and nighttime sounds seemed almost deafening when Laura turned to face Cassidy. She tried to think of something witty to say, but nothing would come.

  “You probably shouldn’t wear those cutoff jeans tomorrow.”

  Laura looked down at her shorts, then shook her head. “No. I know they’re not dressy enough for a party.”

  Cassidy took a step closer. “That’s not what I mean at all. I find them…you…incredibly sexy.”

  Laura sucked in her breath, her heart hammering in her chest at Cassidy’s words. Say something, she thought. Do something. Turn and walk away. Bid her good night. Run back into the house where it’s safe.

  But no. Cassidy’s eyes held her captive. She wouldn’t swear to it, but she was the first to move. Move closer, that is. Like magnets, their mouths met. Laura didn’t even try to stop it. She felt Cassidy’s body press against hers, heard the moan that hung in the air—hers?—tasted the lips that parted against hers. She opened her mouth, letting Cassidy’s tongue inside. Mistake, of course. Big mistake. Cassidy’s moan drowned out hers and strong arms pulled her tight. Every part of their bodies seemed to be touching and her legs began to quiver. The incessant throbbing between her thighs made her press even closer and she feared they were going too far, too fast. No, what she really feared was that she’d have an orgasm right there on the patio.

  With a strength she didn’t know she had, she pulled away from Cassidy, ending their heated kiss. They stared at each other, their breathing ragged through parted lips. Cassidy took a step away and so did Laura. Then Cassidy backed up off the patio, nearly stumbling off the edge before she turned and hurried away.

  Laura licked her lips, then steadied herself on the chair before falling down into it.

  “Sweet Jesus,” she murmured. “Can that woman kiss or what?”

  She sat there several minutes, trying to get her body under control…her breathing under control. How did that happen? One minute, they’re talking…the next, kissing like there was no tomorrow. Kissing like it was going to lead to something else. Her eyes widened a bit. If kissing was like that…what would making love be like? She slammed her eyes shut. Oh, don’t go there, she warned herself. Do not go there!

  She smiled. So Cassidy liked her cutoff jeans, huh? Cassidy thought they were sexy. She had four or five pair. She practically lived in them. And apparently they were sexy. Who knew?

  When she felt in control again, she stood and went back inside the kitchen. Her mother, still seated, was smiling. No, she was grinning.


  Her mother’s smile got broader. “Nothing…it’s just so cute to see you like this.”

  Laura felt a red-hot blush cover her face. “There is nothing going on.”



  “Okay.” Her mother pushed herself up from the table. “Whatever you say.” But she was still smiling as she shuffled out of the kitchen with her walker.

  Yes, Laura Sue…just what in the world is going on? She shook her head. Nothing. There was absolutely nothing going on.


  Chapter Forty-One

  Cassidy was going to be brave and pop over to Laura’s for coffee like normal. Except Laura wasn’t out there…like normal. No, she wasn’t. Because of the kiss. Again.

  So instead of calling her, instead of making a big deal about it, she spent the morning changing the sheets in one of the guest bedrooms for Erica and Amber. She even cleaned the downstairs bathrooms, a chore that reminded her she was going to hire a cleaning service but had yet to get around to it. She took time for a workout in the gym. She did laundry—last weekend’s clothes that she’d forgotten when she’d escaped early.

  She smiled at that. Escaped? From Laura? No…she feared there was no escaping Laura. Damn…that kiss. If she’d been butter, she would have melted on the spot. Laura apparently wasn’t happy with her, though. In all fairness, Laura was the one who started this kiss, of that she was certain.

  And she’d almost made a fool of herself by falling off the patio step when she’d attempted to run…run from the kiss—and Laura.

  But enough of this already. No, Laura wasn’t the kind of woman who Cassidy normally dated. Perhaps Tanya was right. She’d been dating the wrong women. She not only liked Laura as a friend, she was extremely attracted to her. Not only that, Laura was everything she’d been looking for. Someone who could make her laugh, someone she wanted to be around—constantly. Someone who could take her breath away. Someone whose kisses made her weak. Someone who could be both best friend and lover. That person she’d been looking for her whole adult life…that person was Laura. Laura…that person she tried to run from because she scared her. Scared her because her knees got weak when they kissed. Scared her because she took her breath away. Scared her because she wasn’t in control. Scared her because…because she could lose her heart.

  And she’d never lost her heart before.

  She looked out at the pool, at the water glistening in the bright sunshine. She could imagine Laura out there, fighting with her float. Or jumping off her float to tip Cassidy off hers. She could picture her out there—naked—the sunlight dancing across her skin. She could picture Laura coming to her, touching her. And she could see Laura out there at night, the moonlight a halo around her as she beckoned Cassidy closer. And Cassidy would go. She wouldn’t run. Not anymore.

  Now if she could just convince Laura not to run.

  * * *

  Laura stood at the window in the bedroom, looking at Cassidy’s backyard and the tiny corner of the pool that she could see from there. It was empty now, but she expected Cassidy’s friends at any moment. If she had any sense whatsoever, she wouldn’t go over there. She apparently couldn’t be trusted in Cassidy’s presence. Because yes, she was the one who started the kiss last night. And she was the one who had ended it. She remembered the shocked look in Cassidy’s eyes as she’d backed away…and run.

  Laura hadn’t dared go down for coffee. She wasn’t ready to see Cassidy. The kiss was still too fresh. But as the morning drifted past lunchtime, she wondered if she should call Cassidy, if they should talk. She didn’t want to just pop over there with her friends around and act like nothing was going on between them. Of course, maybe she didn’t need to go over at all. Maybe she should cancel. Maybe she should—

  The phone halted her thoughts and the ringtone made her heart leap in her throat. She took a deep breath, then answered with a quick “hello.”

  “Quit hiding, Laura Sue.”

  “What makes you think I’m hiding?”

  “Because you kissed me and now you don’t know what to do about it.”

  “I kissed you? I think it was mutual.”

  She heard Cassidy’s quiet laugh. “Yeah, it was. Only you started it, not me.”

  “You did too start it! Telling me my cutoff jeans were sexy!”

  “That’s all I have to say to make you kiss me?” Her voice lowered. “Please wear those again today and we’ll test that theory.”

  Laura smiled. “You’re a troublemaker.”

  “Come over.”

  “Are your friends there?”

  “Not yet.”

  She swallowed. “Then don’t you think I should wait?”

  “Afraid to be alone with me?”

  “Actually, yes.”

  “Afraid you’ll be tempted to kiss me again.”

  Laura closed her eyes. “Yes.”

  She heard Cassidy sigh. “Laura…let’s stop this game we’re playing. I’m attracted to you. You’re attracted to me. Let’s stop pretending we’re not.”

’m…I’m afraid.”

  “Of me?”

  “Yes. I don’t want to be another in a long line of women who’ve paraded through your bedroom, Cassidy.”

  There was another long sigh before Cassidy spoke. “I’m sorry, Laura. I can’t undo my past. I was looking for someone and when I didn’t find her, I kept looking. But these past few months, it’s like I did stop looking. The last few times when I did bring company along, I didn’t sleep with them, Laura. And I really didn’t know why at the time.” She paused. “Now I do. It was because of you. You were the one on my mind, not them. You were the one I wanted to be with, not them.”

  Laura sat down on the bed. “What am I supposed to say to that?” she whispered.

  “Tell me you’re attracted to me. Tell me you think about me during the week when I’m not here. Tell me you’ve imagined us in bed together. Tell me you want to be with me like I want to be with you.”

  Laura lay down on the bed and closed her eyes. “Yes. To all of those things…yes.”

  “Then come over already, Laura Sue. Come over.”

  Laura smiled. “You don’t get to call me Laura Sue.”

  “Too late. Get up. Put your suit on. Come over.”

  Laura let out her breath. “Okay.” She paused. “Maybe you could wear your bikini today.”

  Cassidy chuckled in her ear. “As you wish.”

  Laura was still smiling long after they ended the call. Yes, Cassidy did that to her. She made her smile. Then her smile faltered a little. She was going to fall in love with her. And then she’d most likely get her heart broken.

  She sat up and rubbed her face with both hands. Yes, she’d probably end up with a broken heart, but that wasn’t going to stop this from happening. Because everything Cassidy said was true. She was attracted to her. She did miss her during the week. She did imagine them in bed together. And yes, Cassidy was the one she wanted to be with. All true. They’d said it, it was out there in the open…and there was no going back.

  No, there was no going back. That didn’t mean she wasn’t scared of going forward.

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Cassidy was out by the pool, getting the beer bucket ready for her and Laura. She knew Erica and Amber would prefer margaritas; she already had the stuff for that sitting out on the outdoor bar. She found herself whistling and had to stop and smile, conscious of her good mood. Laura was coming over. They’d talked. No one was freaking out about the kiss…and what it meant. They’d talked. Everything was good. And part of her wished she wasn’t having company this weekend—more time with Laura. But a part of her was glad she was—she didn’t want to rush things with Laura and if they were alone this weekend, judging by the kisses they’d shared…well, if they were alone, she knew how it would end. She stared off into space, imagining that very thing, imagining Laura in her bed. She closed her eyes for a moment, recognizing the turn her stomach had just taken.

  A car honked its horn down at the gate, and she hurried over to the keypad on the back wall, quickly punching in the code to let them in. She was a bit disappointed that Laura hadn’t beaten them over. She wouldn’t have minded a few minutes alone with her. A few minutes to kiss.

  She went back inside, through the kitchen and past the informal sitting area to the formal living room, finally to the front entry. She had the door opened before they rang the bell. The smile on her face faltered, however, as she stood face-to-face with Claudia…of all people.

  “Well, hello again,” Claudia nearly purred. “I hope you don’t mind me crashing.”

  Cassidy was at a loss for words, and she jerked her attention to Erica, raising her eyebrows questioningly.

  “We had dinner with Claudia last night,” Erica explained. “I knew you wouldn’t mind if we invited her. Foursomes are so much better than three,” she said with a smile.

  “Of course,” she said politely. “It’s no problem.” She opened the door wider. “Come in.”

  They each carried an overnight bag, and she led them through the house and into the long hallway where the guestrooms were. She put Erica and Amber in their normal room, then moved down the hallway to open another door. As Claudia brushed by, she smiled seductively at her.

  “If you want company upstairs tonight, I do remember the way to your bedroom.”

  So that’s how it was going to be, huh? Well, she wouldn’t be rude to her but…

  “I don’t think so,” she said with a smile. “There really wasn’t much going on with us anyway, you know.”

  “No? I beg to differ. There was a lot going on between the sheets.” She stepped closer to Cassidy. “No lover has ever come close to you.”

  Cassidy took a step away from her. “If your sole purpose for coming here this weekend was to get into my bed…it’s a wasted trip, Claudia. I’m sorry.”

  “Oh, Cassidy…you’re alone. We all know that you don’t do well alone. I’m just letting you know that I’m available.” She started unbuttoning her blouse. “I bought a new bikini for the weekend. Red. It’s a little bit of nothing but hey, you’ve seen it all already anyway.”

  Cassidy turned away when Claudia dropped her blouse on the floor. She closed the door to the bedroom, then went back down the hallway. She could be angry with Erica—in fact, she was angry with her—but it would do no good. Claudia was here now. She couldn’t exactly ask her to leave.

  At least she’d picked up an extra steak. She had planned on cooking it for Maggie. She doubted she would want to join them for dinner, but she thought maybe Laura could take her a plate. Speaking of Laura…how was she ever going to explain Claudia being here? Well, she had no time to prepare. Laura was already out by the pool.

  She went out onto the patio, smiling as their eyes met. Yeah…she wished they were alone.

  “Am I early?”

  “No. They just got here. They’re changing.” She walked closer. “There…there is something, though.”

  Laura raised her eyebrows. “You’re fidgeting and nervous. What’s wrong?”

  “How can you know that?”

  “I can read you like a book.” Then she smiled. “I just can’t write a book.”

  Cassidy laughed. “You need to give me a copy of your first one. Is it still in print?”

  “No. I happen to have like ten or twelve copies, though.” Laura looked her up and down. “Is there a bikini on under that?”

  “There is. I see you forgot your cutoff jeans.”

  “I didn’t think they were appropriate. Your friends probably don’t even know what cutoff jeans are.” Laura put her hands on her hips. “So what’s wrong?”

  Before Cassidy could answer, Laura’s eyes were drawn to the double doors. Cassidy could tell by her expression that she’d seen Claudia. Laura slowly brought her gaze back to Cassidy.


  “I didn’t know she was coming,” Cassidy whispered. “She’s friends with Erica. Apparently, they thought it would be a good idea, you know, for me…”

  Laura nodded. “Erica thinks…what was her name again?”


  “Right. She thinks Claudia—the very thin, beautiful blonde—is perfect for you.”

  “Something like that.”

  “So…would you like for me to leave so you can have time with her?”

  “God, no! I want—”

  “Oh, the pool looks lovely, Cassidy. The flowers are gorgeous.”

  Erica, with Amber and Claudia at her heels, descended onto the patio. She felt Laura stiffen beside her, and she plastered a smile on her face, turning to her friends.

  “I have Laura to thank for the flowers. She’s my neighbor…and friend,” she added quickly. “Laura, this is Erica, Amber, and Claudia.”

  To Laura’s credit, she showed no outward signs that she was miffed in any way. She smiled pleasantly at them.

  “Nice to meet you all,” she said. “I hope you don’t mind if I join you.”

  Erica’s eyes widened. “Oh. Well…if Cassid
y doesn’t mind, I certainly don’t.”

  Cassidy laughed. “I invited her, Erica. She’s not crashing the party.”

  “Weren’t you telling us one time that your neighbor did your yardwork?” Amber asked. “Is she the one?”

  “I am,” Laura answered.

  Claudia came up close beside Cassidy, brushing her shoulder. “You do her…yard? What does that entail exactly?”

  Cassidy took a step away from her. “She mows the lawn, Claudia. Trims the weeds. Tends to the flowers. That sort of thing.”

  Claudia gave a condescending laugh. “Why on earth would you do that?”

  Laura remained undaunted as she smiled at Claudia. “It pays well and I’ve got some pretty good perks.” At Claudia’s blank stare, Laura motioned to the pool. “I have permission to use the pool. That way I don’t have to sneak over and…you know, trespass.”

  “Sneak over to your neighbor’s property? Trespass? But—”

  “How about instead of talking about the pool, we actually get in it?” Cassidy asked, trying to end this vein of conversation. “Shall I make a pitcher of margaritas?”

  “Oh, that sounds wonderful,” Claudia said. “Can I help?”

  “No, no. I got it.” She looked over at Laura. “Do you mind getting some floats?”

  “Happy to.”

  Cassidy smiled, relieved to see an amused expression on Laura’s face rather than annoyed. As she added ice to the blender, she glanced over at the pool. Claudia was indeed in a tiny—skimpy—bikini. As thin as she was, it wasn’t at all flattering on her. Claudia’s gaze was on Laura and Cassidy followed it. Laura looked healthy and vibrant, her tan natural, her hair color natural. And despite the situation, she sported a rather easy smile on her face. Claudia, on the other hand, looked anything but healthy—listless and frail. Her hair had been dyed so many times, it appeared dull and lifeless. The smile on her face was forced, and Cassidy imagined she was a bit perturbed by Laura’s presence. As she looked at the two of them she wondered what she’d ever seen in Claudia.

  Nothing, really. She was a friend of Erica’s—that’s how they’d met. And like most of the women she went out with, she knew after the first date that there was nothing there. There shouldn’t have been a second date. There certainly shouldn’t have been a fourth and fifth. But at the time, it was easier to continue than to stop. But Claudia was starting to talk long-term, and Cassidy had finally broken things off. Claudia had been hurt; she’d said as much. Not so hurt, though, that she wasn’t willing to come for the weekend uninvited…and offer to share a bed.


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