Voices From The Cosmos

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Voices From The Cosmos Page 32

by C B Scott Jones

  Q: Is Earth toxic to the Aldebarans i.e. such as ultraviolet is toxic to Grays?

  AB: Earth is not toxic to us: we can adapt safely to any environment.

  Q: How do the Aldebarans sustain themselves, with nutrient baths etc? All entities have the need to survive. Humans need from food, water, air, sunshine to exist. Do the Aldebarans need these same things or something different? Do they need warmth, shelter, etc. to survive?

  AB: Yes, we have the need to survive but we do not survive the same way as Humans. We do not need shelter; we can just move our location, if we need to. We get food our environment. Our atmosphere contains everything that we need; also we can make some food ourselves from the solar light. If we need to change our location to find an optimal supply of these things we just move ourselves.

  Q: Are the Aldebarans surprised by the way that our species is socially organized? How does this differ from their social organization? It is hard for us to conceive of a species that is not centrally controlled. We conceive of centralized control as a means to prevent destruction within and between people. Is this process in place in the Aldebarans world?

  AB: We, the Aldebarans, do not have a centralized social organization. But the Confederations could be considered centralized and organized. As we abide by the rules and laws of the Confederations, you could say that, in that way, we are organized. So, we are not surprised that other races have this sort of organization.

  Q: Is there anything, within the next 25 Earth years (rotations around our Sun) that humans should be concerned about?

  AB: There is nothing that we can see that Humans should be concerned about. Humans are always getting worried about something. We do not see any signs; such as comets traveling too close to Earth, or suns ready to blow out, that should cause Humans to be concerned.

  Q: Do the Aldebarans manifest a sense of creativity? Do the Aldebarans manufacture anything? Do the Aldebarans have writing, music, or art?

  AB: We do not have the same sense of creativity that Humans possess. We consider that we are the ultimate in creative races as we can change our appearance to anything within the Universe. We do not need to create anything outside ourselves, we can create ourselves to be anything that we wish or need. We do not have writing, music or art as we are all of those things and can communicate without those things.

  Q: Do the Aldebarans get sick or have illnesses? Do they have any internal or external threats? Do they die? How do they deal with death?

  AB: We do not die in the Human sense where one entity ceases to be. We divide and in doing so continue as separate entities. There is no concept of death among the Aldebarans, so we do not have to deal with death.

  Q: Are the Aldebarans surprised that humans can reach out and communicate with them and how often does this happen? When does this happen and from where? Is this contact carried out telepathically?

  AB: We are not surprised as many races can do this already. Humans have been able to communicate this way forever but seemed to have lost the ability. It is now becoming apparent that many Humans are rediscovering this form of communication. The Human mind has always had the ability to communicate in this way, so we are not surprised. Most of the races in the Universe communicate this way. It is only on Earth that this ability is denigrated, ridiculed and suppressed.

  Q: Native American people, such as the Hopi and other races, have described how their ancestors had a connection to races from Sirius and the Pleiades. They claim that these races were their ancestors and that they are still interacting. There is some folklore that these beings were escaping from Sirius and the Pleiades. How did they come to Earth and are they still able to communicate?

  AB: Firstly, many of the races from this system have visited Earth in the past and imparted knowledge. You would have to talk to the individual races to find out what they left behind. Secondly, races from this system are still visiting Earth, in many guises, and giving knowledge. As more Humans remember how to communicate directly with the races in each system, then more knowledge will be given. It is hard to be more specific because the breadth of the knowledge already given is so great and the races so many.

  Q: What potential does Earth have for the Aldebarans?

  AB: Earth has no potential use for the Aldebaran. We can travel where we please and receive everything we need from our system. The only benefit would be if Humans joined the Confederation. Then we could communicate as equals.

  Q: Are the Aldebarans interested in our technology?

  AB: Technology is only interesting to those who have solid bodies, such as Humans. We can choose to have solid bodies that this is transitory. As we do not have solid bodies most of the time we do not need technology.

  Q: If we were to call an Aldebaran to materialize into a solid body, would we be able to see and communicate with that entity? How would we know that this was a race from the Aldebaran system?

  AB: We would only come if there was a specific reason to come to Earth and materialize for a Human. You would not know it was one of us as we would look entirely like a Human and would interact in the same way as a Human. It is possible that you have interacted with our race, in the past, and did not know it was us. That is all we can say.

  Q: Thank you. There are three other sessions to follow. We thank and respect the Aldebarans for their patient and help.

  Part 2

  We would first like thank the Aldebarans for this additional interview, for their responses and cooperation. We respect and honor the Aldebarans for their help in answering these questions and aiding our understanding of our cosmic neighbors.

  Q: The Sirians claimed that they persist in a steady state and that they are a happy race. We ask the Aldebarans the same questions as we asked the Syrians. What can make us happy? What can make us satisfied and content? As a race we are not satisfied, or content. What can the Aldebarans tell us about this?

  AB: We have observed that the majority of Humans are happy. They are not happy all of the time but they appear to be happy overall. We are not just talking about the group that calls itself North America but the whole of the World. The North Americans have the idea that nothing else exists outside of their part of the world except people to fight. We have noticed this on other worlds and even in our own system. In the rest of the world, Humans seem quite happy with their lives and do not seem to be always striving for happiness. Humans forget all that they have and want what they cannot have, especially North Americans. They are like children or adolescents. When they cannot get what they want, immediately, they fight and become very negative. Humans have lived in simpler times and have been happy, they now live in more complex times and nothing much has changed regarding their basic needs. It has been our understanding that those who have the least are the happiest on the Earth. Happiness is a fleeting emotion and it should not be happiness that is discussed here. What should be discussed is satisfaction with life. What is it in life that makes a Human satisfied? Happiness follows satisfaction.

  Q: The Sirians claim to have given early Humans concepts and ideas that promoted civilization on Earth. What concepts and ideas would the Aldebarans give Humans if they were to visit today?

  AB: The Aldebarans have given plenty of concepts to Humans in the past and continue to give them where necessary.

  Q: Can you say some of these things that have been given to Humans?

  AB: The concept of justice is one of the concepts that we have given Humans. There was a time when Humans took and fought and there was no justice. Then there came a time of justice as the idea took hold and spread to other Humans. It was not well received as those who acted outside of justice could not do what they wanted. Then there came a time of overuse of justice and everything became a rule or a law and many died for small injustices. Now there is the time of unequal justice, when justice is used only for those who want it, rather than for those who need it. Eventually, the concept of justice will equal out and become what it was meant to be.

  AB: If we were to g
ive Humans a concept now, it would be something that they did not already have. This would be something that some were ready for but not everybody. The concept would take hold slowly and would grow, would have the same history as the concept of justice and would eventually have its place in society. What we would give Humans now would be the concept that systems like ours, the Aldebaran system is not as far away as Humans think.

  AB: Humans have a wrong idea about the speed of light and it is not what they think it is. Humans state that it would take so many light years to reach certain planets and systems. In fact, this is erroneous. Light bends and twists, increases and decreases in speed, depending on the part of the Universe that it is in. There is no need for “wormholes” and “bending time”, just an understanding of light.

  Q: How can we persist and retain knowledge and memory given our DNA composition?

  AB: The persistence and retention of knowledge and memory is not dependent on DNA as Humans teach. Knowledge and memory transcend DNA and persist beyond the decay of DNA. DNA is solely utilized by Humans to transfer physical and mental characteristics to their offspring. These offspring come into the DNA body already equipped with knowledge and memory that has transcended their previous DNA body. Humans have the idea that once the Human body dies that all knowledge and memory die, but it does not.

  Q: How is it possible for us to settle into a steady state of happiness?

  AB: As said before, find what brings satisfaction and then happiness will follow. If you continue to do those things that bring satisfaction, then happiness will flow concurrently in a steady state.

  Q: What is interesting about the Earth that is different from other places in the Universe?

  AB: Earth is interesting to the other races because of the diversity of life, not just Humans, but plants and animals. Most of the other planets and systems do not have the variety and diversity of life that Earth has. Humans put examples of this diversity in zoos, all we have to do is come to Earth and wander around and we can see this richness of life. Humans are very diverse, too, in culture and development. Earth is like a living school for many races that come to Earth to learn. The Aldebaran are interested in Earth because of the oceans and the life in the oceans, as we do not have such oceans in our immediate system. It is a wonder and an experience to visit the Earth.

  Q: How do we avoid contact with other races in the Universe that could do us harm?

  AB: You cannot avoid them if you continue to explore the Universe. All you can do is to learn to deal with them and any negative effects that they may have.

  Q: How can the Aldebarans and Humans better communicate? How can Humans better communicate with other races?

  AB: Humans can communicate with us in the way that we are now doing. This will eventually be learned by more people and it will not seem so strange. Humans can also learn to communicate, in this way, with many other races throughout the Universe. However, Humans do not have a good record of communication among themselves and need to understand their own communication before setting out to communicate with other races.

  Q: Do the Aldebarans have a home world or are they scattered around the Universe? Could Humans visit the Aldebarans’ home world?

  AB: The Aldebaran are not just one race, we are a collection of races that live in our home system. There is no home world as we rest and replenish wherever we want to. Humans could not visit the Aldebarans’ system at this time because they have not understood light travel. Humans have sent a traveling probe to Saturn but this is using ancient physics, which we left behind a long time ago. When Humans begin to have some idea of light travel, then we will invite Humans to visit us.

  Q: Did the Aldebarans have a role in the evolution of early Humans? Have Aldebarans helped Humans evolve to a state of heightened knowledge?

  AB: Yes, the Aldebaran have helped Humans with many concepts, such as justice and sharing. Early Humans did not know the concept of sharing. They found or took what they could and kept it to themselves and their family group. We also taught the concepts of altruism and cooperation to Humans. Humans are still trying to understand these concepts, much to our dismay.

  Q: Have the Aldebarans heard of the Nurobean race or the other races that were mentioned in the recent emails that were sent to a colleague? Are the contents of these emails true or false? Who are the authors of these emails?

  AB: We have not heard of such a race or the others in the article. The emails, which we monitor, are partly true but are muddled with falsehoods. The authors have an interest in getting some information, without being identified, and so muddle the true information with false.

  Q: What other places in the Universe do the Aldebarans visit and what do they do there?

  AB: We visit almost every place in the Universe. Mostly we travel for the joy of it, we help where needed, we give knowledge where needed, but mostly we just are. It is hard for Humans to understand a race that does not work, that does not have goals and aspirations but that is what we are.

  Q: Humans do not persist, they die and Human memory is not continued within that individual. If there is life of the Human spirit after death, what happens to that spirit? Does it just live as a spirit and how can it relate to a Human who is still alive?

  AB: We have observed that Humans believe that Human memory and experience die with the physical body. This is not so. After the death of the body, the spirit flies free and for a time floats free in the Universe until it is called. It does not have a body but has all of the manifestations of life. The spirit does not eat, does not drink, and does not sleep, or do any of the other bodily things that humans need to survive. There is no need and no desire.

  AB: Sometimes, the system goes wrong and a soul remains trapped close to where its physical body last existed. We have observed that Humans who have an unusual attachment to things of the body and the Earth are the ones that get trapped most easily. It is these spirits that have the most contact with the living. When it is called, the spirit has a choice of many different destinations or missions. It is a huge Universe and spirits can go wherever they wish. Most Human spirits choose to return to the Earth.

  Q: Does the Human spirit become re-established into another Human, another life-form on Earth, or a life-form in the universe?

  AB: It is our experience, as mentioned, that most Human spirits return to Earth but they have a choice to go anywhere they choose.

  Q: What major emotions do the Aldebarans enjoy and what “steady state” do they foster? Is the “steady state” related to the concept of peace, benevolence to others, what else? What else does this “steady state” do?

  AB: We are mostly satisfied with what we can do and where we can go, so we have happiness too. This is the steady state for the Aldebaran. We follow the rules of the Confederation but apart from those we are free to go wherever we want and to do whatever we want. This steady state keeps us together as a race instead of tearing us apart with different needs and wants.

  Q: Why could the Angels not help more with my colleague’s medical problem? Was there something else that he or they needed to do?

  AB: There was nothing else that the Angels could do. He knows how this happens and he forgets. Then he is upset when he is not able to move. He gets very angry and denies that he has not done the right thing. He must also remember that the Human body is not a perfect machine and does have its problems.

  Q: 200,000 years ago, there were few Humans on the Earth. If each of these has a soul, where did all the extra souls come from to be included in all the millions of Humans that are alive today?

  AB: The extra souls come from what we call God: the energy that is contained in all of the races and beings in the Universe. It is not just Human souls or spirits that come back to Earth: they come from all over. There is no lack of souls to come to the Earth.

  Q: Are there wars that are being conducted in space, what we would call Star Wars? Are the races that are fighting good or evil?

  AB: There are always wars, espec
ially between the races that are not members of the Confederation. These, however, do not often infringe on Earth or its system. We observe them but do not intrude. When they are ready to live by the rules, they will not fight. We do not have such concepts as good and evil, just those who live by the rules and those who do not live by the rules.

  Q: Why do the races in the Universe allow Supernova explosions?

  AB: The races have no control over or “allow” Supernova explosions, just as Humans do not control or “allow” earthquake or volcanic explosions. They just happen; we get out of the way and deal with the aftermath.

  Q: Is the Earth a living entity? We call the Earth Gaia and personalize our planet. Does Gaia have intelligence?

  AB: The only living part of the Earth is the covering that contains life. This has an existence of its own: it has cycles, and intelligence. The inner cores of the Earth are the engines of the Earth and without these all life on the surface would cease. It is good for Humans to think of the Earth as a living thing.

  Q: Thank you. Two more sets of questions will be asked soon.

  Part 3

  We would first like to thank the Aldebarans for this additional interview, for their responses and cooperation. We respect and honor the Aldebarans for their compassion and help.

  Additional Questions for the Aldebarans.

  Q: What other races are comparable to the Aldebarans? Are these comparable races terrestrial or not of Earth?

  AB: The part of the Universe that encompasses the Aldebaran system has many races living here. There are at least one Earth dozen. We have all been here a very long time and live as neighbors. We are peaceful together. We do not fight unless there is an intrusion by a race from another system. We allow other races to fly through our system, if we know them already. One of these races has spread throughout the Pleiades system and you will eventually meet them. They have visited Earth many times and know Humans quite well. They are very similar to Humans in many aspects regarding intelligence and sensibility.


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