Voices From The Cosmos

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Voices From The Cosmos Page 21

by C B Scott Jones

  A: Welcome Angels and thank you for agreeing to dialogue with us.

  ANGELS: We are here to help and assist and bring what we know into the dialogue. We understand all the conditions that humans are causing and suffering and wish to assist. We do not know how we can assist but it is possible that there is a way. We have been aware of the increases in human health problems for many decades. We have been aware that the quality of the air has been changing. We have seen many of the Earth changes that have been taking place. We will try and suggest some ways that might be helpful for humans to cope with these problems. If they cannot cope, then we have tried.

  Q: Thank you. Are the Angels able to suggest ways that humans can cope with these changes in the atmosphere? I would like to keep this as a dialogue, rather than question and answer but will pose questions when needed. There is a definite agreement among humans (with some dissenters) that humans have real problems with the atmosphere deteriorating and global warming/cooling taking place. What puzzles me is that a few decades ago, scientists were saying that global warming was responsible for the increase in the hole in the ozone hole but that problem appears to have been solved. Now the environment and global warming are said to be inter-correlated and having an effect on each other. Are there solutions to these problems?

  ANGELS: We see many children that die because of the air quality but it is little compared to the children who are dying of starvation and illness in the world. There is much ignorance and reluctance to learn. Humans know what they have to do to make the world live-able but they do not learn from generation to generation. It is as if each generation of humans has to relearn everything again. Angels have helped every generation but cannot understand why humans cannot learn and pass onto their children what they learn.

  ANGELS: You ask for practical solutions. The practical solutions are to clean up the world. There is too much waste and dirt. Humans put waste into the air, into the water and into the land. They have not learned how to care for themselves. The answers are simple, clean the Earth. As soon as the cleaning begins, the Earth will begin to revert back to its original balance.

  ANGELS: There is an excess of waste. Humans used to bury their deceased in the ground with little more than a box or cloth. Now humans bury their dead in the ground in metal boxes into stone-lined spaces in the ground. They fill their deceased with minerals, as if the very act of preservation of the body will preserve the mind and the soul. Humans complain that they are running out of room for the deceased. Some humans burn the deceased yet do not return them to nature but hold them close, as if they can hold onto the essence of the person. It does not make sense to the Angels. We know about these things because it is at these times that humans call on the Angels for support and care.

  Q: Humans fear death and it is seen by the medical profession as a failure. Perhaps this fear of death has caused an increase in preserving the dead: much like the Egyptians preserved their dead. There is a great deal made, in the Western world, of preserving human youth-like status and decrying natural aging. Death is seen as the ultimate failure instead of a graduation from one life to the next.

  ANGELS: But it is paradoxical. Humans fear death, yet they poison their world and bring on death sooner. It is a terrible condition. We do not know how to assist in this matter. We can suggest ways to clean the Earth and to assist in bringing balance back to the Earth, the skies and the seas. The key is water. There are many technologies that can use water. These must be pursued. They are clean and can help restore the Earth’s balance.

  ANGELS: The other assistance is the Earth’s lower orders of life. They help humans to live and can help the Earth restore balance.

  Q: Do you mean microbes?

  ANGELS: Yes, all lower levels of life. They are abundant and everywhere. They do not have to be invented. They do not have to be taught. Just put them where they are needed and they will work for humans by being themselves and doing what they do.

  Q: How can we clean the skies and the water? It seems such a large job to contemplate, all of the skies and waters of the Earth. The job seems overwhelming to many humans.

  ANGELS: The skies and the water can be cleaned. The same as with the Earth: with lower orders of life. Many lower orders can clean the Earth, the skies, and the water on a large scale. They exist already but are overwhelmed. They need to be placed in clean areas where they can thrive, then placed in areas where they can work to clean the sky, Earth, and water. The lower orders are simple and hold an inherent balance within them. Together, in many numbers, they can restore balance to the Earth. That is what we know.

  Q: How do we go about this? It seems such a huge job and, perhaps one that needs several generations to accomplish. It seems that the media are forever chiding people about waste and to recycle and to clean up but very little gets accomplished.

  ANGELS: It will need generations of education of the young. If young humans receive this education very early, then it will carry on to new generations. There is a human saying about “the sins of the fathers being passed to the children.” Well, the teachings of the fathers can be also perpetuated by the children. Rather than chiding other humans about what a mess they are leaving for their children and future generations, would not it be better to teach about the good things you are leaving for the next generations? Would not it be better to teach children that humans and their children are doing something about the mess? Rather than cry about it and chide each other, would not it be better to be doing something?

  Q: Many human groups are doing active work to clean up the environment but it seems that it is too little, too late, and the point of no return may have been reached. Is it too late? It would be wonderful if there were a change in outlook and we could do something large scale and long term.

  ANGELS: There are many things to do. It starts with the largest and works down to the lowest. That is, those who are making the most mess must be tackled first, rather than expecting the many, smaller groups to clean up the bigger messes. Find who is doing the most damage to the air, the water, and the land and confront them with alternatives. They do not make changes because they do not know about alternatives and if they will work for them. When smaller groups see the larger groups having success, the smaller groups will follow. Then, many of the individual humans will also follow and clean up their individual messes. Soon, it will become a new paradigm to follow. It can start in one place and then many places and people will follow. There is nothing magical or special about this. It can happen and the Angels will help it happen.

  Q: It sounds wonderful. I see the major problem of persuading the large offenders to adopt new technologies and procedures. Start at the top, sounds, ideal, and I can see the common sense in this.

  ANGELS: It is common sense but humans have lost their common sense. They have become complacent. They expect other people to clean up their messes instead of cleaning up their own messes. Everything can be cleaned: the air, the water and the land. All of these elements are self-sustaining without human help but with human interference they cannot sustain themselves. Humans think that they have to manage everything: the air, the water, the animals, and the land, but they are self-managing. They were self-managing before humans and can do so again. Managing is control and control is not needed when an element is independent and self-sustaining. Leave them alone once they have regained balance. Humans have become overwhelmed with trying to manage.

  Q: How long would it take to get everything back into balance? It seems as if the imbalance has taken place over the past few generations, perhaps it will take many more generations for the Earth to get back into balance.

  ANGELS: It would be surprisingly sooner. The Earth has great recuperative powers. It is not a living, sentient organism, as some think, but it is a self-sustaining one. Once it is put back on a path to self-sustaining it will take less time than imagined. It will start slow but will quicken as time goes on. It could even happen in one or two generations. That is all we can do to help.
  Q: Thank you for the dialogue. We are hoping that there can be mutual help and we ask how we can assist the Angels? Are there other races that we can also ask for assistance?

  ANGELS: You can assist the Angels by continuing to ask for our help. We cannot tell you any other races to ask for help. You must ask those that you know.

  Q: Thank you.

  Asking Angels about the Orbs

  We would like to thank the Angels for their patience with us, their help, and their contributions to our knowledge. We respect and appreciate the Angels. In this session we would like to ask the Angels some questions about the Orbs. We have had many experiences with Orbs and have worked with them to acquire information. We also respect the Orbs for their interest in our work and for the information that they have brought us. However, we are intrigued by them and how they function and their appearance.

  We are concerned about potential problems in the world: Earthquakes, the ozone holes, the depletion of fish in the oceans, deforestation and depletion of oxygen, the heating of the oceans, drought and floods, toxicity and waste dumps, dangers from nuclear reactors, economic collapse and debt of the nation, and fault lines in the Middle East that could impact oil supplies and prices over the next 10-20 years. All of these issues could relate to a social and economic collapse of both the United States and relay to the rest of the world.

  Q: Can the Angels and the Orbs tell us about potential problems in the world: Earthquakes, the ozone holes, the depletion of fish in the oceans, deforestation and depletion of oxygen, the heating of the oceans, drought and floods, toxicity and waste dumps, dangers from nuclear reactors, economic collapse and debt of the nation, and fault lines in the Middle East that could impact oil supplies and prices over the next 10-20 years. All of these issues could relate to a social and economic collapse of both the United States and relay to the rest of the world.

  Angels: During the next three years, Humans will see a big increase in all of these problems, particularly the environmental issues that they are so worried about. After that, there will be a plateau, for another two years, then more serious problems with the environment that will have Humans moving between countries. After another two years, there will be a lull for another six years. The Angels will be there to protect and help. All of the other problems are Human in design and can be predicted and managed through Human intervention. Many of the problems are caused by Human fear itself and wasteful and inadequate Human management. The Angels cannot predict for Humans but can make guesses at what will happen. We, the Angels, can only be there to assist.

  Orbs: As the Record Keepers have already told you, we do not keep records of past events and have to go to the record Keepers for all of this information. We know, from ferrying information back and forth, that all of the preceding questions have already been asked of and answered by the Record Keepers. However, from what we observe, Humans are doing a good job of mismanaging their resources and, until this changes, Humans cannot expect a positive outcome.

  Questions to the Angels about the Orbs:

  Q: One of the answers given us by the Orbs, at one time, was that the faces in the Orbs reflected the faces of the individuals giving the Orbs information or tasks. Is this so?

  Angels: This is so, in some cases. In other cases, the Orbs carry what Humans call the “soul” of a deceased Human who has not passed to the next level of existence.

  Q: Some Orbs show up when people dance. Are these attracted by the dance or are they always there? Why do the Orbs show up? Are they sent? Are they observing Human behavior for other races?

  Angels: Again, it all depends. Orbs are everywhere, so when someone begins to dance, some may be attracted to the movements and the frequency of the music. Others are nearby and, again, are attracted by the movement and music. Sometimes, Orbs are called by the dancer, so that when they dance there are many Orbs. Orbs are very curious and will appear when there is something of interest to observe and carry to the Record Keepers.

  Q: Can Orbs carry people? I have been reading a book where Orbs appeared in conjunction with a beam from a Gray craft, which levitated Humans to the craft. Were the Orbs involved in the levitation of the Humans and how? Can the Orbs carry or pull up a grown person?

  Angels: No, the Orbs cannot carry people or animals but they can assist and observe when people are being lifted, for example by the Grays. They are often observed by Humans to be around when this type of levitation takes place.

  Q: Orbs have been seen around volcanoes and prior to eruptions and Earthquakes. Why is this? Are they sent to record the event and who sends them?

  Angels: Yes, they are around to observe and record. Some are already in the area and some are attracted to the energy and the movement of the volcano. Anything that generates noise, energy, heat, or movement attracts the Orbs.

  Q: Can the Orbs act in an independent manner and acquire information without instruction from another race?

  Angels: Orbs have a small amount of autonomy and can travel a short distance of their own accord to observe and record. They can be called from a great distance, too. They cannot travel a great distance of their own volition, but need to be called or sent.

  Q: Are they attracted by low frequency and is that why they are drawn to music, dance, pre-Earthquake rumblings?

  Angels: Yes, they are attracted by frequencies such as music, light, movement and other energies. However, some music and frequencies sends them away, such as discordant sounds, metal screeching, and loud banging.

  Q: Orbs are often seen and photographed at “ghost hunting” events and are presumed to be the energies or spirits of dead Humans. Is this so?

  Angels: Sometimes, this is so. As mentioned previously, some Orbs carry the “soul” of a deceased person until they have decided where they want to go, and then the Orb will take them there.

  Q: Regarding Human history, can the Angels tell us who or what assisted Humans to levitate great blocks of stone for constructions such as that at Mesa Verde, Chaco Canyon and Macho Pichu? How did this affect the beliefs of the people at that time? How was this knowledge acquired and how did it become lost? Where did the people at these sites come from? Where did the people at these sites go to? Why did they build where they did, why did they live there and why did they leave?

  Angels: Orbs cannot lift animals or Humans, and they cannot lift stone or other immaterial objects. Some stones were lifted both by Earthly forces and by non-Earthy forces. That is, water and landslide carried some very large stones and the stones were levered into place. Sometimes, the Races helped, but this was rare. What some do not know is that many of these blocks were not cut from stone but were mixed, as a form of concrete, and poured in place. The ancients had many such recipes and formulas, which have since been lost. When in place, they were then shaped with tools, giving the appearance of being great blocks lifted into place. The ancient ones used a mixture of Earth, rock, plants, and water to create these blocks. The people who had this knowledge were gradually eroded by disease, famine and lack of sufficient water. Some have survived but the knowledge has been lost except to a small few.

  Q: Where can people live on the Earth peacefully and healthily? Thinking about all the problems that beset Humans as outlined in the Introduction, where can Humans live where they can be safe and live healthily?

  Angels: There are two narrow, regions of the Earth that circle the globe below the poles. These include the colder countries of the North and South. The colder countries have milder disturbances of the surface of the Earth, than do the warmer countries, so colder is safer and healthier for Humans. There is less disease, less stress, and less cause to move from place to place.

  Q: Thank you Angels for your patience and information.

  10: The Exobiology Project:

  Talking With The Light Beings

  “We have no need of musical instruments, we are the instruments.”

  —Light Beings”

  During the spring of 2006, additional projects were
conducted that interviewed several Earth-based races: the Elementals and another called the Record-Keepers. As these were not strictly extraterrestrial but were bound up with Human history and mythology, they are not included in this series. However, their contributions are included in later dialogues with the other races.

  As a beginning to the next stage of the Exobiology project, alternative questions were suggested to ask of the Exobiology contacts. The first entity interviewed in this new phase was a Light Being that had been encountered by a friend of a colleague. The friend has been abducted many times and escorted by “Light Beings” who she had described as “milky, glowing, luminous, with very loving emotions.” She felt totally safe with them and cared for by them. Who were they?

  Additional races to be interviewed, would be the Greens, the Propers, the Roughs, and the Darks. It was felt that the Tall Oranges might be akin to the Skin Walker, seen at the Sherman/Gorman Ranch, and to be a different race than the Oranges previously interviewed.

  New Questions:

  Q: How does this race, the Light Beings”, describe themselves? How do they travel and interact across the galaxy. How often do they travel and interact?

  LB: We call ourselves the Companions and we think of ourselves as companions to many races. We have very little substance and many do not see us. When another race needs another presence, we can be there. There is no limit to our travel and interactions.

  Q: Do you have such concepts as space and time?

  LB: No.

  Q: Am I interacting with one Light Being or many?

  LB: Many, at one time.

  Q: In interacting with the many, am I interacting with all Light Beings?

  LB: No.

  Q: Why? We are interacting as a group but not with the whole?

  LB: We are a group. There are many groups. We companion with the group where we travel.


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