Book Read Free

The Neighbor

Page 21

by Gerri Hill


  “What?” Carla asked with wide eyes. “With the neighbor? Since when?”

  “Since this afternoon,” her mother supplied with a smile.

  “Oh my God! Laura’s got a sex date?”

  The blush she’d been trying to keep at bay had to be lighting up her face like a Christmas tree. But she ignored it the best she could “You two are really ruining the mood.”

  Carla laughed. “But that’s good, sis. I mean, it’s been a while, hasn’t it?”

  Laura held her hand up. “I will not discuss my sex life—or lack of—with you and Mother. Ever. Not ever, ever, ever!”

  “I really like Cassidy,” her mother said. “She’s so nice. And pretty.”

  “When did you meet her?”

  “She’s been over for dinner a couple of times. Usually when she keeps Laura over in the pool drinking beer…they come over here for pizza afterward.”

  “Really? How long has this been going on?”

  Laura gave up and plopped down in the chair, joining them at the table. Her mother reached over and patted her leg.

  “Laura Sue’s way past the crush stage.”

  Laura groaned.

  “Cassidy is too,” her mother continued. “Laura’s over there every weekend.”

  “But they haven’t slept together yet?”

  “Well, they’ve kissed.”

  Laura dropped her head to the table in defeat, banging it slowly, as hard as she dared.

  “In the pantry,” her mother continued in a whisper.

  “First thing tomorrow morning, I’m moving you into a nursing home,” Laura mumbled.

  “Oh, honey, first thing tomorrow morning, you’ll still be in the afterglow of sex.”

  Carla laughed loudly, and Laura finally lifted her head off of the table, staring at them. “Really?”

  “I can’t believe you have a sex date! That’s so cool, Laura!”

  “Don’t you have a movie to get to?”

  Chapter Forty-Seven

  Cassidy tried not to seem impatient as they lingered over brunch. Brunch that she intended to be breakfast as she’d started it as soon as she’d heard movement in the guestrooms. But no. Ten thirty was creeping toward eleven, and they were still lounging at the table, second cups of coffee turning to three. Yes, they’d lingered over brunch, but there was still so much food left. She glanced at Claudia’s plate, seeing the food pushed around, nothing more. Erica and Amber had barely eaten half of theirs. A quick glance at her own plate showed it bare, except for the remains of syrup from the pancakes and a little egg that she’d missed. She was, after all, trying to keep her strength up. She had—she hoped—a very busy day ahead of her. That is…if they would leave already.

  “I heard that Macie and Karon are on shaky ground.”

  “No way,” Amber said to Claudia.

  “Macie is supposedly having an affair with one of their friends…Ashly.” Claudia leaned closer to the table with a smile. “She’s straight too, you know.”

  “Oh my God! And Karon found out?”

  Barely containing her sigh, Cassidy got up and began clearing the table. The others didn’t seem to notice. She ignored their conversation. That is, until she heard her name mentioned.

  “Didn’t you, Cassidy?”

  She turned away from the sink. “What?”

  “Ashly? She’s one of your castoffs, isn’t she?” Claudia asked, a smirk on her face.

  Cassidy shook her head. “No.”

  “I heard she spent the weekend here,” Amber said. “Friday alone, then with Macie and Karon.” The others laughed. “No secrets in the group, you know!”

  Cassidy shrugged. “Doesn’t mean I slept with her.”

  “According to Karon, Ashley said you were ‘fabulous,’” Erica contributed. “They all say that about you, Cassidy. You must really be something under the sheets,” she teased.

  “I can vouch for that,” Claudia drawled, as again Erica and Amber laughed.

  Cassidy simply stared at them, wondering if they recognized the bored expression on her face. She wondered how many breakfasts, brunches, lunches she’d spent with friends like this, gossiping about other friends in the group. And in turn, how many of her friends gossiped about her? She hated to think that she was a topic of conversation, but apparently she was. And she hated to think that the so-called friendships she’d maintained all these years were really as shallow as they seemed to her now. No wonder she couldn’t name a one of them as a best friend.

  She went to the island, about to toss out the leftovers, then paused. If Laura came over and spent the day—and night—this would probably make for quick nourishment in the morning. That was still on, right? Was Laura waiting next door? Waiting on them to leave? She smiled as she pictured her pacing in her kitchen.

  “Are you okay?”

  She looked up, finding Erica watching her. She lost the smile and nodded. “Yeah. Why?”

  “You’ve been a little…I don’t know, off your game.”

  “My game? What game is that?”

  “She means you’ve been a little stick in the mud,” Claudia supplied.

  “Wow,” she murmured. “I supplied you with drinks, with a pool, with dinner…with breakfast…and I’ve been a stick in the mud?”

  “You just haven’t been your usual fun self,” Erica explained.

  “Maybe making out with the yard girl will do that to you! I know that would bring me down.”

  Amber and Erica laughed at Claudia’s words, and Cassidy had finally had enough. She tossed down the dish towel that she had slung over her shoulder earlier.

  “I think we need to call an end to the weekend. You’re right. I’m not myself. Hopefully, I won’t ever be that person again.” She went to the table and took the plates away, piling them on top of each other. “I’m shocked by your attitude, but I guess I really shouldn’t be. For the first time in…in forever,” she said with a shrug. “For the first time, I feel happy inside. Happy by being with another person. Laura. The yard girl. Not someone who a friend has set me up with,” she said, looking at Erica. “Not someone who doesn’t care about me but only cares about what I can give her.” She looked pointedly at Claudia, who had the grace to look away. “Not a straight woman who wants to play games. Not someone looking for a boost in their social status.”

  She let the plates clank down loudly in the sink. “If you were truly my friends, you would be happy for me. I’m forty-four years old. It’s taken me all these years to find someone who…who makes me smile, makes me laugh. Makes me damn crazy. You should be happy for me. But instead…you’re being petty. You’re being childish. Selfish.” She tapped her chest. “This is about me. This isn’t about you. So…I’d like for you to leave.” The three of them looked at her quizzically, yet no one moved. “Now,” she clarified. “I’d like you to leave now.”

  Chapter Forty-Eight

  After Erica tried to apologize—and after Claudia told her she was making a big mistake—it still took nearly an hour before they finally drove down the driveway. Cassidy stood there for several minutes, long after the gate had closed behind them. Their goodbyes were said curtly, if at all. She wondered crazily if she would ever see them again. And…if she would miss them.

  She hadn’t realized how selfish her friends were. Had it always been that way? Were they only concerned with what they were getting out of the relationship? Even before the house, she always entertained at her apartment. She supplied the booze and the food—always. Friday and Saturday nights, there was constantly someone around. Two or four people. Six. Sometimes more. Mini-parties, every weekend. And it was a very rare occasion that she went to bed alone. Once the house was built, the parties continued. Sometimes four people. Sometimes six. Then parties got bigger. And again, it was rare that she went to bed alone.

  Until she had a fight with the neighbor over the yard-mowing schedule. She smiled, remembering that day she’d met Laura. She’s been hot and sweaty, a
baseball cap covering her hair, those damn sexy cutoff jeans showing off tanned legs. She didn’t know it at the time, of course, but her world started changing that very day. Changing for the better.

  She took a deep breath, then quickly blew it out before turning and going back inside. The house was quiet, but it didn’t feel empty. Maybe she really was starting to think of it as home. She went into the kitchen, looking out at the glistening water of the pool. Then movement caught her eye and she saw Laura heading toward the closet where the floats were kept. But Laura wasn’t wearing her swimsuit. Cutoff jeans. A tank top. She raised an eyebrow. No bra?

  She opened the door and Laura turned to look at her. Cassidy returned her smile.

  “Time for a swim?”

  Laura nodded. “Yes. You won’t need your suit.”

  Cassidy felt her stomach turn over, felt her heart flutter in her chest, felt the blood rush into her ears…felt a smile light on her face. As usual, Laura seemed to be the one in control, not her. Never her.

  Laura tossed the floats into the water, then came closer, studying her. She tilted her head, her eyebrows raised.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked quietly.

  Cassidy shook her head. “Nothing.”

  Laura took another step toward her, then reached out and touched her cheek lightly, her brown eyes gentle.

  “Tell me.”

  “How is it you can read me so well?”

  Laura stepped closer still, finally pulling her into a hug. “I know they don’t like me. I’m sorry.”

  Cassidy shook her head when Laura pulled away from her. “It’s not that. Well, no, they don’t like you. But it’s not that. I don’t care if they like you or not.” Cassidy took her hand and squeezed it. “I’m crazy about you, Laura. Crazy. My friends…well, I realized they don’t really want me to be happy. At least not with you. They want things to stay the same. They want me to stay the same.”

  Laura met her gaze, but she didn’t say anything. Cassidy let her hand drop and walked a few steps away, trying to gather her thoughts, trying to find the words to explain to Laura how she was feeling.

  “It occurred to me that I’m not lonely anymore.” She turned back around to Laura. “All these years, I’ve been so lonely. Whether there was one person with me or thirty, it didn’t matter. I felt lonely.”

  “The night of your party…when you looked so sad?”

  “Yes. You came over. You hugged me. I wanted the party to be over with so that the day would be over and then it would be morning. And I could take my coffee and go over and see you. I never felt lonely around you. Quite the opposite.” She shoved her hands into her pockets. “I have a lot of friends, Laura.” She shook her head. “But they’re not really friends. Not the way it should be. And it took this weekend for me to see that.” She shrugged. “So—I don’t have a lot of friends, I guess. But I don’t feel lonely anymore. I don’t feel…empty anymore.”

  Laura held her gaze. “I’m kinda crazy about you too. I won’t break your heart.”

  Cassidy nodded. “That would be really nice.”

  Laura smiled. “You’re supposed to say that you won’t break mine either.”

  Cassidy smiled then. “Oh, that’s what I’m supposed to say?”


  Cassidy’s expression turned serious. “I wouldn’t dare break your heart.”

  “That would be really nice,” Laura whispered. “And…I’m sorry about your friends. It’s because of me…”

  “No. It’s them. It’s me. I’ve…I’ve changed. And it feels good. I feel good. You make me feel good. Happy.” She tapped her chest. “Inside. Deep inside…I feel happy.” Cassidy turned and motioned to the pool. “So…enough of that. They’re gone. Pool time now?”

  “Pool time now.” Laura wiggled her eyebrows. “Naked pool time.”

  But when Laura’s hand went to the button of her shorts, Cassidy stopped her. “I…I want to take them off.” Laura raised an eyebrow and Cassidy nearly blushed. “It’s been…kind of a…”

  “Fantasy?” Laura teased. “My cutoff jeans?”

  Instead of reaching for the shorts, though, Cassidy ran her fingers along the hem of Laura’s tank top. Their eyes held, then Cassidy pulled it up—slowly—revealing a surprisingly tan stomach. She paused only a second before lifting it higher and over her head. Her breath caught as Laura stood there, her breasts bare, the nipples rock hard. They, too, had been touched by the sun.

  “You’ve been skinny dipping in my pool,” Cassidy accused in a whisper.

  A small smile played on Laura’s mouth. “I have.”

  Cassidy met her eyes again. “You’re so beautiful, Laura.” When she would have protested, Cassidy held a finger to her lips. “Beautiful. Natural. There’s nothing fake. There are no pretenses. I love that about you.”

  Laura smiled. “Thank you. And now I would love it if you would take some clothes off.”

  “As you wish.”

  But Laura stopped her. “No. Let me.”

  As was usually the case, Laura was now in control, not Cassidy. Laura gave her a flirty smile, then tugged the T-shirt over her head. Cassidy stood still as Laura’s eyes flitted across her black bra. Then Laura looked up, meeting her gaze.

  “I…I don’t think I want to get in the pool anymore,” Laura said quietly.

  Cassidy frowned. God…had she changed her mind? Why? She swallowed with difficulty. “What’s wrong? Are you not ready?”

  “I…I think…I think I want to go inside.” She met her eyes again. “Not the pool.”

  Cassidy sighed with relief. “I see. Bedroom?”

  “Yes. Bedroom.” Laura smiled then. “Any bedroom…I don’t care at this point.”

  They didn’t make it to her bedroom, however. Not right away, anyway. Halfway up the stairs, she paused to look at Laura. Laura’s eyes were full of wonder, excitement…desire. Cassidy stopped, meeting her gaze. Laura was the one to pull her closer, the one to close the gap between them. Their lips met and—like their previous kisses—it caused her heart to race, her knees to wobble. Laura’s bare breasts smashed against her own and she felt hands tugging at her bra. Cassidy pulled away far enough to rip the thing off, then found Laura’s mouth again, swallowing the loud moan from Laura as they pressed together. Her hands slid to Laura’s hips, pulling her closer, feeling Laura arch against her.

  “I can’t stand up any longer,” Laura whispered against her mouth. “I’m going to fall down.”

  Cassidy smiled as she pictured them tumbling down the stairs in a heap, their mouths still locked together.

  “You think I’m kidding?” Laura asked with a smile of her own. Then Laura kissed her again, her tongue teasing Cassidy’s. Cassidy put a hand against the wall, steadying herself. Yeah…they were going to fall down the damn stairs. When Laura’s fingers moved between them, touching her breast, her nipple, Cassidy gasped.

  “Bedroom,” Laura murmured. “Now. Please.”

  Cassidy nodded and stumbled up the stairs as fast as her shaky legs would allow. She was as nervous as a virgin bride and she wasn’t entirely sure why. She had taken women to her bed more times than she could count. But none of them were Laura. None of them ever meant anything to her. Sex. Physical. Never emotional. Never like this.

  She looked at Laura now, remembering a conversation of theirs. Laura had a rule. If she wasn’t emotionally invested, she didn’t have sex. Sex was too personal, she’d said. Cassidy hadn’t really understood that at the time. Sex was just an act, a game. A game she played well. It wasn’t personal.

  Now? Now she was trembling at the thought of touching Laura…of Laura touching her. Not a game. Not an act. Everything that was about to happen wasn’t hers to control, to orchestrate. No. Because Laura was in control.

  It was Laura’s hands at the button of her shorts, Laura’s fingers sliding the zipper down. But she didn’t push the shorts off Cassidy’s hips. No. Those same fingers slid back up her body, pausing at her breasts, makin
g circles around each nipple. She closed her eyes with a quiet moan, letting Laura do as she pleased. Seconds later, she felt a wet tongue brush her nipple and she jerked as Laura had intuitively found her most sensitive spot. Laura’s tongue bathed both nipples, then she raised her head, her mouth finding Cassidy’s, kissing her softly, slowly…almost excruciatingly so. When Laura pulled back, Cassidy was breathless…and still trembling. The look in Laura’s eyes made her knees shake and she finally reached out, grasping Laura’s waist, steadying herself.

  “Are you nervous?” Laura whispered in awe.

  “As if it’s my first time, yes.”


  “Because…because it is my first time.”

  Laura seemed to understand what she was trying to say, and she moved closer, letting their bodies touch.

  “Then we should go slow. Take our time,” Laura murmured into her ear.

  “Is that what you want?”

  “No. I want you to take these damn cutoff jeans off me already so we can get naked.”

  Cassidy laughed lightly, feeling some of the tension leave her body. But she sobered quickly as Laura took her hands and guided them to her shorts.

  “Please, take them off,” Laura whispered. “Or I will.”

  Cassidy gave in to the fantasy that she’d had for weeks now, lowering the zipper slowly, her hands slipping inside as she shoved the cutoff jeans—and the black panties—down Laura’s legs. Laura kicked them away, then tugged at Cassidy’s shorts, insistent hands making quick work of them.

  Cassidy jerked the covers back on the bed and pulled Laura down with her. She spread her thighs and felt Laura press against her as their mouths met in a fiery kiss. So fiery, in fact, that Cassidy felt like she was melting into the bed. She cupped Laura’s hips, pulling her even closer, feeling her wetness as Laura strained to touch her.

  Cassidy rolled them over, taking control. Her mouth covered Laura’s nipple and her tongue twirled around it before sucking it inside. Laura moaned and ran her fingers through Cassidy’s hair as she held her tightly at her breast. She wanted to go slow, she wanted to savor this time, but Laura’s body was trembling beneath hers, Laura’s quiet sighs and moans were echoing in her ears.


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