Voices From The Cosmos

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Voices From The Cosmos Page 13

by C B Scott Jones

  HOODED REPTILIAN: There are many more races than the Grays, Nordics and Reptilians but we do not know anything about them.

  Q: What are the intentions of each race? What is each race’s ongoing purpose and when will this be completed?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: Reptilians do not have an intention. We move other races and are interested in our race. This will always be and will not be completed at any time in the future.

  Q: Will there be a scenario like a “shock wave” from a distant part of the galaxy that will wipe out Earth? Will it hit the Earth and its oceans?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: We do not know.

  Q: Thank you. Is that true?


  Q: What does the future of the Earth look like, say in 2012? What types of scenarios, based on fact, will Earth experience?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: We do not know. We do not look at future times. We live now. We carry and go from place to place. We cannot give you any information about these scenarios.

  Q: Are there specific races that are influencing our leaders and the process of civilization? Does any one race or a combination control our civilizations? If so why is this permitted?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: There is no race that controls Earth civilization. Humans are collected by the Grays and the Nordics and we carry everybody.

  Q: Some Humans have said that they have interacted with Reptilians on craft. Is that so?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: Yes, from time to time, we interact if they are in our way or prevent us from moving the craft. Sometimes we are confused with the Large Grays. Some Large Grays wear hoods and are mistaken for Reptilians.

  Q: Part of me believes you and part of me still believes that you have interacted with Humans in a negative way.

  HOODED REPTILIAN: It is not true. We have our duties.

  Q: If a Human gets in your way and you cannot carry out your duties, what do you do?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: We move the human. We make a loud noise at them. We move them out of the way so that we can move the ship.

  Q: How do you move the Humans?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: We push them.

  Q: Humans would consider being pushed and made a loud noise at, as aggressive.

  HOODED REPTILIAN: We are not aggressive. We move them.

  Q: Would other civilizations be able to counter the possible Earth changes? Are the Orbs more positive to Humans?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: We do not know about Earth changes. We do not discuss Orbs.

  Q: So, Reptilian owned Orbs might be different than those managed by Grays or Nordics?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: We do not own or discuss Orbs.

  Q: Are Orbs a separate species?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: No. They are a nuisance.

  Q: Regarding other controlling civilizations, what can we do as Humans to enter this chain of command?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: There is no chain of command. There is the Confederation. Some races are part of the Confederation. Some are not. Humans might become part of the Confederation. Now they are not.

  Q: Most religions of the world accept life after Earthly death. 96% of Humans accept this as fact. What is the alien concept and is there an equivalent life after death for them?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: There is no equal concept of life after death. We are now and then we are not. There is nothing after.

  Q: What mutual benefits are in place between different civilizations?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: Each race does what it does. Reptilians carry, Grays collect Humans, Grays and Nordics create Hybrids.

  Q: What do Humans do?


  Q: What will help the Human race survive? Is the Human race expendable? Are we in danger of decimation at some time in the future?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: We have no information about any of this. It does not matter if Humans survive.

  Q: Humans think it matters if we survive. How can we assure this?


  Q: Would there be a sharing of resources with different species in the future. This could affect the Earth financially. Would our leadership agree to share resources? How best can we manage our natural resources without destroying ourselves?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: We have no information about any of this.

  Q: Other races said that there were plenty of resources for everybody to share. Is this true?


  Q: Are some races hindering or helping us? Do they have a respect for intelligent life?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: There is respect between races. There is respect for Humans. There is respect for Grays. There is respect for Nordics. There is respect for all other races. It is one of the Confederation rules.

  Assessment of the Hooded Reptilian

  The Reptilians appear to be a single-minded race that has certain roles, such as carrying other races in craft. They claim to be non-aggressive but will push and make loud noises at Humans, if they are in the way. Reptilians claim to live in the now and do not know about future events. They claim to have no emotions but admit to Orbs being a “nuisance” and react to some questions with irritation. They do not appear to have an after-life. They do not belong to the Confederation but work alongside the Grays and the Nordics. They claim that Large Grays can be mistaken for Reptilians.

  The Reptilians do not appear to be interested in making history. They have probably been around as long as the Grays. Their history appears to be linked with the Grays and the Nordics. Despite their short answers, they appear to be intelligent; in fact, they must have some intelligence to pilot craft and have knowledge of space destinations.

  They claim not to have any Human characteristics or any from other races. In this way they are unique. Their physiology does not form part of the Hybrids. They consider the Hybrids to be by-products. They have a role that they fulfill single-mindedly, that of moving the craft. They do not appear to have a sense of humor, or cultural activities of any kind.

  Reptilians move craft and are seen with the Grays and Nordics. They have the knowledge of how to move the craft although there have been reports of Grays doing so, on occasion.

  They act single-mindedly and react with aggression (pushing, making a loud noise) if not allowed to carry out their work. Reptilians consider themselves a unique race and unlike any other. I would agree.

  Reptilians are not part of the Confederation but live under some of its rules i.e. respect for all races. The interests are those of the Reptilians only. There did not appear to be any indication of juvenile Reptilian. It was not possible to interact with a group of Reptilians. They only appear in small numbers, perhaps one or two to a craft but their system appears to have been and will remain sustainable.

  There were turns taken in conversation but there was a feeling that there was irritation with doing this. Reptilians have no compunction to moving Humans and I am sure there was great restraint employed by the Reptilian to “take turns”. They probably think Humans are very annoying! Reptilians obviously “respect” Humans but will also use aggression to complete their work of moving the craft. They appear to have a need for personal space in which to carry out their work. They will “move” Humans to complete their work, using aggression if necessary.

  Reptilians do not appear to create any material goods but are service-oriented, they move craft. They are a race but do not appear to have a culture, do not have abstract concepts such as life-after-death, and appear to be rule-bound: they are not interested in anything outside those rules.

  Reptilians appeared to be a specific race with no subcultures or members that differ from each other. While Reptilians realize they are part of a race, they do not seem to connect with each other and they do not appear to be socially telepathic among their own group, as are the Grays and Nordics.

  They do not appear to reveal any abstract concepts such as marriage, religion, family but they obviously have a language that can be understood by the Grays and the Nordics. It is possible that they have a limited te
lepathic ability to interact with Grays, Nordics, and Humans. They have some vocal mechanics as they are able to make “a loud noise” at Humans who get in their way. The only symbols related to by the Reptilians are the signs that indicate which part of the craft are accessible to each race. It is unknown whether the Reptilians understand writing although they do understand symbols and obviously understand enough about the galaxies to direct craft to destinations. They can probably read maps that are developed by their race and others.

  Respect and thanks is offered to the Hooded Reptilian for their cooperation. The next race to be interviewed will be an Indigo Hybrid.

  5: The Exobiology Project:

  Talking With The Indigo Hybrids

  Part 1

  Q: How do they cooperate? Is there a Confederation that is acting together?

  INDIGO HYBRID: We cooperate with the Grays and the Whites, that you call the Nordics. It is OK with us if you call them the Nordics. As we have many races represented in our physiology, we understand them all, even Human. There is a Confederation and the Hybrids are part of the Confederation.

  Q: I am surprised. The Grays and Reptilians are not part of the Confederation.

  INDIGO HYBRID: Yes. As the Nordic part of us is part of the Confederation, we are too.

  Q: So far, as I understand it, the Nordics and the Hybrids are part of the Confederation, but the Small Grays, Large Grays, Reptilians, and Humans are not part of the Confederation?

  INDIGO HYBRID: That is correct.

  Q: I have asked this question to other races, but when will Humans be part of the Confederation. If the Nordic part of you entitles you to be part of the Confederation, could not the fact, that you have some Human, entitle Humans to be part of the Confederation?

  INDIGO HYBRID: It does not work that way. Humans will join the Confederation when they are ready. Most of Humanity does not even admit that we exist.

  Q: Which is true!

  INDIGO HYBRID: The Confederation acts together with all races regardless of whether they are part of the Confederation.

  Q: Does being part of the Confederation bestow special privileges on its members?

  INDIGO HYBRID: Yes but I cannot discuss that.

  Q: How would we know it would be worth joining the Confederation unless we know what it is worth?

  INDIGO HYBRID: That is a very Human attitude. Joining the Confederation is not about gaining something but knowing things.

  Q: Is there more to the Orbs, observed by others and can they manifest responses? Are there different types of Orbs?

  INDIGO HYBRID: The orbs are problematic. They were a race at one time but became subservient to other races and became messengers and servants. Not exactly slaves but they are altruistic and subsume their own interests for the interests of others.

  Q: The other races say that the Orbs carry energy and information. Is that so?


  Q: Are some Orbs independent?

  INDIGO HYBRID: They are all independent but subservient to other races.

  Q: Could Humans call them and ask them to carry information or for help?

  INDIGO HYBRID: Yes, but that would be adding to their subservient role.

  Q: Is this role something that they have chosen?


  Q: Is there a way that Humans could interact with Orbs in a way that would enable them to be more independent, yet cooperating with Humans?

  INDIGO HYBRID: Yes. By stating to other races that Humans are cooperating with the orbs.

  Q: Are the Orbs part of the Confederation?


  Q: That surprises me.

  INDIGO HYBRID: Yes, they are members.

  Q: You refer to the orbs, rather than the Orbs I learned from the Nordics that those races that belong to the Confederation had their names capitalized, i.e. Nordics, Whites.

  INDIGO HYBRID: It is the choice of the race. We respect the orbs’ decision and do not call them orbs.

  Q: Would calling them Orbs, give them more respect?

  INDIGO HYBRID: They do not want it.

  Q: Can the different extraterrestrial races also manifest responses and are they positively oriented? Are there inherent conflicts detrimental to our interests?

  INDIGO HYBRID: Almost all of the races have knowledge of Humans and give them respect. As long as there is cooperation between the races, it is not detrimental to any interests. Humans do not like to cooperate. That is why the Hybrids, who are a combination of Human, Gray and Nordic are more balanced and more cooperative. Each race has its own interests.

  Q: Can other alien races prevent abductions?

  INDIGO HYBRID: If the abductions were prevented, we would cease to exist. We would not do anything to deny our own existence. The Grays have worked out a good program. We are happy with what they are doing.

  Q: Are you in constant communication with the other Hybrids, Grays, and Nordics?

  INDIGO HYBRID: Yes, we are also in some communication with Humans. Why do you refer to the Grays with a capital letter as they are not part of the Confederation?

  Q: It is our custom to refer to other persons’ names with Capitals. We also refer to major place names with Capitals?

  INDIGO HYBRID: I will accept that.

  Q: Who are the good guys, who are the bad guys and what can we learn from them?

  INDIGO HYBRID: We do not have references for good and bad, although we understand the Earth concept of good and bad but it seems to change according to who or where you ask. One part of the world sees something or someone as good or bad and another part of the world sees the opposite. We can learn from everybody. Everybody has something to teach us.

  Q: Can some races render implants fallible?

  INDIGO HYBRID: Yes, all implants can become fallible.

  Q: Is it true that if an implant fails, for whatever reason, that it is always replaced?

  INDIGO HYBRID: Not always. Some implants are only needed for a specific time. They are not replaced.

  Q: Do they stay in the body, dormant?

  INDIGO HYBRID: Yes, sometimes they are removed.

  Q: Can we interfere with the functioning of implants?


  Q: Some races say that we can interfere with the implants, others say that we cannot?

  INDIGO HYBRID: Some races understand the implants better. They can be interfered with by removal and other means.

  Q: Can you tell me some of these means?


  Q: Are they the same races or different groups of the same race that are carrying out the abductions?

  INDIGO HYBRID: The races that are carrying out the abductions, which the Grays call collections, are the Small and Large Grays, the Nordics help the Grays when the Humans are on the craft and Hybrids also help when needed.

  Q: There are stories, related by abductees, that Hybrids interact quite readily and frequently with Humans.

  INDIGO HYBRID: Yes, when it is necessary.

  Q: Is it true that the Hooded Reptilians just move the craft and do not collect Humans?

  INDIGO HYBRID: Yes, that is correct, although we refer to them for other purposes, such as information about our destinations. They carry a great deal of information about the destinations.

  Q: How do they travel and is this travel with or without vehicles?

  INDIGO HYBRID: We can travel in many different ways related to what percentage of races we have in us. If a Hybrid has more Nordic, it may be able to travel as a Nordic does, by sending a body plan on ahead. If the majority of the Hybrid is Gray, they must travel by craft. If the highest percentage is Human, then we stay with the Grays, in the craft, or are sent to some destination that is Earth-like.

  Q: It must be quite exciting, the prospect of exploration and travel?

  INDIGO HYBRID: It is what we do. We go where we are sent. We are not explorers or travelers; we go to live at that location.

  Q: Can you breed?

  INDIGO HYBRID: Not in Earth terms. We can create other Hybrids when we arrive. We work with the Grays.

  Q: How long can Hybrids stay on Earth? Why has the Hybridization program taken so long?

  INDIGO HYBRID: Hybrids can stay on Earth as long as they have a high percentage of Human in their physiology. Even so, they can only stay for a short time. The best percentage is 50% or more Human and about 25% Nordic and 25% or less Gray.

  Q: Are you all blond haired and blue eyed?

  INDIGO HYBRID: No, it depends on our Human part and on our Nordic part. Some of us can have quite dark hair and dark eyes. Not all Hybrids have Caucasian features.

  Q: What and who are the Indigo Children? Is there a specific race that is producing the Indigo Children?

  INDIGO HYBRID: The Indigo Children belong to Earth. If an Indigo child is collected by the Grays, the Hybrid may have varying percentages of that Human’s characteristics.

  Q: The Grays have said that Indigo Children are easier to communicate with and, perhaps more are collected?


  Q: So, would that mean that more Hybrids contain Indigo Children characteristics?

  INDIGO HYBRID: No. The Indigo Children are easier to communicate with but not all are collected.

  Q: Does that mean that some Indigo Children can have communication with different races but may not be collected?

  INDIGO HYBRID: Yes, that is right. We can communicate with them but they may not be collected.

  Q: Who makes the decision who to collect?


  Q: How do they decide who they collect?

  INDIGO HYBRID: They know who to collect, we do not.

  Q: Do you know what produces an Indigo Child? They are special to the Earth, but why do they appear?

  INDIGO HYBRID: They just do.

  Q: Why are some species interested in hydrocarbons? Are they rare in the galaxy? What about other minerals and gases: hydrogen, boron? What purpose do these species put hydrocarbons to? Are we in conflict for these resources?


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