Voices From The Cosmos

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Voices From The Cosmos Page 34

by C B Scott Jones

  Q: We would like to give the Aldebarans an opportunity to add anything else that they feel is important for Humans to know. We have been asking a lot of questions but this is an opportunity for the Aldebarans to tell us what they want us to know.

  AB: We would like to talk about color: which we have not been asked about. We mentioned that not all races have a physical form. Our form is in the appearance of color: many different colors. By Human standards we would be very beautiful. If a Human could imagine a metallic rainbow but without substance; that would be us. Our world is a colorful world. We do not perceive color, as Humans do, with eyes but as frequencies. Our entire world is in color and we enjoy our world and its colors. Earth has some colors but nothing as vivid and beautiful as ours.

  Q: Why is it that some people can physically perceive Aldebarans? Under what circumstances do Aldebarans come to Earth in physical form?

  AB: Very occasionally we can travel to Earth and you would not perceive us. Humans would perceive a flash of colored light, as if a bird flew past a rainbow. That would be us. But it is very rare for us to visit Earth.

  Q: Are other races, apart from the Grays hybridizing Humans and other races?

  AB: The Grays are the main race that is hybridizing other DNA races. We do not know of other races that are hybridizing Humans or other DNA races.

  Q: Did the Grays destroy their own world with atomic weapons or something similar?

  AB: We do not have any information about the Grays or their world. We only know of them through interacting with them on our travels.

  Q: There is some evidence that some races can neutralize Human atomic weapons, are the Grays doing this or some other race?

  AB: This question needs some understanding of matter. Everything is matter, energy and information. Atomic weapons are only various grades of matter, energy and information and no harder to control than a Human can snuff out a candle. It is easy for us and other races to manipulate these things. Different races neutralize different energies for different reasons, such as needing the energy for their own purposes.

  Q: If some of the extraterrestrial races are so advanced why would they need Human DNA to hybridize other species? Would they not be able to synthesize DNA or manufacture what they wanted in some other advanced way?

  AB: The Grays are able to synthesize DNA but there is a limit to the amount of times that the DNA can be replicated. It is the same with Human DNA; it can only be replicated so many times before it is unusable. So, the Grays have to continually collect Humans and collect their DNA. Also, the production of sperm and egg are more difficult to synthesize and these must be collected frequently from Humans.

  Q: Do the Aldebaran races have a concept of time?

  AB: We do not have a concept of time as it is utilized on Earth. We have discussed this before. Earth time is seen to be linear and created by the circling of the Earth. That is the Human concept of time. Other races have no concept of time, as Humans know it. There have to be time posts, markings in space or in the material of the Universe, between which time is measured, and there are not. There would need to be uniformity of time, between the races, and there is not. The Universe would have to remain static and unchanging for time to exist, and it does not. So, we have no concept of a linear, non-static time.

  Q: Regarding Earth and its many changes, how does the Earth rebalance itself: with heating, cooling etc?

  AB: The Earth can be seen as an orthostatic planet. Its movements around the sun and between the other planets contribute to its temperature, shape, tilt and everything else the Humans measure on the Earth. We would never bother with constantly measuring the Earth; we would just get on with the matter of living.

  Q: There is a mythical island state or country called Atlantis by Humans? Did such a place exist? What happened to it?

  AB: We do not know about this island state or what happened to it. We also know of the myths but do not have any other information or what happened to it.

  Q: Regarding the Martians, who refer to themselves the Rall, are they still surviving?

  AB: Yes, the Rall, are still surviving, as you will see when you talk to them. However, don’t expect them to be as gracious and communicative as us.

  Q: Are they surviving underground on Mars and how? What happened to their planet?

  AB: Yes, they have an underground existence. Nothing happened to their planet, they are still there. You will need to ask them more questions, as they will be able to give you the answers.

  Q: Did the Rall destroy their atmosphere? If so, how was it destroyed?

  AB: Ask the Rall, not us.

  Q: We will be talking with the Rall in our next sessions, is there anything specific that we need to know before communicating with them?

  AB: Just that they are quieter, sometimes ruder, sometimes less communicative than us. We are always available for communication. The Rall are not always available. Be patient with them as they are still learning how to interact with the other races.

  Q: Thank you, Aldebarans, for your patience with us, for your answers and your cooperation.

  19: The Exobiology Project:

  Talking With The Rall

  “Life is everywhere in the Universe. It would be unusual not to find it,

  rather than be surprised to find it. Keep looking everywhere.”

  —The Rall

  We would first like thank the Rall for this interview, for their responses and cooperation. We respect and honor the Rall. During 2006, the Exobiology projects have focused on interviewing many non-Human races. This current session is with the Rall, the race that lives on Mars.

  There is an intuitive understanding that the Rall like to receive gifts. As we cannot offer a physical gift; we offer a blessing in the form of positive thoughts and intent to the Rall.

  Also, we understand that the Rall respect water and information so we would like to offer the following as gifts to the Rall: photos of the water crystal experiments by Dr. Masaru Emoto notably water responding to Mozart’s Symphony; and Love and Gratitude. We also include here some pictures of some of Earth’s waterfalls to show the Rall their beauty and wonder! We also thought that the Rall would appreciate some poetry about water: a poem about rain by a famous Earth poet, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, “Rain in Summer”.

  Q: What do the race or races currently living on Mars call themselves, are they the Rall? How does this race describe themselves?

  R: Please read the questions to us slowly, leave, and then come back for our answers...

  R: We are the Rall and accept your gifts of words and pictures. Water is precious to us and we value this information. We are a race that is very like many other races but we have had to undertake an unusual lifestyle. We live beneath our planet and do not travel. We call ourselves the Rall. We are many. We have limited resources although we are many. We have emotions, thoughts, feelings as many other races. We do not belong to the Confederation although we know of the rules. We do not follow all of the rules. Our history and lifestyle dictate that we do not follow some of the rules. We do not believe in the rule of balance. We do not believe in keeping a balance in war such as other races do. We do reciprocate with gifts when gifted.

  Q: Do the Rall ever travel to Earth?

  R: The Rall do not travel to Earth, we do not have a need although we did in the past. We did not contribute to Humans. We are separate and we are the Rall. We do not manufacture craft but we are visited by other races with craft.

  Q: Are there any Rall living on Earth at this time? If so, do the Rall interact with Humans?

  R: There are no Rall living on the Earth with Humans at this time.

  Q: Are the Rall, Human-like? Or are they energetic and non-corporeal?

  R: The Rall are somewhere between these two. We are not like Humans as we are much more delicate in appearance and might appear non-corporeal. We are not bulky like Humans. We have no need to carry anything in or on our bodies that is excessive. We have become developed down to the bare
needs of existence. Our lack of resources has caused us to be thin and delicate compared to Humans but we are very strong.

  Q: It is understood that the Rall live underground. If so, how long have the Rall lived underground and why?

  R: The Rall have lived underground for a very long time, past many generations of Rall and their remembrance. We are an oral society, not having the written word like Humans and having no need of it. The written word controls individuals and we have no need of it. Before the written word on Earth, Humans were able to make their own decisions with their lives and so it is still with the Rall. In the past, when we visited Earth, we found that the written word controlled, directed and managed Humans. We did not want it so did not develop it.

  R: We remember very well and can convey what we want to our children, and their children. In this memory we have a distant remembrance of large rocks that fell from the sky and a jolting of the land and the following heat and dryness that came quickly. It was not a sudden warming but arrived each successive day a little more strongly. There was nothing like it in memory at that time and so we did not know what to do except to escape it. We went to caves and holes and from there learned to live under the surface. One day, we will return to live on the surface but now we have our communities and our living under the ground and it seems natural to us.

  Q: Given the Rall experience with, possibly, living longer than Humans, what advice can the Rall give Humans?

  R: Some of the advice that the Rall can give to Humans is to respect and enjoy the water that you have, it can disappear so quickly. We do have water but it is very little and we manage it carefully. At one time our planet was as rich in water as the Earth, and as green and as blue and as beautiful. The other advice is not to let the written word control and manage your lives. Let your own guidance and judgment guide you rather than the written word. The spoken word has more authority and wisdom that the written word. Listen to what people say rather than what they write.

  Q: Are the Rall concerned about our landing space probes on Mars and the eventual landing of a manned mission?

  R: At first we did not know what to do with the craft that came to our planet. We have protective mechanics that roam our planet and these first saw the visiting craft. We did not identify them as belonging to any race that we knew. Some thought that the craft were gifts sent ahead of visiting Humans and so we collected them and waited for the Humans. But no Humans came. More craft came and again we waited for the Humans who had sent these craft ahead of themselves as gifts. No Humans came. Now we understand that these are not gifts but extensions of the Humans themselves who will come when they are ready and able. When will the Humans come?

  Q: I do not know.

  Q: Were some of Earth’s space probes, which landed on Mars, disabled or taken by the Rall?

  R: Yes, most of the first craft were taken and dismantled by the Rall, eager to understand the gifts. When they could not be identified as coming from any race that we know, we deduced that they were from Humans because of the written word on them. They did not broadcast the spoken word like some craft. We have a collection of these craft and their parts which we will return to Humans when they come to visit.

  Q: Why do the Rall continue to let some of the probes, included the most recent, roam freely without disturbance?

  R: Now that we understand that the craft are not gifts but extensions of the Humans we leave them alone, we just watch because we do not want to harm or upset them.

  Q: Can the Rall tell us why Humans have not been back to the Moon and why so many of the Moon probes failed?

  R: There are many races who call the Moon theirs including Humans. It is indeed owned by many races and not by one race. The Moon does not belong to Humans alone. Craft and probes from Earth have been a nuisance in the past. Most of the races have a schedule and know when each one has the time and space to bring by their craft or probes. Earth’s probes did not match the timetable and interfered with the craft from the other races. The Moon is a good resource for landing and waiting but Humans need to understand the scheduling and only come when it is right. It is our understanding that some of the races told Humans about this scheduling but it was ignored. So, some of the Humans probes were destroyed because they ignored the schedule.

  Q: Did the Rall ever live above the ground? Why have the Rall moved underground?

  R: We have told you this already. Conditions on the surface became so dangerous to the Rall that we retreated. This was not a sudden event but gradual and our moving underground was gradual. But once underground this is where we have stayed.

  Q: Was there a race on Venus? Are they still there? If not, where did they travel to, another star system?

  R: There is still a race, in fact several races still remaining on Venus and living much the same way that we do. They are different than us in that they can travel and do venture onto the surface of their planet. We are in spoken word contact with them as well as mind word contact, as we are doing now. We do not know of a race that traveled away from Venus.

  Q: Are the Rall able to travel away from Mars at all?

  R: Not now, although we did so in the past. We are content to live our lives below the surface and have become accustomed to this. On our last visits Humans had become very managed by the written word and had almost forgotten the spoken word and their own judgments.

  Q: One Human has claimed that a great catastrophe damaged the Martian atmosphere and that Martians escaped in a craft and came to Earth to hide under Mt. Baldy in New Mexico. How valid are these claims?

  R: There were several catastrophes that damaged our atmosphere but we did not leave the planet or go to live underground on Earth. This Human has some of the knowledge but not all of the knowledge.

  Q: Humans have been shown photos in the media of very large worm shapes that appeared to move in and out of the Martian surface? What are these? Are they biological?

  R: These belong to the Rall and are a form of transportation, nothing more. They are part biological and part mechanical. In this way the Rall can reach the surface without becoming endangered. It is a common way to travel.

  Q: Regarding the rock that was found by our scientists and evaluated as having come from Mars, were the shapes found within the rock actual bacteria or something else?

  R: It is possible, as many organisms exist that are both beneficial and harmful to the Rall. It is also possible that rocks left our planet and landed on Earth during the catastrophes but we do not know. If Earth Humans say that these are Martian organisms we might believe then: if they write that they are Earth organisms we might not believe them. We would use our own judgment. In our judgment they are real.

  Q: Did the Martian atmosphere contain more oxygen and what happened to it?

  R: Two things happened to the oxygen that was on the surface of our planet. The first was that when the waters stopped flowing; the air stopped circulating in patterns that distributed the water. Thus much of the atmosphere settled to the ground or drifted off planet. Some of the atmosphere that settled to the ground was then engineered into vast reservoirs underground for our use. However, we learned how to manufacture most of the air we breathe, the water that we drink, and the food that we eat. But our resources are low and we have to manage what we have.

  Q: Did the Martian landscape contain more water in the past and what happened to it?

  R: The same happened to the water, as happened to the atmosphere. Some was lost and some we were able to save.

  Q: Do the Rall contribute to any wars?

  R: No, the Rall do not contribute to any wars. We are one race and are harmonious in our dealings with each other. We understand that Humans war over resources but the Rall cooperate when resources are low.

  Q: Do any disasters befall the Rall? When and what were they?

  R: We have already covered that in our other answers. We still encounter disasters, when rocks fall underground or a well dries, or sickness comes but these are always happening and
we deal with them.

  Q: If Mars once had an atmosphere, what happened to it?

  R: We have already answered this question before.

  Q: How old is your race?

  R: We do not know how old our race is. We think it is as old as our planet. Our memory stretches back for five to six generations of Rall and then becomes unreliable except for the major happenings. It is not important what happened more than six generations ago, what is important is what is happening now.

  Q: Did the Rall evolve earlier or later than Humans?

  R: We think that the Rall and Humans evolved about the same time and perhaps came from the same place or from another parent race. We do not know; information from that far back is unreliable.

  Q: Which of the races that we have interviewed so far have been the most helpful to Humans? Which of these races has been helpful to the Rall?

  R: We do not know what other races you have interviewed. We only know which races have been helpful to the Rall and there have been a few.

  Q: Can you tell me which ones?

  R: We do not have the same names as Humans use but they are ones that have technical craft and can come and go from our planet. They come for minerals. We have not yet met the Humans, although some say they have. We are not sure of this.

  Q: How did the Rall continue to evolve on an arid planet?

  R: There was no major decision to go underground but it did help us evolve. It may be arid on the surface but we have water underground. It is sufficient to help us live. There may be a day when we can live above the ground once again.

  Q: There is some speculation that some races monitor Human’s telecommunications including the Internet. Could some races actually communicate using the Internet or other resources?

  R: This would not be the Rall as we only monitor ourselves. It must be some other race. We are sure that this could happen as some of the races have high technology.

  Q: There is a group of scientists, loosely associated with NASA, which wants to make contact? What would you advise them to do to facilitate this contact?


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