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Voices From The Cosmos

Page 10

by C B Scott Jones

  Q: So, someone could call an Orb, imprint it with information, and this information could be sent to another individual? Can Humans do this too?

  NORDICS: Yes, Humans can do this but they cannot yet perceive Orbs all the time with their eyes, only with technology. Nor can they decode the information that is carried by the Orbs.

  Q: Can the different extraterrestrial races also manifest responses and are they positively oriented? Are there inherent conflicts detrimental to our interests?

  NORDICS: Most of the races, not living on the Earth, are cooperative but separate. For example, the Nordics and the Grays work together, cooperate, but they have different roles. Positive and negative are Human terms and do not apply. We do what we have to do. Grays do what they have to do. We do not interfere with each other. The work of the Nordics and the Grays are not detrimental to Humans.

  Q: Humans view abductions and what is done to abductees as detrimental.

  NORDICS: That is a Human perspective. Abductions are not detrimental; in fact they are beneficial to Humans, in the long run.

  Q: How?

  NORDICS: They facilitate mental growth and development.

  Q: Are you involved in forming the Hybrids?

  NORDICS: Yes, we cooperate with the Grays. The Hybrids are not Human, they are not Gray, they are not Nordic, they are something else. They are their own species. They are called the New. We will continue to call them Hybrids. They contain aspects of Human, Gray and Nordic.

  Q: What is their purpose?

  NORDICS: They do work that Nordics, Humans, and Grays cannot do, or to go where Nordics, Humans, or Grays cannot go. They are emissaries, workers, travelers, pioneers.

  Q: Can other alien races prevent abductions?

  NORDICS: Yes, Humans can prevent abductions.

  Q: How?

  NORDICS: By requesting it. Humans are not always aware that they have been abducted and so cannot request that they be stopped. Some Humans are aware of the abductions but have a need to continue to be abducted because of the psychological links to the Grays and the Nordics. Much of this is below the surface of consciousness. Very few abductees want the abductions to stop. That is our experience.

  Q: Human abductees may suffer from psychological and physical trauma because of the abductions.

  NORDICS: No abductee has lost their life, no abductee has lost a limb, no abductee has lost their mind because of abductions. Trauma is minimal. It is Human society that creates the perception of trauma.

  Q: Who are the good guys, who are the bad guys and what can we learn from them?

  NORDICS: There are no good guys or bad guys. These are Human terms and irrelevant in our race. Each race has its agenda and mission. Some of these may be opposite what others do and say but there is cooperation. Territoriality and aggression are Human traits. Humans can learn from the Grays and the Nordics. They can learn cooperation and survival.

  Q: Can some races render implants fallible?

  NORDICS: Yes, Humans can render their own implants and those of others fallible, just by willing it. Humans have more abilities that they know about. That is why there are so many abductions. Implants routinely fail because of abductee will. Implants are specifically formed with this factor in mind. Multiple implants are in place because of this fact. It is not a weakness of the implants or the implanters, it was designed that way.

  Q: We would call this a moral dilemma that abductees can make their own implants fail.

  NORDICS: It is not a moral act; it is just the way it is.

  Q: Can abductees ever be implant free?

  NORDICS: For short periods of time. Implants will be replenished.

  Q: Can we interfere with the functioning of implants?

  NORDICS: The answer is as above.

  Q: Are they the same races or different groups of the same race that are carrying out the abductions?

  NORDICS: It is the Grays, usually the Small Grays, that carry out the abductions, as they have technology and skills that the Nordics do not have.

  Q: Such as?

  NORDICS: They have the technology to counter Earth’s gravity, they have the ability to dissolve matter, to pass through matter, they have the ability to interact with the Human mind.

  Q: Nordics do not have these abilities?

  NORDICS: We let the Grays carry out these functions. We have other abilities.

  Q: Such as?

  NORDICS: We can become invisible, as you saw with the male Nordic at the Millennium, we can travel non-materially long distances, and we can perceive many minds at one time.

  Q: How do they travel and is this travel with or without vehicles?

  NORDICS: Usually we travel non-materially.

  Q: We call that teleportation.

  NORDICS: We also travel in the Gray’s craft and other races’ craft.

  Q: Are there physics that we don’t know yet, by which you can achieve these abilities?

  NORDICS: Yes, but Humans are getting there. Humans are too afraid of this technology. They worry about losing individuality, the soul, the mind but these go along with the body. The body is only matter and can be reconstructed anywhere. The mind or soul is what travels and goes into the reconstructed body at the destination.

  Q: I have often wondered about that.

  NORDICS: Humans have to overcome many mental and physical barriers before being able to travel in this way.

  Q: Some Humans can travel mentally outside their body and can sometimes perceive the world from another Human body. Is this a form of teleportation?

  NORDICS: Yes. In Nordic technology, a whole new body, which is a complete copy of the original, is provided for the mind, it is not owned by another individual.

  Q: How is the new body formed?

  NORDICS: It is manufactured from available energy in the atmosphere according to a pattern that is sent ahead of the mind.

  Q: Fascinating!

  Q: How long can Hybrids stay on Earth and why has the hybridization program taken so long?

  NORDICS: Some Hybrids remain on Earth for a short time. Please refer to them as Hybrids, not hybrids, as they are a separate race. Many are sent as emissaries, travelers, explorers, to other parts of the galaxy. The hybridization process will continue, as it has continued, until there is no more need of the Hybrids.

  Q: What and who are the Indigo Children? Is there a specific race that is producing the Indigo Children?

  NORDICS: The Indigo Children are named by Humans. They are not formed by us. They are not Hybrids. They have always existed on Earth. Children with special abilities have always been born. What they become depends on their socialization. Some become criminals and murderers, these Indigo Children are never talked about.

  Q: Are the Nordics and Grays especially interested in the Indigo Children?

  NORDICS: Yes. They have many traits that we need in the Hybrids. They are also easier to interact with.

  Q: The Tall Gray said this too.

  NORDICS: More Indigo Children, than regular children, are collected by the Grays.

  Q: Why are some species interested in hydrocarbons? Are they rare in the galaxy? What about other minerals and gases: hydrogen, boron? What purpose do these species put hydrocarbons to? Are we in conflict for these resources?

  NORDICS: Nordics do not mine minerals or other substances. They have no need for these substances. The Large and Small Grays and others collect these substances. The Grays need them for food, for soaking, for feeding, for manufacture, and for trade. There is no conflict in collecting these substances. They are freely available in the galaxy and can be collected anywhere. There is no conflict.

  Part 2

  Q: They obviously find our human civilization to possess valuable galactic characteristics, some of which they probably lost eons ago, or they wouldn’t be interbreeding with us. They certainly possess the ability to destroy our human civilization, but have not, why?

  NORDICS: Interbreeding involves three races: the Nordics, the Grays, and Humans. Th
e Nordic portion of the Hybrids includes their intelligence, other mental abilities, and some physical characteristics such as the white hair and blue eyes. What is valuable about the human portion is the ability to generate emotions, the ability to think in abstract ways, to reason about the past and the future, and the Human quest for exploration and discovery. There has been no need, and probably will continue to be no need, to destroy Human civilization.

  Q: Is this intergalactic ethics - being held to certain behavior by other ET civilizations? Or is it just that their self-interest benefits more by using us for their own needs rather than simply destroying us (a similar model of how things operate on Earth)?

  NORDICS: There is no ethical reason for destroying the Earth civilization, either our own or from other civilizations. It just is. When there is no reason to destroy, destruction doesn’t happen. We do not destroy when there is no reason. There is self-interest in that the Hybrids will continue to be produced if Earth continues.

  Q: Given the billions of likely planets in our galaxy alone, there couldn’t be anything very unique and special about Earth. Although the need to mine some of the debris circling Saturn is puzzling - - the implications of which implies a gigantic civilization that is widespread in our galaxy with a vast need for ongoing raw material supply. I would very much appreciate your insights on what all this implies about the nature of intergalactic inhabitation, the inhabitants in a portion or all of our galaxy. Are they dominant or is there a cacophony of conflicting vested interests in our galaxy like here on Earth?

  NORDICS: The inhabitants of the galaxy fall into two groups: those who work together and those who don’t. There is no conflicting for raw materials, they are everywhere. It is not like on Earth. Earth is a closed system with the mistaken belief that resources are limited. There are resources that can be mined from the sea, from the air, from the water on the land. Humans restrict themselves to one or two ways to obtain resources, even though there are many. There is the mistaken belief that those who can control the resources control the Earth. This is not the case as these same resources can be found everywhere. It is small thinking. The galaxy is not like the Earth but the Earth could be like the galaxy.

  Q: What are the intentions of each race? What is each race’s ongoing purpose and when will this be completed?

  NORDICS: The main intention of the Nordics is to explore, either as they are or through the Hybrids. The Nordics have no limit on their exploration but the Hybrids add other dimensions to the exploration such as a sense of inquiry. Other intentions of the Nordics are to maintain themselves as a species, to support other species in the Confederation, to grow in knowledge, and to encourage other species to grow and join the Confederation.

  Q: When will the Earth be ready to join the Confederation?

  NORDICS: In its current state the Earth is not ready. There has to be a sense of cooperation instead of territoriality, working together rather than war, and hands open in acceptance instead of closed in anger.

  Q: Will there be a scenario like a “shock wave” from a distant part of the galaxy that will wipe out Earth? Will it hit the Earth and its oceans?

  NORDICS: This scenario has happened before. It is possible that it will happen again. The Nordics show scenarios such as this to abductees to prime the Earth for such events. There is the mistaken idea that the scenarios are actually predictors of real future events. That isn’t so. They are shown as possibilities so that Earth can take precautions. For example, a shock wave from a distant part of the galaxy could be ameliorated by underground living spaces with water, food, and other necessities, available under the ground. A shock wave could hit the Earth’s oceans and could be a major blow to the Earth but it has survived before and it will survive again. Humans think very much in 50 and 100 year cycles and do not take into consideration distant past and distant future events.

  Q: What does the future of the Earth look like, say in 2012? What types of scenarios, based on fact, will Earth experience?

  NORDICS: The Nordics do not speculate on near future events. The Nordics think more in terms of long term consequences. In the short term, Earth will be much as it is now, with increased misuse and hoarding of resources. The Nordics do not see the Earth being very much different than it is now.

  Q: Are there specific races that are influencing our leaders and the process of civilization? Does any one race or a combination control our civilizations? If so why is this permitted?

  NORDICS: Nordics have more of an effect on Earth civilization and leadership. Unlike the Grays, the Nordics are able to blend in with Earth’s inhabitants, they are not nocturnal (like the Grays), and have a command of Earth languages. There is no agenda to influence Earth’s leadership although there is an interest in how the Earth is governed. No one race or combination control Earth’s civilization.

  Q: Would other civilizations be able to counter the possible Earth changes? Are the Orbs more positive to humans?

  NORDICS: While the Nordics are interested in and interacting with Humans, we do not have any wish or need to counter Earth changes. Humans are an intelligent species that often acts in unintelligent ways. That is how it is. Orbs are no more positive to humans than to any other species. Humans are able to summon Orbs and to interact with Orbs from other sources but have little understanding of their function or purpose. Orbs simply carry information and energy and are not autonomous.

  Q: Regarding other controlling civilizations, what can we do as humans to enter this chain of command?

  NORDICS: The Confederation is a collection of species throughout the galaxy that have come to certain understandings. There is no hierarchy or chain of command. The species within the Confederation have come to understand that the best results come from shared interest rather than conflict, from cooperation rather than competition, and from shared resources rather than territoriality. To enter the Confederation, Earth needs to be united in these understandings.

  Q: Most religions of the world accept life after Earthly death. 96% of humans accept this as fact. What is the alien concept and is there an equivalent life after death for them?

  NORDICS: There is no equivalent belief in Nordic thinking to the human concept of reincarnation. There is a belief that the Hybrids carry part of the Nordic soul on their travels. The fact that the Nordics can transfer their mind/soul to a body copy, that has been sent on ahead, is equivalent to a continuation of life. If the original body dies, while the mind/soul is in its body copy, it can carry on functioning as if they were in their original body. So, there is no death as seen on Earth when the physical body dies.

  Q: What mutual benefits are in place between different civilizations?

  NORDICS: The mutual benefits that take place are between the members of the Confederation in that there is a sharing of information between the species. There are also mutual benefits that take place between other species, too, such as that between the Nordics and the Grays in the sharing of Humans and Earth resources.

  Q: What will help the human race survive? Is the human race expendable? Are we in danger of decimation sometime in the future?

  NORDICS: The Human race will always survive but in different numbers and at different times. There will always be a Human race, whether they survive as inhabitants of Earth or as part of the Hybrids in some other part of the galaxy. There will always be the danger of decimation, as there have been throughout Human history and well into the future. The Human race is not expendable neither is any other race, but races ebb and flow as do other Earth inhabitants.

  Q: Would there be a sharing of resources with different species in the future. This could affect the Earth financially. Would our leadership agree to share resources? How best can we manage our natural resources without destroying ourselves?

  NORDICS: It does not matter whether the Earth leadership approves or does not approve of sharing resources. The resources are there for everybody. The resources are ubiquitous through the galaxy. Humans, too, could share in the resour
ces that are available outside of the Earth. Humans can learn to manage natural resources without destroying themselves by the realization that resources are not limited.

  Q: Are some races hindering or helping us? Do they have a respect for intelligent life?

  NORDICS: There is a respect for Human intelligence and life but the only help that other races give is to encourage Humans to embody the qualities needed to join the Confederation.

  Q: How is the collecting of Abductees helping the human race? Most see it is hindering Humanity.

  NORDICS: Abductees are not harmed during their abductions; they are helped as they help the Nordics and the Grays. They can have the satisfaction that part of their race is exploring the stars. This is respect.

  Q: Most Humans would not see this as respect.

  NORDICS: It is respect for Humans.

  Part 3

  1) Social Structure:

  NORDICS: The structure of Nordic society is that we are all responsible to the whole but have autonomy in our actions. There is a lot of communication between Nordics, most of it on a mind-to-mind basis but some of it, particularly in Human public, voice-to-voice. There is a group consensus on most things, this consensus changes minute to minute, and from situation to situation. Personal decisions are discussed, agreed upon, and then acted upon. The essential components of Nordic society are communication and consensus. This differs from Gray society where there is total mind-to-mind communication, no voice-to-voice communication, and group mind-think. What this means for Nordic society is that it can be more flexible for the individual compared with Gray society.

  Q: Does this mean that you discussed my request for an interview with other Nordics before we communicated and came to a consensus that this was OK?

  NORDICS: Yes. Yes.

  Q: Does communication take place between the whole of Nordic society or just a particular group?

  NORDICS: It depends on the situation. A minor decision requires a small group consensus. A larger decision requires a larger group consensus.


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