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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 9

Page 7

by Nikhil Parekh

  When I wore a cap of pricelessly benevolent solidarity; all that my brain could ever believe; was that there was no strength greater than the fortress of celestially amalgamated humanity; which confronted even the most tyrannically uncouth of impediments; with the grace of a victoriously brandishing prince,

  When I wore a cap of exuberantly exhilarating air; all that my brain could ever feel; was that the chapter of life perpetually proliferating upon this boundless planet; the royally Omnipotent desire to forever live; and let live,

  And when I wore a cap of my immortally sacred beloved; all that my brain could ever think; was the perennially Omnipresent garden of amiable sharing; the most invincible element of creation; called timeless love .

  23. 2 HEARTS 

  Just because 2 scarlet clouds clashed vehemently with each other in the firmament of fathomless sky; doesn’t inevitably apply; that torrential cloudbursts of rain would pelt down in ferocious tandem; left; right and center,

  Just because 2 exotically fragrant roses kissed each other under dazzling rays of the Sun and exuberant breeze; doesn’t inevitably apply; that even the most remotest cranny of gigantically colossal Universe; was besieged with  profusely overpowering scent,

  Just because 2 crimson skins poignantly intermingled with each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that all disdainful discrimination round the earth; uninhibitedly mélanges with the religion of humanity,

  Just because 2 virile seeds romantically juxtaposed with each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that every cranny of the famished earth; would blossom into perennial prosperity and unassailable happiness,

  Just because 2 undulating waves ebulliently swirled with each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that unfathomable fireballs of piquant salt; ubiquitously sprinkled across all disastrously beleaguered quarters of this endless Universe,

  Just because 2 fervent helmets crashed with unsurpassable ardor with each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that sparks of boundless euphoria flew upon every lackadaisical corner; of the discordantly wailing graveyard,

  Just because 2 frigid avalanches of ice beautifully caressed each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that ever iota of acrimoniously sweltering heat; metamorphosed into a astoundingly placated goodness,

  Just because 2 philanthropic palms impregnably united in threads of profound martyrdom; doesn’t inevitably apply; that all barbaric bloodshed on this manipulatively savage planet; transforms into symbiotically glittering harmony,

  Just because 2 impeccable eyes indefatigably stared at each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that tumultuous thunderbolts of insatiable compassion; are generated in every morbidly solitary corpse; of the pugnaciously stinking graveyard,

  Just because 2 rhapsodic rivers amicably merged with each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that all murderously fighting tribes across the planet; bountifully coalesced into strings of perpetually sparkling humanity,

  Just because 2 flaming rays intractably adhered to each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that every pathetically tyrannized speck of blackness on this astronomically incomprehensible earth; would convert into spell binding light and righteousness,

  Just because 2 ecstatic voices unflinchingly merged with each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that even the most obliviously sordid bout of despondent silence; culminates into ardently awe inspiring and melodiously enchanting artistry,

  Just because 2 resplendently shimmering pearls bounced against each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that even the most ghastliest of sinister darkness; is perennially illuminated with majestically scintillating shine,

  Just because 2 intriguingly intrepid brains amalgamated with each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that every stagnating curtain of disastrously vengeful gloom on this globe; fulminates into a mountain of invincible freshness,

  Just because 2 colossal treasuries chivalrously mixed with each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that all abominably crippling poverty in the savagely lambasted

  atmosphere; culminated into a paradise of gorgeously blazing enthrallment,

  Just because 2 humanitarian streams of enthusiastic blood blended with each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that all horrendously racial discrimination and parasites on the globe; would incredulously foster the principles of eternal mankind,


  Just because 2 volatile bits of truth rhetorically shook hands with each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that even the most salaciously bereaved conscience’s on monotonously diabolical soil; blossomed into irrefutably sacrosanct islands of benevolence,

  Just because 2 ingratiating pools of breath synergistically bonded with each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that even the most devilishly diseased of organisms; perpetually continued to exist for centuries immemorial,

  But Just because 2 passionately palpitating hearts immortally entrenched in the fireball of unending togetherness; it does inevitably apply; that all dastardly cowardliness on this earth comes to an abrupt end; all ominously bad is eventually decimated by the Omnipotent light of love; love and only unconquerable love .


  It was a day; when even the most pathetically blowing and orphaned winds; seemed like compassionately glorious tornado’s of unending excitement,

  It was a day; when even the most insidiously ghastly gutters; seemed like the voluptuously blossoming roses; of unbelievably unsurpassable exhilaration,

  It was a day; when even the most lackadaisically morbid of stones; seemed to be bouncing in vivacious freshness; towards the fathomlessly crimson carpets of

  brilliant sky,

  It was a day; when even the most despairingly gloomy dungeons; seemed like the blazingly scintillating and fragrant walls; of eternal paradise,

  It was a day; when even the most frigidly frozen avalanches of brutal ice; seemed like majestically compassionate fireballs of handsomely comforting light,

  It was a day; when even the most maniacal bouts of inexplicable frustration; seemed like rhapsodically jubilant and poignant happiness,

  It was a day; when even the most torrentially bombing cloudbursts of insanity; seemed like a gregariously innocuous towel of ever-pervading humanity,

  It was a day; when even the most despondently despicable of failures; seemed like irrefutably triumphant winds of a flamboyantly indomitable victory,

  It was a day; when even the most painstaking boring and invidious hours of the acrimoniously sweltering day; seemed like the most exuberantly gorgeous moments

  of princely existence,

  It was a day; when even the most horrendously distorted faces of ungainly disdain; seemed like a grandiloquently seductive princess; philandering ebulliently in the aisles of unprecedented desire,

  It was a day; when even the most perilously baffling enigmas of salaciously uncouth survival; seemed to be the most dexterously rhetoric solutions; wholesomely

  metamorphosing the complexion of sordidly dull mankind,

  It was a day; when even the most acerbically intolerable of gory maladies; seemed like unassailable panacea’s to holistically uplift; all tyrannically divested and crippling mankind,

  It was a day; when even the most horrifically disgusting maelstrom of blatant lies; seemed to be like the marvelously Omnipresent sword of unconquerable truth,

  It was a day; when even the most conventionally lambasting fraternity of the turgidly manipulative society; seemed like enchantingly magnanimous patrons of; insatiably intrepid artistry,

  It was a day; when even the most irascibly coldblooded monsters indiscriminately pulverizing around; seemed like poignantly mesmerizing angels; having just

  descended from the sky,

  It was a day; when even the most diabolically austere predictions of an unwanted catastrophe; seemed like an unsurpassable showering of blessings from the lap

  of the Creator Divine,

  It was a day; when even the most lugubriously dithering and delinquent snails; seemed like ecstatically galloping
martyrs of vividly enamoring patriotism,

  It was a day; when even the most perfidiously obnoxious anecdotes of betrayal; seemed like perennial entrenchments of blissfully emphatic sharing and relationships,

  It was a day; when even the most sullenly withering and mutilated bones; seemed like vivaciously resplendent colors of the heavenly rainbow; amidst the flamingly mystical beams of cloud and Sun,

  It was a day; when even the most sardonically ghastly vials of lethally devastating poison; seemed like profusely chivalrous and mouthwatering bars of supreme


  It was a day; when even the most brutally shattered and rusty glass; seemed like the most splendidly gorgeous portrayal of harmoniously opalescent mankind,

  It was a day; when even the most stonily disastrous and vindictively remorseful corpses; seemed like an incomprehensibly piquant valley of pricelessly aristocratic life,

  It was a day; when even the most barbarically penalizing destiny; seemed like the most invincibly ultimate endowments from the Lord divine,

  O! Yes it was unequivocally the most beautifully fragrant day of our lives; it was a day when we first came to know each other only to unite as an impregnable spirit for infinite more births yet to come; it was a day when even the most belligerent of

  badness had transformed into the vital elixir of life for us; O! yes it was a day when we had fallen passionately in love .


  When I remember you; I always look at the scintillating Sun; as it was in its profoundly blazing rays; that I irrefutably sighted your wonderfully Omnipotent eyes; empathizing with all humanity,

  When I remember you; I always look at the vivaciously exhilarating rainbow; as it was in its intriguingly spell binding vivacity; that I irrefutably sighted your robustly princely facial contours,

  When I remember you; I always look at the resplendently twinkling stars; as it was in their exotically seductive shimmer; that I irrefutably sighted your philanthropically smiling lips,

  When I remember you; I always look at the timelessly evergreen meadows; as it was in their mystically exuberant dewdrops; that I irrefutably sighted your handsomely impeccable skin,

  When I remember you; I always look at the enthrallingly fathomless skies; as it was in their boundlessly bountiful vastness; that I irrefutably sighted your invincibly Omnipotent form,

  When I remember you; I always look at the ravishingly ebullient ocean; as it was in its tantalizingly frothy waves; that I irrefutably sighted your spirit of intrepidly magical adventure,

  When I remember you; I always look at the vividly rustling breeze; as it was in its euphorically unsurpassable enthusiasm; that I irrefutably sighted your miraculously enlightening touch,

  When I remember you; I always look at the unassailably towering mountains; as it was in their indomitably scintillating peaks; that I irrefutably sighted your fearlessly Omniscient stride,

  When I remember you; I always look at the freshly born and innocuous infant; as it was in its incredulously impeccable wails; that I irrefutably sighted your perennially unending chapter; of blissfully timeless creation,

  When I remember you; I always look at the torrentially rhapsodic rain; as it was in its perpetually endowing beauty; that I irrefutably sighted your magnanimously unprecedented blessings to one and all; living kind,

  When I remember you; I always look at the ecstatically unfathomable gorge; as it was in its celestially endless enchantment; that I irrefutably sighted your Omnisciently blessing shadow,

  When I remember you; I always look at the marvelously majestic fireball of truth; as it was in its unconquerably fragrant ardor; that I irrefutably sighted your benevolently princely voice,

  When I remember you; I always look at the vividly bustling beehive of life; as it was in its melodiously harmonious sweetness; that I irrefutably sighted your impregnable demeanor enveloped with the scent of priceless humanity,

  When I remember you; I always look at the beautifully mesmerizing roses; as it was in their stupendously righteous and triumphant scent; that I irrefutably sighted your majestically Omnipresent aura; for times immemorial,

  When I remember you; I always look at the heavenly sapphire crested nightingale; as it was in its unbelievably benign and soothing voice; that I irrefutably sighted your gloriously Omnipotent and unparalleled artistry,

  When I remember you; I always look at the godly cradle of uninhibited forgiveness; as it was in its divinely virtue to condone all inadvertently wrong; that I irrefutably sighted your holistically everlasting soul,

  When I remember you; I always look at the sprouting of the eternally romantic seasons; as it was in their astoundingly rejuvenating newness; that I irrefutably

  sighted your insurmountably tireless elements of symbiotic creation,

  When I remember you; I always look at the unlimited infernos of compassionately eclectic breath; as it was in their poignantly unshakable vibrancy; that I irrefutably sighted your astonishingly divine chapter of perpetual proliferation,

  And when I remember you; I always look at the victoriously throbbing heart; as it was in its ardently immortal beats of love; that I irrefutably sighted your ingratiating persona; it was in its formidable passion that I sighted your wonderfully revolving Universe .

  26. THIRSTY 

  The acrimoniously sweltering sands of the blistering desert; were perpetually thirsty for; unfathomably sparkling tumblers; of heavenly rain water,

  The somberly drying stalks of obsoletely dilapidated grass; were intransigently thirsty for; a vivacious kaleidoscope; of resplendently twinkling dewdrops,

  The sardonically corrugated and rotting walls of the disastrous graveyard; were insatiably thirsty for; an unsurpassably vibrant entrenchment; of perennially blossoming life,

  The pathetically sullen stillness of the murderously quiet valley; was irrevocably thirsty for; an ebulliently mesmerizing cloud; of melodiously enchanting whistles,

  The ludicrously scattered and orphaned nestles of the solitarily empty nest; were profusely thirsty for; an impeccable festoon; of compassionately innocuous eggs,

  The diabolically worthless skeletons of bizarrely insipid bones; were relentlessly thirsty for; a veritably vital blanket; of crimson blood and boisterous life,

  The preposterously gloomy and insidious dungeons; were profoundly thirsty for; an incomprehensibly endless sky; of celestially optimistic light,

  The placidly derogatory surface of the lugubriously stagnant pond; was irretrievably thirsty for; an exuberantly enthusing splash; of ravishingly sparkling waves,

  The mercilessly thrashed and hopelessly abraded palms; were ardently thirsty for; a marvelously royal globe; of inscrutably magnificent destiny lines,

  The ominous periphery of the cloud camouflaged sky; was fervently thirsty for; a glitteringly crystalline garden; of opalescently beaming and amicable stars,

  The miserably dusty attic horrendously besieged with sinister cobwebs; was indefatigably thirsty for; an aristocratically blooming civilization; of ubiquitously unending freshness,

  The abominably fretting and horrifically stinking gutters; were tirelessly thirsty for; rhapsodically euphoric galleries; of ecstatically jubilant scent,

  The languidly indolent and preposterously slow tortoise; were unimaginably thirsty for; tumultuously triumphant thunderbolts; of ebulliently galloping speed,

  The desolately neglected and gruesomely corrugated roads; were intractably

  greedy for; rambunctiously bustling pyrotechnics; of flamboyantly gallivanting traffic,

  The tyrannically whipped contours of haplessly bruised flesh; were unfathomably thirsty for; compassionately silken waterfalls; of priceless empathy and love,

  The miserably devastated corridors of the uncouthly bedraggled brain; were

  unconquerably thirsty for; enthrallingly spell binding clouds; of tantalizingly serene fantasy,

  The ruthlessly frozen avalanches of stringently condensed ice; were incorrigibly
thirsty for; passionately overwhelming fireballs; of blazingly sparkling heat,

  The gorily mutilated and savagely punctured lungs; were unstoppably thirsty for; an everlastingly evergreen garden; of exotically enamoring and evolving breath,

  The salaciously corrupt and manipulatively treacherous corpses of lies; were

  irrefutably thirsty for; a tenaciously unflinching and philanthropic; harbinger of truth,

  And the dormitories of my despondently impoverished heart; were unsurpassably thirsty for; the invincibly divine mists; of brilliantly pacifying and immortal love .



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