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Voices From The Cosmos

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by C B Scott Jones

  To meet the need of relevance of the proposed White Paper, several short paragraphs were added to the invitation letter sent to universities that noted the oral histories and creation stories of indigenous cultures, the sacred literature of India – including the Mahabharata and the Ramayana, and the archeological evidence from Sumer. For the modern era the extraordinary number of global sighting by qualified observers of aerial craft that do not match publicly known flying objects was presented. An offer was made to discuss this subject in detail if an invitation to visit the university was made.

  During the period August 2008 – November 2008, twenty-six of the world’s premier universities were contacted by mail and Email inviting them to participate in PEACE Inc’s Sustainable Peace and Development (SPD) program and Plan C. Each was offered $100,000 to research and write a White Paper on the consequences to their country and culture of disclosure of extraterrestrial contact with Earth. Only two, the University of Queensland, and the University of Melbourne in Australia, responded to this correspondence, both indicating that they would not participate. . A five-page outline of the White Paper was prepared and sent in a follow up letter one month after the first letter was sent. The last three of these pages provided evidential information that the U.S. government was seriously concerned about what UFOs represented.

  Personal visits were made to the University of Missouri in Columbia, and the University of Texas – Pan America (Edinburg, Texas), where meetings were held with administrators at the Dean level and a few faculty members. Neither of these two universities was willing to become involved with Plan C. The University of Missouri did adopt the Sustainable Peace and Development (SPD) program. Two Deans provided helpful feedback. Fear of the consequences flowing from involvement with the ET subject was the controlling issue. One Dean observed, “Without political cover, we would lose funding from all of our traditional sources if we touched that third-rail.”

  Fear of consequence trumped the vision of any possible positive outcome from doing the work. A change in Plan C was made to try a direct approach to the students. The Annual Graduate Student Essay Challenge on Consequences of Disclosure and Contact was added to the website and sent to the original twenty-six universities requesting them to disseminate to the Department level.

  Requirements: From an accredited university, certification from an academic department head that a minimum of ten graduate students will participate in the essay challenge; that the essays will meet the university’s academic standards for graduate work and will receive earned academic credit. All traditional academic departments, e.g., sociology, history, economics, history, political science, philosophy, psychology, biology, and anthropology, are eligible.

  Annually, at each participating university, a prize of $1,000 will be awarded to one student writing the winning 4-5 thousand-word essay on the following subject: “SociologicalConsequences inVietnam of Disclosure of Earth/Extraterrestrial Contact.” (The example given illustrates a specific academic department in a specific country. The academic discipline and the country in bold font are obviously variables.)

  Each academic department will judge the essays done in its discipline, ranking each entry. All entries will be sent to P.E.A.C.E. Inc where a committee of Exopolitics professionals will grade the top four essays for all departments. One winner will be selected based upon the skill of using exopolitical data in research.

  The winning essay will be judged a second time in competition with other winning essays from other universities. A second $1,000 prize will be awarded in that competition.

  Entries may be submitted in any language, but must also be translated into English.

  There was no response. This idea can be improved upon by opening it up to undergraduate students.

  Lessons learned from the failure of direct approach to academe, administration, faculty and students, suggested that a strategy designed to engage elite groups might result in the creation of political cover that would make it safe for academe to get involved, and to provide a cultural sensitive foundation for a global dialogue.

  The Cosmic Humanity Briefing

  To implement this new strategy, Neil Freer and I created a three-part presentation designed to provide the evidence of ancient contact, modern era contact and dialogue on meaning and needful action. In April 2011, I had the first opportunity to present this briefing at three venues in India. The briefing is designed to be presented by two persons over a two-day period. However, Freer could not make the trip to India, and the presentation had to be edited to fit three different time periods scheduled at the three venues.

  Personal contacts in India were recruited to assist in arranging briefing venues in Pune and New Delhi, India. The first presentation was at the Maharashtra Institute of Technology (MIT) at Pune. The senior scientist at the Centre for Biofield Sciences, Dr. R.N. Shukla, Ph.D., D.Sc., D.LIT. was my formal host. He had invited ten of his personal scientist friends for the presentation. One of these was Dr. Deglurkar, who is Vice Chancellor, Deccan College. He insisted after the successful MIT presentation that I accompany him to his school to make a second presentation. Dr. Deglurkar called ahead and we were met by some of his senior staff when we drove up to the Deccan College library.

  The full title of the college is Deccan College Post Graduate and Research Institute (DCPRI). The school is the third oldest educational institution in India, dating from 1821 when it was established as the Hindoo College. In 1864 it was renamed Deccan College. In its current status it offers postgraduate instruction in Ancient India History, Culture and Archaeology, Linguistics, Medieval and Maratha History, Sociology-Anthropology, and Sanskrit Studies. Students have produced over 500 Ph.D. dissertations in these studies. In recognition of the excellence achieved by the Institute both in teaching and research, in 1990 it was awarded the status of a Deemed University.

  After a short Library tour we were guided to a conference room where tea was served and the Vice Chancellor introduced me and asked me to tell his staff the purpose of my visit to India and Deccan College. I briefly addressed the issues of Earth’s ancient contact with the Anunnaki and its home planet Nibiru, the challenge of the return of Nibiru (Planet X) sometime during this century, and the alien/human nexus. I ended by asking them to search the library’s holding on Indian Astrology to see if references to the Moon and any of the planets carried a suggestion that in addition to their importance in astrology, there might be reference to some of them being Extraterrestrial bases, and if Nibiru and the Anunnaki were cited in any of their ancient manuscripts. This request was made to see if we could surface any new documentary links to the extensive Sumerian documentation.

  A small party was then driven to a building housing the Department of Archeology where Professor Vasant Shivram Shinde met us. In addition to his thirty-years teaching archeology and conducting fieldwork in digs around India, Shinde is also the Joint Director of Deccan College, number three in college administration.

  In his outer office he showed me a two-inch thick bound report of excavations at Madina (Late Harappan-PGW site in Rohtak District, Haryana) 2007-2008. Dr. Shinde is an expert on the ancient Harappan Culture of India. He has written that the Dhola Veera Harappan site in Kutch, Gujarat is much more important than Mohenjo-daro. It is an entire city made in stone instead of mud bricks, It has an 18-metre fortification wall and it has unparalleled water management techniques. The area was as arid as it is today, but there were two large streams that were prone to flash floods. The city was divided into three parts, with each having its own tanks and water from these floods were diverted into the tanks with underground pipes. Shinde has directed excavations at this site. He has also directed excavations at Farmana (Rohtak District) in 2007-2009, where a discovery of one of the largest Harappan cemeteries, with around 70 burials has been located.

  Mohenjo-daro is mentioned in Sumer archeological research as an outpost of the Anunnaki settlement in Mesopotamia. I provided Dr. Shinde with copies of Zecharia Sitchin’s b
ooks and he has become a valuable supporter of getting the global dialogue started about the ancient and modern ET/Earth relationship.

  Deccan College was an obvious candidate to research and write a White Paper about the impact to India of acknowledging the ET/Earth relationship. For months it appeared that this would happen, but Dr. Deglurkar quietly withdrew his support of the idea without giving a reason. When we questioned our ET sources about this, they indicated that the government in India had vetoed the project. If this was the case, that decision was made in New Delhi after a very successful presentation was made at the India International Centre.

  New Delhi and a Tad of Mystery

  I was met at the airport by Come Carpentier de Gourdon who had coordinated an excellent New Delhi program for me. The centerpiece of this was an afternoon talk at the India International Centre. The IIC is a very prestigious institution in New Delhi. John D. Rockefeller III, brother of Laurance Rockefeller, provided early and critical funding support for its creation

  As a speaker at the IIC, I was invited to become a temporary member of the club and therefore qualified to stay in its hostel and use its dining facilities. It also enabled me to host meetings arranged by Come and my second New Delhi resource person, Manmohan Sharma. Sharma is the Executive Secretary of the Indian Association of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (IAPPD). Sharma’s government contacts are outstanding. Come and Manmohan worked effectively together and I had a full plate at Delhi as the result of their collaboration.

  The IIC is the premier venue in New Delhifor intellectual stimulation. Come was asked by his IIC staff contact to change the proffered title of my presentation to something with more intrigue. The suggested title change was more than intriguing; it was a bait and switch move that required a bit of rewrite and removal of some material to keep the presentation within one hour. The negotiated new title of my talk was:Cosmic Implications of Paranormal Research and Interests in the US Military and Intelligence Community. Since the IIC program schedule is sent to all embassies, I thought that perhaps a couple of U.S. Men in Black would show up. I checked the audience very carefully, and everyone appeared completely innocent of Black Ops affiliation.

  An outstanding number of questions came from the audience following the presentation. After more than an hour of them we had to firmly close it down. I have entertained the thought that the suggested title change came from the fertile mind of an Indian counter-intelligence officer to see if it would smoke out anyone from the New Delhi diplomatic community that they had not identified with intelligence responsibilities.

  Perhaps the most important government contact was a Member of the Rajya Sabha (India’s Parliament Council of States). Professor P.J. Kurien, MP, Congress Party Member from Kerala. He is a very senior Member of Parliament, having served six five-year terms in the Lok Sabha (House of the People), and now in his second six-year term of the Rajya Sabha. Accompanied by two of his Rajya Sabha colleagues he came to the IIC to meet. Over tea I briefed that group on the purpose of the visit to India. Because Kurien is a senior member of the Rajya Sabha Defense Committee, I detailed some of the U.S. military/ET contact experiences. He became very interested when I related the accounts of UFOs hovering low over U.S. ICBM sites and concomitant loss of operational control of a number of ICBMs in underground silos. This is part of an understanding that some ET groups are most concerned about nuclear weapons. I gave Kurien a copy of the Outer Space Security and Development Treaty, indicating that a copy of the treaty would also be given to the Minister of External Affairs and Ambassadors to India from China, Pakistan and the Russian Federation. We agreed to keep in touch. Subsequently I send him a copy of Robert Salas’s bookFaded Giant, that details the 1967 Malmstrom AFB Missile/UFO Incident, and asked him to push the Indian government to adopt the treaty what will ban all space-based weapons.

  By special courier I sent a copy of the Space Treaty and a special gift to the Chinese, Pakistan and Russian Federation ambassadors to India. Previous to this I had requested a separate meeting with each of them, and gave a personal invitation to my IIC presentation. There had been no response to these communications. That was not unexpected. The gift was a one and a half inch square, three-quarter inch thick bronze cuboid. One side had a reproduction of a Harappa seal in deep relief. On the opposite side was the word PEACE above the P.E.A.C.E. Inc. logo, also in deep relief. I sent a follow-up email letter to each of them, explaining the bronze gift. The Harappa seal represents the continuing mystery of our alien origin that will be resolved with disclosure when extraordinary opportunities will develop provided certain conditions are met. The other side of the bronze cuboid is a reminder that solutions to potential Earth-ending issues will only be recognized through a lens of peace, and achieved by too long delayed and difficult decisions that all countries must make, particularly the current nuclear powers. All classes of weapons of mass destruction are a curse upon civilization. They are a denial of what it means to be civilized. The Visiting Other have made it very clear that support for Earth that they can provide will only be available to a peaceful, nuclear weapons free planet.

  Manmohan had arranged for a meeting with Scientist Shantanu Bhatawdekar, Officer on Special Duty at the Indian Space Research Organization, Department of Space. Bhatawdekar’s office was decorated with a number of photographs provided by India’s successful moon orbiting satellite. Our conversation about this achievement was certainly guarded on his part. My suggestions that India may have learned much more from this accomplishment than they had made public were comfortably deflected. I did not expect him to confirm what our ET sources have told us about the presence of ET facilities on the avert side of the moon.

  Of all nations, India’s cultural heritage is most sympathetic to an ancient reality of extraterrestrial contact with Earth. However, India is an important player in the modern world and its government plays its political and diplomatic cards with care. When a White Paper is written that assesses India’s public response to affirmed knowledge of Earth/ET contact in the current era, it will most likely be one of excitement and pride that they knew this all the time.

  The Treaty: a New Strategy with an Essential Partnership

  Much has been learned over the years by the failure of various iterations of Plan C to accomplish its objective: start a global dialogue about a future when there is no ambiguity about Earth/ET contact. The importance of the dialogue has been a repeated input from ET sources for years. The message has been consistent. The dialogue is an essential part of the process of disclosure. Increased sightings are also part of the process. The dialogue itself will surface other essential parts of the process, particularly involving violence on Earth and obvious political and economic decisions that must be made. Knowledge of helpful technologies from ETs will not exceed that already seeded in the minds of thousands on Earth. “Listen and act on the messages you have already received.”

  What new does the Outer Space Security and Development Treaty bring to the table? The value added came in a simple, quiet thought when drafting for the Treaty was well along. “Would you consider adding Cosmic Culture to the Treaty?” My response was a quick “yes,” and that I would recommend that to the Treaty team. Carol Rosin is the team leader with years of experience with space treaties when she founded the Institute for Security and Cooperation in Space. Other members brought relevant experiences and skills to the team. Commander Will Miller, USN Retired was an advisor to the White House, U.S. Space Command, and the Department of Defense; Apollo Astronaut Captain Dr. Edgar Mitchell, USN Retired, and founder of the Institute of Noetic Science; Aerospace Executive and engineer Abe Kriger with Boeing for 37 years, joint U.S./Russian space programs; Honorable Paul Heller, former Minister of Defense, Canada; and myself. The team response to this idea from the ETs was immediately positive. All of the Team members realized that this request for ET inclusion was a very important as it quickly addressed the issue of verification when the Treaty became law. The language in the Treat
y about the inclusion of Cosmic Cultures is straightforward. In the opening paragraphs:

  “This Treaty invites Nation States to become Signatories to this Treaty and invites all parties, including Nation States, Indigenous Nations and Cosmic Cultures, to commit to plan and assist in the orderly development and implementation of a framework and procedures that will assure and verify that space is and will remain a neutral realm from which all classes of space-based weapons are banned in perpetuity.”

  This is followed by these entries in “The Parties to this Treaty” section:

  “Acknowledge that we are not alone in the universe, that there are Cosmic Cultures that will be important allies for our security and development, and that our national and international policies must reflect this reality,”

  “Acknowledge that from the beginning of nuclear weapon testing, extraterrestrial craft have demonstrated a capability to selectively shut down communications and/or the power of participating units, and have appeared over ICBM fields in several countries causing non-destructive failure of dozens of ICBMs – taking them out of operational control for days”

  “Realize that the demonstrated capability of extraterrestrial cultures from the multiverse to neutralize any missile or nuclear capability is in itself not a threat message, but does serve notice of our limited understanding of physics and the clearly dangerous consequences of continuing to use destructive technologies.”


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