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Faerie's Champion

Page 12

by M. H. Johnson

  By the end of the meal, Jess realized she had both made a lifelong enemy and gained a new friend, and all in all she was quite happy with the exchange. And when she thought about it, Angelica had declared herself Jess's opponent since the day they first met, and there was nothing Jess could do to counter it, save become the meek lapdog she had made clear since day one she refused to be. The animosity was just now finally out in the open. And next time Angelica crossed Jess, Jess would take it as a challenge, allowing no more snide comments to pass, no matter how much Apple hissed at her to smile and take it; archaic rules to some complex game her sister and mother were such masters of, yet one that was completely beyond Jess.

  It was past time for Jess to take the initiative, to seize the Vor, and force Angelica to play the game by her rules. Hatred out in the open, any move made against Jess to be countered directly, bold as brass.

  Angelica flashed her an ugly look filled with promises of vengeance to come, as she left her table. Jess smiled coldly, baring her teeth, ready for anything the girl thought she could bring to bear. For some reason this caused Angelica to start, almost tripping over her gossip-mates, the whole ensemble flashing Jess nasty looks. Jess, for her part, dismissed them all as petty mockingbirds, hardly worth her attention, and completely ignored them, paying them the ultimate slight.

  Someone, however, had seen it all and gave Jess an approving nod as she also made her way to the Southern Tower, where only a small portion of the girls had their quarters, indicative of Jess's status like nothing else, for all that Jess refused to play the silly games expected of her.

  "Congratulations. You haven't even been here more than a handful of days, and already the entire clique of future would-be queens to the throne hate you in unison. Well done." The tall, broad-shouldered girl nodded approvingly, favoring Jess with a teasing smile, her rich golden hair tied in a delicate series of knots streaming down her shoulder.

  Jess swallowed, feeling oddly breathless as she gazed at the girl before her.

  “Um… thanks?” she offered, before tripping on her own feet. Flushing furiously, she instantly twisted so as to regain her balance with only the slightest stumble, but it was enough to earn a derisive snicker from one of her newly sworn enemies who had been gazing at her with such cold hostility down the long corridor. This didn’t stop a gentle arm from gently bracing her shoulder, however.

  "Careful, there. Some of these tiles can catch a careless boot or slipper. You'd think they'd all be in perfect repair, especially with the tuition these thieves charge our families, but there you have it, I suppose."

  Too busy feeling her chest pound and her cheeks flush, Jess nodded and murmured her thanks, acutely aware of the hands that had so quickly braced her shoulders to balance her.

  The strikingly beautiful girl, an inch or so taller than Jess, gave her an appraising once over. “Your shoulders are like steel, girl. You didn’t get that from flower arrangements, I’m sure.”

  Jess found herself smiled. “Swordwork, actually. A bit of a family tradition,” she extemporized, remembering at the last second that she was trying to appear meek and demure, attempting to blend in, though it had so far proven to be a fruitless, frustrating endeavor. “And your quick reflexes tell me you’re a fan of more than just needlepoint, yourself.”

  Her new acquaintance grinned, sensuous lips showing a set of perfectly white teeth. "Blade and shield, myself. Trained with it since womanhood first touched me at the tender age of eleven. Father said I was more than ready to train in earnest, and I took to it with a passion that did my brothers proud."

  Jess nodded, continuing along the corridor, letting her new friend take the lead. “For myself, it was the other way around,” Jess said. “My brother thought it odd that I had any interest in things besides dresses and lace, and my mother was outright opposed. I had to wheedle my father quite intently to allow me to train under his tutelage, and it was only by showing such diligence, even sneaking into the training room and playing with the practice blades myself, that I managed to charm him into teaching me.” Jess’s voice was animated, losing all pretense of being anything but the lover of martial contests and swordplay that she was.

  She received an approving nod. “That’s the spirit, girl. Train until you understand the blade and its dance perfectly, then train some more. Show your family what you’re capable of, so they may one day bask in the honor and glory you earn in their name. My name is Rulia VonBurg, by the way. But please, Rulia to friends.”

  “A pleasure to meet you Rulia, I’m Jessica de Calenbry, but please, call me Jess.”

  Rich, forest green eyes gazed intently into Jess's own. "Well met, Jess. I appreciate a girl with a warrior's heart and a knight's ideals."

  Jess grinned sheepishly. “I’m supposed to keep a low profile, not that anyone’s ever going to mistake me for a meek wallflower. But I absolutely refuse to watch a woman get bullied right in front of me, and not do something about it.”

  "A girl after my own heart." Rulia smiled with approval even as she came to a halt, obviously before her quarters, quickly unlocking the door and inviting Jess in with a wave, before Jess could feel awkward standing in the hallway. "We have shared name and confidences. I'd like to think that's the beginning of something more sincere than the catty backbiting under syrupy sweet smiles that passes for alliances in this odd academy. And as such, I think we should share a toast. Between well met warriors and perhaps, one day, the best of friends."

  Jess nodded happily to the proposal, entering her host's abode. “Rulia, I think that’s the most honest and candid thing I’ve heard anyone say in this institution since I arrived.”

  Jess gazed carefully at her oddly blushing new acquaintance, sensing not the least bit of malice from her. If deception was intended or no, Rulia certainly held no ill will towards Jess that she could sense. She nodded to herself, quite objective in that moment. This beautiful girl with the adorable smile might make a very good friend indeed. “I would enjoy sharing a toast with you.”

  With that, Rulia removed her dress, stretching in her undertunic before putting on a gossamer thin gown that looked effortless to move in, thought an admiring Jess, quickly looking away before Rulia could see how distracting Jess found her sensual grace. To say nothing of her exquisitely proportioned body, a perfect blend of curves and strength.

  Jess actually felt herself beginning to flush, and quickly distracted herself examining the many fine dresses in Rulia's wardrobe, feeling oddly ashamed of her sudden, intense desire for this lithe, powerfully built girl.

  Rulia, like her, was drowning in this sea of duplicity, mercenary connivance, and subterfuge, and was looking for a genuine friend, as was Jess, for whom trust and honor, candor and idealism, meant something. The last thing Jess wanted to do was act the boor and alienate her.

  Rulia appeared unaware of Jess’s sudden flush of desire and chagrin, shaking her head as she went on about the many issues she had with the Academy. “The headmistress actually frowns upon us using the word ‘friend,’ saying we should instead view each other as potential allies of convenience in the game of Houses and intrigue we shall all soon be immersed in, declaring that we should measure each other’s worth with a critical eye, and not make foolish alliances out of weak and petty neediness, before assuring ourselves first of the true value of our potential ally." Rulia shuddered. "It holds all precepts of virtue and honor with contempt, as if they were merely tools to manipulate one's lessers. Truly this headmistress, indeed this whole school, sickens me sometimes!"

  Jess nodded in wholehearted agreement as she took a sip of the delightfully crisp summer wine Rulia had poured for her with a hostess's grace, spiced with cinnamon and nutmeg, much to Jess's approval. "I quite agree. And their excuse for a fencer, supposedly here to teach us 'ladies' the refined art of dueling, ostensibly to better select a champion as we women are obviously too weak to ever fight for ourselves, is a primping idiot far more focused on graceful movement than effective footwor
k and measuring one's opponent. I doubt he'd last more than a handful of seconds in an actual duel!"

  Rulia nodded, taking a sip from her own crystal goblet. "I quite agree. You, on the other hand, possess quite the strapping figure, my dear Jess. I have no doubt you could hold your own, should it ever come to such."

  Jess preened under the praise, grinning happily. “My dear Rulia, you have no idea!” She chuckled throatily with repressed stories she yearned to share.

  This earned her a very intrigued look from her new friend. “Don’t keep me in suspense, Jessica. Have you actually been involved in a serious duel?”

  Jess flashed her friend a smile both triumphant and sad. “Duels and general melee alike, Rulia. Savage and bloody, every moment a fierce, desperate struggle for survival. Truly, nothing is quite so exhilarating as fighting for your life, one frantic heartbeat at a time. The roar and mad clash of battle, the pounding of your own racing heart, the sweet exhilaration as you savor the heady euphoria of being alive to take another breath, even as your foe crumples at your feet in death.”

  Rulia gave an admiring whistle. “Seriously? Do tell, Jess. I’d love to hear of these exploits!”

  Jess gazed at her feet. “I’m totally breaking my cover story, you know.”

  Rulia chuckled. “If you’re trying to appear the meek and pliable young lady-in-waiting, I’m afraid you’ve managed to fool absolutely no one. Most of our student body looks at you as if you were a caged animal restless to escape, ready to snap the limbs off anyone who dares to try and play their twisted little games with you.”

  Jess smiled sheepishly. “I thought I hid it better than that.”

  Her new friend gave a bemused shake of her head. "I'm afraid not, dear Jess. Remember, these are some of the most perceptive and Machiavellian young women this kingdom has to offer, already up to their eyeballs in intrigue and dreams of backstabbing their way into the arms of one of our royal princes. Accurately judging the character of a potential opponent is something they were probably trained to do since birth. It is no doubt second nature to all of them."

  Rulia reached over to gently squeeze Jess's hand. “I have to be honest, although we have only now met, your reputation does proceed you. Your encounter with Angelica the very day you arrived did not escape notice, only set a most interesting stage. The vicious rumors of her coterie, of course, were seen only as an attempt to ruin your reputation, it becoming immediately obvious to anyone who cared to note that Angelica didn't have the courage to confront you directly, so had settled for classic character assassination. Fear not, my dear Jess. No one takes the stories of your bloodlust and dark rituals involving blood sacrifices seriously, but it did pique ever more curiosity about you. Is it true that you had actually challenged her to a duel on the very hour of your arrival?”

  "Well, it is more like I attempted to goad her into challenging me if she didn't approve of my refusing to curtsey before her, though sadly she would have none of it," an embarrassed Jess admitted, captivated by her new friend's engaging patter and piercing gaze.

  Rulia chuckled throatily, a sound that filled Jess with a sudden heat. How she wanted to kiss those soft, sensual lips, chattering at her even now.

  "Considering that you just smacked poor Angelica with a glove of challenge, I can so easily envision you fearlessly mocking her attempts to intimidate you from the very first day. Oh, the silly chits! To even think of playing such games of intimidation and innuendo with one more than willing to answer any challenge with blood and death! Well done, Jessica de Calenbry. Well done indeed."

  Jess grinned ruefully. "I did my best to play the role of meek, diligent student, ignoring Angelica's constant stream of malicious innuendo and disparaging comments she leaks like puss in all the classes we share, but there is only so much of it I can stand. I find her annoying like an itch I'm not allowed to scratch, but when she starts preying upon vulnerable girls who have no defense against her kind, she crosses a line I will not forgive."

  Jess sighed, shaking her head. "I came here to learn at my mother's behest. Frankly, I couldn't give a fig for the finer points of courtly decorum or pontificating philosophy, and I have as much chance of grasping the nuances of higher mathematics as a pig does of flying to market. But that being said, I have never encountered such a ruthless, petty, conniving group of students in all my life! I loathe a good bunch of these rotten apples, just from how I've seen them treat their fellows, never mind what they say about me behind my back, having no courage to say it to my face, and today was the last straw. I will not keep my peace through any more meals, no matter how my sister badgers me. Any harridan I catch haranguing any girl besides myself, I shall smack smartly with glove and demand satisfaction, just as I had Angelica. And if I saw their faces at Court, I would challenge the lot of them just to blow off steam, lest I explode like a sealed pot left too long on the stove!"

  Jess grimaced and rubbed her forehead, feeling the beginnings of a headache.

  Rulia sighed. “A third of these girls are shy little things, too broken and defeated by the constant haranguing to be of much use to anyone upon graduating this festering pit. A third are adept at evading all notice and doing what they can to avoid catching anyone's ire, and the final third are just as you say. Rotten apples filled with bile and spite. I figured that out in the first month I was here, and I'm already anxious to leave this place as soon as possible. Obviously, I can do no good here."

  Jess favored Rulia with an inquiring gaze. “What good could you possibly hope to accomplish here?”

  Rulia chuckled and shook her head. “It makes no difference now, I’m afraid. I came here a foolish idealist. I shall leave a bit more jaded and aware of just how the world works. But never mind all that. Tell me about your own exploits, dear Jessica.”

  Warming up happily to her favorite topic, Jess did just that, telling Rulia in humorous detail about the fop she had dueled at the Turnsby residence, whom she affectionately termed Ratface. Jess savored Rulia's rapt gaze as she recounted how effortlessly she had parried the foolish lord's blows and mastered him, swatting the outraged and humiliated man's rear any number of times with her counterattacks, until he was utterly shamed and banished from the Turnsbys forever. Rulia’s throaty chuckle as Jess concluded her tale sent delightful shivers down her spine, knowing she was right to have left out the more ruthless bits of her story.

  Jess found she loved having a fresh audience, and enjoyed hearing Rulia's husky voice caress her ears, leaving her heady with warmth and desire, content to mute her growing hunger into gentle fondness, embracing what she hoped would be the beginnings of a genuine friendship.

  Her admirer's laugh turned to something else, however, Jess only then noting that Rulia was gazing at her with an intensity sufficient to send Jess's cheeks blushing hotly. She forced herself to break eye contact, suddenly feeling awkward and off balance. "Anyway, it was an exhilarating match, and I taught that buffoon never to underestimate the longsword."

  It was then Jess gasped, feeling Rulia’s touch gently stroke her cheek. “Forgive me, my dear Jessica. But I don’t think it was the weapon so much as the wielder that taught the lesson so firmly with such mighty strokes of her blade. I sense that you are a woman of no small skill.”

  Jess found her heart racing. “It depends upon the situation.”

  Rulia nodded then, her smile mysterious and knowing as she gently took the goblet from Jess's unresisting fingers, carefully setting it upon the finely polished oak cabinet by her bed. "We have a lot in common, I think, my dear Jess. Not the least of which is a desire to pit our skills against worthy opponents." She gently grazed her hand softly against Jess's hotly flushing cheek. "To engage in contests of strength and skill." Her sensual mouth gently kissed Jess's unresisting lips, sending Jess's heart racing.

  The connection was electric, the gentle kiss eagerly reciprocated as it became clear with a guttural murmur that Jess hungered equally for this particular martial contest between warriors, both in desper
ate need of something that went beyond the deception and lies that surrounded them in this great manor of Machiavellian schemes and jaded dreams.

  Kissing with fevered desire, the pair slowly sunk into Rulia’s soft quilted bed, their murmurs and whispers becoming fierce with barely bridled passion and hunger, each gentle touch sending a shiver through the other, a questing kiss inspiring a cry of delight as they lost all restraint, all clothing torn away, twining within each other's arms, surrendering utterly to their sweetest desires.

  It was an endless time later, having been brought to the dizzying brink of ecstasy, teased and tormented with it even as she finally gave in with endless shuddering release, collapsing into her lover's arms at last, that Jess came to her senses, laughing awkwardly in sudden embarrassment even as she gently kissed welcoming lips.

  “I don’t know what to say, except I’m glad you caught me when I stumbled,” Jess whispered softly into her lover’s warm gaze.

  Rulia's gentle smile warmed Jess's heart. “I too am glad to have stumbled upon you, my dear Jessica de Calenbry. Noble and true, a worthy companion in this den of ill-tempered black sheep.”

  Jess blushed. “I wasn’t expecting that to happen. I really wasn’t”

  Rulia blinked. “You aren’t upset, are you? Please tell me you enjoyed it as much as I.”

  Jess chuckled throatily at that. "Oh, believe me, my beautiful northern princess, I enjoyed it quite fiercely."

  Rulia froze, her gaze becoming instantly guarded.

  “What’s wrong?” Jess asked, suddenly afraid she had somehow offended this beautiful treasure that by wondrous chance she had run into, and miracle of miracles, appeared to find Jess as desirable as Jess found her.


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