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Page 64

by Cloe D Frost

  And the more brilliantly Kiel shone, the more enemies he would attract.

  One day, something like this would repeat itself. And there would be no one to help him.

  An ally, huh? Kiel looked at Elaru from the corner of his eyes. Will you really be my precious ally, Elaru Wayvin? Are you truly someone I can trust?

  Kiel spoke out: “For the sake of the argument, let’s pretend that I want to be your ally.”

  Elaru smirked and gave him a knowing look. “Sure.”

  Kiel ignored the look and continued. “The question is, can I trust you?” His icy blue eyes locked with Elaru’s teal ones.

  Could he really trust such a secretive person with unknown origin or goal?

  Kiel was neither naïve nor optimistic. Logically speaking, she was not trustworthy at all. Yet, a part of him couldn’t help but feel like he could trust her.

  Elaru didn’t respond to his question right away. Her smile vanished and was replaced by a solemn expression.

  After a while, she sighed and finally replied. “Friendship and love might fade. Allies might become enemies. But… as long as you remain my friend, my ally, I will remain yours. You can trust that I will not betray you unless you betray me first. You can trust that I will guard your back. You can trust that I will help you to the best of my ability. You can trust that your enemies will be my enemies. That your troubles will be my troubles.”

  Her vow was resolute and sincere. And her actions validated her conviction.

  He didn’t know what Elaru needed to do to overcome this tribulation, but he knew that it was dangerous. Yet, she didn’t hesitate at all to come to his aid. And she didn’t even complain how tricky it was. For all he knew, she might have gotten injured in the process. But even if she did get injured, would she even tell him?

  He got the feeling that Elaru Wayvin was the type of person who could get stabbed right through the chest and still walk away from the event smiling and claiming to be fine.

  A person who could get all her limbs cut off and still crack jokes about it.

  Regardless of right and wrong, like and hate, this type of person… he couldn’t help but respect.

  * * *

  Author Note

  Guys, sorry, I haven’t had time to respond to your comments yet. >< I am currently focusing all my time on writing enough episodes to give you bonus releases. When that is done, I’ll have some more time and I’ll go back and check al of your comments.

  P.S. This chapter is dedicated toSarrow. Thank you for supporting Aethernea! I hope you stay around, reading and enjoying Aethernea, until the end. ^_^

  Coming up in the next episode:

  After several seconds of silence, Kiel sighed again in resignation. “So be it. Let’s be allies.”

  They neither noticed that their flying speed was slowly increasing nor did they notice a black vine twirling itself around Kiel’s hand, slithering on the top of his skin like a snake.

  Rau Eryey checked his pocket watch and frowned. “We can’t wait for him any longer. It is time for us to receive the next group of examinees.”

  Episode 79 – Kiel’s Mana Flow Speed

  Episode 79 – Kiel’s Mana Flow Speed


  Elaru goes to see Ixos Eryey, asking him to make her an antidote for Fever Touch – the poison with which Dusk Rose knocked out Kiel. Ixos succeeds in making the antidote and Elaru hurries back towards Muni. Kiel finally wakes up after consuming the antidote and Elaru explains how he got poisoned by a Shadow hired by the Rroda family. Kiel realizes that he can’t achieve everything alone, that he needs allies to watch his back as he walks to the top.

  * * *

  After several seconds of silence, Kiel sighed again in resignation. “So be it. Let’s be allies.”

  Elaru’s solemn expression brightened up instantly, her eyes glittered with happiness.

  “For now.” Kiel added, but it didn’t manage to splash cold water on her excitement.

  “Mates until the end!” She grinned and shook his hand, confirming the deal.

  Kiel looked towards the horizon towards Muni, his heart feeling lighter than ever. Right now, he felt that even if he failed the exams, everything would be alright. The two of them would find a way. The responsibility wasn’t his alone to bear. They would bear it together.

  Kiel chuckled huskily and glanced at Elaru teasingly. “No one can be invincible by themselves? Really? Not even you?” He teased.

  Elaru grinned sheepishly. “Especially not me.”

  “And here I thought you can do anything.” The corner of his lips twitched, threatening to become a smile.

  Elaru giggled awkwardly. You have no idea how wrong you are…

  “Elaru…” Kiel interrupted her chuckle with a soft voice.

  “Mmm?” She murmured.

  Kiel looked away from her, into the distance, purposefully avoiding her eye. “Thanks…”

  His voice was so soft it was almost inaudible. Elaru didn’t say anything, the only sign that she heard it was the soft smile playing at her lips.

  As they flew towards their destination, neither one noticed that their hands stood intertwined at their side. They neither noticed that their flying speed was slowly increasing nor did they notice a black vine twirling itself around Kiel’s hand, slithering on the top of his skin like a snake.

  * * *

  Rau Eryey thumped his fingers impatiently on the teacher’s desk while Kady Ailert sitting next to him stared worriedly at the clock on the wall of the classroom.

  Rau Eryey’s silver eyebrows furrowed. “We can’t wait for him any longer. It is time for us to receive the next group of examinees.”

  Kady sighed in resignation, regret could be seen flickering in her eyes. “Ah, what a pity. To fall sick during the exams…” She sighed again. “Let’s wait a few more minutes, and if he still doesn’t arrive, we’ll invite the next group in.”

  Rau shook his head. “It’s no use. No matter if it is a cold or the flu, since it has progressed to the point of him fainting, even if he was given the best medicine, it would still require half a day to reach full recovery.”

  Rau Eryey was not only from the Eryey family that was a family of healers, but he, himself, was also a renowned healer. His words were authoritative in the matter.

  “Common medicine won’t do, but don’t forget that he is a Rroda. If he manages to contact his family in time, they could feed him one of the more precious elixirs.” Kady mused.

  Rau continued shaking his head. “The Rroda mainhouse is too far away. Without teleporting, it is impossible to cover the distance in time.”

  The two stayed silent after that, watching the seconds ticking away.

  After a while, Kady got up from her seat reluctantly. “Such a pity.” She murmured as she went to the classroom entrance to invite the next batch of examinees.

  She plastered on an amiable expression to greet the examinees and opened the door. The forced smile turned into pleasant surprise as she noticed a figure standing right in front of the door, with his hand up in the air, just about to knock on the door.

  Kiel Rroda’s black and blue hair was a bit ruffled giving him a rebellious vibe. His pale blue eyes were calm, without any ripples, like the surface of a pool.

  He was momentarily surprised when Kady opened the door, but soon he smiled apologetically and was about to explain, however, she interrupted him. “Quickly! Enter. We don’t have much time left.” Kady ushered him in gleefully.

  Kiel let out an internal sigh of relief. So close!

  If he came a minute later, it would have been too late. In fact, initially, he was sure that they wouldn’t make it. But when they arrived he realized that he had underestimated the speed they were traveling at.

  He got the urge to give Elaru thumbs up, but she had flung him towards the door without bothering to remove her Invisibility, so currently he had no idea where she was. And besides, since he appeared out of thin air, the examinees gathered in front of t
he classroom were already giving him strange looks, he didn’t want to encourage strange rumors by giving thumbs up to an invisible person.

  Kiel quickly made his way towards the black, shiny cauldron in the center of the room. On the outside of the cauldron, in the middle, there was a handle in the form of an hourglass. To start the exam, Kiel needed to grasp the hourglass and twist it upside down.

  That would activate the crystallizer and would also make the sand inside the hourglass start flowing. When the last grain of sand from the upper half of the hourglass disappeared, the crystallizer would power down, and the exam would be over.

  Above the hourglass was a speedometer that would measure Kiel’s mana flow speed and provide a score based on his average mana flow and maximum achieved mana flow.

  This crystallizer was specifically made for the exam, so its purpose wasn’t only to crystalize mana. It would also keep track of mana entering it and calculate the mana flow speed.

  Mana Flow Speed was the speed at which the mage could transfer the mana from his soul to his aura, making it ready for usage. It was an important metric that could be used to determine how many spells the mage would be able to cast in a given time, how many spells the mage could sustain, and the mage’s theoretical maximum possible casting speed.

  Kiel didn’t dally around and instantly turned the hourglass upside down. As soon as he did so, the markings on the cauldron lit up and the space inside the cauldron twisted, creating a whirlpool.

  To achieve the highest score possible for his Mana Flow Speed, Kiel needed to quickly reach the highest mana transfer speed his body and soul could handle and keep it up as long as possible.

  Since Kiel had been mana tempering his body recently, he was aware of how much mana his body could handle so he didn’t slowly increase his mana channeling speed but started off from a high speed right away.

  Kiel could tell that his and Elaru’s shared soul was very close because the soul tendrils connecting his body to the soul were numerous and thick, not stretched at all.

  Like water flowing through pipes, his mana flowed from his mana pool through his soul tendrils into his body. Then it continued to flow through his flesh into the air around him, only to be sucked into the crystallizer by the whirlpool.

  Kiel concentrated to the best of his ability, constantly increasing his mana flow speed until his body started aching and burning.

  A huge whirlpool of mana surrounded him, like a tempest. The crystallizer greedily sucked in the whirlpool. Small glittering crystals started condensing inside the cauldron. Like plants they grew and grew, letting out a resplendent golden light.

  The hand of the speedometer kept moving to the right. 15. 18. 20.

  When the hand of the speedometer reached 20, it slowed down, as if indecisive. Each little twitch of the needle seemed to take forever.

  Each twitch caused a new wave of pain to rack Kiel’s body. His every cell burned, yet stubbornly he refused to yield. I can still… go on!

  He clenched his fists and grit his teeth, staring sharply inside the crystallizer, focusing all his attention on transferring his mana into the crystallizer as fast as possible.

  The sharp pain made his entire body shake. The sand inside the hourglass seemed to take forever to slid down the bottleneck.


  Although his body was bordering on collapse, burning and twitching painfully, his soul tendrils weren’t bloated at all. Not a single one of them snapped.

  If his soul tendrils started snapping, it would mean that he had reached the highest mana flow speed that his soul could achieve. That he had achieved his highest potential and could no longer improve.

  However, achieving one’s highest potential was almost impossible.

  For most people, their bottleneck, the thing stopping them from achieving their highest possible mana flow speed, was their body.

  In practice, the mana flow speed of the mage didn’t depend on the amount and size of the soul tendrils, but instead, was a combination of mana resistance and tolerance of the body.

  Kiel’s mind and heart raced. His blood boiled as he remembered how many rare mana tempering elixirs and pills his brother had been given by the Rroda family while Kiel received none at all. His nails dug into his palms as he remembered how his brother had been allowed to use the mana tempering room inside the Rroda mainhouse whenever he wished, while Kiel was denied entry.


  Fierce, unyielding light flashed in Kiel’s eyes. He refused to give up! He would reach the highest score even if it meant fainting under pressure!

  He would show his family that he didn’t need their help!


  Endlessly, mana flowed into the crystallizer showing no sign of slowing down. The blood slid down Kiel’s fingers slowly, however, before it could drip down to the floor, the intensity of the mana around it caused it to turn into red mist.

  The glow of the crystallizer intensified, coupled by the constantly growing golden glow of the crystals, it covered up the red mist that started seeping out of Kiel’s 7 orifices.

  Kiel placed his fists on the table on which the crystallizer was sitting to hold his body up from slumping down on the ground.

  He watched the speedometer intently with bloodshot eyes.


  When the needle landed on the highest number, a boom reverberated inside Kiel’s mind, and he swallowed down the mouthful of blood that threatened to come out.

  He exhaled a breath he didn’t know he was holding and finally slowed down the river of mana threatening to consume him.

  His hot breath turned into smoke when it reached the air. The smoke glittered with a pink color of blood crystals.

  Although Kiel’s body shook in pain, his mouth morphed into a radiant smile. He barely registered the pain as endless glee erupted inside his heart.

  The changes to his body caused by the Aetherneal bond lowered the mana resistance of his body and increased its mana tolerance significantly. The mana tempering he had performed increased it further, slightly improving his body each time. And the cherry on top was the Firebird Flame Pill he had consumed. Its effects were downright miraculous.

  When he thought about how many different elixirs and pills his brother had consumed over the years, it caused Kiel to chuckle inwardly. All those expensive things paled in comparison to a single Firebird Flame Pill. Where on Halnea did Elaru get such a miraculous pill?

  Kiel shook his head. His body still wasn’t as adept at channeling mana as his brother’s. When his brother took the exam, he didn’t need to cause damage to his body to reach 25 points.

  But Kiel wasn’t dispirited because of that, his current goal wasn’t to surpass his brother. It was to reach 25 points.

  Kiel focused once again at the crystallizer in front of him. Now that he had reached 25 points in Mana Flow Speed test, the speedometer won’t drop down even if his mana flow speed lowered. All he had to do now was to ace the second part of the test, which tested Mana Pool size and Mana Regeneration.

  He would need to condense as large of a crystal as he could.

  * * *

  Coming up in the next episode:

  Elaru’s soul was simply an abomination that shouldn’t exist.

  There was even scorn in the depths of their eyes as if saying “A non-mage still hopes to enroll in Muni? How laughable.”

  Suddenly, Kiel had a bad feeling. As hairs rose on the back of his neck, a lightning flashed eerily in the sky.

  Elaru intertwined her fingers and stretched her arms out in front of her, smirking provocatively. This will be… fun.

  Episode 80 – Quake and Thunder

  Episode 80 – Quake and Thunder


  After being poisoned by Dusk Rose and cured by Ixos Eryey, Kiel makes it just barely in time to take his exam.

  * * *

  Kiel looked at the hourglass and determined he had enough time to condense a large enough crystal to reach 25 points. In fact, as he spent hi
s mana, he couldn’t even feel the mana pool emptying itself at all, which was a rather bizarre phenomenon.

  Either the mana pool was so large that the amount he had used up was insignificant, or Elaru’s mana regeneration speed was higher than Kiel’s mana flow speed.

  Usually, mana flow speed was much higher than mana regeneration speed, which meant that mages could spend mana faster than they could replenish it. Most of the time, even when mages had higher mana regeneration speed than their mana flow speed it was because their mana flow speed was horrid, not because their mana regeneration was monstrously high.

  However, obviously, this was not the case with Elaru.

  Her soul was simply an abomination that shouldn’t exist.

  The sand slowly slid down the hourglass. As soon as the last drop slid down, the glowing markings on the crystallizer went out, and the attraction force inside the crystallizer disappeared.

  Kiel let out a breath of relief.

  Rau Eryey and Kady Ailert quickly reached his side and complimented him.

  Rau reached his hands inside the cauldron and pulled out a large yellow crystal the size of a man’s head. The crystal seemed to be quite heavy as he placed it on a weight scale next to the crystallizer with some difficulty.

  The meter of a scale quickly skyrocketed.

  Kady Ailert beamed as she looked at the number. “Impressive.” She smiled. “That is enough for 25 points. Congratulations. The great majority of examinees run out of mana before the end of the test. Your mana pool size is quite extraordinary.”

  “Thank you.” Kiel nodded and smiled modestly.

  This situation was completely opposite of what happened last year when he took the test. He remembered the pitying gazes of the examiners clearly. There was even scorn in the depths of their eyes as if saying “A non-mage still hopes to enroll in Muni? How laughable.”

  He remembered how they picked up a pinky-sized crystal from the crystallizer and wondered if they should even bother weighting it.


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