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Page 68

by Cloe D Frost

  “A fine taste, milord.” The waiter complimented his choice.

  Kiel barely managed to prevent himself from rolling his eyes. What a show off…

  He was practically gloating about his wealth and fine taste.

  Rhur then turned towards Elaru and inquired warmly. “Is Kelford Ridge fine with you, Lady Wayvin?”

  Elaru smiled with just as much warmth as Rhur showed her. “I’m afraid I am not a big fan of Kelford Ridge.”

  “Oh?” Rhur cocked his head to the side inquiringly. “What wine does Lady Wayvin usually drink?”

  Kiel looked at Elaru worryingly. Did she even drink wine? She seemed like a juice type of person.

  However, in a moment, Elaru showed that his worry was unnecessary. “I prefer Lileron Passion.”

  “Lileron Passion?”

  Lileron was a famous brand of wines, not any less illustrious than Kelford. Both Rhur and Kiel were familiar with the brand, however, this was their first time hearing of Lileron Passion variety.

  Rhur chuckled. “A fine wine for a fine lady. So be it, I shall partake in this passion with lady Wayvin as well. “

  Kiel felt like puking. Must you word it in such a way? How misleading!

  It simply sounded so wrong that it couldn’t sound more wrong. He was shamelessly flirting right in front of his own date.

  Kiel averted his eyes and looked at Elaru instead. As she heard his response she seemed to be delighted.

  That delight caused Kiel’s chest to tighten uncomfortably. Don’t tell me that she is actually flirting back?

  Kiel looked away from Elaru’s face, not knowing where to look at. Looking at Rhur made him feel unpleasant, but now, looking at Elaru didn’t make him feel any better. As the only other person here, Kiel looked toward Ayah. “How about we all enjoy Lileron Passion together?” Kiel suggested.

  If he had still been looking at Elaru, he would have noticed that that delight glistening in her eyes only grew when she heard his suggestion.

  Rhur seemed to catch on to the foul mood Kiel was in and he couldn’t help but add more oil to the fire. “Since when do you drink wine, little brother? Don’t you prefer milk?” Rhur smirked.

  Kiel’s eyebrow twitched. “I preferred milk when we were children, older brother. However, I understand your confusion, considering how you preferred drinking wine in secret even back when we were little.”

  Rhur laughed awkwardly. Then he added under his breath, yet loud enough for everyone to hear. “14 could hardly be considered as little…”

  Kiel pretended to cough, yet he also added under his breath: “Indeed, considering that you were even younger when you lost your virginity.”

  Even though everyone pretended not to have heard anything, the atmosphere in the room grew more uncomfortable by the second.

  “Bring us two bottles of Lileron Passion.” Rhur broke the awkward silence and ordered.

  The waiter nodded obediently. “As you wish, sire.”

  Rhur then waved him off and the four were once again left alone in the room.

  Rhur gave no chance for the uncomfortable silence to descend again: “When did you arrive in Ashar, little brother? How come grandfather didn’t inform me of your arrival?”

  Rhur decided to probe Kiel, hoping to figure out whether Venric Rroda knew and approved of Kiel’s coming. Considering how much Venric disapproved of Kiel, he wouldn’t easily let him come to the big city. He had intentionally chucked him to the backwater town so it would be quite strange if he allowed Kiel to come to Ashar. Kiel either came on his own accord or got permission from their father.

  This question, however, came as quite a surprise to Kiel. Could it be that he doesn’t know that the Rroda family is looking for me? Or is he intentionally pretending not to know?

  “He must have forgotten to tell you. You know how busy he is. He doesn’t have any time to inform you of every little matter.” Kiel responded.

  Venric was, indeed, aware of his arrival. Even if he wasn’t the mastermind behind the mobilization of the Rroda men, Kiel had clearly declared his intention of coming to Ashar by sending his luggage to the mainhouse.

  Of course, Venric wouldn’t approve of the matter, which is why Kiel wouldn’t have asked him even if he had the time to do so. If the decision to go to Ashar hadn’t been made in haste, Kiel would have gotten his father’s permission. He was much easier to deal with than his grandfather.

  “You are right.” Rhur agreed. “He must have found it not important enough to inform me.”

  Kiel’s eyebrow twitched. Oi, oi. Are you implying I am not important enough for your notice?!

  Both of the males were smiling gently, yet their eyes were sharp and cold.

  This wasn’t a conversation, it was a word battle.

  The swords were drawn. Lightning was flashing, both literally and figuratively. The stormy weather outside had yet to calm down.

  Even the blonde female was starting to get uncomfortable.

  “I’m sure grandfather didn’t want to distract you from your studies. He is always complaining that you are too distracted with entertaining the ladies to study properly.” Kiel chuckled.

  One could almost hear the sounds of stabbing. Elaru had to suppress the urge to clap, but her wide smile gave away her delight.

  Rhur smiled coldly at Kiel and decided to change the subject. “So, what brings you to Ashar, little brother? Moving onto bigger quests? Did you finally get upgraded to a C-ranked quest seeker?”

  Rhur never failed to rub in how degrading it was for a noble to actually be a doing low ranked quests.

  Kiel laughed coldly. “You sure have a good sense of humor, older brother. Of course, I am here for the Muni exams.”

  “Muni exams?” This time, Rhur didn’t need to feign surprise, it was very much real. The only three people who knew that Kiel was a non-mage were Kiel himself, his father, and his grandfather Venric Rroda. Kiel naturally didn’t want anyone to know about his disability so he never told it to anyone. His father probably wanted to protect him and also kept quiet.

  Venric, as the shrewd and calculative person that he was, decided to keep it a secret to prevent other nobles from finding out. After all, it was a matter that would stain the honor of the Rroda family. Even if he chose to divulge it to someone, that someone wouldn’t have been Rhur. Knowing of the ongoing conflict between the two brothers, Rhur was the least likely person to be able to keep it a secret.

  Therefore, Rhur was not aware that Kiel was a non mage, however, judging by the behavior of their father and grandfather, Rhur had figured out long ago that Kiel wasn’t a competent mage. Otherwise, Venric would have held him in a higher regard.

  That’s why it came as a surprise to Rhur that his little brother, who wasn’t good in magic, decided to participate in Muni exams.

  * * *

  Author Note

  I’m not sure if you guys are aware of this, but Gravity Tales introduced a new Voting system. This system allows you to vote for your favorite Gravity Tales novels. For novels that are most liked by users, Gravity Tales will sponsor an extra release. Each month there will be 6 sponsored releases, depending on your votes. You can read more details about it and vote here.

  Anyways, Aethernea is there on the list too, and your votes are greatly appreciated. <3

  Coming up in the next episode:

  How very touching. Kiel glared at Rhur and spoke slowly, venom almost dripping from his words: “Thank you for your concern, older brother. However, you are worrying too much. My exams have gone quite well so far.”

  Rhur laughed merrily. “That’s the spirit! If you set me as your goal you won’t go astray.”

  Surprisingly, to Rhur’s delight, Elaru responded by giving him a comforting and understanding gaze. “Don’t feel discouraged. The difficult times will pass eventually”

  Rhur almost choked on his wine, his cheeks reddened as he tried his best not to burst out into a violent coughing fit.

  Episode 85 – Plucking

  Episode 85 – Plucking Flowers


  Elaru picks up Kiel’s ring and the two of them go to Black Pearl restaurant where she intends to give him the ring and explain its usage. Unfortunately, as they enter the lobby of the restaurant, they run into Rhur Rroda – Kiel’s older brother, and his date. Kiel reveals that he is participating in Muni entrance exams.

  * * *

  “Muni exams are very difficult little brother. You shouldn’t speak of it so lightly. Each year the exam results shatter the hopes of many, some of which never recover from the blow on their self-esteem. I would hate it if the same happened to you little brother.” Rhur spoke with false concern, looking at Kiel with furrowed eyebrows, a perfect image of a worried older brother.

  How very touching. Kiel glared at Rhur and spoke slowly, venom almost dripping from his words: “Thank you for your concern, older brother. However, you are worrying too much. My exams have gone quite well so far.”

  “I see. That is good.” Rhur smiled warmly. “How long will you be staying in Ashar before returning to the village?”

  It was simply amazing how many blows one could incorporate within seemingly harmless words. Not only was Rhur pointing out that Kiel belonged in an insignificant village but he was also implying that he wouldn’t pass the exams, and would, in turn, return to Beyd.

  “I won’t be returning to Beyd for the time being. Older brother, I would love it if you could show me around Muni.”

  “I’d love to do so as well, however, even as a student of Muni, I am unable to bring other people inside. You would have to be a student of Muni to enter.” Rhur spoke regretfully. His acting ability was clearly the cream of the crop.

  “Naturally. There won’t be any issues. I am a Rroda after all.” Kiel smiled icily.

  Rhur delightedly took the opportunity to strike another blow: “Well said. If a Rroda couldn’t pass the exam, it would be downright embarrassing. Do your best, little brother, otherwise, if grandfather isn’t satisfied with your performance… even if I pleaded for you, I would be unable to help you escape punishment.”

  When did you ever plead for my sake?! You’d pretend to help only to pin more crimes on my head! Kiel snorted internally, however, outwardly he smiled. “Thank you, brother, for your kind intentions. Please be at ease. I won’t disappoint grandfather. In fact, I might even beat your score.” Kiel winked.

  Just you wait. I’d like to see your face when I actually do beat your score.

  As the two were bantering, the waiter returned with two expensive looking wine bottles and proceeded to serve it to everyone, before once again walking out of the room.

  Rhur laughed merrily, unaware that Kiel’s words weren’t just attempts to save face. “That’s the spirit! If you set me as your goal you won’t go astray.”

  Kiel’s laughter joined Rhur’s. “Older brother is indeed something else… Unfortunately, I am afraid that I won’t be able to follow in your footsteps. Our views and aspirations don’t match.”

  “Indeed.” Rhur brought his glass up in a cheering motion before putting it to his lips and taking a slow sip.

  The wine had a sweet taste and simply melted in one’s mouth. Rhur had to admit it was one of the finest wines he had ever tried.

  How come I’ve never heard of such a fine wine? Rhur wondered. He didn’t even remember seeing it on the menu. He couldn’t help but reevaluate Elaru Wayvin. She wasn’t a noble, but her taste in wine was exquisite. Perhaps she often hanged around nobles?

  But then, how come he had never seen her before? He participated in all of the major parties and balls. He would surely not forget such a beauty if he had seen her before. He had never even heard of the Wayvin family.

  Rhur’s mind wondered only for a moment before he remembered that he was supposed to be putting his little brother down: “Luckily only a single person can become the head of the family, so little brother won’t be required to shoulder the burden. Otherwise, you might be forced to walk the same difficult path as me.”

  Rhur then let out a sad sigh, as if being deemed as the next head of the family was an incomparably tragic matter. He looked at Elaru pitifully, blinking his long eyelashes, doing his best to invoke sympathy.

  To Rhur’s delight and Kiel’s shock, Elaru responded by giving Rhur a comforting and understanding gaze. “Don’t feel discouraged. The difficult times will pass eventually.”

  Kiel clenched his fists so hard his knuckles turned white. Elaru continued: “Once you take over as the family head, you will be able to relax and pluck flowers as much as you want.”

  Kiel’s head snapped towards Elaru in shock and Rhur almost choked on his wine. His cheeks reddened as he tried his best not to burst out into a violent coughing fit.

  When people gossiped about Rhur Rroda, they often spoke venomous words, such as him being a flower boy or that he liked deflowering girls. When they mentioned “plucking flowers” they were naturally referring to Rhur bedding innocent and pure girls, thus taking away their virginity.

  Elaru’s pure and innocent facial expression was in complete contrast with the indecent, blunt words coming from her mouth.

  She had been behaving quite elegantly up to now, if Rhur didn’t know better he would have thought her to be of noble origin, yet who would have thought that a moment later she would speak such inappropriate things??

  Rhur’s eyes widened as he stared at Elaru, whose face showed no indication that she had just spoken out of line. Ayah also stared, gaping like a fish. Kiel was first to recover from the shock. He pretended to cough gently, but was actually stifling his laughter.

  His laughter seemed to wake up Rhur from his daze. Rhur smiled wryly and let out an awkward laugh. “One can’t believe everything they hear. There are a lot of nonsense rumors out there. A few days back I heard a rumor saying that I am the most powerful warlock in the entire second year student body of Muni. People exaggerate a lot. I am only in the top 5.”

  Rhur attempted to salvage the situation, while still not missing the opportunity to brag. One had to hand it to him, it took considerable skill to pass off bragging as modesty and to twist a detrimental situation into a beneficial one.

  There was a reason why his infamous reputation never did anything to lessen his success with the ladies. By interacting with him, one would get an impression that he was a refined, talented and smart young master. Even when he flirted openly, he never went over the line and always acted the role of a perfect gentleman.

  When women actually met him face to face, it was quite hard for them to believe him to be the same man the rumors spoke about. They would easily reach the conclusion that the rumors were exaggerated, unfounded or far from the truth.

  While Rhur Rroda was a very alluring man, he made it look as if none of his seductive actions were intentional. When he courted women, he made one believe that he indeed cared deeply for them. Even when he discarded them, he did it in an incomparably graceful manner.

  Even though everyone was aware of how quickly Rhur Rroda lost interest in his women, changing them more often than some people changed socks, he was still extremely popular with both males and females. He was so good at playing the role of a dark lupax that the white pechuhs found him too irresistible and would present themselves on a silver platter, ready to be eaten.

  However, none of his friends were aware that this seemingly honest albeit frivolous gentleman was a liar and an actor of the highest caliber.

  It was one of the reasons why Venric Rroda chose to ignore his frivolous behavior and appointed him as the future family head over all of his other cousins of similar age.

  Elaru’s eyes widened and she looked at Rhur as if he had said a rather surprising thing. “Oh? You don’t like flowers?”

  Rhur blinked his long black eyelashes repeatedly, unsure of where the current conversation was heading towards.

  Elaru then proceeded to cover her mouth in what seemed to be shock. She looked at him strangely and mur
mured. “I.. See… so you are…”

  It took a few seconds for the people present to realize what that strange look of hers meant.

  Kiel’s mouth twitched into a satisfied smirk, while Rhur’s soft smile froze on his face. She is insinuating that I am gay??

  Rhur’s face paled. He didn’t mind if people called him a playboy, but he couldn’t stand being called gay. It was one thing if women came onto him, but what if someone started the rumor that he was gay and men started coming onto him instead??

  Rhur shivered. Considering how seductive he was, no doubt there would be a horde of men fighting for his favor. A mere thought of it caused Rhur to feel queasy down to his stomach.

  Not only that, but if girls thought he was gay, then they wouldn’t see his flirting attempts as flirting but just him as acting friendly. How would he then proceed to seduce women in the future??

  Therefore, Rhur rushed to correct the statement, least anyone started spreading that he also had an interest in men. “No! What I mean to say is that I like flowers as much as the next guy. However, the rumors are highly exaggerated, there is no “plucking” involved.”

  Elaru’s strange gaze turned approving. “Ah, I see. That’s great.” She nodded. “I hate guys who pluck flowers. Flowers should be cared for, not plucked.”

  How can she speak of such things with a straight face??

  Rhur felt highly uncomfortable with the current subject. “Indeed.” He murmured and opened his mouth again to try changing the subject.

  However, before he could continue speaking, Elaru interrupted him: “What kind of flowers do you like the most? Roses? Lilies? …Chrysanthemums?”

  Kiel barely managed to resist puking his wine out in a burst of laughter. Isn’t chrysanthemum slang term for anus? He had the urge to applaud. Elaru’s execution was simply too perfect.

  At this point, Rhur started sweating. There was simply no right answer to this question. He better change the subject. “So, little brother…”


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