Voices From The Cosmos

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Voices From The Cosmos Page 14

by C B Scott Jones

  INDIGO HYBRID: The Grays and the Nordics, and sometimes the Reptilians need Earth resources for many different purposes.

  Q: Do they need these resources, minerals etc to help create the Hybrids?

  INDIGO HYBRID: Yes. Also to replenish and nourish themselves.

  Q: Most of the races say that there is no conflict for these resources?

  INDIGO HYBRID: There is no conflict. These resources are available everywhere.

  Q: Then why take them from Earth?

  INDIGO HYBRID: Because we have always done so.

  Q: You say, “We”, does this mean that you need these resources too?

  INDIGO HYBRID: Yes, to develop and subsist.

  Part 2

  Q: They obviously find our Human civilization to possess valuable galactic characteristics, some of which they probably lost eons ago, or they wouldn’t be interbreeding with us. They certainly possess the ability to destroy our Human civilization, but have not, why?

  INDIGO HYBRID: Yes, the Grays and the Nordics realize that Humans possess a great deal that is useful and that is why this third race is included in the Hybrids.

  Q: What is it about Humans that is important enough to be included in the Hybrids?

  INDIGO HYBRID: Many things such as: intelligence, humor, many ways of looking at situations, able to carry out several tasks at once, ability to make quick decisions, critical thinking, and emotions, which are considered very important.

  Q: It seems that some of the races see emotions as dangerous or unpredictable?

  INDIGO HYBRID: In Hybrids, emotions are only a minor part of the overall mixture, so it is neither dangerous nor unpredictable.

  Q: Did the Grays and the Nordics possess these abilities and then lose them?

  INDIGO HYBRID: No, they never had them. Why would we want to destroy a civilization that helps produce our race? (Referring to part of Question 1).

  Q: Is this intergalactic ethics - being held to certain behavior by other ET civilizations? Or is it just that their self-interest benefits more by using us for their own needs rather than simply destroying us (a similar model of how things operate on Earth)?

  INDIGO HYBRID: Each of the races follows rules that are imposed by the Confederation and those races that join the Confederation have other rules. This may be thought of as a moral code or ethics but it is just what works best. Many races work for their own self-interest but this is respected if it is within the rules.

  Q: Given the billions of likely planets in our galaxy alone, there couldn’t be anything very unique and special about Earth. Although the need to mine some of the debris circling Saturn is puzzling - - the implications of which implies a gigantic civilization that is widespread in our galaxy with a vast need for ongoing raw material supply. I would very much appreciate your insights on what all this implies about the nature of intergalactic inhabitation, the inhabitants in a portion or all of our galaxy. Are they dominant or is there a cacophony of conflicting vested interests in our galaxy like here on Earth?

  INDIGO HYBRID: There are multitudes of different races, some which we don’t even know about. The Hooded Reptilians know many of them but don’t interact with them. Reptilians are great sources of information.

  Q: But don’t get in their way?

  INDIGO HYBRID: Right. There are vast stores of resources throughout the galaxy, this and others, so there is no need for conflicting interests. There is no one species or race that is dominant.

  Q: What are the intentions of each race? What is each race’s ongoing purpose and when will this be completed?

  INDIGO HYBRID: We cannot speak for other races’ purposes; you will have to ask them. Our purpose is to learn and to interact, to travel, and to settle.

  Q: Does that mean to “settle” in another location?

  INDIGO HYBRID: Yes. There is no end date for the completion of our purpose.

  Q: Will there be a scenario like a “shock wave” from a distant part of the galaxy that will wipe out Earth? Will it hit the Earth and its oceans?

  INDIGO HYBRID: Yes, there will be shock waves that emanate from the sun and other distant celestial objects. Most will bypass the Earth. Some may hit but in a minor way. Your atmosphere will deflect most of the force, which will be spent by the time it reaches Earth. We encounter these all the time when traveling and go right through them with no harm.

  Q: What does the future of the Earth look like, say in 2012? What types of scenarios, based on fact, will Earth experience?

  INDIGO HYBRID: This is a difficult question to answer as we do not have answers. Hybrids are developed and, after a short period of socialization with the Grays and the Nordics, we travel to other parts and do not know about Earth after that.

  Q: Are you ready to travel or are you still being socialized?

  INDIGO HYBRID: Still being socialized.

  Q: What percentages of Human, Nordic, and Gray do you have in your system?

  INDIGO HYBRID: Mostly Human, perhaps 57% and the remaining balance of equal parts of Nordic and Gray. I am able to travel to Earth and can also communicate with the Grays and the Nordics but not enough to travel like the Nordics. You would have to ask the Reptilians about future scenarios.

  Q: I did but they said they had no knowledge.


  Q: Are there specific races that are influencing our leaders and the process of civilization? Does any one race or a combination control our civilizations? If so why is this permitted?

  INDIGO HYBRID: There is no race that is influencing Earth leaders or Earth civilization. Humans are collected and some leaders are among that collection process. The leaders are collected for their potential to produce Hybrids and not for any knowledge or information that they possess. There is no need to permit or not permit.

  Q: Would other civilizations be able to counter the possible Earth changes? Are the Orbs more positive to Humans?

  INDIGO HYBRID: Humans live on the Earth and use its resources. Many other species and races live on the Earth and use its resources. If there was the possibility that changes to the Earth would be detrimental, all races would try to prevent these changes. We have talked about the orbs before. They are poor things that have been used. Leave them alone.

  Q: Regarding other controlling civilizations, what can we do as Humans to enter this chain of command?

  INDIGO HYBRID: Even if Humans were to join the Confederation, they would not be in any chain of command. There is no chain of command. There are no controlling civilizations.

  Q: Most religions of the world accept life after Earthly death. 96% of Humans accept this as fact. What is the alien concept and is there an equivalent life after death for them?

  INDIGO HYBRID: Life after death is a Human concept and not one that is accepted by most races outside of Earth. Humans live in a different time restraint than other races. They are confined to a one-time dimension. Other races live in multipl-time dimensions and so have no need for a life after the physical stops.

  Q: What mutual benefits are in place between different civilizations?

  INDIGO HYBRID: Respect is the main benefit. This assures cooperation between the races. There are other mutual benefits that do not involve the Human race but affect other races.

  Q: What will help the Human race survive? Is the Human race expendable? Are we in danger of decimation sometime in the future?

  INDIGO HYBRID: There is no risk of decimation in the near future. If the Human race ceased to be, there would still be Hybrids out in the universe living and producing other Hybrids.

  Q: Would there be a sharing of resources with different species in the future. This could affect the Earth financially. Would our leadership agree to share resources? How best can we manage our natural resources without destroying ourselves?

  INDIGO HYBRID: As mentioned earlier there are plenty of resources in the galaxy and no need to worry about running out or destroying yourselves. What Humans and other races take from the Earth is a blip.

>   Q: Do you mean that what we and other races use is negligible?


  Q: Are some races hindering or helping us? Do they have a respect for intelligent life?

  INDIGO HYBRID: There is always respect for intelligent life. Most races have their own path or plan and it is incidental that these hinder or help the Human race.

  Assessment of the Indigo Hybrid

  Hybrid socialization appears to be totally tied to that of the Grays, the Nordics and Humans. It is unusual for one race or species to be so reliant on other species for so much. Depending on the proportions of each race that is incorporated into the Hybrids, they have differing abilities and characteristics. They appear to be bred for several reasons: the main reason to travel to other locations to produce more Hybrids. Interestingly, the Hybrids are members of the Confederation. Interestingly, they also noted that the Orbs are also members of the Confederation, which was a surprise.

  On the surface, Hybrids have not had a place in Human history except for the taking of Human reproductive materials for incorporation into the Hybrids. Sometimes leaders are collected (abducted) but just as regular folk, not because of their position or information that they may have. Hybrid development seems to have been around for as long as Humans have been on the Earth. Hybrids contain differing percentages of each of the three races and this determines what insight they have into the other races.

  Hybrids contain varying quantities of Human reproductive material and thus show differing Human characteristics. It is possible that some Hybrids on Earth could pass as Human. Hybrids do not see themselves, Grays, Nordics or Humans as inferior but do see the Orbs as inferior.

  Hybrids seem to have respect for Humans and other races. They interact with all other races and have a unique insight into other races as they are formed from three of them. They are formed to eventually travel and spread to other location. And, according to this Indigo Hybrid, they are a chimera of three different races: Gray, Human, and Nordic.

  Hybrids interact with and obtain direction from the Grays and the Nordics, perhaps sometimes Human and their tasks appear to be predetermined, in that they accept their role of travelers. The Grays seem to do most of the socialization and the socialization ultimately benefits the Hybrids. There does not seem to be any powerful processes that shape the Hybrids, the processes appear to be institutionalized and ongoing. The Hybrids do not seem to resist any of their socialization.

  The flow of communication with the Hybrid was seamless, even though I took breaks from the conversation. It was picked up easily after the breaks and the interaction with the Hybrid was easy, perhaps because of the high Indigo Human component of the Hybrid. Of all of the races interviewed, it was only the Hybrids that asked questions back. The Hybrid do not seem as concerned about personal space or the invasion of personal space as the Reptilian.

  Hybrids appear to live by certain norms and behaviors and thus form a society. They mentioned that they were part of the Confederation. The nature of the Confederation has not yet been established. It could be some great, all powerful, controlling body or some simple, intergalactic AAA organization.

  Hybrid society does not appear to have abstract concepts such as life after death.

  Hybrids do not appear to be as connected to each other like Grays or Nordics but are cultural composites - a population made up of a number of groups from diverse cultural, ethnic, and linguistic backgrounds. Hybrids are able to interact telepathically with all other species but not as completely as Grays and Nordics. It is highly possible that those Hybrids with Human characteristics could converse normally and pass in Human culture. It is unknown whether Hybrids can read or write but it is highly likely that they can. It is also highly possible that Hybrids possess a symbolic system.

  With many respectful thanks to the Indigo Hybrid. The next project will include additional questions regarding Consensus between the five races that have been interviewed to date: the Large Grays, the Nordics, the Small Grays, the Hooded Reptilian and the Indigo Hybrid.

  6: The Exobiology Project:

  Consensus Forum

  “There are as many other races as stars in the sky.”

  —Large Gray

  Introduction – Consensus Forum

  Previous interviews focused on five different ET races: Large and Small Gray, Nordic, Hooded Reptilian, and Indigo Hybrid with additional races remaining to be interviewed. This new forum brings together these five races to answer additional questions. As before, this new project is carried out with diplomacy and respect.

  Q: The alien races appear to operate on a consensus basis. That is, the races act as one mind, conferring before responding or acting. Is this a stumbling block in communication between alien races and Human? Does this affect alien races/Human relations? Humans act more independently, usually act alone, does this difference matter?

  Large Gray: We act as one. All know what one thinks. This does not affect our relations with Humans. One interacting with a Human is like all interacting. All know. It is the Human that is at a disadvantage. It is a disadvantage because the one Gray cannot share with all other Humans.

  Nordic: We share information with other Nordics, with Hybrids and with the Grays as one mind. We cannot share with all Humans, only several. It can be a detriment to alien/Human communication and relations.

  Small Gray: We are of one mind. Everyone shares each thought, each decision. Think of it as a graph with millions of points: as agreement or disagreement is reached, the graph goes up and down. There is no stumbling block for Grays, only for Humans and hybrids that have more Human in their composition.

  Hooded Reptilian: Communication is limited. We have our purpose. It cannot be shared with Humans. So there is no need for communication with Humans.

  Indigo Hybrid: We have an advantage. We can interact with all races including Humans. Not all Humans can communicate with us. If we are on Earth for some time we can reach more people. Not everyone will listen.

  Q: How many different Confederations are there beyond our galaxy? How many different races are there beyond our galaxy? Are they highly intelligent? Do they operate on pure intelligence, rather than having a physical body? The size of the universe is beyond our Human knowing? What can the five races tell us about the rest of the universe, other galaxies, other races, and other Confederations? How do they communicate? Would we be able to communicate with them? The races, so far interviewed, appear to respect Human intelligence. Do the other races also respect Human intelligence? How would other races differentiate between Humans and other animals on Earth?

  Large Gray: All races respect intelligence and other races. Humans are at the bottom of the chain. Some like the Whites (Nordics) operate on pure intelligence. Others are more physical. There are as many other races as stars in the sky.

  Nordic: Other races would not differentiate between Humans and other Earth animals. We see the difference but other races would not. The difference is that the Earth has had a limited span of being from other parts of the void.

  Small Gray: We know the difference between Humans and animals. Others, distant races, may not. We know that Humans and Earth animals have different uses.

  Hooded Reptilian: We know all races, all who communicate. We communicate with them. Most respect us and other intelligent races. Humans and Earth animals are the same to us.

  Indigo Hybrid: We are just learning about all the other species, who is friendly and who is not. The Reptilians have the information about other races and they share some with us. Often we have to wait until we have traveled to a new location. Then we can learn about the other races there.

  Q: All abductees appear to be subject to “video” presentations that present cataclysmic scenes. How are the different races able to project these scenes? Humans have the ability to predict future events either through psi means or through statistics. The races, interviewed so far, do not seem to be able to predict beyond a short time period. Are there races that are able to
predict beyond the near-term, and can predict events up to 50-100 years into the future? The Nordics (Whites) appear to have some predictive abilities. Can the Nordics predict up to 50-100 years into the future? If so, to what extent is the Earth at risk over the next 50 years? Is the Earth, itself at risk, or just Humans?

  Large Gray: We can predict based on previous events. There is no quality to predictions. Humans give more value to predictions than Grays. You will not be around in 50 to 100 years, so what is the concern? We do not think about the future or plan, we do what is necessary now, not for the future.

  Nordic: The Nordics can only predict for short time periods but we do plan. We have to plan ahead to send our body copies and to know where to bi-locate. We have to plan where we will be next and where to send the Hybrids. We cannot predict long periods of time ahead.

  Small Gray: Predictions are made short-term by all on a consensus basis. This is usually accurate for us. We predict where and when a Human will be, to be collected. We can plan what tests and treatments to make to collect materials from Humans and to implant. We do not predict further than that.

  Hooded Reptilian: We are long-range planners to predict travel. We can move a craft to a distant location with prediction. Time dimensions are different. They are not linear.

  Indigo Hybrid: It is impossible for Hybrids to predict long range unless they have a very large percentage of Human in them (70% plus) and they have been trained by Humans. In that respect they are very like Humans themselves. Not every Human can predict ahead that far. Once Earth has been left, time and space differences confuse the question and it cannot be answered.

  Q: The events written about at the Skinwalker Ranch showed that many races, while frightening and threatening Humans, appeared to attack animals. It is obvious that Humans are being watched by different races? How many are watching us? There was evidence of shape-shifting at the Ranch. Which races are able to shape-shift? Was the Big Foot creature seen at the ranch an individual species or a race that was shape-shifting? What use are the harvested blood/organs to those harvesting them? Are there other species that are harvesting these animal parts?


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