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Faerie's Champion

Page 32

by M. H. Johnson

  Jess nodded. "To say nothing of the fact that the cardinal rule in the Guild is that no Delver may murder another. Contests, very specific and carefully honored rules of sharing spoils, and duels to submission are used instead. As my… mentor put it, we are too rare and fine a breed to allow our lives to be wasted frivolously as mere pawns for lords in their various and sundry conflicts. One reason we are, officially anyway, outside the realm of politics entirely."

  Rulia favored Jess with another bemused smile. “You don’t truly think your Guild isn’t playing myriad political games of their own, do you?”

  Jess grinned. “Of course they are. But at least their official stance is one of neutrality, so long as the mundanes leave Delvers alone. And since I’m not interested in politics and just wish to be left in peace, there is some benefit to being considered a Friend of the Guild, even if I don’t wish to dance to their tune, any more than I do the Lords Council.

  Twilight gazed from Rulia to Jess. “All well and good, but you have caught on to the chinks in a certain person’s cover, yes?”

  Jess gave her familiar a reassuring stroke along his back. "It's okay, Twilight. I'm enjoying the dance so far. No reason to disturb the rhythm over inconsequentials".

  Rulia gave Jess a curious look. “Were you just talking to your familiar?”

  Jess gave her lover an impish smile even as she gently lowered Rulia to her bed with a deep, soulful kiss. “Kitty worries about me. He just wanted to make sure I don’t stub my toe, but sometimes I think it feels nice to go about barefoot, to truly feel the world around you, even if you’re more likely to get hurt sometimes.”

  Rulia's face was flushed from their kiss and she gave a breathless little laugh. "Sometimes I have no idea what you're talking about, my dear Jessica. But do you know what? I don't even care! Come, let's see if we can improve further upon that last kiss."

  And with a playful giggle they did, kissing soon moving on to more adventurous games, the pair embracing sweetest rapture and soulful kisses both. Sometime later a wonderfully satiated Jess sighed blissfully, feeling utterly content, wrapped snug in Rulia's arms, warmed by the golden rays of the noonday sun gently caressing their bodies. Jess let herself drift off into a peaceful afternoon nap, trusting that the woman who had loved her so fiercely, so tenderly, would resist the temptation to slash open her throat, no matter the coin Rulia's masters would pay her.


  “Jess.” Twilight's voice was soft, but strangely compelling, seeming to resonate deep within Jess, from the tips of her ears to the depths of her soul.

  With a shiver, she felt herself rising with his voice.

  “Gently, my queen. Gently. Allow your mind to waken, your sense of self entirely, yet leave the weight of your mortal coil behind… excellent. Take a deep breath. Close your eyes. Good. Now, for the most important part. Can you remember the feel of your lamellar armor strapped tight about your gambeson? The feel of your mithril mail atop it all, your shining helm and gauntlets? Do you feel the cool, perfectly balanced weight of your mithril blade strapped to your side? Excellent.” Her familiar’s voice sounded unusually proud of her.

  "Unsheathe your blade, my mistress. And congratulations. You have successfully retrieved your artifacts from Shadow, and are once more a Delver fit to shake the bedrock of Erovering with the weight of your destiny and the shout of your will."

  Jess opened her eyes and smiled, admiring the perfectly balanced length of her longsword held in her armored grip at last. She did not swing it, dream form or no, for she had no idea if such a blade could still wreak havoc in the mortal world. Nonetheless, she spent some moments in happy bemusement, watching the light refract and sparkle along the shimmering glory of her blade.

  "That is a very nice blade, my lover," quipped an amused voice from behind.

  Startled, Jess jumped back and spun around, sword raised high in Ochs, point wavering and dropping moments later, realizing the source of her surprise was none other her lover, gazing at her quite lucidly, stretching as she too got up from her sleeping form, and she, like Jess, was fully armed and armored. She wore what appeared to be a masterwork suit of lamellar armor, fit for the most prestigious of noble Houses. The cuirass was comprised of thick plates of cuir bouilli and Jess admired the exquisite crafting that had transformed the carefully boiled rawhide into perfect form-fitting pieces, reinforced with fine plates of hammer hardened bronze.

  Rulia's gauntlets, greaves, and helm were of similar construction, bronze and boiled rawhide used in tandem for armaments as strong as a Delver forbidden steel could hope to have, all seamlessly secured by flexible straps. The chest piece was inlaid with the image of a coiled dragon, looking for all the world like her coat of arms.

  Her friend then closed her eyes and breathed deep, and Jess caught herself gaping at the wonder of shield and sword appearing as if cut whole cloth from the mists of dream. The shield possessed the same coiled dragon emblem as was upon her lover's armored chest, both now gripped most securely by Rulia who only then opened her eyes.

  "Very, very impressive, my lover," Jess conceded with a warm smile and a slow nod of her head. "I should have suspected, by how fast you had backpedaled from Vilsetch's killing thrust when I was terrified I wouldn't come to your rescue in time, by how readily you recovered from that blow to your ribs, having seen not a single mark on your flesh after a most... thorough examination today.

  Rulia grinned. "I wouldn't have asked if I could join you on your little dream escapade, had I not the skills to make the jump from the world of the living to the spirit realm myself."

  Jess blinked. "The spirit realm, is that your way of saying the realm of the dead? This isn't the afterlife, Rulia. This is the realm of dreams."

  Rulia chuckled. "I know what your Guild calls it. But think on it, Jess. Here we can find remnants of lost empires, forgotten treasures, wondrous lore, all from places and times that the living world has long since passed. Like gold flecks in flotsam kicked free of the roaring rivers of life. So too there are dangerous foes, should one Delve deeper than we are at present, overlaying the waking world so perfectly that our eyes can see the light dancing from the sun upon your blade, and the room in which we stand."

  Jess gave a considering nod, Rulia smiling and speaking on. “Demons, liches, all manner of fell beasts inhabit this realm. And are these inhabitants not examples of creatures that have fallen from life?”

  Twilight gazed at her with some bemusement. "An interesting interpretation your lover has, my dear Jess. And not entirely without merit. It mirrors the belief system held by most Delvers from our northern neighbor."

  Twilight acknowledged Jess's lover with a satisfied nod, when a grinning Rulia made it quite clear she could see and hear him perfectly.

  “This is true, good cat. And a pleasure to make the acquaintance of my lover’s noble and beloved familiar.” Rulia gave him a respectful curtsy even as Twilight darted up his master’s side, slinking to his accustomed spot on her shoulder.

  “This is an interesting development, my queen. Our Rulia has a number of unexpected talents. Very curious.”

  "I know, kitty," Jess concurred with a happy nod. "Isn't it exciting?"

  Twilight gave a long-suffering sigh. “Considering the added complications with this particular dynamic, why should she not have the natural gifts and talents of a Delver?”

  Jess rolled her eyes. "Very well, Twilight." With that, sword already sheathed, Jess tilted her head, gazing frankly at Rulia, whose teasing smile transformed to an expression of gentle-eyed sincerity as she sensed the intensity of her lover's gaze.

  “What is it, Jessica? Is something wrong?” Rulia flashed her lover a cheeky grin. “Yes, I admit it. I was more than a little bit captivated by how brightly you shone amongst all the wilting lilies in the dining hall when you declared yourself, bold and beautiful, daring the world to challenge you. And on some level, it is delightful to meet another who shares my talents. And yes, it was delicious having such a jui
cy secret, even though I only held back a little when we trained, because you are so damn strong, Jessica, even for one who has survived multiple journeys into the deadlands.”

  Jess, gazing gently at her friend, walked up to her and slowly, eyes locked upon her lover, kissed her as tenderly as a mother would her newborn. Rulia's eyes went soft, her suddenly vulnerable smile giving Jess a glimpse of the warmth and wonder of her soul. “Rulia?” Jess asked softly. “I have to know. Are you on any level planning to betray me or cause harm to me or my family, directly or indirectly?”

  Rulia blinked, caught suddenly off guard. She stepped back, slightly flustered, but her gaze was solemn and did not waver. “I swear to you, Jessica de Calenbry, I would never, ever want to harm you, and I sure as hell would never want to cause sorrow to your beautiful sister or your family as a whole.” She shook her head, gazing sadly at Jess. “Can’t you see that already, you silly girl? I’m falling for you. If you were a man, and offered me a ring, I wouldn’t say no.”

  Jess gasped, feeling her heart race. “By the gods, Rulia, I don’t know what to say!”

  “Tell me you feel the same.” Rulia’s soft eyes looked strangely vulnerable as she quietly said those words, and Jess felt warm tears of happiness trickle from her own, falling from her cheeks with the gentle tinkle of diamonds bouncing across the floor.

  Rulia blinked, her tender expression transforming to one of amazement as she bent down to gaze upon Jess's diamond hard tears. She picked one up, watching it sparkle in the sunlight. "That is very odd, my dear Jess. Truly, you are a wonder of curiosities, aren't you?"

  Jess couldn’t help it, she laughed as she hugged and kissed her dear friend and lover.

  Smiling, Rulia kissed her back even as Twilight cleared his throat. Loudly, to their ears, as he was still perched upon his favorite spot. “Plenty of time for going at it like, well, a pair of cats later. For now? I believe we have a mystery to explore.”

  The girls grinned sheepishly. “You’re right, Twilight. Let's be off!” And with that, they proceeded toward the great library, running through the corridors at speeds only to be found in the most fevered of dreams.

  Jess and Rulia both smiled at the two guardsmen looking so bored with their duties by the library entrance.

  “Poor Drake and Armond don’t have the slightest clue, do they?” Rulia winked mischievously, stepping forward to plant a kiss upon Armond’s full lips.

  "I always wanted to do that," Rulia chuckled throatily, for all that the man did no more but offhandedly wipe his lips, as if tickled by a passing puff of air.

  "If you are done teasing the boys, shall we proceed?" Jess asked archly, though secretly agreeing that Armond was as fine a man as any to wrestle to the ground on a hot summer's day.

  Rulia grinned sheepishly. “Sorry. It's been awhile since I last wandered within the spirit realm,” she confided, and Jess’s curiosity was piqued.

  “So Rulia, are you an experienced Delver, then? How many times have you entered Shadow? Or, the spirit realm, as you put it.”

  Rulia looked thoughtful. "Well, I had a couple vision quests as a young girl. It is part of my family's ancient tribal heritage, one of the ceremonies and rights all the young born to nobility go through. Most just fake it, but a few of us have the gift, and of those, at least half are taught to harness their abilities for the defense of our realm against incursions from the dead."

  Jess nodded. “You mean when pockets of Shadow start trying to pull entire towns into the Shadowrealms? A horrible thing when that happens.”

  Rulia favored her lover with an arch smile. “I love all the names you locals have for the spirit realm. Shadowlands. Dreamrealms, Intersecting levels of Regio, Divergent pockets of reality. It’s all the same thing, you know.”

  Jess grinned. "Yes, I know. But they sort of have different flavors of meaning. Realms of Shadow are darker pockets of dream, aligned to Winter to my mind; pockets of nightmare, as like as not. Personally, I think they are a dark link to the realms below, the dreams of demons and other foul creatures, I wouldn't be surprised to find. The Dreamrealms I see more as lighter pockets of Regio, more aligned with Summer, if you will, that depict beautiful moments of ancient civilizations and lost treasures captured in all their pristine glory. Regio? A term scholars like to use to describe overlapping levels of dream, or reality, in order to feel, well, scholarly."

  Rulia chuckled wryly at that. “And all the beautiful fables aside, how often have these portals to the spirit realms actually led to visions of wondrous beauty and glory? And how often instead have they been journeys into darkest nightmare?”

  Jess smiled. “Well, to be honest, in every Delving I’ve been involved with so far, I’ve been fighting for my life against creatures most foul. But oh, the exhilaration, my dear Rulia! For there is an unspeakable thrill in pitting one's might and blade against foes so vile and wicked, and no drink or tincture of poppy could possibly match the sheer rush of power and euphoria that consumes you when you vanquish them!” Jess emitted a throaty chuckle, eyes glimmering with darkest pleasure before instantly lightening once more. “Besides, look at this mithril mail torn straight from the bedrock of legend. See how nice and shiny it is?”

  Rulia gave an admiring whistle. “It is a very nice suit of mithril armor, Jess, and I'm glad you left your visor up for kissing,” she teased. “But still, all in all, you must admit that these realms, whatever you call them, are exceedingly dangerous places.”

  Jess shrugged. “Of course they are. Very few mortals have souls resilient enough not to be crushed and shred to bits by the pressure of being pulled into Regio. Their bodies warping and bursting as their soul is absorbed into dark twisted fever dreams of hideous torment, all memory of their journey through life before that point plucked entirely from the living memory of the world above."

  Rulia shivered. “You say it so matter-of-factly. Such a terrible thing. Truly, Jess, you cannot deny that these realms are dark and wicked places.”

  Jess grinned. "Ah, but to revel within those realms, exploring them in all their mystery and terror, facing down foes most fearsome, reveling in kills potent and sweet. Dark it might be, but nothing is more exhilarating than facing down such terrors! Truly, Rulia, there is no gray in these realms. All is either good or evil. When your foe falls to your blade you can walk away feeling sweet with the rush of victory after a righteous battle."

  Jess grimaced and her gaze hardened. "It is free, at least, of all the political tripe and nightmarish web of politics, such as occurs in the world above, where angels know how many thousands of young men, men who in other circumstances might have been friends, are sent to bleed and die for their liegelords, all so that those corrupt bastards can advance their own petty schemes one step further." Jess sighed. "Just think of those knights I had to put down. Honorable men, fighting for a cause they thought was just, manipulated by a vile Grimsly and a corrupted knight captain both. There is no honor or glory in those kills, my lover and friend. Just the bitterest of regrets."

  Rulia shook her head. “Truly, Jess, I knew you were enlightened, but I never appreciated just how well you understood the corruption that plagues your country and its Council of Lords.”

  “Careful Rulia, you are showing your hand,” Twilight quipped, Jess politely looking away so as not to catch Rulia’s sudden start.

  Rulia grimaced, giving an apologetic shake of her head. "What I mean to say is that any lady, such as you and I, Jess, loyal to our people and their welfare, should be able to appreciate just how terrible a thing wars can be, and how deeply the powers that be try to whip everyone into a needless frenzy, allowing for ever more blood and death to be spilled for those corrupt lords' ends."

  Jess nodded. "I know. My father has often let it be known to my brother and I that he thinks nobles on the borderlands throwing their peasants at each other just to stake a claim on the other's lands is a horrible waste of life. He takes care never to say such things where any of his vassals or the Council
at large can hear him, however. Brother and I are the only ones who know his secret reservations. And sometimes I wonder how can we say that borderland squabbles are the hallmark of corrupt jaded lords expending lives cheaply without doing more to stop it?" Jess shrugged. "The irony is that I've trained so long and hard to be able to spearhead the deadliest assault force in Erovering's history, should war once more break out in earnest. But in my heart of hearts, I too have wondered if perhaps the conflict that's burned between Erovering and Velheim for so long could be resolved peacefully, if everyone could just put away their swords and come to the negotiating table, as unlikely as that is."

  Rulia stopped then, turning to Jess, her hand reaching out to Jess’s to give it a solemn squeeze. “Truly, you are a sister of my heart. You have no idea, my dear Jess. No idea how much I have hoped and prayed for that very thing.” She sighed then, looking down. “If I am to tell you something, I do pray you won’t think less of me for doing so.”

  Jess, visor raised, gently lifted herself to kiss her lover’s lips. No mean feat when they both wore helms. “Speak your piece, beautiful one. I would never gainsay words you spoke to me in good faith.”

  Rulia took a deep breath. “I fear you are right, my dear Jessica de Calenbry. More right than you realize. I would love it if Erovering would come to the table and negotiate with Velheim. But that will never happen. For Jess, what you have to understand is that all the justifications Erovering had for the war of invasion years back, the outrage drummed up by the official criers in all the cities and towns to motivate so many young men to join that cause, all of it? A sham. A façade. The entire justification for this war that had near bankrupted Velheim and cost Erovering many thousands of lives? All of it was predicated on a lie.”


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