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Page 34

by Cloe D Frost

  Some of them couldn’t even control their surprise and ended up swearing.

  The gaze with which they looked at Kiel instantly changed into a gaze of shock, disbelief, and wonder. They looked at him as if he was a monster. A creature that was in no way similar to them. As if he had walked out of a fairy tale.

  The girls covered their mouth with their hands, looking at him with fervent gazes. The guys stumbled a step back, cold sweat trickling down their backs.

  If we ended up in a fight…wouldn’t he be able to kill us so fast we wouldn’t even know what happened?!

  Kiel stood proudly, his face calm, showing no excitement nor glee. At that moment, his flawless bearing could make even his grandfather proud. When one looked at his perfect visage and unequaled grace, there was only one word that could describe him:


  So bloody cool!

  Clearly, none of these people were nobles. They were merely frogs in a well, unaware that the sky is much larger than what they could see from the bottom of the well. Muni was a place that only geniuses among geniuses were qualified to enter. Geniuses among geniuses – in other words – monsters.

  If you aren’t a monster, why did you even sign up for the exam?

  Kady clapped her hands to quieten down the crowd. She smiled brightly and looked at every one of them, her gaze lingering on Kiel longer than the others. “This marks the end of the test. There is one more test later, check out the board in front of the academy for the timeslot and classroom. And everyone, don’t be discouraged. This is only the first test. You’ll still have plenty of opportunities to show your ability.”

  However, her words didn’t seem to achieve the desired effect. That’s right! There are 5 more exams after this. Won’t they be just as hard as this one?!

  “Before you leave, come here and sign the non-disclosure agreement. It ensures that you won’t divulge the information of the trigger spells used on the exam to anyone, ensuring that no examinee receives a head start.” Kady pointed to the pen and stack of papers next to her.

  One by one, the examinees lined up to sign the arcane contract. After everyone had signed, Rau opened the door of the classroom and motioned for them to get out.

  Kiel nodded his head towards Kady and Rau politely and made his way towards the exit. As he walked, everyone moved out of his way, not daring to cross paths with him. His manner was dignified and confident, drawing all gazes towards him. His face showed neither arrogance nor coldness. Instead, he wore a heart-stopping smile that could even make men feel embarrassed.

  As soon as he turned the corner, out of their view, he accelerated away down the hall, stopping only when he reached the second story. He didn’t want to give anyone a chance to engage him in conversation.

  As he reached the second floor, he looked down to the main hall. There were many people occupying the tables and chairs, but as far as he could tell, Elaru wasn’t among them.

  Her test started even earlier than mine. She should have finished sooner too.

  He spread his mind over the entire hallways and down to the main hall, yet there was no sign of Elaru.

  Is she really not done yet? Should I wait for her in front of her classroom?

  After a bit of hesitation, he decided that waiting in front of her classroom was better than waiting in the main hall. There were more people in the main hall, and the people who were in the same exam group as him would surely come down to the main hall. They might even start fawning over him and asking him for pointers.

  When he arrived at the second floor, he noticed a group of people impatiently waiting in front of the classroom.

  “What is taking so long?”

  “Are the teachers running late?”

  “Why hasn’t the exam started yet?”

  Listening to the chatter of the people, he realized that the previous group had not yet left the classroom.

  Kiel didn’t know why, but suddenly he had a bad feeling.

  * * *

  (2 hours earlier)

  Elaru stared dumbfounded at the two professors that were in charge of her exam.

  One of them was a redhead in his twenties with spiky hair sticking out everywhere. Both his eyes and several strands of his hair were colored in a warm, honey-yellow. He was wearing white-purple Muni assistant professor official uniform that was very similar to the uniforms the professors wore but a bit less majestic.

  He introduced himself as Deora Thayn.

  Yet, the name Elaru associated with him was actually…

  “Firecracker.” She subconsciously blurted out.

  Her voice wasn’t loud at all, but it seemed like that specific word was a taboo subject. The man’s eyebrow started twitching, and he stopped in the middle of his explanation to shout. “Who said that?!”

  As he abruptly yelled out, examinees jumped up in fright, looking at him in shock.

  Thayn was one of the 15 great noble families – a family of peacekeepers whose duty was to upkeep the law and ensure the peace and prosperity of the lands of Halnea. They took their job very seriously with unshakable beliefs which earned them the reputation of being hardheaded and stiff.

  Deora, since he wore the last name of Thayn, certainly belonged to the mainhouse of the Thayn family and not a branch family.

  So why was his behavior…so…unlike how a Thayn should behave? In fact, without hearing his name, none of the people present would think he was a noble. He held not a single drop of grace or poise one would expect from a noble.

  Deora’s eyes almost caught fire, his eyebrow twitching the entire time. His gaze flashed left and right but couldn’t make out who was it that called him by that damnable nickname.

  The examinees felt a sense of pressure envelop them, which was kind of funny, considering that his angry face looked cute and comical rather than fierce. However, the aura that enveloped them ensured that not a single person dared to utter a single sound.

  Everyone did their best to not display anything unfavorable on their faces, while inwardly they were unanimously shocked and disturbed:

  Fierce! Too fierce!

  What happened??

  How did we end up in this situation?!

  How did such a hotheaded person become a teacher at Muni?!

  Seeing Deora behaving like a fiery tempered teenager, the other professor decided to interfere, speaking out with a playful tone one would use when talking to a child. “Now, now, little Dei, calm down. No one is calling you a firecracker.”

  As the words rolled off of his tongue, Deora froze in his step, and likewise, the faces of every examinee froze. Oy, oy, why are you provoking him?!

  Everyone’s gaze fell onto the other teacher – Zerel Reysic. He was an elibu in his thirties with dark purple hair dropping past his shoulders in an uneven way. He wasn’t wearing the same uniform as Deora. Instead, he wore a dark green long robe with many intricate golden and purple patterns. It had wide sleeves and reached almost to the floor looking like a crossover between a kimono and a long coat.

  His odd attire and hairstyle created a strange harmony, giving him a mischievous yet refined look. Combined with his narrow golden eyes, it made him look like a vulpy or a lunar in a humanoid form. His impish smile gave the finishing touches to that feline lazy yet playful vibe.

  Reysic was also one of the 15 great noble families. They claimed to be archeologists, historians, and explorers. But everyone referred to them by a different term – treasure hunters.

  Deora’s heated gaze turned towards Zerel. “What did you just call me?!” He pointed his finger towards Zerel, his two eyes like embers.

  * * *

  Author Note:

  Vulpy is a foxlike creature with large eyes and ears, coupled with many long tails. More tails it has, the more powerful it is.

  Lunars are catlike creatures with short fur, that have eyes and markings that can glow in the dark.

  If you picture characters as anime/manga-like:

  If you picture the characters r
ealistically, then you can picture Zerel as Asian, and Deora as a ginger.

  On another note, I’ve started sharing my daily “adventures” on Facebook and Twitter. You should check it out if you are interested in some writing, Aethernea and cats related humor.

  Coming up in the next episode:

  The examinees stood dumbfounded, their mouths gaping open. You two…you are nothing like teachers! Who in the name of Origin, let you two supervise the entrance exams?!

  What are the odds?! How can there be such a large coincidence? Could fate truly exist?

  Was it dangerous? Very.

  But when has Elaru Wayvin ever been afraid of danger? In fact, which part of her life wasn’t dangerous?

  The clapping woke up the examinees from their disbelief, but they still stood there frozen like statues, unsure whether to laugh or cry. What the bloody meep is this?! Stand-up comedy?? Are we supposed to clap too??

  He recognized that expression. That sly smile was just the same as his when he was about to dupe someone!

  Episode 38 – Little Patience

  Episode 38 – Little Patience


  Kiel shocks everyone with a perfect score on the spellcasting speed exam. After his exam finished, he realizes that Elaru is nowhere to be seen, even though her exam should have finished before his.

  Two hours earlier, Elaru is dumbfounded by the two professors supervising her exam – Deora Thayn and Zerel Reysic. Deora flips out when Zerel calls him a firecracker.

  * * *

  Deora’s heated gaze turned towards Zerel. “What did you just call me?!” He pointed his finger towards Zerel, his two eyes like embers.

  Zerel’s vulpine smile didn’t waver at all. “Little Dei?”

  “No! The other thing!”

  Zerel scratched his head feigning ignorance. “Eh? What other thing? I always call you little Dei.”

  Deora’s mouth pressed into a thin line, his eyes flashing dangerously. “Annoying. You are so annoying! Even that way of address is annoying. There isn’t a single part of me that is little!”

  Zerel tilted his head and smiled impishly. “Little patience.”

  All sound in the room stilled at that moment. The examinees didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Some of them found Zerel’s retort funny, but they didn’t dare laugh. The others were counting their blessings hoping that Deora wouldn’t erupt in flames.

  Deora didn’t know how to respond to Zerel’s retort. Zerel had always been more proficient in the art of conversation. Since he couldn’t come up with an adequate retort, Deora’s tight lipped expression slowly turned into a pout. “Hmph!”

  He turned back to the examinees, shifting the target of his anger. He scrutinized their faces, trying to determine who spoke earlier.

  While Deora was glaring left and right, Zerel brought out a pocket watch and checked the time. Then he sighed helplessly. “Little Dei, searching for a miscreant is just, but if we end up running behind schedule because of it, Eri will be very mad at you. He might even punish you.”

  Examinees didn’t know who “Eri” was but they nodded their heads nonetheless. That other professor might be just as odd as the hot-tempered redhead, but at least he had some common sense. He was clearly trying to defuse the bomb.

  “You can search for the miscreant after the test.” Zerel added innocently.

  The examinees stood dumbfounded, their mouths gaping open. You two…you are nothing like teachers! Who in the name of Origin, let you two supervise the entrance exams?!

  Elaru wasn’t among the people with their mouths agape. She had previously heard of both Deora Thayn and Zerel Reysic. Both of them could be considered eccentric, but they were also geniuses in their respective fields.

  Deora was on his way to becoming the youngest Muni professor (as opposed to his current status of an assistant professor), at the gentle age of 23. Although he was an argel, which made him unable to use transmutation magic, he was a master of conjuring and manipulating flames. Which coupled with his short fuse, earned him the nickname “firecracker”.

  Zerel, on the other hand, was an authority on several different topics, from ancient language and culture to survival in the wilderness. He was popularly referred to as a “walking encyclopedia”.

  The mention of “Eri” and “punishment” seemed to invoke a shiver in Deora, and he quickly changed his demeanor, as if flipping a switch. “Eh?! You are right! We must hurry it up. Can’t keep the next batch waiting!”

  His aura quickly turned more docile, he even retracted it, removing all the pressure from the examinees. His face, however, looked a bit stiff.

  He quickly turned around and continued explaining right where he left off. This time, his talking speed increased, trying to make up for lost time.

  While everyone else was concentrating on Deora’s words, Elaru wasn’t paying much attention to what was being said. Her heart thumped excitedly inside her chest as if it was trying to break out.

  What are the odds?! How can there be such a large coincidence? Could fate truly exist?

  Her father warned her to lower her performance, to hold back. To avoid drawing too much attention to herself.

  She had every intention to listen to him.

  She had.

  But the current situation wasn’t something she predicted would happen. The probability was less than 1%. She would have downplayed it without a hitch…if her examiner was anyone else.

  But now, downplaying it was no longer the ideal move. To achieve her main goal, she would need to show her worth eventually. However, if she hid it initially, it would only raise more questions later.

  Was this encounter good or bad luck?

  For 18 years she had kept to the shadows, stifling her nature, never walking out to the light. Watching everyone rise and spread their names far and wide. Watching them make a difference in the world, while she disappeared into obscurity.

  She walked in the shadows, yet where she belonged – what she craved, was the light.

  Elaru clenched her fists, the blood inside her starting to boil.

  It was time.

  Time for her to attempt to cross the divide. To shoot up into the stars. To become someone who couldn’t be disregarded. Someone who mattered.

  Was it dangerous? Very.

  But when has Elaru Wayvin ever been afraid of danger? In fact, which part of her life wasn’t dangerous?

  Elaru Wayvin wasn’t the type of person who let opportunities slip her by.

  Her eyes glowed with fiery light like two bright suns. That’s right! This is the true me. I am Elaru Wayvin and I live my life without regrets!

  These exams were exactly the opportunity she needed. If she didn’t take it, she would forever regret it. Yet, if fate weren’t playing tricks on her, she wouldn’t have remembered who she was.

  Her aura burned and intensified, if anyone were to come close to it, they would be enveloped by incredible pressure. If anyone’s mind were to touch it, they would receive a shock.

  If I’m going out, I’ll go out in flames!

  I’ll show them exactly who Elaru Wayvin truly is!

  The change in her own aura didn’t escape her notice. Quickly, decisively, she wrapped her Mind around her tighter, leaving only a few small openings in her cocoon, so that her aura wouldn’t disappear completely.

  It seemed like she managed to conceal it in time. No one seemed to notice the change.

  She looked up towards Zerel Reysic and for a moment their eyes met.

  If her eyesight wasn’t even better than the eyesight of an argel, she might have missed a slight gleam in his eyes.

  He noticed it!

  Beside the quickly vanishing gleam, Zerel showed no change in his expression. He still held a sly yet disinterested smile on his face.

  Elaru’s eyes darted toward Deora who was animatedly explaining the details of the test. Just as she looked at him, he seemed to have finished with his explanation.

  “Watch and lea
rn!” Exclaimed Deora full of confidence and pride. He was about to demonstrate how the testing equipment was used.

  He intertwined his fingers and stretched out his arms as if stretching would improve his magic casting.

  His eyes focused, all expressions other than deep concentration vanishing from his face. Suddenly, in a blink of an eye, one orb after the other lit up brightly. Before anyone could realize what was going on or exclaim in surprise, the last orb lit up like the sun, and no traces of the jelly remained in the upper part of the hourglass.

  The examinees looked on with disbelief, their mouths open so wide they could have caught a tiwi. Their mind spun with shock.

  What happened???

  Holy baffamoot!!

  A perfect score?!

  It’s a perfect score!

  Even such a simpleminded person can have such a fast casting speed?! What have I been doing my whole life??

  Everyone was shocked into silence. Zerel was the first to break the quiet with soft clapping. With a voice still as mischievous as always, making it hard to figure out whether he was praising Deora or mocking him, he exclaimed: “Way to go little Dei. Cool! That was so cool.”

  Deora, on the other hand, didn’t seem to have the mental capacity to question the intent behind Zerel’s words, and his chest puffed out in pride.

  The clapping woke up the examinees from their disbelief, but they still stood there frozen like statues, unsure whether to laugh or cry. What the bloody meep is this?! Stand-up comedy?? Are we supposed to clap too??

  Deora looked at the shocked faces of the examinees, pleased with himself. His gaze lingered longer on Elaru, his expression clearly saying “Did you see that? Did you see? I am awesome!”

  Elaru swallowed the laughter that threatened to emerge and gave him a thumbs up followed by a wide grin.

  One had to hand it to her – her beautiful smiles had the power to light up the entire room. It wasn’t a wonder that her action made Deora puff out his chest even further, glowing with pride.


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