The Neighbor

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The Neighbor Page 19

by Gerri Hill

  “You need some help?”

  Cassidy hadn’t even seen Erica come over. She shook her head. “No. Sorry. Lost in thought.”

  “I hope you’re not mad about Claudia being here.”

  She shrugged. “As long as she realizes that she’s not sleeping in my bed tonight.”

  “Well, I figured you were on good enough terms with her since she’d been invited to your pool party.” Erica leaned closer and smiled. “I thought you might even want to give it another try. It would be fun to hang out with you two again.”

  Cassidy put the lid on the blender. “No, Erica. It’s not happening.” She turned the blender on, stopping any further conversation. Mad? No, she wasn’t really mad that Claudia was there. Actually, she wished none of them were there. She wanted to be with Laura. She didn’t want to have to make small talk with them and entertain them…she just wanted to be with Laura. She wanted to play with Laura and tease with Laura and laugh with Laura and be with Laura.

  She poured the margarita mix into three glasses, then put the pitcher in the fridge. Erica took two of the glasses.

  “Just three?”

  “Laura will have beer,” she said, perhaps a bit presumptuously. But she looked over and Laura was already taking two out of the ice bucket and putting them in koozies.

  “I didn’t realize you were on such friendly terms with her…your yard girl. Friendly enough that you’d invite her over to mingle with your real friends.”

  Real friends? Cassidy shrugged. “She’s nice. I enjoy her company.”

  “So you hang out?”

  “What’s with all the questions?”

  “Well, if I didn’t know better, I’d say you were interested in her.” Erica laughed. “Certainly not your type, though.”

  Cassidy didn’t feel the need to discuss Laura with Erica so she didn’t bother with a reply. She walked over to the pool and handed Claudia—who was sitting with Amber under an umbrella—the margarita. Laura was standing out in the sun, looking longingly at the pool. Cassidy went over to her and took one of the beer bottles out of her hand.

  “Jump in. I’m right behind you,” she whispered.

  “Thanks. I didn’t know what the protocol was.”

  “No protocol. Grab a float.”

  Laura groaned. “There’s no way I’m going to fight with that damn float in front of your friends,” she whispered.

  Cassidy laughed. “Don’t worry about them. I like watching you fight with it.”

  “Yes, I know you do. And if any of them laugh at me, I’ll tip them off their floats when they’re least expecting it,” she threatened with a grin.

  Cassidy felt quite giddy as she stared at her. “I really want to kiss you,” she whispered.

  Laura held her gaze. “Probably not a good idea. Your friend Claudia has been shooting me daggers. She may attack.”

  “I’ll help you flip her off the float later.”

  Laura smiled into her eyes. “Then I’ll let you kiss me later.”

  Laura set her beer bottle at the edge, then jumped into the pool, splashing her with water. Cassidy watched her for a second as she went to retrieve a float, then turned to her friends, finding them all watching Laura as well. Erica turned to her first, her eyebrows raised questioningly. It wasn’t any of their business, she decided, so she felt no need to explain Laura’s presence there. Besides, what would she say? Would she tell them how badly she wanted to kiss her? Being attracted to Laura was one thing…but being insanely attracted to her was something else entirely.

  She plastered a smile on her face and moved closer. “You guys getting in the pool or can I get you another margarita?”

  “I’m getting in,” Claudia said. “I want to visit with your yard girl a little.” Then she smiled. “She looks like she’s having trouble with the float. Perhaps I’ll help her.”

  She turned, seeing Laura struggling to get the float under her. As Claudia made her way over to her, Laura righted herself finally.

  “She has a hard time getting it to hold still for her,” Cassidy explained with a laugh. “It’s quite amusing.”

  “Just how often does she come over?”

  Again, it really wasn’t any of Erica’s business, but she wasn’t going to hide her friendship with Laura.

  “She uses the pool during the week whenever she wants. And when I’m here on the weekends, she usually comes over and we share the pool…and dinner.”

  “Dinner? Yes, the rumor floating around the group is that you’ve been coming out here alone lately. Even your big party, I don’t recall you stealing someone and whisking them away to your bedroom.” Erica put her drink glass down. “Dry spell or…”

  “Dry spell?” Amber asked with a laugh. “I can name six women off the top of my head who would kill to be here with her. Claudia included. I wouldn’t call that a dry spell.”

  “There’s not anyone in the so-called group that I’m interested in dating,” she said.

  “What about Melissa?”


  “Melissa Hurst. The blonde. She’s thirty-three, I think.”

  Cassidy laughed. “They’re all blond, Erica.”

  “True. But—”

  Cassidy held up her hand. “No, thanks. I’m fine.” She glanced into the pool, seeing Laura’s brows draw together from something Claudia said. “I think I’ll join them.”

  Chapter Forty-Three

  “Whatever your plan is with Cassidy, it’s never going to work. She is so far out of your league, it’s not even funny.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Cassidy doesn’t date yard girls,” Claudia said, her expression and her voice both condescending. “In fact, you don’t stand a chance.”

  “What makes you think I want to date her?”

  “Oh, honey…everyone wants to date her. And why not? She knows how to wine and dine a lady. I should know.” Her voice lowered. “She’s also really good in bed and she doesn’t even use toys.”

  “You don’t say?”

  Laura shook her head, once again wondering what it was that Cassidy saw in this woman.

  “I’m sharing her bed tonight, of course,” Claudia continued.


  “And I imagine I’ll be over again next weekend.” Claudia’s smile was downright patronizing. “Trust me, you won’t be invited.”

  Laura silently counted to ten, anything to prevent her from hurling herself at Claudia and tipping her into the pool. Tipping her into the pool and holding her head under water. Although drowning one of Cassidy’s friends probably wouldn’t go over too well, she supposed. Thankfully, Cassidy was getting in and coming toward them, saving Claudia a dunking. She gave Claudia an evil grin, then looked at Cassidy as she approached.

  “So you don’t use sex toys, huh?”

  Cassidy’s eyes widened. “What?”

  “Claudia said you were really good in bed and you didn’t even need toys.”

  A wonderful, bright red blush covered Claudia’s thin face, and Laura continued. “After tonight—after she shares your bed and you have sex—you can tell me all about it tomorrow. Can’t wait for the details. I doubt I’ll even be able to sleep thinking about it.”

  Laura could tell Cassidy was trying very hard not to laugh, but she couldn’t hide the amusement in her eyes.

  “What in the world brought on that conversation?”

  “She thinks I have designs on you. She was warning me to stay away.” She glanced over at Claudia, who was still blushing. “Right?” She looked back at Cassidy. “She says I’m not your type, though. She says you don’t date women like me. You know, just a lowly yard girl and all. She says I am far out of your league.”

  A smile finally broke on Cassidy’s face. “She said all of that, huh? And…let me guess. You want to tip her off her float?”

  “I want to dunk her under the water. Can I? Please?”

  They both turned to look at a still blushing Claudia, who was apparently stunned speech
less. Her gaze went between the two of them several times before settling on Cassidy.

  “So…I was…I was just telling her…well, I didn’t mean to imply…anything. I mean—”

  “I didn’t invite you here, Claudia. I did invite Laura. Maybe that should tell you something,” Cassidy said bluntly.

  Laura stared past her to Erica and Amber, who were coming over, both holding on to the same float.

  “What did we miss?” Erica asked innocently.

  “Nothing,” Claudia said quickly. She moved her float away. “I think I’m going to get another margarita.”

  * * *

  The afternoon was endless and several times Laura had to talk herself out of leaving, steak or not…rude or not. After the exchange with Claudia, the woman hadn’t said another word to her. Laura couldn’t really blame her. She tried her best to carry on a conversation with Erica and Amber, but she found that not only did she have little—nothing—in common with them, they were rather boorish. In fact, it seemed as if Erica was intentionally leaving Laura out of the conversation, focusing instead on mutual friends that they had with Cassidy. And Claudia, of course. The situation was becoming uncomfortable, not only for her but for Cassidy as well. Cassidy contributed little to the conversation, seemingly a bit irritated by Erica’s attempts to monopolize the conversation and blatantly ignore Laura.

  When Erica launched into yet another story about one of their friends, Laura simply stood and walked away. She went into the kitchen, the coolness of the air welcome after being outside all afternoon. There was a bathroom outside that she could have used but she went down the hallway, finding one of the two guest baths instead.

  She sighed as she looked at herself in the mirror. This day had to rank as one of the worst she’d ever endured. Not only had the anorexic blonde tried to put her in her place—yard girl—but Cassidy’s other two friends acted like she wasn’t even there. She really didn’t know what she’d been expecting. Well, she hadn’t expected Claudia to be there, that was for sure. But Erica and Amber? She’d expected them to be nice, normal…like Tanya had been. But no. That was the furthest thing from the truth.

  She brushed at the hair over her ears, feeling the dampness from the pool. She wasn’t bad looking, she supposed. Not beautiful, certainly. Nothing like Cassidy’s usual dates. What did Cassidy see in her? She was practically the complete opposite of who Cassidy dated. She frowned. Did Cassidy want to date her? What, exactly, would that mean? They were already spending the weekends together. They’d played in the pool. They’d had dinner. They’d kissed. Would dating mean Cassidy would introduce Laura to her friends? Would she be forced to endure more days like today?

  “No, thanks,” she murmured.

  She sighed again. Well, she couldn’t hide in the bathroom until dinner. She wondered if Cassidy would mind if she raided her liquor cabinet. She had a feeling she would need something much stronger than beer to get her through until dinner.

  When she went back into the kitchen, she was surprised to find Cassidy there—alone. She took out a platter of rib eyes from the fridge and placed them on the island.

  “There you are. I was wondering where you’d escaped to.”

  “Just taking a break,” she said. “And that steak you promised me better be worth it.”

  Cassidy came closer. “I’m sorry. I’d like to say that they’re not usually this rude but…” she said with a shrug.

  “I’m an outsider.”

  “That’s no reason to exclude you from every conversation.”

  “You noticed that, huh?”

  Cassidy met her gaze and held it. “I wish we were alone.”

  “God, me too.”

  Cassidy smiled. “Were you really going to tip her off her float?”

  “Of course. I wanted to drown her!”

  Cassidy’s smile got bigger. “I could tell.” She took a step closer. “You know what I want? I want to kiss you.”

  “Why do you always say that when you know we can’t?”

  “Why can’t we?”

  “Because we’re not alone.”

  Cassidy took her hand and tugged her along, opening the pantry door and pulling her inside. “Now we’re alone.”

  “You’re kinda sneaky.”

  “I’m kinda attracted to you.”

  Laura took a step away from her. “Maybe…maybe we should rethink this.”

  “This? That we’re attracted to each other and we want to kiss? Rethink that?”

  Laura pointed out the door. “Claudia was right. That’s who you date, Cassidy. Beautiful women like her. Not…not me.”

  “I would never call Claudia beautiful. And women like her…their kisses never once made my knees weak. Never once, Laura. You? I just look at you and I get light-headed.” She took a step toward her. “I kiss you and I feel like I’m melting.”

  Laura looked into her eyes. “Do I really make your knees weak?”

  “Really.” Then Cassidy gave her a soft smile. “Should I show you?”

  Laura swallowed. “Yeah…maybe you should.”

  As soon as their mouths met, however, she realized that it probably wasn’t such a good idea. She found herself against the door, Cassidy’s body pressed impossibly close to her own. Her hands wound their way up Cassidy’s shoulders and behind her neck, her moan mixed with Cassidy’s as their tongues brushed each other’s. She felt her stomach flip over as Cassidy’s hips moved against her.

  Yes, her knees were weak. No, she couldn’t open her eyes. Yes, her body was on fire and no…she couldn’t catch her breath. All of that paled in comparison to her heart jumping into her throat when Cassidy’s hand settled on her breast, her thumb rubbing circles around her nipple. The thin material of her swimsuit was barely a barrier and she had half a mind to lower the straps and guide Cassidy’s hot mouth to her breast.

  Cassidy’s mouth left hers and moved to her neck, nibbling at the hollow of her throat. Laura leaned her head back, giving Cassidy more room. She moaned again as Cassidy’s mouth moved to her ear, her tongue bathing it, making Laura nearly delirious.

  “If you don’t stop, I’m going to rip my suit off,” she whispered. “And yours.”

  Both of Cassidy’s hands cupped her breasts, and Laura whimpered as Cassidy’s tongue continued to snake in and out of her ear. The throbbing between her legs was nearly unbearable and she spread them, desperately trying to find purchase on Cassidy’s thigh. Cassidy moved her hands to her butt, cupping her and pulling her hard against her.

  “Oh, dear God,” Laura breathed as she held on to Cassidy, fearing she would fall. She could feel her legs trembling; she could feel her orgasm building. She was gasping for breath as Cassidy’s thigh bucked against her center, pressing into her clit.

  “Cassidy? Are you in here?”

  Laura banged her head against the door. “Oh, God…no,” she groaned.

  Cassidy’s eyes were clouded with desire as she stepped away from Laura. She ran a hand through her hair. “Jesus Christ, Laura Sue,” she murmured with a shaky breath. “How can you do that to me? I don’t think I’ve ever wanted anybody as much as I want you right now.”

  Their eyes held and Laura watched as Cassidy’s chest heaved with each breath she sucked, much as her own was doing. Yes. She should repeat Cassidy’s words back to her. Because she knew with complete certainty that she’d never wanted like this before.

  “Cassidy?” the voice called again.

  “Whoever that is, I hate them,” Laura whispered.

  Cassidy laughed quietly. “I’m sorry. It’s Erica.” Cassidy took another step away from her, still holding her eyes captive. “That was like the best kiss ever.”

  Laura smiled. “No. It was about ten seconds from being the best kiss ever.”

  * * *

  Cassidy opened the pantry door as Erica came fully into the kitchen. Cassidy knew she was flushed. Hell, she still hadn’t caught her breath yet. She didn’t dare look at Laura. Knowing Laura, she was probably blushing.
Erica stared first at her, then at Laura before bringing her gaze back to her again, one eyebrow arching.

  “So…umm, I’ll just…take the…the…” Laura stammered.

  “Fridge,” Cassidy said without thinking. “Umm…the cheese tray…in the fridge.” Their eyes met for a second, but it was long enough for her to see the smoldering desire still evident in Laura’s. Oh, yeah…ten more seconds.

  “Right. Cheese tray. Got it.”

  Laura hurried to the fridge, leaving Cassidy and Erica staring at each other. Neither spoke until Laura left the kitchen.

  “Really? You’re all flustered, Cassidy. The yard girl?” she asked incredulously.

  Cassidy played dumb. She wasn’t sure she was ready to bring her feelings for Laura out into the open yet. She’d barely had time to reconcile them herself.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Erica pointed at the closed door. “Weren’t you just having a make-out session in a closet?”

  At that, Cassidy smiled. “It’s actually the pantry. And yes, we were.”

  “Oh my God! The yard girl? Have you lost your mind? She’s…she’s so…so butch.”

  Cassidy laughed. “Butch? Laura?” She shook her head. “No. She’s just a tomboy. But butch? No. Not even close.”

  “Well, she’s cute, I’ll give you that. But Cassidy, she’s not you. She doesn’t fit.” She leaned closer. “You and Claudia are perfect together. She fits. This woman? Never.”

  “There was nothing perfect about me and Claudia. Nothing. I’m not attracted to her, Erica. I was never attracted to her. You set us up on a date and…well, my fault. There should have never been a second date.”

  Erica pointed out the door where Laura had gone. “And that woman? You’re attracted to her?”


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