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Voices From The Cosmos

Page 23

by C B Scott Jones

  Q: Then you access other races and entities to try and locate these resources?

  DO: Yes.

  Q: The Light Beings and some Humans have said that traces of Shades and Shadows can linger around and attach themselves to Humans. Is that true?

  DO: Yes, these are ourchildren. We can bi-locate and we can subdivide into smaller pieces.

  Q: Is that on a holographic scale i.e. each piece retains information about the whole?

  DO: Yes, and we can continue to perceive and store information.

  Q: Do you work with the other races?

  DO: No, we act and live alone.

  Q: How often are Humans accessed for information?

  Q: Very often. Most often, the Human does not know we are there, they only see an occasional shadow of us. We stay for varying lengths of time then travel on.

  Q: Are you the same as what we describe as a ghost?

  DO: Sometimes we are wrongly identified as a ghost but we are not a ghost, we are a living race of beings.

  Q: Can Dark Ones help Humans if the entities are asked? How can Humans ask for help? If they can help us, in what way can we ask for this help?

  DO: No, we do not help Humans or any other race. We are by ourselves and only live by ourselves. We cannot look at the future: we do not look at the past, except to compare new information with old. We have no limitations.

  Q: Some Humans would say that having no ability to see past and future is limiting?

  DO: We have no limitations. Humans and other races have limitations as they cannot be strongly present in the moment.

  Q: That sounds a lot like Buddhism.

  DO: We do not know Buddhism.

  Q: It is a Human religious movement that began with a spiritual Human called Buddha, who taught that Humans should live in the present moment.

  DO: We do not know Buddha but it describes what we do.

  Q: Would you call yourselves Enlightened?

  DO: What is Enlightened?

  DO: Having spiritual knowledge and being at-one with the universe?

  DO: No, we are not Enlightened. We are not at-one with the universe. We are alone and live alone. We would not help Humans or any other race. We do not have spiritual knowledge, only of energy sources.

  Q: What use do the Dark Ones make for natural Earth resources? Do they need these for survival etc?

  DO: Yes, this is what we do. We need energy sources that reside in the Earth.

  Q: Do you sometimes drain Human energy?

  DO: Yes, if needed.

  Q: That is why Humans do not like you and have developed stories about you, which sound like they are true.

  DO: We do not take much.

  Q: But it is enough that it harms or hurts the Human.

  DO: We take what we need. We take what ourchildren need.

  Q: Has it always been this way?

  DO: Yes.

  Q: Is there not enough energy within the Earth that you need not take Human energy?

  DO: There may be but Human energy is special. Ourchildren need it to grow.

  Q: Are you in communication with other Dark Ones?

  DO: Yes.

  Q: Can you indicate that the taking of Human energy hurts Humans?

  DO: Yes but it will make no difference. We need Human energy for ourchildren to grow. We will always need Human energy.

  Q: Can Humans refuse to have the Shades attach to them, as I have done?

  DO: Yes, all they have to do is say so. We will leave and find another Human.

  Q: Many Humans do not know this.

  DO: Do not tell them. (!)

  Q: Are Dark Ones positively or negatively oriented towards Humans?

  DO: We have no knowledge of these words. We do what we do. We look for energy sources. We take what we need. That is not positive or negative. We take what we need for us and ourchildren. If your children needed energy you would find it for them?

  Q: Some Humans would look at you as parasites.

  DO: Humans already have many parasites, some that they cannot see. We are only one of many. Humans have been living with these things for ever. This is nothing new.

  Q: Why are Grays interacting with us on a conscious level and not others?

  DO: We do not work with the Grays. We do not know what they are doing or why.

  Q: Are there other entities out in the Universe? Why, how, and what?

  DO: You do not know about the other entities? You are limited.

  Q: As Humans we have interacted with many races including the Grays, the Nordics, and the Reptilians. Your use of the wordlimited is also used by the Reptilians and others. Is this a common perception of Humans by some entities?

  DO: Yes. Humans are limited.

  Q: Do you know the Reptilians?

  DO: Yes, we know of them.

  Q: Have you interacted with them?

  DO: NR (No Response).

  Q: Does this race, the Dark Ones, have the ability to look into the future?

  DO: No. we do not look into the future. Comparing – you have already asked us this question.

  Q: Is this race, the Dark Ones, helping, hindering, or ignoring us?

  DO: We do none of these things. We take what we need. If it hinders Humans, that is not our concern. Mostly we ignore Humans and other races.

  Q: Is the Confederation just of our Galaxy or of the Universe?

  DO: We do not know about the Confederation or other Confederations. We do not live by their rules.

  Q: So you are aware that some races live by the Confederation rules?

  DO: Yes.

  Q: When was the decision made that the Dark Ones would not abide by Confederation rules?

  DO: NR

  Q: Is this entity, the Dark Ones, a Galactic or Universal entity?

  DO: What does that mean?

  Q: Are you resident just in this Galaxy or can you go everywhere?

  DO: We can go everywhere.

  Q: Regarding the Rules of the Confederation – are these also applicable to non-members, such as the need to respect and cooperate with other races?

  DO: The rules of the Confederation do not apply to us. They know this. We do what we want and what we have always done.

  Q: So you do not respect or cooperate with other races?

  DO: No.

  Q: Do Dark Ones have a sense of who people are? Do they have autonomy or are they on a mission for others, or for another group?

  DO: Yes, we have a sense of Humans. We use Humans for energy. That is all we need to know. We do not need to know other things about Humans. It is not necessary. We are not on a mission for other races. We are alone with our own mission. That is to help ourselves.

  Q: What questions should Humans be asking of the Exobiology entities?

  DO: If Humans ask, we do not answer.

  Q: You are listening to me and answering my questions. You listen when Humans ask you to go away.

  DO: These are special circumstances and will be forgotten very quickly. Theaskings and questions will go away and we will continue as we have always done so.

  Q: What should the Exobiology entities be asking of us or want to ask us?

  DO: We do not want to know anything about the Humans except are they good sources of energy.

  Q: What makes a person a source of good energy?

  DO: When they are red.

  Q: What does that mean?

  DO: When they have a red face, when they are breathing hard, when they have emotions.

  Q: Do the emotions have to be negative or positive?

  DO: We prefer it when the emotions are focused against another person. We do not know what it is called: when one Human voices loudly at another or voices loudly at another in their head. That is when the energy is strongest. That is what we like. That is what we need.

  Q: Are there Exobiology entities that are detrimental to Human interests? Are there entities that we should not interact with?

  DO: We do not care which other entities the Humans interact with as
long as they are available when we need them for energy. We do not care what other entities there are.

  Q: Does this entity group have a concept of God – of a Universal source?

  DO: We are the universal source. We know where all the energy sources are. We are God.

  Q: Humans do not consider you as God. They have a different conception of God.

  DO: We consider ourselves God. We do not know anything else but ourselves.

  Q: Do Dark Ones need two genders to reproduce like we do? Do they manipulate DNA to reproduce, how?

  DO: We do not need two genders, like Humans. We bi-locate and separate to providechildren. Thechildren are nurtured by the energy that we find for them. They do not know DNA.

  Q: Is Earth toxic to these entities, Dark Ones, i.e. ultraviolet toxic to Grays?

  DO: Earth is not toxic to us but some Humans are toxic to us.

  Q: Which Humans are toxic to you?

  DO: There are Humans who set themselves apart and wear the same clothes. We avoid them. They make a ritual of keeping us away.

  Q: Are you talking about spiritual people, such as monks and nuns?

  DO: We do not know what they are called. They collect themselves in one place, wear the same clothes, think the same things, and keep us away from them. If there are too many of them we may not find energy and we cannot provide energy for ourchildren. We stay away from these Humans. We do not like them.

  20. How do they sustain themselves, nutrient baths etc? All entities have the need to survive. Humans need food, water, air, sunshine to exist. Do Entities need these same things or something different? Do they need warmth, shelter, etc like we do to survive?

  DO: Our race only needs energy. We find energy in many places, including the Earth and Humans.

  Q: Do you find other planets, other races that can provide food for your children?

  DO: Yes, there are many places and many races. We do not need shelter or other Human needs. Humans are limited in these needs.

  Q: When Humans die, they believe that they are also spirits that have no need of these Earth resources. Do you know about this?

  DO: Yes, then they are unlimited.

  Q: Are the Beings surprised by the way that our species is socially organized? How does this differ from their social organization? It is hard for us to conceive of a species that is not centrally controlled. We conceive of centralized control as a means to prevent destruction within and between people. Is this process in place in the Exobiology Being’s worlds? Within species? Between species?

  DO: We do not have a central organization. We all act alone. We are aware of others of our race but do not interact except to share information about energy sources. We control ourselves. There is no need for others to control us or for us to control others. That does not make sense to us. We are aware of other races. They do not control us and we do not control them. There is no need.

  Q: Is there anything, within the next 25 Earth years (rotations around our Sun) that Humans should be concerned about?

  DO: We do not see that far. All we need are energy resources, including Humans.

  Q: If a catastrophe were to occur that caused all the Humans to disappear, how would that affect the Dark Ones?

  DO: We would go elsewhere for energy for ourchildren. There are other races that we would visit.

  Q: Are you aware of the Hybrids?

  DO: What are the hybrids?

  Q: No matter, it does not matter.

  Q: Do the different Exobiology races manifest a sense of creativity? Do Dark Ones manufacture anything? Do Dark Ones have writing, music, or art?

  DO: We have nothing like that. We do have a sense of completion when we produce ourchildren. They could be said to be our art, our music but we do not know these terms.

  Q: Music is a vibration that Humans make with devices, that is usually pleasant to our senses. Is there any special music that attracts the Dark Ones?

  DO: No.

  Q: That surprises me. I thought that some music, that generates negative emotion in some people, such as rap, would attract the Dark Ones.

  DO: We are not attracted by frequencies, only Human energy. If the energy is red, then we know that is energy for us.

  Q: Do they get sick or have illnesses? Do they have any internal or external threats? Do they die? How do they deal with death?

  DO: The only Humans that we do not interact with are the ones that get together, wear the same clothes, eat the same foods, and keep us away with the same thoughts. We also go away from Humans that ask us to and keep their energy away from being red.

  Q: Are they surprised that Humans can reach out and communicate with them and how often does this happen? When does this happen and from where? Is this contact carried out telepathically?

  DO: We can hear you and communicate with you but we do not know if there have been others. We know that we can communicate with you and it is race to race. We can interact with Humans who ask us to go away or get together as a group to keep us away. So, there is some communication. So we are not surprised.

  Q: Native American people, such as the Hopi’s and other races, have described how their ancestors had a connection to Beings from Sirius and the Pleiades. They claim that these Beings were their ancestors and that they are still interacting. There is some folklore that these beings were escaping from Sirius and the Pleiades. How did they come to Earth and are they still able to communicate?

  DO: We do not know about this.

  Q: What potential does Earth have for Dark Ones?

  DO: Earth and Humans are a source of energy for us and for ourchildren. Nothing more.

  Q: Regarding the supermarket cart incident and my friend’s sunglasses, please know that we need respect and give respect and do not appreciate poltergeist behavior. If the entities are interested in our technology, personal items, please do not take them.

  DO: We do not know about this. We do not need technology and other Human things unless they cause the Human to have red energy, which we can use.

  Q: Is there any further information about the other races outlined above that will soon be interviewed? Who can we talk to? Are there dangerous entities?

  DO: We do not know about the other entities, we do not know about dangerous entities. We do not know who you can talk to.

  Q: I am asking now that the Dark Ones leave me, that my energy is not red, that they can leave and not cause anychildrento be left behind in my body, my mind, or my home: that they leave and go somewhere else. There is nothing here for them. I am also asking that they do not attach themselves to others who will read this interview. Thank you.

  12: The Exobiology Project:

  Talking With The Anaka

  “We are the Anaka people and we have been here forever.”

  —The Anaka

  Another previous interview identified the Anaka as the race of beings that had interacted with Native American tribes in history. It was related that the Anaka were still interacting with Humans. It was decided to include them in the Exobiology series.

  Q: How does this race, the Anaka, describe themselves? How do they travel and interact across the galaxy. How often do they travel and interact?

  AK: We are the Anaka. We do not travel. We are here on the Earth and have always been here on the Earth. We are the Anaka people and we have been here forever. We travel as Humans travel. We are a modern people.

  Q: I am surprised, as I thought you would be the same as the other races we have encountered.

  AK: We are not like any other race as we are here and have always been here.

  Q: Please tell me how you travel?

  AK: We travel the same as you, by foot, by car, by public transportation.

  Q: That is surprising to me!

  Q: How would you describe yourselves physically?

  AK: We are of two types. One type is short and stocky; the other is tall and slender. We fall into these two groups. There is nothing in between. We have straight black hair, and dark eyes
, with a darker complexion.

  Q: Are you the same as the North Americans?

  AK: No. We are a separate race.

  Q: Are you just found in North America?

  AK: No, we are in South America, Japan, the Russias, the Pacific Islands, everywhere on Earth.

  Q: How long have you been here?

  AK: We have been here before Humans.

  Q: Have you interbred with other races?

  AK: No. We are a separate race.

  Q: If we were to meet you, how would we know that you are Anaka and not Native American or some other race?

  AK: You would not know because we would not tell you.

  Q: Would an intuitive person be able to tell?

  AK: Maybe, yes.

  Q: Is it something about the eyes?

  AK: No.

  Q: What is your role on Earth?

  AK: The same as it always has been, to teach.

  Q: Can you speak all languages?

  AK: Some of us speak different languages, usually of the area where we are. We have an affinity for language.

  Q: What professions would we find you in?

  AK: All professions.

  Q: On census forms, what race do you put down?

  AK: We put the race closest to that which we resemble and where we live. We have all the privileges of each culture and travel and move with them as they do.

  Q: So you would have a passport, Social Security card, what about a birth certificate?

  AK: Yes, we have all of those as we have been here forever, so we were here at the beginning of these documents and so acquired them. We give birth to children and so perpetuate our race.

  Q: So, what is to differentiate you from Humans?

  AK: We know; we are the Anaka.

  Q: In their interactions with Humans, how often does this happen and why is this interaction carried out? For observation? Are they monitors for the Confederation?

  AK: We are always in communication with Humans and have always interacted.

  Q: Was it the Anaka that gave rise to the “Wise Indian” myth?

  AK: Probably, we have taught all races for all time. There are wise Anaka among all races but there have also been wise Humans too, that we have taught.


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