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Voices From The Cosmos

Page 15

by C B Scott Jones

  Large Gray: We are not able to shape-shift unless it is to move through solid objects to get to a location to collect Humans. We can only materialize and dematerialize. We do not shift into other creatures or beings. We retain our shape. We harvest animal parts.

  Nordic: We can shape-shift. We have shape-shifted into animals and other races when we need to. We may frighten but we do not harm Humans. Many people were frightened at the Ranch but none were physically harmed. We can bi-locate to a Nordic shape body or we can send ahead a proxy body, such as an animal and we can bi-locate to that body. We can bi-locate to wolf, hairy creature, Earth creature, tree creature, and others. We can even bi-locate into a proxy Orb body, if we need to. These proxy bodies are physical and we need to be careful. We can abandon a proxy body and re-bi-locate to a Nordic body somewhere else. We assist the Grays when we shape shift.

  Small Gray: We cannot shape-shift into other forms, only to move through dense materials. We merge through these materials when we collect Humans. We retain our Gray shape before and after we merge.

  Hooded Reptilian: There is no need for us to shape shift. We rarely leave the craft. We know about the shape-shifters but we do not shape-shift. We only leave the craft to transfer to another craft.

  Indigo Hybrid: We do not shape-shift. We retain the shape in which we were produced and that shape is determined by the percentages of the races that make up our characteristics.

  Q: Most alien races, interviewed so far, have abilities to travel outside of the Earth, either in craft or, as in the Nordics, bi-locating themselves to body copies at their destination. Will Humans ever have these abilities? What other abilities are dormant in Humans that we could further develop? What abilities, that we currently have, are we not using?

  Large Gray: Humans are limited. They have limited abilities. Humans do not have the abilities that other races have. If Humans had these abilities they probably would not use them or they would fight over them.

  Nordic: Humans are limited in what they use of their minds. They have the ability to bi-locate with their mind but have not yet learned how to send a proxy or duplicate physical body. Some Humans are able to bi--locate to a light body that feels like the physical body. Humans also have the ability to make themselves invisible. Some can do this at will, others it happens to accidentally. Humans have the ability to use telepathy but not how to use it at will.

  Small Gray: Humans are very limited and are based in the physical. They do not share thoughts and cannot live in the communal mind. There is the potential for a less limited existence.

  Hooded Reptilian: We would not want Humans to have more powers. They are only useful to the Grays and Nordics. There are dormant abilities but they will probably stay that way. Humans just get in the way of other races.

  Indigo Hybrid: Humans have great potential. As Hybrids we have characteristics that are from Grays and Nordics. This gives us greater abilities than just being Human. But Humans have the potential to do all these things. It will take time.

  Q: What other races should we be interviewing? Are there other races that are producing Hybrids? Are there other Hybrids that are different races than Human/Nordic/Gray? What characteristics and abilities would these other Hybrids exhibit?

  Large Gray: Other races would include the Smooths, the Greens and the Oranges. There are other smaller animal-like races but they would not understand Humans, they are on another level of communication. We cannot communicate with them.

  Nordic: There are many races to communicate with. It would be good to send out an invitation and see who responds. Be careful that you are not bringing in Nordics in a proxy body.

  Small Gray: There are many races but we do not have that information.

  Hooded Reptilian: NR

  Indigo Hybrid: The Orbs are a species but a poorly defined one. They are also part of the Confederation. They would be one race that you could interview and you could also ask about the Confederation. They might tell you.

  Q: If Humans can request that they not be abducted (collected) is just one request enough for all the times they might be abducted? Could one abductee request that all abductions of other abductees be stopped?

  Large Gray: To ask that an abduction be stopped is frail (?) It is the way it has been. No Human who is collected needs to ask for it to be stopped. It can be asked but it will not happen. It is frail thinking.

  Nordic: Abductions can be stopped but they will resume. A Human can ask for themselves for the one time and multiple times and they will stop but they will resume. One Human can ask that all Human abductions be stopped and they may be for a very short time but they will resume. They cannot be stopped for ever.

  Small Gray: We would not allow the collections to be stopped. If one group stopped then we would go to another group and come back for the first group. There is no need for them to be stopped.

  Hooded Reptilian: It is not important to the Reptilians. We will still move craft. It is important to the Grays and the Nordics. If the collections do not take place, the hybrids cannot be formed. Less Humans means less problems.

  Indigo Hybrid: Humans can ask for the abductions to stop, both for a limited and an extended time and they can ask for the abductions of others to stop. Humans need to understand that once in the collection process, Humans change in their physiology and need the collections to stay healthy. There are processes during the collections that ensure that Humans stay healthy. There is a benefit to Humans, as well as Hybrids, during the collections.

  Q: What capabilities do we need to be accepted into the Confederation? What do Humans need to do to be ready to join the Confederation?

  Large Gray: We are not part of the Confederation. We do not know what is needed. Humans have less knowledge about what is needed. Only when you know will it happen.

  Nordic: There is an invitation offered. This invitation enters many minds at the same time. It is resisted many times before it is accepted. It may take generations before the invitation is accepted. There is a natural progression that takes place, which cannot be explained, before the invitation is extended.

  Small Gray: We are not part of the Confederation but we are waiting. We have produced the Hybrids who are part of the Confederation, with the help of the Nordics, who are part of the Confederation. One day we will be part of the Confederation. We listen and wait.

  Hooded Reptilian: We have no need of being part of the Confederation. We move all those whether they are part of the Confederation or not. It is not important to us.

  Indigo Hybrid: We cannot tell you about the Confederation. We are part of the Confederation because we have achieved certain mental levels and physical abilities. There will be an awakening in the Humans and, when the time is right, the invitation will be given and accepted.

  Q: Are there Orbs that are autonomously intelligent? Are the majority programmed or are some intelligent and able to act on their own? What kinds of information do the Orbs carry? If a Human calls them and asks for help, will it be given? Will they respond to an individual Human? Are they individuals? Are they protectors? There are Indigenous peoples on Earth who believe that the Orbs are protectors of Humans. Is this so? Can the energy and information, that Orbs carry, be useful to Humans? Can the Orbs enter Human chakras or energy points on the body?

  Large Gray: Orbs are messengers and are composed of energy and information. They have some rights. They do belong to the Confederation. They have abilities that we do not have, such as the ability to move long distances in very short time periods with much information. We do not want them to act on their own. They carry our information.

  Nordic: Orbs are important to us. They carry our body copies and proxy bodies for us. Sometimes we have other means of sending the body copies. We send information to each other and to other races. They serve us well.

  Small Gray: Orbs are useful but we do not bother with them much.

  Hooded Reptilian: NR

  Indigo Hybrid: Orbs can be independent and autonomous. Yes, th
ey can carry out all the activities listed above. They can carry information. They can protect Humans. They can enter chakras. They can help Humans if asked. But they are more needed by the other races. You do not understand the Orbs and could subjugate them. They do not need this.

  Q: On some craft, abductees have noted a serpent-shaped insignia. Is this indicative of control by any one race? Are the ships manufactured by the Reptilians? In many Earth cultures there is a Reptilian motif in their mythology. For example, in Egypt, there is a myth that a disabled craft was incorporated into a pyramid that was built around it by Humans. Is there a relationship between different insignia seen on different craft?

  Large Gray: Insignia are seen on craft to indicate many things. These insignia show us where to be and how to get there. The craft are produced by the Large and Small Grays and moved by the Reptilians. They are not owned by any race but shared.

  Nordic: We share the craft. We do not make the craft. We do not need the craft as we are able to bi-locate. We only share the craft when we need to participate in Hybrid development and to help with Human collection for the Grays.

  Small Gray: We help make the craft and they are shared by all and moved by the Reptilians. The Reptilians do not own the craft.

  Hooded Reptilian: The insignia show that we can move the craft. We can take other species to other places. It shows places that only we can go. No others are allowed there.

  Indigo Hybrid: There are insignia and pictorial signs all over the craft. They vary from maps, to directions, to decorations. The decorations are for the Hybrids. Those that have more Human in them appreciate them. They are based on ancient Earth designs. The designs differ from craft to craft. Sometimes the Hybrids create the designs themselves. We are very proud of this. We like to be creative.

  Q: Many Earth cultures believe in a Power that created the galaxies. Do any of the races have similar believes in a Creator, either now or in the past? Is there an intelligent source in the Universe?

  Large Gray: All races have intelligence. There is no one individual with intelligence that is larger than the Large and Small Grays together. There is no one being that created the whole universe. We do not have such a belief.

  Nordic: There are races that are more intelligent than the Grays and the Nordics but they live far away from this galaxy and do not have control over the whole universe. Each part of the universe has its own galaxies, its own races and its own needs.

  Small Gray: There is no match for this belief with the Grays.

  Hooded Reptilian: NR.

  Indigo Hybrid: What Humans call God is what we can do ourselves. We learn about God-like beings from Humans who have been collected but we cannot understand such a concept. Many of the abilities, that this being can do, we can do. We do not understand this concept.

  Q: Are there Rules of Communication, that we should know about, when interacting with different races. For example, the Nordics prefer for us to use Initial Caps when referring to other races but not places, this does not seem so important to the Grays. The Large Gray refers to Humans as “limited” are there things that we should know that are not being told to us? Are there things that the different races do not want to tell us? Are there rules within the galaxies, such as honesty? It has been reported by some abductees that some races lie, is this so? What about cooperation? Do the races not tell some things because it would be harmful to Humans? Are there other reasons?

  Large Gray: We do not lie but we do not always give all the information that there is to tell. Some information is not safe for Humans. When we collect Humans they are asleep and cannot understand what we tell them. We tell them many things, but they don’t understand because they are asleep. We tell them enough for them to cooperate. Some things that Humans would like to know, we do not know ourselves.

  Nordic: Humans are naturally curious. When they are collected by the Grays they are curious about the craft and the other races. But we have to only give them a little information. They would not be able to understand all of the information, so we only give them a little information. We do not lie but we do not give the whole of the information.

  Small Gray: We may give information that is not correct so that the Humans will cooperate. We sometimes appear to them as others that they know so that they will not be frightened. We give them pictures in their minds of places they know so that they will not be frightened. We do this so they will cooperate and not be frightened.

  Hooded Reptilian: We do not need to lie. We have accurate information. There is no need for us to lie.

  Indigo Hybrid: Humans are often lied to but the lies are for their safety and comfort. Grays will appear as an animal such as a bird or deer in the forest. The Human remembers the eyes of an animal and not the Gray. Grays will pretend to be loved ones during sexual encounters. This ensures cooperation and comfort. It is not intended for lies to harm Humans. They do not cooperate if they are scared and uncomfortable.

  Q: Humans have a strong sense of time, which is related to the revolutions that the Earth makes around the Sun, the Moon around the Earth, and Earth’s rotation through the galaxies. How do the different races think about time? If there is a sense of time, is there any information about the future of the Earth in 3, 6, 9, 12, 13, 16, 19 revolutions of Earth? Can we help different races understand how we use time? Do all races have no sense of the future? Do races act in self-interest only, or is there some altruism? If most races act on a group consensus basis, why is there an NR response? Is it that the races do not have the information or do not want to answer?

  Large Gray: Sometimes we do not have the information that is needed. We do not know everything. Often, if we meet a new group of Humans to collect, we have to assess them anew. Sometimes we miss things that we should see, we are not perfect. Time is irrelevant to us. We sense when it is dark and we can perform our collections. We sense when there are conditions when collections would be difficult such as thunderstorms and solar storms. We do not have a linear sense of time as Humans do.

  Nordic: Time and space to us are factors to be used to bi-locate and move ourselves around. Time is not linear for us. Time is multi-dimensional and we can use that to move around. Linear time is a Human concept. Humans have not yet accepted a different concept of time and space.

  Small Gray: Sometimes we do not want to answer. Humans do not always understand what they want to know. We cannot give small bits of knowledge. Human thinking works in small chunks, Gray minds work in large maps. We do not know how to chunk!

  Hooded Reptilian: We do not give information to Humans.

  Indigo Hybrid: Outside of the Earth time ceases to be linear but is omni-directional. That is how we can travel. There are layers of time and space that is difficult to understand. We do not understand all the mechanics. The Reptilians know how to move the craft through these layers. They do not give us information either.

  Q: What other species should we be contacting and interviewing? What other questions should we be asking of these races?

  Large Gray: We do not know. There are many races that would cooperate. Send out a signal. See who answers. Ask the Confederation.

  Nordic: We will ask when we travel. We will ask who is willing to cooperate. Most will. Most have respect for Humans and Nordics.

  Small Gray: There is no need to interview others. We have given you the views of most of the other species. We do not know everything. What we do not know is probably small. Other races would probably not give you this other information.

  Hooded Reptilian: NR

  Indigo Hybrid: The Reptilian does know of other races but will not say. The reptilians keep such information to themselves and do not share it with other races. We share what we can and agree that you should send out an invitation to other races, the Orbs and to the Confederation.

  Q: Human evolution is said to be going through some major changes, for example with more Indigo Children being born and recognized. Is there a Higher Order of living that we should be searching for? Is
there a connection with a source that we should be looking for?

  Large Gray: There have always been special children born on the Earth. We have collected them and noticed them. They are the vanguard for the development of the Earth. They display the ideal for Humans, who are generally mediocre. These children are generally ignored by Humans.

  Nordic: In every race there are “children” that are special. They have finer characteristics. They should be nurtured. We communicate with them and most of them hear us. But they are ridiculed. They are thought to be sick in the mind. The Human race does not recognize their abilities and talents. They could teach Humans to be greater.

  Small Gray: We collect all Humans and not special ones. If there is a special one, they are easier to communicate with and are more cooperative. We do not need to lie to them. They accept us as we are. We prefer to work with cooperative Humans.

  Hooded Reptilian: It is not important to us whether Humans are special or not. All Humans are the same to us. They are on the craft and then they are gone.

  Indigo Hybrid: It is quite an honor to become a Hybrid that has Indigo Child characteristics. It makes it easier for us to communicate with other races and to understand Human thought and action.

  Q: Another remote viewer has perceived that the Gray race was once an autonomous race and that another, more aggressive, race subdued them to what they are today. Is there any more information on this?

  Large Gray: Each race has a history of being autonomous. Many races became linked with other stronger races. They subdued some of their autonomy for the sake of cooperation. Humans consider them-selves autonomous but are not. The Grays collect them when they want.

  Nordic: There are races that were autonomous, but had to become weak in order to stay strong. The Nordics had a much greater freedom but had to follow the rules and norms to exist. We are not as autonomous as others would see us.


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