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Voices From The Cosmos

Page 27

by C B Scott Jones

  Q: Please describe the planets around Alpha Proxima C, also known as Proxima Centauri. Are there birds, deer, fish in the sea, grass, night and day as here are on Earth?

  O: The two planets around Proxima Centauri are identical in size, orbit andconstitution.It could be said that they aremirror-image twinsof each other. The planets each have two zones. The middle or equatorial zone is dry and barren, much like Earth’s middle zone, and the outer zones and wet andflorid. These areas are abundant withflora and fauna: that is life. We have not found information about this but it is possible that the woman was taken for some time to the wetter regions of these planets before transferring to the middle planet of the Centauri A system. Many races stay on these planets for short periods but there is little atmosphere that would sustain races that come from other systems.

  Q: Why is this, if there is flora and fauna, would there be oxygen and other gases?

  O: There is some oxygen but the planets are high in nitrogen in their atmospheres. Many races cannot live long on these planets. The flora and fauna that survive here have adapted to the atmospheres. There is the equivalent of Earth birds, deer, fish in the waters, grass, night and day but are different in that they arenitrogen-dependent. They also look different in terms of size and life cycles. They are smaller than their Earth equivalents.

  O: The middle planet around the A sun has a similar constitution, but a higher oxygen content than Earth, although Earth’s is lower than the middle planet.

  Q: Please describe what the rest areas look like, that the races use on Proxima Centauri.

  O: In the dry areas around the equator of the Proxima Centauri planets the rest areas are underground and set into steep rises of land. They are very, very large andcaterto many races. In the wetter regions, the rest areas are spread out over manymilesand are on the surface. Artificial atmospheres are generated within both of these types of rest areas. Within these atmospheres, races are free to rest and travel.

  Q: What do people who are on Proxima Centauri look like?

  O: There are noindigenousraces on the Proxima Centauri planets. The people that are there are races from many other systems. They do not stay tohabitatethe planets.

  Q: What does the architecture look like on Proxima Centauri?

  O: Underground, in the dry regions, the architecture takes the form ofbubbles: rounded spaces that can accommodate craft and the races. These bubble spaces cancoalesceand form larger spaces when needed. They can be divided to create smaller spaces. They are held by a magnetic force within the matrix of the ground. In the wetter regions, the architecture is varied and can range from simple bubbles, as seen underground, to elaboratehardstructures of the local Earth, which is a reddish brown. These are all housed within the artificial atmosphere which is held in place by the same magnetic force as the bubbles under the ground. Any race can stay at any region of the planets as there is no one race that owns the planets.

  Q: What did this woman herself believe of her experiences?

  O: She believed that she had been taken by aspace stranger who was intent on making her his wife. She believed that she was his wife according to the Scholar’s traditions. However, this was not so as the Scholars do not have marriage. She was there to be studied and to be returned. She was very disappointed when she was returned to Earth. She wanted to stay in the Centauri systems but this would have damaged her physically. She always hoped that she would be taken again.

  Q: Was this the “love affair of her life” as she believed?

  O: This was not alove affairin the Human sense. She believed that she was married and thus had no qualms about certain behaviors with the Scholar. However, he was more interested in her Human qualities thanperpetuating his race with a Human.

  Q: Can the Angels communicate with spirits that have passed on? Can they communicate with Elizabeth Klarer?

  O: Angels can communicate with spirits of Humans that have passed on, particularly if they have recently passed from the Human form. There comes a time, after passing on, which neither Angels nor other races can communicate with these spirits: they have other things to do and it is against Confederation rules to interfere with their journeys and purposes. This woman has passed on for too long a time for the Angels to communicate with her.

  Q: The Zulu are a Human people of South Africa on Earth. Do they have telepathic abilities? It is said that some individuals of that race were witnesses to Elizabeth Clarer’s experiences? Can her experiences be verified by contacting these individuals?

  O: The Zulu are only one Human race that has telepathic abilities. They have no more telepathic ability than any other race on Earth. The witnesses to her collection and meeting with the Technical race and the Scholar race have since passed on and are no longer able to be contacted.

  Q: This woman appeared to know more about extraterrestrial physics than many Earth Humans? Was this true? How did she know so much?

  O: Yes. Being with the Scholar she was shown many things thatpertainto the mind and to the physical universe. Some she was deliberately shown and others shegleanedfrom the Scholar by watching and listening. She was able to retain many new ideas and was able to put togetherdisparate concepts to create new ones that were correct.

  Q: Was her journey to the Centauri systems to replenish their hereditary stock?

  O: No, her journey to these systems was not to replenish their hereditary stock. They have no need for Human DNA. The Scholar and this woman could not havebred: they were too different in theircomposition.

  Q: Regarding the Technical race on Alpha Centauri A. Do they have a high IQ? Was this the race that brought this woman from Earth to Proxima Centauri? Or was she brought to another of the Centauri system planets?

  O: The Technical race does indeed have a High IQ according to Earth standards and measures but the Scholar race has a higher and broader measure. The Technical race commits their intelligence to building craft and other technical equipment. The Scholar race can do both, mental and physicalapplications, although they do not build craft.

  Q: Can the Orbs contact Human spirits that have passed on?

  O: The Orbs can contact Human spirits but under the same rules as the Angels.

  Q: Before we contact the Rall, can the Orbs tell us why the race that currently lives underground on Mars, started to live underground?

  O: There were manysuccessions of assaultsfrom above the planet. There were many types of assault including large meteors that rained down,flashes of energythat bathed the planet, shifts in the orbit of the planet that created weather disturbances. Mars is in the process of asevere heat age, the opposite of an Earth Ice Age. This was caused by the periodic tilting of the planet towards the sun. This was precipitated by a largemeteoric bombardment. Although these catastrophes no longer exist, the Rall have becomeaccustomed to living underground.

  Q: Do any of the races on Venus, also live underground and did they start living underground for the same reasons as the Rall?

  O: There are three races living on Venus and all live underground due to the same problemsencounteredby the Rall. There was a very unstable period of history for the races when many of thesecatastrophesoccurred. Two of the races are corporeal, that is they have bodies and one isephemeral.

  Q: Does that mean that this race is temporary or transitory?

  O: No, it just means that their life cycle is very short and they replicate very quickly compared to other races. They are also non-corporeal.

  Q: What “thought gift” could we give the Rall, whose economy and customs appear to be based on gift-giving and gift-receiving?

  O: The Rall appreciate beauty and the things that sustain life. As these things cannot be transmitted mind to mind, then information related to beauty and anything life sustaining are valuable.

  Q: Could I tell them about the water experiments that are being done on Earth: Dr. Emoto’s water experiments?

  O: We do not know this but yes that would be acceptable as water is a big part of theirsustainability.<
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  Q: Regarding the Grays, could you contact them for the following information? We know that the Grays have created Hybrids containing Nordic and Human characteristics, as well as those from other races. Various proportions of the different races were included in these Hybrids. Where are these descendents now? Where are my Hybrid descendents (if any)?

  O: The Hybrids are sent out all over the Universe and we do not track them. Your Hybrid descendants could be somewhere out in the Universe.

  Q: Could I contact them telepathically?

  O: That could be possible.

  Q: That is something to think about.

  Q: Regarding the Hybrids. What sort of nourishment do the Grays provide for the Hybrids from birth to their placement on Earth or elsewhere? Are they fed in a Mothership? What specific foods do they eat?

  O: The Grayssynthesisfood for the Hybrids. They do not have access to Earth foods but know thecompositionof the foods that the Hybrids need. The Graystailorthe foods according to the proportions of need of each hybrid. They could not feed them Human food or that of the other races because they could not locate them when away from the Earth. Yes, theMother shipsare where the Hybrids are fed; the smaller ships are for collecting and returning Humans and for other tasks. The Hybrids eat a mainly liquid diet as space travel does not always provide thephysical facilities that are present on Earth.

  Q: You mean that they have few bathrooms?

  O: Yes, there are other provisions.

  Q: Are there several Earth magicians, such as David Blain, who are either from another race or Hybrids? Many of the successful magicians all have darker complexions, straight dark hair, are on the tall, thin side, and have a great deal of self-confidence in what they do. Are they a separate race? (Are they Anaka?)

  O: No, these magicians are Human; they are not another race or another species.

  Q: Do the Hybrids have a vested interest in Earth, as many of them contain Human DNA? Do the Hybrids know about their genetic roots: are they told?

  O: All of the Hybrids know of their genetic or hereditary roots but not specific information about theirsponsors.

  Q: By sponsors do you mean the Humans that provided the DNA?

  O: Yes. The Hybrids do not have a vested interest in Earth or any other planet except for exploration and travel.

  Q: It has been suggested that the Lyrians and other races have bases on Mars. Is this true?

  O: There is no information that shows that the Lyrians ever had a base on Mars although other races such as the Grays and some of the Orange races co-exist from time to time with the Rall. The Lyrians keep very much to their own world.

  Q: Many thanks to the Orbs for their service to Humans and for the information that they have conveyed to us.

  15: The Exobiology Project:

  Talking With The Lyrians

  (including site visit)

  “We cannot predict for Humans. They are too complex.”

  —The Lyrians

  The previous phases of the Exobiology projects focused first on questioning several non-Human races. This brought us into contact with many diverse races including Large Grays, Nordics, Small Grays, the Hooded Reptilians, an Indigo Hybrid, Orbs, Elementals, the Oranges, The Angels (also known as the Smooths), the Record Keeper race, The Gate Keeper race, Light Beings, the Tall Oranges, and the Anaka. The interviews with the Angels, Elementals, Record Keeper, and Gatekeeper have not been included in this record as they are primarily Earth-based.

  Following the questioning stage, it was decided to dialogue with some of the races as this might give us a better insight into their mindset. Therefore dialogues were conducted with the Nordics, the Angels and the Orbs. A third phase was then added, that of visiting the actual home worlds of several new races while maintaining our first two phases of questioning and dialogue. The first race to be interviewed in this new phase are the Lyrians from the Lyriad system.

  Q: How do the Lyrians describe themselves? How do they travel and interact across the galaxy. How often do they travel and interact?

  L: We are an unknown people. We are very private and keep to ourselves. We do not interact with many other races. There is no need. We only communicate if there is a contact such as this one. We do not reach out to other races, there is no need. We have everything that we need and do not need to go to other races for what we need.

  Q: Can you describe yourselves, please.

  L: We look like many other races; we are taller than many other races and have all the features of many other thinking races.

  Q: Can you describe yourselves physically?

  L: We are all one tone and some would call it silvery. We have no need of clothing as our skin has all the qualities of clothing. We are all one piece, that is, there are no seams or lines that mark different parts of our body. We have yellow eyes. We do not travel; we stay on our own place. There is no need to travel. We only interact if there is contact from another race. We do not reach out. We do not communicate. There is no need.

  Q: In their interactions with Humans, how often does this happen and why is this interaction carried out? For observation? Are they monitors for the Confederation?

  L: We do not reach out to Humans. There is contact with Humans when they reach out to us, which is very little. We do not feel that there is anything that we can learn from Humans or that we can teach them. We are a peaceful people and do not fight. We are not monitors for the Confederation or anybody else than ourselves. We do not reach out to other races but we will respond if other races contact us.

  Q: Can Lyrians help Humans if the entities are asked? How can Humans ask for help? If they can help us, in what way can we ask for this help?

  L: We can only help by responding to your communications and contact. There is nothing we can do to help. There is no way to ask for our help. We do not offer help.

  Q: We could learn from your ability to maintain peace.

  L: We do not know how to help with this.

  Q: What use do the Lyrians make of Earth resources? Do they need these for survival?

  L: We do not make use of Earth resources. We have no need. We have everything that we need. We are able to survive without Earth resources. We travel only when necessary.

  Q: What would be a necessary reason to travel?

  L: To go to a new place that might be useful to us. We travel very few times. We have everything we need. We travel sometimes out of curiosity. We have not traveled to Earth and there is nothing on Earth that we would need. We travel by means of the mind only. We have no resources to do anything else.

  Q: Are Lyrians positively or negatively oriented towards Humans?

  L: We are neither positively or negatively oriented to Humans. Humans are interesting and the few times that they have contacted us have been interesting but that is all. We do not know much about Humans.

  Q: Would you be interested in knowing more about Humans?

  L: No, we would not.

  Q: Why are Grays interacting with us on a conscious level and not others?

  L: We do not interact with the Grays but we do know about them. They send vehicles here from time to time but we turn them away. There is no place for them here. We are very different and do not share their needs. We have our own needs and do not want the Grays to have these resources.

  Q: Are there other entities in the Universe? Why, how, and who?

  L: There are many entities in the universe and we have had contact with most of them. We do not know about the lives of these entities because we do not ask and they do not say. We keep to ourselves. We are a quiet people. They are too many to tell but we have had mental contact with Humans and physical contact with other Humanoid races but we do not permit them to land or stay.

  Q: I am planning a mental visit to your world to observe, would this be in order?

  L: It is in order but you cannot stay.

  Q: I was not planning on staying: just coming for a short period to observe.

  Q: Do the Lyrians have the a
bility to look into the future?

  L: We can look into the future for ourselves. We live a very simple life and do not have many changes in our life, so we can predict most of what will happen to us in the future. We know that some races make predictions. The lives of most races are chaotic, including what we know about Humans, that we do not know how they can predict with any sense of reality. We live an ordered life so we can predict accurately for ourselves. How can Humans and others predict their future when their present is so disorderly? It surely cannot be done.

  Q: Are the Lyrians, helping, hindering or ignoring us?

  L: We are not doing anything to help or hinder Humans except to interact when we are contacted. Mostly we ignore other races.

  Q: To the Lyrians knowledge is the Confederation just of our Galaxy or of the Universe?

  L: We know about the Confederation but have no need of it. We are sufficient to rule ourselves and we already live by many of the rules that they offer. They have contacted us and offered us their rules and protection but we do not need it. We have everything we need.

  Q: Are the Lyrians, a Galactic or Universal entity?

  L: We live in both so we consider ourselves of both. But we are also Lyrians and live in our own system. There are many parts of this system but we all live much the same. We have no need for anything outside the system.

  Q: Regarding the Rules of the Confederation – are these also applicable to non-members, such as the need to respect and cooperate with other races?

  L: Yes, we would consider that the Confederation rules apply to everybody regardless of whether they belong to the Confederation or not. We live by the rules for ourselves and do not need the Confederation.


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