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Voices From The Cosmos

Page 7

by C B Scott Jones

  Weapons of mass destruction exist for a reason – but there are other solutions.Well before the industrial revolution in Europe that harnessed the power of steam and shocked the environment with the foul residue of burning coal, other cultures at other times have experienced the consequences of technological advances. It is a hoary cycle of humanity. It is a simple fact of life. Once something is invented, it cannot be un-invented.

  As you will shortly read, some of the voices from the cosmos talk about their fear of humans as well as their fear for humans. Of course through the lens of our consensus trance there are only as few nutty and dangerous countries on Earth, and most certainly MY country is not one of THOSE. Pakistan only has nuclear weapons because India has them. We will let the knowledgeable readers in Israel and Iran, the U.S. and Russia, etc., come up with their own proof of this reality.

  However, there is an overarching reality on this issue that the ETs talk about. There are two bottom lines, the first is that countries have weapons of mass destruction for one primary reason – to use them, and secondly, the use of nuclear weapons has effects that our physics has not recognized, but the ETs know only too well.

  Bombs are Made to Drop

  What “nearly” happened in Vietnam years before the years of full U.S. military engagement there is not well known. And what did happen during the defeat of the U.S. is now rarely talked about. As a sad reminder, the war resulted in the death of 58,159 U.S. military and 303,635 wounded and over four million civilians killed in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. The intensity of the air war is likely forgotten, if ever generally known. The U.S. dropped 6,727, 084 tons of bombs during the Vietnam War. That was over twice the amount dropped by the Allies during World War II.

  Operation Ranch Hand involved spraying nearly 20,000,000 gallons of Agent Orange, an herbicide, with the goal to defoliate jungle cover to expose guerilla forces and supply routes and to destroy food crops to force rural-to-urban migration. Unintended consequences were hundreds of thousands of civilians killed and maimed. The number of children born with birth defects is staggering.

  Not to be forgotten is that the consequences of post-traumatic stress disorder remain a burden on the lives of uncounted thousands in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and the U.S. Additionally, in the U.S., suicide rates for Vietnam veterans are the highest of any other group.

  When I became involved in naval intelligence, several assignments involved unique nuclear weapon issues. The first of these was when I was Intelligence Officer on the staff of Commander Carrier Division 14 (COMCARDIV 14, 1955-1957). One of the requirements of that position was to be a qualified Nuclear Weapons Deployment Officer. Training for this focused on weapon effects in order to maximize kill and damage rates as selected by the operational commander. In those years calculations were done on a slide rule, using values from lookup charts that had been created from hundreds of open-air nuclear tests shots at the Nevada Testing Grounds and in the Pacific Test Site. The final examination of the seven-week course was based upon a military situation where the friendly forces were surrounded in a basin by enemy forces on higher ground. We were given an 8X10 inch aerial photograph of the target area, and the commander’s requirements for kill and damage. We could use up to three nuclear weapons to be delivered by carrier based naval aircraft. Our job was to select the desired ground zeros (DGZ), yields, and heights of burst. Intelligence elements included that the enemy was dressed in summer uniforms, short-sleeve shirts and shorts. Personnel were the principal targets, and thermal effects were to be maximized. Friendly forces would be underground, but expected to suffer light to medium levels of fatalities and injuries. When the examination was over I told the instructor that I recognized the photograph as Dien Bien Phu, circa March 13-May 7, 1954, and asked if the problem was theoretical or historical. He responded that he was the Nuclear Weapons Deployment Officer aboard a U.S. aircraft carrier deployed in the Gulf of Tonkin off the coast of Viet Nam and was directed to designate the weapons, yields, DGZs and heights of bursts in order to break the two-month siege of the surrounded French forces. He said that the weapons were prepared, moved to the flight deck, loaded aboard delivery aircraft awaiting launch orders to come from the Pentagon. The orders that came were to stand down and return the weapons to their Special Weapons Storage. I passed the final exam by selecting three MK-7 nuclear weapons, each with an 8 KT yield, and height of burst that maximized thermal effects without the fireball touching the ground. The expected outcome would have been that 50% of exposed personnel would have been instantly killed and an additional 30% would have died from severe burns within three days.

  The politics of this event are detailed in Jules Roy’s book,The Battle of Dien Bien Phu. The key participants are President Eisenhower and Chief of the Joint Chiefs, Admiral Arthur W. Radford. Radford was the navy’s equivalent to General Curtis LeMay, USAF, in many pathological ways. During the subsequent U.S. Vietnam War, LeMay stated, “we’re going to bomb them back to the Stone Age.”

  It was Admiral Radford’s idea to use nuclear weapons to assist the French. He made this offer to the French ambassador in Washington, D.C., and after the French agreed, Radford ordered the navy to plan for the action. At that point Radford informed President Eisenhower of this grand plan. Only the president can authorize the use of nuclear weapons. Eisenhower told Radford then they needed to consult with the leadership of Congress about the plan. There is no public record of that meeting, but obviously cooler heads made the correct decision and Radford was told the tell the French ambassador that the attack was off. Roy’s account of this moment is the French ambassador responded in disappointment, “That being the decision Admiral, I wish you had not made the offer in the first case.”

  The U.S. Vietnam War started in 1950 with the arrival of military advisors. U.S. involvement escalated in the early 1960’s. U.S. combat troops were deployed beginning in 1965. Ho Chi Minh then warned that if the Americans “want to make war for twenty years then we shall make war for twenty years. If they want to make peace, we shall make peace and invite them to afternoon tea.” Eight years later, June 1973, Congress passed the Case-Church Amendment prohibiting use of the U.S. military in Vietnam after August 15, 1973, without advanced congressional approval. President Ford announced the end of the war on April 23, 1975.

  Earlier in this chapter the saga of the bestselling book,The Ugly Americanwas given. The reader will not be surprised to hear that this cycle of high attention followed by minimum successful action to address the issue is not uncommon. The situation is that moving the consensual trance off its determined tract is the stuff of miracles. Never the less, within every consensus trance there are enlightened thinkers who are bold enough to stand up and declare, ‘The emperor has no clothes,’ listen to me, this is the universal reality. An outstanding contemporary example of this is David Korten who has written and lectured brilliantly on the need for global cultural transformation. His classic international bestseller,When Corporations Rule the World, is both a predictive warning about the current tragic economic conditions for most the world’s population, and a blueprint for the needed transformation. But taking back control of the economy and politics from the corporations will take more will and skill than is currently available to mere citizens. Something more, a powerful ally is needed. The closing section offers hope and challenges. Read it carefully.

  A Special Voice from the Cosmos

  For centuries, Earth has been a battleground of wars: Hot, Cold, and Secret. The ETs have followed this closely, especially when our weapon technology became uncontrollable and crept into space. They have legitimate concern about the human fratricide taking place and want a dialogue about it.

  It is obvious that Earth is at a tipping point, probably a situation not really rare in the magnitude of the cosmos. The solutions must come from the hearts and sweat of those who have caused the problems and from those who have closed their eyes and hearts and tolerated the excesses that now clearly predict the end of civilization, perhaps
too grand a description of Earth’s society.

  The best that this book can do is to introduce some of the issues to be faced before it is reasonable to even expect that wise counsel, if offered, will be understood. To that end we asked a representative of a group that is a communication link between Earth humans and the Spiritual Hierarchy. This entity is a Pleiadean that uses the communication name Monitor.

  “MONITOR: The organization of ET activities is simple in design, yet when applied to specific meetings and projects, can become rather complex. The Spiritual Hierarchy long ago set guidelines that are similar to the Prime Directive expressed in the Star Trek series. The principal responsibility for the growth of humans needs to be the responsibility of those humans. And therefore the tendency for people to seek a savior to save them from themselves needs to be avoided through ET interaction.

  Protocols for working in cooperation with humans keep a focus upon human clarification of intentions. Many humans seeking contact with ETs seek not only to establish their point of communication and sense of reality in their contacts, but also tend to gain a sense of self-importance. The ego reactions attached to the need for self-importance are often challenging for participating humans to deal with. And thus there is a certain ego distortion that often accompanies human ET contacts.

  Thus from the viewpoint of the Spiritual Hierarchy, ETs are encouraged to add experiences to their contacts with humans that bring about a neutralization of ego reactions. That can take several forms. It can at times lead to a sense that what the human wants, the human often has to wait and develop patience in order to achieve the goal.

  The challenge in human and ET communication typically involves the great difference between the human mind and the cultivated ET mind. The human mind must stretch considerably to gain reasonable communication from the human standpoint. The challenge facing humans lies in the inadequate concepts or beliefs that the human holds as a result of cultural training.

  In addition, most humans do not perceive beyond the physical easily. Yet they may, over a prolonged period of ET contact, gradually develop beliefs and skills in perceiving beyond the physical. ETs that exist in higher planes of existence find it quite difficult to relate to human concepts that stem from their experience in a physical plane. Communications between ETs and humans can often become distorted, with humans assuming physical plane concepts when ETs do not refer to them at all.

  Thus a period of time involving small groups of humans and ETs is required to develop greater understanding between the two levels of consciousness.

  The fears of humanity tend to arise when a human, on conscious or subconscious levels, feels that it deals with the unknown and the unknown generates feelings of vulnerability and threat. Human fearsmust arise and be purged during even short-term communication with ETs.

  The human concept ofpower is focused upon physical plane experience and often quite at odds with the true expressions of power that have become commonplace skills of ETs. Humans tend to project human dynamics upon ETs, which is quite inappropriate.

  With these challenges to communication between humans and ETs, a prolonged experience involving several separate groups is required to compile a variety of long-term interactions and conversations. Out of that compilation will come a greater understanding, yet it will likely require human generations.

  That is our comment.”

  SCOTT: I think that is perhaps one of the most important responses that you have shared with me over the years. And I specifically ask permission to use this in a book that we are writing,Voices from the Cosmos.

  MONITOR: We give our permission.

  Chapter 5

  The Exobiology Project

  Angela T. Smith

  From early 2003 through the end of 2011, I contracted, as a remote viewer, to an amazing man: a visionary CEO of a NY financial company. From January through December, 2006 we ventured on an unusual and innovative joint project, “interviewing” a series of twelve different alien races: the Exobiology Project. This work began with two simple questions: the first was, if remote viewers can perceive and assess on-Earth individuals and groups, why not off-Earth? We wanted to see if we could successfully contact ET races in order to learn about them.

  The second question acknowledged that much off-Earth communication involved a telepathy-like channel. So, could this medium be useful to talk one-on-one with off-Earth races? The Exobiology project was very fruitful and now forms the second half of this book. My thanks go out, once again to this creative thinker and his farsighted projects.

  Anonymity has been preserved for the client. His role in the financial world during the increasingly-troubled recession was valiant but he finally sold his businesses and retired. His position as sponsor, patron, and friend is truly appreciated and the nine years working for him were ones of exploration and discovery, “pushing the envelope”, and excitement. Our work together focused mainly on conventional business matters but his brave approach to unconventional topics opened the doors to the Exobiology Project, as well as many others.

  So, how did we do this? Many people would classify me as being a “channel.” That word is correct, only in that I am acting as a conduit for the voices of the races. There is a difference between how I do what I do and how the public views what a channel does. A classic “channeler” is in an altered state, often sets their own self aside, and allows a discarnate entity (spirit, alien) to take over their physical body. The discarnate entity then uses the “channeler’s” voice and body to relay information while the “channeler” is in deep trance. The channeler’s voice often changes to reflect the gender, race, and personality of the channeled entity. How I work is quite different.

  Critics of works such as the Exobiology Project claim that individuals who report ET contact are either mentally ill, perpetuating a fraud, or are uneducated. This has not been the case in the majority of contact work. For the record, I have never suffered from a mental illness, have never had a criminal record, and I am educated at the post-graduate level. At some point, I believe that the accumulation of evidence on ET communication will prove the skeptics wrong.

  My method had more to do with remote viewing and telepathy than channeling. At no point am I in deep trance, under hypnosis, and I do not let an entity take over my voice or body. My method is based on the intuitive, telepathic ability that everyone has to some degree. Much like math or music ability, some individuals have a lesser or greater capability to be intuitive.

  I am, in a sense, “listening” and reporting. I pre-type the questions onto my computer, and then send out a request to the entity to be interviewed. As I read through the questions, I “listen” for the answers and type them into the computer document as they are perceived. I ask confirming and clarifying questions of the entity but, at no point, does the entity have control of my voice or body. This is very similar to a standard, human interview except that the method of choice is telepathy. A scientific review of telepathy and remote viewing is included in the Appendices at the end of this book.

  The Exobiology Interviews are reported verbatim: that is the responses given by the ET races to questions have not been modified or edited in any way. The responses belong to the different Exobiology races. We wanted to use an interview protocol that was academically rigorous, so that its success or failure would guide us and other researchers in such other undertakings.

  Finally, sociological questions from C. Wright Mills and Dan Brook’s TSS Directory were asked in an effort to document information about the different races. Rather than repeat the same sociological questions for each race, their assessed responses have been summarized at the end of each interview.

  This assessment model allowed a learning curve to develop over the year of interviews. Using a model that was designed to investigate human society, to assess ET culture was not the optimal method. But one that gave us the best information we could get under the circumstances. It should be remembered, too, that information from the ET races
was filtered through the consciousness of the human interviewer.

  Over the year, the questioning progressed from standard, philosophical, and sociological inquiries, to specific questions for each group; we asked races to talk about each other, and then invited the races to dialog as groups. We invited each ET group to recommend other groups to interview and finally, we did “site visits” to three ET home bases. This was definitely a learning curve!

  Scott has written about the Consensus Trance Lens: how we filter reality through our own preconceptions. There is a huge problem with anthropomorphizing the ET races, when they are very different from us. However, until we have a Universal Decoder Ring, or meet them face-to-face, this is the best we can do. Regardless, of the method, what the ET races have revealed to us in their interviews is fascinating and informative.

  By the late summer of 2012, my client had retired and emigrated, and the Exobiology Interviews had been sitting in my files for over seven years. I felt it was time for them to be published. Inquiries to individuals in the remote viewing and UFO worlds met with indifference, skepticism, and, even, alarm! One brave individual: Donald Ware, volunteered to send out the Exobiology Interviews: one each week, to Truthseekers, his 600+ email list. The response was very positive and the recipients wanted to read more! Thank you, Don.

  During the months that the Exobiology Interviews were being shared with the Truthseekers group, a long-time colleague, C. B. Scott Jones, contacted me with the idea that the interviews could form the basis of a book that we could write together. Scott introduced me to two of his Exopolitics colleagues, the two Neils: Neil Freer and Neil Gould, and questions from the three of them formed the basis for a new series of interviews, with another ET race, the Anunnaki.

  Thanks are extended to the representatives of the different ET races that came forward to be interviewed, sometimes, several times over many months. According to them, few humans reach out to them in this way but they are very interested in talking to us. So thank you to the Large Grays, Nordics, Small Grays, Hooded Reptilians (even though you didn’t want to talk to me), the Indigo Hybrids, the Oranges, the Light Ones, the Dark Ones, the Anaka, the Lyrians, the Wing-Makers, the Duvel, the Sirians, the Rall, the Orbs, the Aldebarans, the Angels, and finally, thanks to the Anunnaki, for our latest interviews.


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