Voices From The Cosmos

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Voices From The Cosmos Page 20

by C B Scott Jones

  Q: So what happened to the races that lived on Mars?

  ANGELS: They were always there and are still there. They have chosen to live beneath the planet for their own purposes not because anything devastating happened to their planet that caused them to move underground.

  Q: Thank you again for assisting us. What other entities would be helpful? So far, many of the entities that we have contacted have not been able to project themselves into the future, other than the Nordics and the Record Keepers. Are there any other races that we could contact? Our goal is to ensure that Humans persist on Earth in the long run.

  ANGELS: You have already encountered helpful races such as us, the Angels, the Orbs, and the Elementals. Each of these races can help Humans in specific ways that you have already discovered. The Aldebarans are a race that would be helpful to humans: they are wise and gracious and would be a great asset to Humans.

  Q: Are there spirit entities on Earth and how do they differ from non-Earth spirit entities? Are some non-corporeal and just exist as an intelligence?

  ANGELS: We have already communicated about spirits that are Earth and non-Earth bound. Most of them exist in spirit only, as intelligence, although some can temporarily take on a body. Angels are one such type: we exist most of the time in spirit but we can take on Human form if needed, when help is needed in a physical way.

  Q: Orbs seem to enjoy or create happiness for themselves by being in the presence of different energies. Does this happen because of curiosity, on the part of the Orbs, or is this just an experience for the, or just information to them?

  ANGELS: Orbs are not happy in the sense that Humans use the word. Orbs have few needs and for them to be moving and carrying information is what makes them “happy”. They do like to be around certain energies because this allows them to do their job more effectively. This is what makes them happy.

  Q: Why are there so many Orbs on and around the Earth? If this is the case, are there as many Orbs in all the galaxies and all the planetary systems, as well? Or are they sent here as information gatherers by other life forms, which would account for there being so many?

  ANGELS: Orbs, like Angels, are everywhere in the Cosmos and have no restrictions as to where they are sent. They do not usually travel without being sent with some information or to collect some information. There are as many Orbs here on Earth as there in other places although the number decreases or increases as needed. The Orbs are very special to the Angels. Angels work very closely with Orbs and they are what bring Human thoughts, wishes and prayers to us. Other times, they can communicate, as we are now communicating.

  Q: All the entities talk about Humans as a race but we are not a cohesive race as we are all separate races with separate consciousness. Are there any races that could help specific individuals to better cope with their lives?

  ANGELS: All Humans began as one single race but it is not so now. There can be no going back to the one race state. Each race is responsible for living their lives as best they can. The problem, as seen by the Angels and many other races, is that each group of Humans perceives their way of coping with life to be superior to how other Humans manage their life. This is a myth as each group of Humans has developed a way of managing their life that best suits their environment and living. Without interference from other groups each Human group can manage their life as well as they can. When Humans stop interfering with other groups and learn to manage their own lives, then Humans will learn to live as many groups on one planet.

  Q: Could an individual establish a helpful relationship with another race that would benefit other Humans and other races? Humans are separate entities. Is such knowledge helpful or hindering to us? What information should we be seeking to help our own races and other races?

  ANGELS: Humans and the other races, such as the Angels, have been working this way for as long as Humans have been on the Earth although it has not always been recognized. Even though Humans perceive the Gray races to be detrimental to Human ways, they are in some respects helping Humans rather than hindering them. We agree with some of the other races that the Grays are doing Humans a service by ensuring that Humans continue to grow by being sent as pioneers in hybrid bodies to all reaches of the Universe. Not everybody would agree with us but we see the long-term benefits and not the short term. The hybrids are definitely helping other races and working with other races. As they are part Human, then that means that Humans are developing a relationship with other races in many distant places. Humans are still evolving on Earth, as well as in many other places in the Universe. Humans are pioneers, even though they do not plan and carry out these travels and relocations throughout the Galaxies. Humans will eventually be in every part of the Galaxy although this will be a long time in the future, Even Angels can make predictions!

  Q: What do the Angels think of our projects? Are we going about these projects in the right or the wrong way? When we are talking to the Angels are we talking to all other Angels? When we talk to the Angels do other races also hear the discussion? What other Humans have communicated with the Angels, other than those asking for help?

  ANGELS: These are wonderful projects and we are happy to see this happening among Humans. For so long Humans have considered themselves alone in the Universe or have denied that there are other races. This is a great step for Humans to consider communicating with other races in the Universe. You consider yourselves pioneers and this is what you are. When you talk to the Angels we all hear you but we only share with other races if there is a need. If there is a call for help from a Human and the other races can help we call on them. All races have a tiny bit of Angel in them.

  Q: How is this so?

  ANGELS: Every race came from the Angel race, which is one of the oldest in the Universe. That is why we are close to God. Other Humans have contacted the Angels but usually also in request.

  Q: Specifically who else, at this time is communicating with the Angels in the way that we are communicating?

  ANGELS: There are too many to tell.

  Q: Can you tell me about three?

  ANGELS: One is a young monk who lives on the borders of India. He has been recommended by his Bishop to communicate with us. He is considered an adept and we have had some illuminating conversations with him. The second is a young man in Slovakia, one of the Slovakian countries, who is very much alone and only talks to us. He does not talk to other Humans, he has made that choice. He only talks to us. He is very lonely and we provide comfort for him. The third is an old Japanese man who has spent much of his life in communication with spirits and other races. We have been communicating with him for a very long time and we know a great deal about each other.

  Q: Have any of them written about their experiences?

  ANGELS: No, none have written about their experiences. We have found that those who write about the Angels write what they think the Angels would say and do, instead of what we really say and do.

  Q: Do Humans have a personal Angel or do we draw from a group when we ask for help? To what extent can Angels help Humans and are there any limits?

  ANGELS: From the many Angels Humans have a pick of Angels. When an individual first asks for help, sometimes in childhood, sometimes in adulthood, we assign one Angel. Many of us guard children and that is always a special task. However, as soon as the request has been met the Angel returns to the group and another is sent when there is a new request. It has always been this way and all Angels serve this way.

  Q: There is an Earth belief that departed relatives become Guardian Angels over their relatives when they die?

  ANGELS: This is not so. The spirits of departed relatives can visit those who remain on Earth but they do not become Angels. This is a Human belief only. Angels can help with anything that Humans ask and there are no limits, although we will ask other races to help if there are things they can do for the Human.

  Q: The responses by the Sirian’s (a parallel interview, with another race) sounded very Buddhist? Are there
similarities in what the Dalai Lama teaches? Are there any similarities between what the Angels were saying, Buddhism, and what the Angels believe?

  ANGELS: As we mentioned in the previous communication we are not like the Sirians. They exist in a steady state where they are almost non-existent. They persist but in a very hidden way. The Buddhist and the Dalai Lama would very much like to exist as a Sirian exists and they can do this because they have abandoned the usual Human ways of life. They live in seclusion, they have no relationships, and they have no need to labor daily, so they can exist in a way that the Sirian’s exist. There is no connection between these ways of being and how the Angels exist.

  Q: We would still like to understand the Angel’s concept of God. Do the Angels interact with God, What is the nature of God? Is it different and how is it different from the Earthly concept of God? Some of the other races have no concept of God, why is that?

  ANGELS: We have already communicated that: When you talk to us, you talk to God, we and God are one and the same. We exist in every race to some degree. This concept is very different from the concept of the Earthly God as a male figure. Every race, that has a concept of God, sees God in their own image. This is similar to Humans seeing God in their Human image. So, each race sees God as one of them, this makes it easier for each race to follow teachings of their God. Some races have no concept of a God because their image is so nebulous or insubstantial that they cannot conceive of a God in their own image. This is the basic reason.

  Q: Thank you for your answers and cooperation. There are two more sessions to follow when the remainder of the questions we have will be put forward.

  Part 4

  This remaining fourth section– communication with the Angels - proposes some additional questions which focus on previous answers by the Sirians plus specific questions for the Angels. We would like to thank the Angels for this additional interview, for their responses and cooperation. We respect and honor the Angels for their compassion and help to Humans.

  Q: Humans have difficulty in communicating with those who have passed from the corporeal world to the spirit world. How can Humans best communicate with those who are now spirits?

  ANGELS: Humans are present on the Earth for a finite time. At the end of that finite time, however short or long that time is, they have had their opportunity to procreate and pass along their genes and knowledge.

  Q: What about person such as myself who have never given birth to children?

  ANGELS: Humans such as you have other opportunities to return to Earth and to procreate. There are others who have chosen to come back one last time to act for good in the World and perhaps you are one of those Humans.

  Q: Perhaps, but I am not so sure of that. Is the decreasing fertility rate in the developing nations indicative that Humans may not have their chance to procreate and fulfill their role?

  ANGELS: If they have not procreated then they will have other opportunities to return to Earth.

  Q: I cannot believe that this is the main reason that Humans are here on Earth?

  ANGELS: It is the main reason but not the only reason. Human procreation and bringing forth young is the most sacred of all the acts that a Human can achieve. Both males and females achieve sacredness by this act. Not all races can bring forth in this way and Humans are envied this act.

  ANGELS: When Humans have completed what they needed to achieve, they leave the physical body and transfer into a spirit body. That is, the spirit body, that they are inside a Human, exits and becomes independent outside of the Human body. This spirit body can then travel and spends some time independent before deciding what next to do. Some travel around the Universe and then decide to re-enter Earth again as a Human. This completes a cycle and is a sacred act in itself. If they decide to stay outside Earth they can travel in spirit and learn many new things about the Universe. There is no demand that they return to Earth; it is a choice.

  Q: One of the races that have been contacted are the Companions. They talked about how the hybrids (that the Grays are developing) are part of a “sacred act” Can the Angels talk more about this and why hybrid births are thought of as “sacred?” Is it to do the creation of life itself or the manipulation of life or the role of the hybrids?

  ANGELS: Whether Humans or Grays give rise to life, all is sacred. The act of creating the spark of life is sacred. There is nothing more to say, it is sacred and needs to be accepted just as that, nothing more, nothing less.

  Q: The Sirian’s talk about there being alternative strata, which we can visit, explore and, perhaps, utilize? Can the Angels tell us more about the strata?

  ANGELS: The strata exist as layers that enclose and, sometimes, permeate Human space. The layers can be seen as sometimes “dimpling”, when another strata permeates Human space. At those times activities, objects and events can locate in a different space. Then, when the dimpling occurs again, they can return. Some races, such as the Sirians, have learned how to calculate when the dimpling occurs and when they can hop between the strata. Humans, too, can learn to move among the strata through intent.

  ANGELS: All the strata have life and activities that can sometimes transfer to Earth for a short period, and then get taken back, the next time the dimpling occurs. Due to differences in wavelength and frequencies, these are not always perceived by Humans, who just observe that something is different in their environment. It is more common however, for Earth artifacts to go through the dimpling and to return to Earth at another time. Sirian’s use the strata to hide when they do not want to experience something they do not like or to hide from the other races. Other races, including Humans, use the strata to explore and learn.

  Q: The Grays continue to interact with Humans. Are the Grays also hybridizing other races and why? Please note that we are not denigrating the Grays but are interested in all races and how they function. Are the Grays hybridizing the Angels if not, why not?

  ANGELS: The Grays have hybridized many races over the span of their history, but do not hybridize Angels because we do not have the physical qualities that they need. We understand that you are not denigrating the Grays but you do not understand them. They are not so different from Humans, that it is easier for them to hybridize Humans that any other race in this part of the Universe. Other races have tried to show you how it is a beneficial thing for Humans to spread their hybridized offspring throughout the Galaxies. Humans want to judge the Grays using Human values and ethics, but the Grays are not Human and work within their own justification and values. Nothing can change this.

  Q: Have the Angels played a role in the Confederation? Are they the Confederation? Do they play a small role or a larger role in the Confederation? Were the Angels involved in the creation of the Galactic Confederations?

  ANGELS: The Angels are not the Confederation, although Angels make up a large part of the Confederation, have been in the Confederation for a very long time, and have instituted many of the rules that the Confederations apply. The Angels have been present in the Galaxies for much longer than any of the other races, so we were an original part of many of the Confederations. The Angels would like to see Humans within the Confederation but it is not yet time.

  Q: The Angels are said to be peacekeepers. Do Angels have any influence in the role of peacekeeping in the Universe or on Earth?

  ANGELS: Peacekeeping is not our role. Helping is our role. There are many Humans who ask us for peace, on many different levels, but we cannot give this to Humans. We can show them how to be peaceful in their own lives and their own communities. Peace is a nebulous state, which fluctuates according to circumstance. All that the Angels can do is to show Humans that peace can be achieved and to help encourage a peaceful state.

  Q: We would like to give the Angels an opportunity to add anything else that they feel is important for Humans to know. We have been asking a lot of questions but this is an opportunity for the Angels to tell us what they want us to know.

  ANGELS: The Angels would like Humans
to know that they, Humans, are unique in the Universe. There are other worlds with races similar to Humans but Earth Humans have a richness, a variety, a capacity for emotion, that many other races do not have. The other races admire Humans for their ability to experience humor, to experience emotion, and having the autonomy to be creative.

  Q: Why is it that some people can physically perceive Angels? Under what circumstances do Angels come to Earth in physical form?

  ANGELS: Angels can appear on Earth in a physical form, which resembles Humans, in special circumstances. We can appear at the moment of birth or at the moment of death. We can appear at the moment of great physical stress for a Human and we can appear during a very contemplative moment. We can appear if needed to carry out an act that will help a Human, especially if the Human is in distress. We can appear if there is a heightened sense of emotion from a large group of people, especially if the emotion is carried in prayers and song.

  ANGELS: Not every Human in a group will see us in Human form but as lights, shimmering, and as shifts in perception. A very few will see us in the Human-mindset of the Angelic form with wings and long hair but that is very rare. We are often mistaken for spirits, Orbs, ghosts, and other non-Human entities. You will know that the Angels have visited because of the quietening of ambient noise and the calm that is felt in the location. That is all.

  A: Thank you, Angels, for your patience with us, for your answers and your cooperation.

  Dialog with the Angels

  On re-reading the interviews, it appeared that the Light Beings only wanted to be companions to humans, not advisors. The Angels were more amenable to talking with humans and providing information and assistance. Other races that might be amenable to dialogue are Hybrids, Orbs, and Elementals. This session dialogues exclusively with the Angels. (Lighting a candle).


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