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Sean: The Sons of Crosby: Vampire Paranormal Romance

Page 7

by Kathi S. Barton

  “I am. I promise you.” Sean watched the comings and the goings of the police and other personnel. Jefferson was there with his team, as well as the medics that were taking care of Holly. She seemed as dazed about what had happened as everyone else was. “I knew before I went back there that he’d cut her throat. He told her that if she gave him the combination to the safe, he’d not hurt her. As soon as she told him she didn’t know it, he murdered her. But from what I could see when I was tuned in to him, his plan all along was to kill her.”

  Jefferson came to sit with them at the little table he and Rachel were at. He didn’t say anything, but he did hold Rachel’s hand. It didn’t bother Sean or his beast that another man was touching her, but he was worried about his friend.

  “It’s Charles.” That was all he needed to say. They both knew then that it was hurting Jefferson in the worst kind of way that his brother had tried to kill that young woman. “Did he kill her, Rachel? I won’t say anything, but I would like to know how far he was willing to go to rob that place.”

  “He slit her throat and left her there to bleed out.” Jefferson nodded but didn’t move. “I didn’t know who it was when I went back there. I only saw that he’d killed her and was headed for the safe. I don’t know what he would have done after that. I just knew he had to be stopped.”

  “I’m so very grateful that you did. Emerald told me that you took charge and went right back there.” Jefferson looked around, then at the two of them. “He killed another woman earlier this morning. We found her body before we were called here. It was why we were here so quickly.”

  “I’m so sorry, Jefferson. I truly am.” He nodded and continued to sit there. Sean understood. Since his brother was being arrested, he was keeping his distance, so there would be no one to say he did anything wrong according to the law. Sean asked him if he was all right. “I can take you home if you want me too.”

  “I think I’m going to be all right. Brook is here with her car, so she’ll take me home. She was here when I arrived for the first murder.” Jefferson shook his head. “He will be put away forever this time. Not that I’m concerned about his welfare all that much, but he is my brother.”

  “I don’t know what I’d be feeling if it was one of my brothers that did this.” Jefferson told him he had the best family there was. “Thank you. I do hope you consider yourself one of us. You’ve become a good friend to us, as has Brook.”

  “Thank you for that. As you can well imagine, I was worried that if Charles were to cause some trouble, it would reflect badly on me. It’s nice to be accepted on your own merit instead of someone else’s stupidity.”

  Brook joined them just as Charles was being taken out to the cruisers. He was screaming about his rights and that since he’d not killed anyone and gotten no money out of the deal, he should be let go. As soon as Charles saw his brother, he struggled to be freed so that he could get to him.

  “Jefferson, you have to tell them to let me go. If I’m found guilty of this shit, I’m going to prison for the rest of my life. Come on. You need to do this for me. I don’t want to have you come to see me with a glass panel between us.” Jefferson assured him that he’d not see him that way. “Thank you. I’m going to be better. This is all your fault anyway. I told you I needed money. No one cared to invite me in for leftovers or even a warm shower. That’s not right, and you know it.”

  “What’s not right, Charles, is the fact that you can’t get yourself into a position that keeps you from having to have a panel between you and whoever visits you. By the way, I’m not going to help you out, nor am I going to visit you in prison. I’ve washed my hands of you.” Charles asked him if he was serious. “Yes. I’ve never been more serious of a decision than I am that one. You and I are finished.”

  Charles was dragged away, kicking and screaming for his rights. No one moved from where they were sitting until Brook leaned over and kissed Jefferson on the forehead. When they stood up, Sean and Rachel did as well. It was time things were taken care of, Sean thought. And he was going to do his best to make sure that things were working in the direction of getting his family safe.

  “I’d like to speak to you about what is happening with Sandy Farley. What can you tell me that needs to be done to ensure my family that she won’t be getting out to do anything like Charles did?” Jefferson told him what he knew, which was more than Sean had known. “I knew they’d exhumed Jonathon’s body, but I didn’t know about her parents. What do they hope to find there?”

  “I’m not entirely sure. But when the courts found out what they found on Mr. Daniels, they were more than happy to sign off on anything your brother and sister-in-law wanted.” Jefferson grinned. “I was told that if they wanted to end this, I was to assist them in any way I can. Even going so far as to order overtime paid to keep officers at the jail. In all my years as an officer of the law, I have never heard of that. It’s like they’re as afraid of her getting out as we are.”

  When Jefferson left with Brook, he and Rachel walked out to the car he’d come here in. Asking her again if she was all right, he didn’t blame her for nodding, then shaking her head. He was sure that if he had to narrow down his feelings, he’d be feeling the same way.

  “I want to pick up the kids, go to dinner, and then have some fun with them shopping. I know they want to get gifts for your family. I need this. Some holiday cheer.” He asked her about the tree. “I’d love one in every room of the house. And if you ask, yes, in the bathrooms as well. This is our first holiday together as a family, and I want our home to reflect it. Let’s go all out.”

  “Great. But first.” He bent down to one knee and pulled out the ring he’d been working on for her. “I want to marry you as soon as we can possibly make it happen. I would also like to adopt the kids so they are Crosby children as soon as it can be arranged. I want the three of you to be as happy as I can make you and safe. I love you, Rachel Daniels. Will you marry me?”

  “Yes.” They kissed. Several people had stopped to watch them as he proposed to her. The applause embarrassed them a little, but he was happier than he’d been in a long time. “As soon as I can fix it, I’m going to take a teaching position at the local pack school if they’ll have me. I’d like to teach language to anyone that wishes to learn one.”

  “Sounds wonderful to me.” They walked hand in hand to the car. As soon as she was seated, he reached out to Joey, the pack leader, telling him they’d be by to get the kids. Joey told him he’d make sure they were ready.

  Driving there, Sean thought of all the things he wanted to get everyone for Christmas. It was going to be a wonderful holiday, he thought. And they would only get better as the years went on. Sean kissed the back of Rachel’s hand and felt like he was king of the world.

  Chapter 5

  Rachel was on a mission this morning. Not only did she have places to go, but she had a million and a half things to get ready for her first day of teaching. Not that she couldn’t just make what she needed, but today she wanted to make her new room reflect the languages she was going to be teaching.

  “Do you have any idea how that will work?” Rachel had been talking to herself for the last few days. It wasn’t a habit she enjoyed, but she seemed to get more done if she listened to herself speaking. “Yes, because no one thinks you’re off your rocker for speaking to yourself or answering your own questions.”

  There were two school supply stores in Columbus that she wanted to go to. Then she was going to go to find some books in different languages that she could have on hand. While she didn’t think anyone was going to be able to read them right away, it might be something that they could look forward to. Or so she hoped.

  “Where are you headed? And can I tag along?” Nodding at Jewel when she showed up at the house, they sat and talked for a few minutes while sipping tea and having a snack. “Where are you headed anyway?”

  After telling her what
her plan for the day was, Jewel leaned back on the couch. The woman was a thinker who had a good idea of what she wanted to say before she would let something terrible or painful slip out. When she was ready to speak, she would. But not beforehand.

  “Did you know that your sister is going to trial tomorrow morning? They’ve found a jury here for her, and they’re going to go on with it. I don’t think this will be a short one either.” Rachel told her she did know about the trial but had no plans of going. “You should. And you should go with Sean. Well, with one of us ladies with you too, just to show support. To show her that you just don’t care what happens to her.”

  “Did something happen that you’re trying your best to beat around the bush about? It’s not like you to do the roundabout way of telling me something.” Jewel told her about a dream she’d had. “You usually have dreams that worry you?”

  “Yes. Quite often, as a matter of fact. But in this, you need to get with the judge about temporary custody of Becky and Jon while Sandy is there.” She asked her why. “I’m not sure about that part, to be honest. Just that you and Sean need it for something important.”

  “I know, as a matter of fact. I don’t know how you knew this, but just about an hour ago, the school called and said I need to get Jon’s physician to sign off on some paperwork so he can play football. When I called the doctor, he said he couldn’t do that for me because I’m not their legal guardian or their mother.” Jewel smiled at her. “Okay, that’s not exactly reassuring. What is funny?”

  “As I said, I don’t know all of it. Just that you ask for it. Then I woke up.” Rachel asked if she woke up or something happened that woke her up. “I don’t know what you mean. But if you’re asking me if something terrible happened to wake me from it, then no. I just woke. Are you going to go then?”

  “I guess I have to now.” Jewel stood up, and Rachel did as well. “We’ll have to work on this some other time. I wanted to get it done before school starts, but I guess it doesn’t really matter. I won’t have any kids until next week anyway.”

  “Would you like my advice on your teaching job?” Rachel didn’t hesitate but told her she really would. “Good. You’re going to do a lot of good with this. And making it open for anyone to join is going to be something that will help this town a great deal. Sometimes it’s only the language barriers that keep people from finding a job. Also, having Jon and Becky there will be wonderful. They might learn a thing or two.”

  “Jon has been hitting me up to teach him German the last few days. He said he can take it as a class, but he knows that I know it. He’s not so sure about the teacher.” Jewel laughed and asked her what had happened. “Apparently, one of her students asked her if she could tell him how to say he loved his mother in German. When he said it to his German speaking mother, apparently it wasn’t correct. He’d told her that he was a momma. Not the same thing at all.”

  “I wondered about that myself. A couple of phrases she’s used in talking to someone at the plant left them more confused than before. I don’t use her anymore if I don’t have to. Emerald is good at languages as well.” Jewel laughed. “I don’t think she has the temperament to teach a class full of kids. I’m betting if she did, they’d know every curse word there is in many tongues.”

  “Emerald is good at turning a phrase.” They were both laughing when the other women joined them. She was glad now that she couldn’t go to Columbus. This was better for her nerves than trying to do traffic. “We were just wondering what to do tonight. How about a nice dinner and some fun?”

  They all agreed with her and started to gather their things to get ready to leave. The tree had been put up a couple of days ago, but there was a lack of gifts under it, as she’d ordered things online, and they’d not shown up yet. Christmas was still a couple of weeks away.

  They were shopping locally for most of their gifts. She’d had to order a lot of her things online that the kids wanted because there wasn’t a computer place ready to open just yet. Also, she’d gotten a couple of things like fruit baskets ordered to have them delivered to the nursing home, as well as the hospital. She thought it would be better than trying to find gifts for the staff there.

  Rachel was debating about a comforter that she found when Sean reached out to her. He had been laughing, she could tell, so she waited for him to explain what he thought was so funny while she put the blanket in her cart. She moved on to the beautiful display of candles as he finally spoke to her.

  I’ve just come from Jason’s home. Did you know that he’s been hoarding Christmas trees every time he finds them on sale? She asked him why he’d do such a thing. He’s donating them to the Salvation Army so they can give them to people who might not have one. They come with decorations and lights if the tree doesn’t already have them on it. We have to do him one better.

  Laughing, she told the others what Jason had done, as well as what Sean had said. Then Rachel asked him what he had in mind to one-up his brother. She knew it was going to be epic. We already do baskets to give out and gift cards for families in need. What do you think we can do? He told her he’d been thinking on that. Well, as you might well know, we’re in town now picking up things on sale. Whatever you have in mind, remember that if it has to be wrapped, you’re going to help.

  I love wrapping things. But that won’t matter in my idea. I’m going to go and buy up a bunch of five-dollar items. After setting them up in the warehouse we have, you and I are going to make it so that kids with no or very little funds can buy something for their parents. How does that sound? She told him she loved it. But again, they were getting close to Christmas. I think that is the only reason he didn’t tell us sooner. So we’d not have time to make something better happen. But I’ll get this done if I have to work all the time on it.

  The competition between the six men was legendary. Franklin had told them that if there was a will or a way for them to compete with each other, they’d have it going. He told her that she should just stand back and let them have at it—it was the best way for them to get it out of their system.

  While they were still shopping, Sean kept her updated on the things he was trying to buy in bulk. She thought him mad, but since he was having a wonderful time, Rachel didn’t care. It was all for a good cause, and she hoped he’d be able to beat his brothers in this. Apparently, the other four were looking for their own ways of topping Jason.

  While they were having their dinner, the guys joined them. Jason was bragging about how he’d been able to get fifty-six trees gathered up. Elliot and the others were saying that they had one better. She didn’t know, nor did she care what the others might have. She knew that as long as there were Christmases and other holidays, the Crosby men would be trying to make things better for others.

  On their way home, she told Sean what Jewel had told her. He didn’t say anything for a few minutes, so she leaned against his shoulder. When he did speak, she thought he was upset with her.

  “No. Why would I be upset about you getting one more dig into your sister? I just want you to not be hurt by her mentally. She’s been trying that for a while now.” That was true. Sandy had been telling everyone in the station that Rachel had stolen her children and had plans of keeping them away from her. “I don’t want her to come at you with more lies and hurtful things. She’s a terrible person and needs to have this shit ended by her going to prison.”

  “The trial is tomorrow. Overwhelming evidence was presented to the judge for the trial to be set. I don’t know how she thinks she’s going to get out of this. I heard she was looking at homes to purchase back home so she can live there with the children. What does she think she’s going to pay for this house with? I’m sure she’s going to expect us to do it if it comes to that.” Sean promised her it would never get that far. “I hope not. Even to think about her getting out has me sleeping terribly.”

  “Emerald assured us that she’d never get out. I be
lieve her.” Rachel asked Sean if he thought Emerald would kill her. “I do. She knows what she’s done to the kids and you. I think it bothers her on so many levels that she’s still breathing as it is. No, Sandy will never leave prison. Alive, at least.”

  It gave her reassurance, but Rachel didn’t want to drag others into her drama. At least with her sister-in-law. Hopefully, in the morning, she’d be able to get temporary custody paperwork so Jon could play football. Also, they’d be able to make decisions on medical as well as school things for both children. It hadn’t been an issue yet, but she could foresee it coming around.

  Tomorrow she’d go and talk to the judge and not say anything to her sister-in-law. Just nip it in the bud, she told herself, if Sandy started spewing her lies and insults to her. There was no reason at all for her to have to put up with her shit any longer.

  Sure, she thought to herself as she laid down on the bed. Nipping anything in the bud that was about Sandy was a waste of time. Sandy didn’t play by any rules but her own. If she had something to insult you with, even if she had to make it up, she’d use it. Sandy was a bitch, and she didn’t care who she hurt to get what she wanted.


  Going to the courthouse was not the way he wanted to start the Christmas season. Sean had worn a suit and tie when he saw that Rachel had on a power suit. He loved the way the dark blue of the feminine suit brought out the color of her eyes. The way the different colors seemed to glow with happiness. The way her legs looked when she stepped out in those wonderful heels.

  Today was going to be a telling day. A day that they get their lives on track and forget about all the other things that had happened over the long month they’d been together. That was his hope for this morning. Sean hadn’t any idea why he was hoping for that, but that was his dream. To be able to get on with their life.

  As soon as Sandy was brought into the courtroom, he could see that she must have lost weight by the way her clothes hung on her A great deal of it too, he thought. When they sat her down at the table with her attorney, she turned and glared at the room in general. Sean knew the exact moment she realized Rachel was there. He was glad now that they’d opted to leave the children in school and not tell them about what they were doing this morning.


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