Voices From The Cosmos

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Voices From The Cosmos Page 33

by C B Scott Jones

  Q: Regarding looking into the future. Many entities can foresee the future by projecting the past and the present. Are there multiple layers of time? We assume that there are entities that can truly see ahead into the future, not just as a projection of the past and present? For example, non-steady states have cycles such as the Earth’s environment, the nature of life itself, and other factors related to the environment.

  AB: Yes, there are multiple layers of time but these layers can be viewed as circular, rather than vertical or horizontal layers. They wrap around each other and overlap in areas, so that some time can become intermingled with other time. We use the layers to travel and to visit other locations at different times. We cannot see into the future as the layers are constantly moving and updating, so a definitive future is never apparent. The future twists and turns and is rapidly being caught-up with by the past, and intertwining with other times, so it is very difficult to see a future event for us. Perhaps we are too close with the lines. Yes, the future can be predicted from the past and present and the future can be forced to occur, by traveling the time line.

  Q: How does a person, Human or Aldebaran, travel the time line?

  AB: We can physically attach to a particular time line but Humans have to travel with the mind only. We see the Earth as static, in terms of nature cycles and the Earth’s environment. You must remember that the Aldebaran view time in a different way and see a “bigger picture” than humans. To us, the Earth seems static and does not change much.

  Q: Which entities can we contact who can tell us what lies ahead in the future? Will it be a continuation of what we are experiencing now or will it be different? For example, will severe weather patterns be a continuation of Earth cycles or will these cycles become accelerated, at an unprecedented speed, through Human intervention?

  AB: We are not the ones to contact for this information. The Record Keepers can project from past events. One thing to remember is that every catastrophe or major events sends ripples in time both ahead of itself and behind it. Humans already know this. So, look for the ripples that will indicate something big is about to happen. There are many sensitive Humans who are able to detect these ripples. They are a better resource than asking some other race what is to happen.

  Q: Humans are currently concerned about the adaptation of Human life on Earth in the short term only. How can Humans plan for and adapt to long-term changes?

  AB: Humans don’t need to do anything beyond what they are already doing. It seems to Humans that life progresses in chunks of time and action. This is not the case. Progress is made one step at a time and these small steps make up the chunk. Humans are constantly adapting, as are all the animals and plants on Earth. There has never been a time, and never will be a time, when Humans and other Earth life are not adapting. Adaptation cannot be planned for, it just happens.

  Q: Sometime in the near or distant future a cosmic supernova could decimate life on Earth or even destroy it completely. It is possible that this could destroy the Human race? Is this a possibility? Did such an event occur in our solar system in our past? If so, did this affect life on other planets such as Mars and Venus? What happened to the races living there? How did such an event affect Earth and was Atlantis or parts of India affected by such an event?

  AB: Events such as Supernova cannot be predicted, they just happen. We have no knowledge of any supernova that happened to destroy other planets or systems or to the races living there. We do not keep such knowledge.

  Q: Are there spirit entities on Earth and how do they differ from non-Earth spirit entities? Are some non-corporeal and just exist as an intelligence?

  AB: The variety is enormous. There are both corporeal and non-corporeal races inhabiting the Earth. Humans think that they own the Earth but they are just co-tenants of the Earth. They are neighbors, even if they do not see each other. The only difference is that most corporeal entities are tied to Earth’s atmosphere, non-corporeal have the Universe in which to travel. There are very few that exist just as intelligence and these are found very rarely on Earth.

  Q: Orbs seem to enjoy or create happiness for themselves by being in the presence of different energies. Does this happen because of curiosity, on the part of the Orbs, or is this just an experience for them, or just information to them?

  AB: The whole purpose of the Orbs is to carry information and to collect and deliver information. That is what makes them happy, when they are carrying out their role. Nothing more.

  Q: Why are there so many Orbs on and around the Earth? If this is the case, are there as many Orbs in all the galaxies and all the planetary systems, as well? Or are they sent here as information gatherers by other life forms, which would account for there being so many?

  AB: They are doing their job. They are everywhere in the Universe. Some are seen, most are not seen. Many races utilize the Orbs to send and receive information.

  Q: All the entities talk about Humans as a race but we are not a cohesive race as we are all separate races with separate consciousness. Are there any races that could help specific individuals to better cope with their lives?

  AB: We know this and do not understand why Humans have not become more cohesive. Humans know quite well what it takes to become a cohesive race but resist doing this. There is nothing any other race can do to help Humans until Humans become cohesive themselves.

  Q: Could an individual establish a helpful relationship with another race that would benefit other Humans and other races? Humans are separate entities. Is such knowledge helpful or hindering to us? What information should we be seeking to help our own race and other races?

  AB: This is a first step, for Humans to be contacting and interacting with other races. This is very helpful. Many Humans, from many different parts of the Earth, reach out this way to the different races. Such knowledge that the other races can offer could only be helpful, especially from those races that are part of the Confederation. Asking the Confederation races for assistance is very helpful to understanding the rules that the Confederations set.

  Q: What do the Aldebarans think of our projects? Are we going about these projects in the right or the wrong way? When we are talking to the Aldebarans are we talking to all other Aldebarans? When we talk to the Aldebarans do other races also hear the discussion? What other Humans have communicated with the Aldebarans, other than those asking for help?

  AB: We think this is a great project but needs more Humans talking to the races. There are so many races and very few Humans who are reaching out like this. More Humans need to be trained to do this. Some can do it naturally but others need to be trained. We are thinking of a school. This must be International.

  Q: I have also had this idea.

  AB: These are our ideas, too. We have similar schools for contacting other races.

  Q: Do Humans have a personal Angel or do we draw from a group when we ask for help? To what extent can Aldebarans help Humans and are there any limits?

  AB: We know of the Angels but do not interact with them in a major way. We know that they help Humans and will help other races if asked. We have not needed to ask. We can only help Humans in a very limited way, perhaps not at all.

  Q: Regarding a medical condition that may suffer from in modern society: occasional vertigo; what are the causes and what else can be done to eliminate this annoying condition?

  AB: The condition is caused by frequencies that occur outside of the body. Some people are very sensitive to these frequencies. The frequencies are generated by Human technologies.

  Q: Such as cell phones?

  AB: Humans are constantly creating frequencies in the atmosphere and some people are sensitive to these. One frequency alone may not cause a problem but many overlapping frequencies can affect Humans.

  Q: I thought that it was certain foods or substances, such as artificial sweeteners, that was causing the problem.

  AB: They can aggravate the problem. Humans can adjust their frequencies so that they are not so

  Q: The responses by the Sirian’s sounded very Buddhist? Are there similarities between the Sirians and the Aldebarans?

  AB: We know of the Sirians but do not have much interaction. They do not have much to say to us and we do not have much to say to them.

  Q: We would still like to understand the Aldebarans’ concept of God. Do the Aldebarans interact with God, What is the nature of God? Is it different and how is it different from the Earthly concept of God? Some of the other races have no concept of God, why is that?

  AB: As we mentioned before, our concept of God encompasses all the energies of the races and beings in the Universe. It is a very simple matter to understand and cannot be questioned as it is questioned above. We have already told you how your concept of God is different from ours. There are many differences: your God is confined to one figure; ours is spread out over the Universe. Your God only seems to service Humans: ours services everybody and everything in the Universe. Your God is judgmental and cruel; ours is benevolent, intelligent and compassionate. The only races that do not accept our definition of God are those that do not follow the Confederation rules.

  Q: We would like to elaborate on the recent email that held some true information and some false information. We would like to know who was behind this email and why it was sent. Is there any other information that might be relevant?

  AB: The Humans behind this email are a group of individuals who are also looking for information about the other races. But they are limited by scientific and idealistic confines that hinder their sense of openness. They feel that they have to only partially disclose what they know or there will be consequences from the authorities. They realize that what they publish will cause confusion but also know that there are those that will take some of the information, add it to what is known already, and increase what is known about the races. They are deliberately misleading but with a purpose.

  Q: The Aldebarans said that Human spirits float free in the Universe until “they are called.” Who or what calls them?

  AB: We do not know what calls them back to Human or other form. It is an intangible thing. We just know that spirits suddenly have an urge to move to another part of the Universe where they become reincorporated; that is, they become corporate again. We do not go through this process so we do not know what this call is; we just know that it happens.

  Q: There is a system called Alpha Centauri in Human terms and within that system is a star that we call Proxima Centauri. Within this star system is a planet that has been referred to as Menton. Can you please describe the race that inhabits this region? Are they Human-like? What interactions do the Aldebaran have with these people? Where did the people on Menton come from?

  AB: First, we have not heard of Menton, either from other Humans or from other races. There are many, many stars within the Alpha Centauri system and we know of Proxima Centauri. We have interaction with all of the races in this system. They do not appear Human or act Human. They can be referred to as the Craft or Kraft, in Human terms.

  Q: I will refer to them as Kraft, so as not to confuse the term ship or craft.

  AB: They do have an intelligence that can be interacted with. They are closest to the Nordic, who can assume Human shape. The Kraft cannot assume the shape of other races. Please do not assume that because other races can interact mentally, that they all have Human shape. That is not the case and should be remembered.

  Q: In the 1900s of Earth history there was an anomalous explosion in the Tunguska region of Russia. What happened here? What role did the ET races play in this incident?

  AB: From our records and from interacting with other Humans, we find that this explosion was the result of a craft from a very far system, which caused the damage. There are particles of its energy system still present in the water and the soil of the region. Scientists are aware of these particles and they are not from a meteor or from an Earth accident. This craft became wildly unstable and efforts to stop it failed. It was diverted to a mountain region of Earth where it would do least damage. Many races were involved in trying to stop the craft and to divert it. Many races stayed around to monitor the crash and the damage and there are records of this in Earth history that few people know. Humans would prefer the damage to be natural than to be caused by something else, from outside the Earth.

  Q: If there are races on Saturn, did they originally come from Venus and why did they travel there?

  AB: That is not so, each system has its own races that have been there for a very long time, longer than Humans can conceive. It is pointless to speculate that some races came from other places. Even, if races travel, there are still people from their race in the location where they stay.

  Q: There is a region on Earth that is called the Bermuda Triangle, where numerous boats and planes have disappeared. Non-Human craft have also been seen in the region? Is there any connection between these non-Human craft and the disappearance of the boats and planes?

  AB: Humans would be surprised to know of the many races that live under the waters of Earth, as well as under the land. Many races fly their craft in and out of the waters of Earth and have had to put in place energies to enter and exit the waters. Sometimes Earth air and water craft enter these energy regions and enter into the areas where the other craft are operating. The other races do not want these Earth craft in their spaces so place them back outside, usually on the bottom of the water but away from the non-Human entrances and exits. The other races assume that Humans will eventually find their air and water craft and will understand what happened. However, the other races do not want Humans to know about the other race’s locations. Because the other races operate in these areas, it is to be expected that they will be seen from time to time.

  Q: Thank you for your answers and cooperation. There is one more session to follow when the remainder of the questions we have will be asked.

  Part 4

  This remaining fourth section – communicating with the races from the Aldebaran system - proposes some additional questions that focus on some new topics. We would like to thank the Aldebarans for this additional interview, for their responses and cooperation. We respect and honor the Aldebarans for their assistance.

  Q: Humans have difficulty in communicating with those who have passed from the corporeal world to the spirit world. How can Humans best communicate with those who are now spirits?

  AB: Other races have told you this and we say this too, that there are many Humans in the spirit form and they are now out in the Universe getting ready for their return. When they are out in Universe, there is no communication with them. There are spirits that are trapped on the Earth for various reasons, such as being trapped by excess emotion to one place or person. These spirits can have communication but all that the Humans will learn is why the spirit is suffering or has suffered. It is not good for either the Human or the spirit. It is not good for the spirit because it reinforces their misery. It does not do the Human any good because they have impression that the spirit world is filled with misery. This is not the case. Most of the spirits out in the Universe are joyful and free.

  Q: How could people best communicate with people who are now in the spirit world? What are they doing now in the spirit world?

  AB: If they are now out in the Universe in spirit form you cannot communicate with them. If they are trapped on Earth, and you communicate with them, their misery may become your misery and neither will be happy. So, it is better not to communicate with them.

  Q: One of the races that have been contacted is the Companions. They talked about how the hybrids (that the Grays are developing) are part of a “sacred act” Can the Aldebarans talk more about this and why hybrid births are thought of as “sacred?” Is it to do with the creation of life itself or the manipulation of life or the role of the hybrids?

  AB: All creation of life is sacred. This is one of the Confederation rules. Wherever life is formed and by whatever means it is sacred. Even though the Grays do
not belong to the Confederation, the life that they create is considered sacred. The Companions also consider life sacred and revere it.

  Q: The Sirians talk about there being alternative strata, which we can visit, explore, and perhaps, utilize? Can the Aldebarans tell us more about the strata?

  AB: We have discussed that in an earlier session, when we talked about the strata being circular, rather than horizontal or vertical. We also talked about how some of the strata can overlap and interconnect for communication and travel. We have nothing more to add to this.

  Q: The Grays continue to interact with Humans. Are the Grays also hybridizing other races, and why? Please note that we are not denigrating the Grays but are interested in all races and how they function. Are the Grays hybridizing the Aldebarans, if not, why not?

  AB: The Grays do not hybridize the Aldebaran. We are not a species that has DNA. The only races that the Grays can hybridize have DNA. We know that you are not denigrating the Grays and that you are only trying to understand them.

  Q: Have the Aldebarans played a role in the Confederation? Are they the Confederation? Do they play a small role or a larger role in the Confederation? Were the Aldebarans involved in the creation of the Galactic Confederations?

  AB: The Aldebarans have been around since before the Confederation and were there in the early stages of the Confederation. We were not involved in the creation of the Confederations, just there. The Confederations grew from simple groups to Universal wide groups. We are not the Confederation.

  Q: Do Aldebarans have any influence in the role of peacekeeping in the Universe?

  AB: We do not have a Universal role in peacekeeping. The only role that we play is as part of our Confederation where we promote the rules of the Confederation. If the races abide by the rules of the Confederation there will be peace. Humans do not abide by the rules of the Confederation, so there is no peace.


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