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The Source

Page 11

by Dale Broda, Jr

as she moved by him, splashing into the river. He was going to warn her about the sprite but then what good would that do? It seemed to want to help her. That was…unusual.

  It had known her name too.

  “Why didn’t it stop my magic?” She dipped the spear into the water, watching the current part and swirl around it. “Why didn’t they stop my magic from taking them?” He just stared at her. The glow around her was new. He closed his eyes, rubbing at them. It helped.

  When he looked, the glow was still there but fading.

  What…ahh hells. The water sprite.

  What had that little thing put into him?

  How…well, magic of some kind. Why does it make her glow?

  “You’re asking the wrong person, tart.”


  He didn’t respond as he moved about, concentrating on grabbing his belongings. So much he had recently acquired. The catkin might have had some interesting things on them but, they were swept away, somewhere down the river. He sighed at the loss of his daggers, still buried in the one no doubt.

  Standing on the bank, he watched the little tart posed, spear raised. With a flash, she speared a rather large trout of some kind. She let out a little triumphant hoot. “Breakfast?” She asked, smiling at him. She didn’t seem to realize there was a glow over her.

  Then, it’s probably only my vision of her that’s been changed. I don’t like that.

  He blinked it away as best as he could, sending a glare at the water as he stepped in.

  I don’t like that at all…

  Was that a small laugh he heard? A silvery flash just there, a little out of sight?

  “Bah.” He began muttering as he crossed. The tart stood there, holding her kill up proudly. When he didn’t react, she let out a little puff of air and followed him. Still, she held her prize up before her.

  I don’t like this at all! What did that little–

  “What are those?” She asked. He glanced at her, followed her pointing finger to flashing metal.

  My my, isn’t that interesting. I wonder?

  He waded as quickly as possible to the flickering objects and, sure enough, they were daggers. His daggers. Standing upright in mocking salute. There he saw the sprite without doubt. There, a wink, a laugh, gone.

  He stood for a time, looking at the daggers. How did they get back here?

  “Are those yours? How did they get here?” She asked.

  He frowned, scratched his chin, decided to accept this gift. “Luck?” He mumbled.

  Thank you, little one.

  Did he just thank the sprite?

  Grumbling, he pushed on.

  As they reached the far bank, a small clear patch before the woods proper, he turned and set up some cooking stones that flared with fire. He watched the girl, waiting.

  She frowned, looking from the fish to him. “I’m…uhm…” her frown deepened. “I don’t know…”

  He whipped out his dagger and took the fish. “Watch and learn.” He cut swiftly and surely. Moving as fast as possible, watching the girl try to keep track. Her face darkened as he moved even faster. A small frown. Finally, she met his amused stare.

  Her frown deepened. “You’re doing that on purpose. Is this fun for you? Fun to tease an innocent little–”

  “If you say girl, I will slap you.”

  “I…” she turned away from him, crossing her arms. “Bah! Mule, have it your way. Treat me as you will. In the end, you are helping me.”

  Her snorted. “After we reach the village, you’re on your own.” He slapped the fish onto the cooking stones. “Now get over here and watch these. You can do that much, yes?”

  Her angry snort assured him she could. Or at least thought she could. He let her bull her way in, beside the cooking fish. He stood, painfully, and hobbled off.


  “No worries. I’m just going to rest against that tree there.”

  She stared. “More rest? Haven’t you had enough?” She pulled some kind of tool from her satchel. “You’ll sleep away days at this rate. How am I–”

  He stopped her wit ha motion. “This is sleep, tart. Restful sleep. Not passed out from fighting or having your head bashed sleep.” He glanced at her. “I need it.”

  She shrugged, working over the fish. “If you say so.”

  “Is that safe, sweets?” Mayla sounded worried.

  “Of course it is. What’s the worst that can happen out here? I’m across the river. The grass won’t try to eat me. The water doesn’t hold any mischievous little devils out to get me…again…and that looks very very soft.”

  “When one is close to the veil, as you are now, you never know what might come next.”

  He frowned. Veil? Did she mean death? He felt a small smile. “I’m not overly worried about that.” He reached the tree, touching soft bark reverently. It was a rare sight, this one. Green moss, more like fur, coated the heavily crowned tree.

  It was thought to have magical abilities for healing, as well as restoring sexual potency in men and women. Thus, it had been hunted to near extinction. This old one was here alone among all the other trees.

  All alone.

  Like me, eh old one?

  “Can’t really be hunted if it’s a tree, my sweet.” Mayla said.

  “True enough. But–”

  “Are you talking to yourself again?” The tart called.

  Mayla let out a soft laugh. He sighed. Turning, he let his back hit the tree and his weight drag him down onto his rump. He felt relaxed at once. Opening up the bag he carried, he began rifling through the vials again. He found the one he wanted. His own vial. A bright pink liquid shimmered within.

  “That will kill you, you know.” Mayla said.

  “Yes.” He popped the topper, the smell of berries and a hint of something foul hit his nose. He inhaled deeply. Smiling, he gulped it, used his finger to clean out the vial before stashing it away. It hit at once. The burn spread through his body, carrying away all his pain and weariness. Working its way into wiping his thoughts.

  Sighing, he let his head fall to his chest as his mind continued on, down down deep into the ground.


  Dreams. Dreams of things that were. Dreams of things that might be. Dreams were the gift of the liquid he had drank. Dreams and forgetfulness all at once.

  This is magic.


  The girl? Was she talking to him?

  Sorry kid, I’m not leaving this haven.

  But he would, it was impossible to stay. He found himself in a world of red and blue hues. As time went on, infinite amounts of time, he began to drift away.

  A smell tugged at him.


  The fish floated in front of him, held out on some kind of metal weapon.

  “…ds….ertg…” whatever he said, it didn’t make sense. He opened his mouth as a small laugh escaped. Before he could close his mouth, he felt something thrust in.


  The fish was good. Seasoned oddly…but good. He chewed it slowly, eyes wandering up the metal weapon to the strange creature that held it. The thing was glowing white, topped with fire. Two unblinking eyes of the strangest color he had seen narrowed at him.

  A shake of its head sent bits of fire into the sky around it.

  “ooo…” Smiling, he watched the little flares float around in the air, following various colors and changing others.

  What is that smell?

  Fish was in front of him again.

  Again he took it, chewing it slowly. Smiling happily. The strange creature that was feeding him tilted its head, something came–


  Why do I know that sound?

  “…insane…” A snort. The beautiful creature held out another cut of that wonderful tasting fish. Smiling, he tried to thank it.

  “Gah!” It felt odd to have those warm hands on him as the creature, whatever kind of being it was, wiped his chin. As it started
to move, he gripped its hands in his own.

  “…doing!?” He just smiled as he held the hands to his cheek. It had been so very long since anyone that was warm had been this close.

  This is not a place I will be leaving. Gods let me stay here. I deserve this–

  “Do you?” Mayla sounded amused. Blinking, he saw he held her hands. She was the only thing solid in this wavering world of color and sound. She smiled, shaking her head.

  “What?” He was surprised the words were so clear.

  “You do know how close you are to vanishing into this drug induced land, yes?”

  Drug induced? Oh. Right. I forgot about the plant venom. Damn.

  A sigh escaped. “What of it?”

  She knelt next to him, her warm, wondrous eyes understanding. “My sweet…my poor little sweets… you know this is not the way. You know it.”

  “I’m tired, Mayla. So tired.”

  “So? Get your ass up, force your mind and body onward till you can no longer move. Once you are done, then you will be with us again.” Her brow was warm as she touched his head with her own. “With me again.”

  Why do I have to wait? Why…

  “Your time is not done yet I’m afraid.” Mayla smiled as she pulled away, drifting up into the winds. “Is the way ever done?”


  “Is life easy?”


  “Do you want to let life end with a whimper, instead of a roar?”

  “Hells no!”

  “Then wake up, sweets. Wake up and help the girl.”

  “Who…” Oh yes. The girl. The tart.

  “Help her and you will find peace at the end. What’s one more day of living hell to such as us?”

  What can one say to that?

  Mayla slowly dissipated into the colors and winds, leaving only her smile.

  And the creature. That strange pale being.


  Ah. The brat.

  Closing his eyes, he let the drug take him through space and

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