Voices From The Cosmos

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Voices From The Cosmos Page 19

by C B Scott Jones

  ANGELS: We like the Indigo Children. They are the easiest for us to talk to and to interact with. They have a natural ability to call us and interact with us. We are happy to interact with them. We light up with pleasure. The Indigo Children are a delight.

  In addition the following philosophical questions were addressed to each of the accessed extraterrestrial races.

  Q: They obviously find our human civilization to possess valuable galactic characteristics, some of which they probably lost eons ago, or they wouldn’t be interbreeding with us. They certainly possess the ability to destroy our human civilization, but have not, why?

  ANGELS: Our purpose is to help the human race not to destroy it. There are many races and none have destroyed the human race.

  Q: Is this intergalactic ethics - being held to certain behavior by other ET civilizations? Or is it just that their self-interest benefits more by using us for their own needs rather than simply destroying us (a similar model of how things operate on Earth)?

  ANGELS: There are rules that the confederation imposes. We do not need the rules because we have our own. We help humans and our purposes to not go against the confederation rules.

  Q: Will there be a scenario like a “shock wave” from a distant part of the galaxy that will wipe out Earth? Will it hit the Earth and its oceans?

  ANGELS: This we do not know about. If such an event occurred we would help the humans manage this. But they would have to call us for help. Most humans only call us when there is a catastrophe or crisis. We can help at other times too.

  Q: Are there specific races that are influencing our leaders and the process of civilization? Does any one race or a combination control our civilizations? If so why is this permitted?

  ANGELS: Yes, the Angels talk to the leaders but they do not always listen or act on how we guide them. Not all leaders listen to us or call us. Some do and we offer guidance. It is permitted because it always has been.

  Q: Most religions of the world accept life after Earthly death. 96% of humans accept this as fact. What is the alien concept and is there an equivalent life after death for them? Are there any races that believe in a God? What do the reptilians believe?

  ANGELS: Most of the races either go on forever or just stop being. Some are able to bilocate into other bodies. The Angels do not change and do not stop or transpose into other bodies. Most of the other races do not have a concept of God. We do. Reptilians? They belong on the other side

  Q: Does that mean a dark side?

  ANGELS: Yes.

  Q: What will help the human race survive? Is the human race expendable? Are we in danger of decimation sometime in the future?

  ANGELS: The human race is always trying to extinguish itself. Why is this? Humans are always doing things to end their lives by risk and danger. We do not understand this. Life is precious. Why would humans keep trying to end their own and other human’s lives? We do not understand.

  Q: Are some races hindering or helping us? Do they have a respect for intelligent life?

  ANGELS: Many races are helping the human race, even the Grays and the reptilians in their own way, although they are helping themselves more. There is no race that is hindering humans. Humans hinder humans.

  Q: What role do the Angels play in the lives of humans and in the lives of the other races?

  ANGELS: We have told this already. We guide and help humans not the other races.

  Q: What do people ask the Angels to do for them?

  ANGELS: The humans ask that we intercede and help them in crises and with problems.

  Q: How can the Angels help us run our lives? How have the Angels helped other humans or other races with their lives? How successful has this help been? How successful are the Angels in fulfilling requests from either humans or other races?

  ANGELS: Angels are very successful in helping humans. There is no percentage but Angels are there wherever needed and helping. We have helped in major crises and in small everyday problems.

  Q: What have been the ten most frequent ways that humans have asked for help from the Angels and how successfully have these requests been fulfilled? It would be helpful to give specific events.

  ANGELS: Bridge collapsing, humans helped to shore: Baby very sick, life energy given to baby; Man has no money, opportunities given to man: Young person needs guidance for life, given: Young girl in specific sexual predicament, guidance to look for alternatives: Sad woman wanting to end life, woman shown light, love and compassion: Person at end of life wanting to know if all will be well, given: Sick person needing healing, healing energy given: Times of war, help and guidance given; Information given to humans to find a missing person. All have been successful.

  Q: What keeps the Angels from successfully fulfilling requests?

  ANGELS: Angels fulfill almost all requests. Only if the request would result in great tragedy for many people would the request not be met and the Angels would go away.

  Q: What do they think that humans should be asking that would help them?

  ANGELS: Anything. We help with anything if asked.

  Q: In what way should humans be asking for help from the Angels?

  ANGELS: Just ask or have an interest in the Angels. It is simple to ask.

  Q: How are the Angels called by humans?

  ANGELS: Just ask.

  Q: What can we do for them that would help them?

  ANGELS: We do not need anything from humans, we just help humans.

  Q: What can the Angels learn from us?

  ANGELS: We learn that humans are not always able to help themselves, that they have a very dark view of life, that they try to eliminate themselves and other humans, that humans are not satisfied with all that they have, that humans need the help of the Angels.

  Q: Are there other groups or races that humans can call on for achieve certain needs?

  ANGELS: Angels, Orbs and elementals are all available for different reasons.

  Q: Are the Angels confined to Earth or can they go anywhere, as they previously stated? Can they go out to other universes, other galaxies?

  ANGELS: Angels are mainly confined to Earth although there are other dimensions that we can visit and interact with other beings. We cannot travel the galaxies as other races do.

  Follow Up Questions for Three Races: Orbs, Elementals, and Angels

  (The Elementals are an Earth-bound race that has been interviewed but not included in these interviews.)

  Q: The Orbs, The Elementals and the Angels have all indicated that they can be called to assist humans. They indicate that they can be called for different reasons. How do we specifically call each one? For what different purposes can they be called?

  Orbs: We can be called by humans by calling our name:Orbs, in your mind or in words. That is the simplest explanation of how you call an orb. We are attracted by low frequencies and we are curious. If someone is calling out for spirits, say for a ghostly haunting, we will appear out of curiosity and are often mistaken for the deceased. We will also be close to a human if we have been instructed to act as a probe by one of the other races, particularly the Grays or the Nordics. Indicate that you have some information for us to convey and we will carry that information. You can also ask for information and we will find it for you. We deal in information and energy.

  Q: How can a human send or receive energy?

  Orbs: Humans do this already in carrying out healing. They call in energy, we come with the energy and it is conveyed to a sick human. Many healers do not know that they are calling Orbs this way. Humans can receive and send energy through an altered state of consciousness. To avoid interrupting an orb that is nearby but on a separate journey, indicate that you need anempty orb. The whole process is more complex than that but this is the best approximation.

  Elementals: We can be called the same way as Orbs but we have a different process of carrying out requests. We are attracted by firelight, flickering candles or other lights. We can also come through a human making a wish or an a
ffirmation. We deal with the practical and the mundane. We can act as one tiny unit or enmesh as a larger unit for a larger effect. Sometimes the Orbs will convey a request to us from a human although humans also can make their requests directly to us. We are everywhere and available until called. We are not like the Orbs that are on journeys. When we are called to enmesh, others crowd in to take out place, so there is never a void. We are always around.

  ANGELS: Angels can be called with emotion. We are spiritual in nature and we respond to emotional calls where there is a need. If someone is in pain, in distress, or in crisis, we will come. We will usually hover nearby until a request is made. If the request is not made we go away. We specifically help humans. We can offer advice, guidance and even intervene physically if there is a need.

  Q: The Angels said that “The only races that interfere with humans are those that collect humans for hybrid and other purposes.” What other purposes would the other races collect humans apart from the hybrid program?

  Orb: We have seen humans aboard the craft helping Grays and Nordics with the humans that have been collected. They are not being used in the hybrid program but helping the other races calm or move the other humans.

  Q: Are the humans there voluntarily and consciously?

  ANGELS: No, they have been collected like the ones used in the hybrid program.

  Elemental: Sometimes humans have made a request to see other races, particularly if they, the humans, have not been involved in the collection process. We can assist the Grays in manifesting the other races in the vicinity of the humans or the humans may be collected out of curiosity to see why they are asking. This is usually just the one time. The humans usually only ask once or twice. Humans are also collected, other than for the hybrid program, to teach and test them. The races are learning a great deal about humans in this way. There is much teaching and testing and learning from the humans this way.

  ANGELS: Humans are collected as the Grays know that another human will act compassionately to another human if they are in distress. This helps the Grays to carry out procedures on the humans. Humans are also strong and can lift or carry other humans when there is a need. It is a practical collection and use of humans.

  Q: Why ask for the Angels help when we could ask God directly for help?

  Orb: We do not know this concept.

  Elemental: NR

  ANGELS: Asking the Angels is the same as asking God. Except that we can be there and help as we are nearby already when we sense the need. Asking God directly is the same as asking the Angels, we are then sent to help. So, one is the same as the other.

  Part 2

  We would first like thank the Angels for this additional interview, for their responses and cooperation. We respect and honor the Angels for their compassion and help to Humans.

  Q: What other races are comparable to the Angels? Are these comparable races terrestrial or not of Earth?

  ANGELS: There are no races that are comparable with us although there are many that are like us in many aspects. If you are meaning are there other species that are in direct communication with Humans and help Humans as we are, then the Aldebarans are the race that is closest. They have been in contact with Humans and have helped Humans. If you mean being in contact with Humans on a long-term basis but not helping Humans as the Angels help Humans, then the Grays are like us. If you mean are there many other races that have the physical characteristics of Angels, such as having a discernable head and limbs, there are too many to count. There are many races that are terrestrial but not all help Humans, they are there either helping themselves or helping others who are not terrestrial. Otherwise, all of the other races, which are like us, are not terrestrial.

  Q: Regarding looking into the future. Many entities can foresee the future by projecting the past and the present. Are there multiple layers of time? We assume that there are entities that can truly see ahead into the future, not just as a projection of the past and present? For example, non-steady states have cycles such as the Earth’s environment, the nature of life itself, and other factors related to the environment.

  ANGELS: Humans have a complex view of time. In the past Humans had no concept of time passing, except that they aged. Every day was the same day except that on some days interesting things happened: a large animal was overcome or a birth or death occurred. Most days events could be predicted depending on the previous day’s events. As Humans evolved they understood that each day was not the same day come again but a different day each time. This is when the concept of a future developed. As Humans continued to evolve Humans decided that the future was a nebulous thing that could not be depended upon: anything could happen, and Humans became very superstitious. It was at this time that Humans began to become aware of Angels although we had always been around. Humans began to believe that if certain things were said or done that this could change what happened the next day and they were partially correct. The future became partially predictable. Humans also began to understand that there were cycles to the seasons and the weather and could begin to plan accordingly. They could plant, harvest and store food. The next step was that Humans began to understand that long term predictions could be made depending on cycles and an understanding of these cycles. These long-term predictions were not perfect but served well for everyday purposes. There has been a parallel process taking place over time: the more Humans evolved, the longer into the future they wished their predictions to be.

  But when we look at the concept of time, it is not what Humans have understood it. Time is solely a function of the place in which it takes place and the activity of the race at that place. As seen from our story of the Human development of time, Humans have developed a complex myth concerning time. Time has no substance and no measure of itself. There is no time and there can be no predictions that can take place!

  Humans have not yet understood that time is “plastic” and that Humans can make their own future. There are not alternative futures or layers of future as Humans understand it but many futures that individual Humans have set in place. For every Human there is a future that has been set in place by that Human. Sometimes individual futures can correlate and a common or consensual future can occur. Other times individual futures can collide and future events can become unpredictable. Humans are very much in control of their own future. If they agree to work with other Humans towards a planned future then that future has more likelihood of happening as predicted.

  Q: Which entities can we contact who can tell us what lies ahead in the future? Will it be a continuation of what we are experiencing now or will it be different? For example, will severe weather patterns be a continuation of Earth cycles or will these cycles become accelerated, at an unprecedented speed, through Human intervention?

  ANGELS: The nature of the Earth itself predicts that the Earth will continue to have cycles of severe and less severe storms and good weather. It is redundant for Humans to ask other races for help with predicting Human futures because they have their own concepts of time and their own cycles to deal with. They will only predict Earth cycles based on their own understanding of their own cycles. Humans can work with Earth cycles that they already know and work towards planning their own future. Humans have the ability to intercede and are coming to the understanding that future events are totally within their own ability to predict and control.

  Q: Humans are currently concerned about the adaptation of Human life on Earth in the short term only. How can we plan for and adapt to long-term changes?

  ANGELS: This would be the next step in the evolution of Humans. In our previous story we communicated how Humans have developed a myth about time. Some Humans are now coming to understand the true nature of time: that it can be manipulated in ways that are totally different than previous myths of managing time. Time has been perceived to be concrete and non-plastic. Some Humans are beginning to see that time can be flexible and can be manipulated according to each Human’s needs.

  The wonde
rful thing is that even if a Human manipulates time-space for themselves, this does not affect another Human’s time-space. It does, though, affect the perception of each others’ time-space; hence the concept that some Humans always appear to be late and others seem to manipulate their time better. It also explains why some Humans appear to have more time than other Humans. The Humans with more time are better manipulators of the time-space. Those Humans who can manage their time-space more effectively can better predict what is to happen as they can manipulate their future. Some Humans may become so adept at manipulating time that they can affect the time-space future of others so that certain events might occur more effectively.

  Q: Sometime in the near or distant future a cosmic supernova could decimate life on Earth or even destroy it completely. It is possible that this could destroy the Human race? Is this a possibility? Did such an event occur in our solar system in our past? If so, did this affect life on other planets such as Mars and Venus? What happened to the races living there? How did such an event affect Earth and was Atlantis or parts of India affected by such an event?

  ANGELS: There have been many such events taking place in the vicinity of Earth during the time that Humans have occupied the Earth. The solar environment that includes the Earth is still developing and events, while great in Human terms, are not as great as some of the early events that took place in this solar environment. Such events scorched the Earth and many of its neighbors. The Earth, its moon and many other planets suffered from these early events. We will not call them catastrophes because Human life was not involved and Humans only refer to catastrophes as events that include Humans. These very big events occurred before life came to these systems. They were natural events. No very large event has occurred since life came to this solar system.

  Q: So life on Earth, on Mars or the Moon was not devastated by such an event?

  ANGELS: No, these happened before life came to these systems. Humans now have the ability to physically perceive far into the Cosmos and see these events happening in other systems and make false predictions that they will happen to Earth.


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