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The Source

Page 17

by Dale Broda, Jr


  What? Oh. Haha.

  He shook his head as he stood behind a tree to relieve himself. Smart ass kid. If she is a kid. In her lands, a ten year old may be considered an adult for all he knew. And her figure, budding woman at first encounter, now seemed…more?

  “You still with us?” The squeaky voice stopped him mid-stream. He looked at the tree before him as two silver eyes opened. Part of the bark, shaped like a little woman, moved. “This is the day. It won’t be exciting. It won’t be a giant climax. Today is just the end. Are you with us?”

  What the hells is this?

  Was his first thought.

  “Dryad?” It was partially a question. What else could this be?

  “Indeed.” It moved along the tree. Now that he saw it clearly, he could see it was not alone. Were they camouflaged that well or were they under the bark? It was hard to tell.

  “I’m here aren’t I?” Somehow, he managed to continue pissing. This time he held a grim smile as he aimed at those creatures closer to the ground. They scrambled out of the way sending up little howls.

  That damn girl and her damn magic.

  Who else?

  Oh yes, that Gods be damned water spirte!

  It was that poke in his eye that gave him this gift. Had to be.

  “So you will finish what you have begun?” The silver eyes never blinked.

  “Again…I’m here aren’t I? I’ll finish it.”

  Then I can finally go home to my friends. My love.

  “I believe you human.” The dryad moved slowly. “Never forget, you are being watched. This is a matter far more vast than you could ever–”

  “Yeah yeah.” Shake. “Too much for my tiny man brain. Whatever. Just leave me be.” He finished in peace. Coming around the tree, Gen turned her head, face flushed.


  “I heard all that. You could have went further away.” She wouldn’t meet his eye.

  Serves her right.

  A little embarrassment for all the hell I’m going through when I should be laying out there in the plains on that hill peacefully waiting for death? Serves her right.

  “Are you ready?” He asked. It was tough keeping his tone neutral.

  She nodded.

  “Then off we go.” He took the lead down the old, overgrown and bumpy path. He knew where they were headed now. He didn’t need the red magic fog near the ground to guide him. He’d get her there.

  Oh yes.

  And after, well, there was no after.



  “Yeah.” Wow being an understatement.

  “And that’s where we need to go?”

  “Yes.” He shook his head. Damn.

  “Oh my.” The girl looked at him. Her eyes, for the first time, unsure.

  He could have said something smart. Could have mocked her. But looking at the camp around the dark well, he was pretty much out of anything witty.

  “Souc’lla.” The girl repeated it perfectly. “The Source. Is it,” she looked unsure. “…is it this place or that…that…”

  “Old Well?” He finished for her. He didn’t know for sure. No one really came here, it was only spoken of by few and even then, they weren’t sure. Was it just that simple looking well? “I’m not sure, but considering all the things around it,” strange, it really didn’t look that different. Looked like any other well he had seen. “I’d say it has to be Souc’lla.” He frowned. “Source. Just call it Source I guess. Souc’… Souc’lla… is hard on the tongue.”

  Whatever opposed this Source of hers had already brought its forces out as fast as it could to this very place. No doubt more were quickly on their way. Maybe it was a good thing this was so far out of the way. But then…

  Were all those attacks just to slow us down? Smart.

  It made sense to his warrior side. But his common side was just plain anxious at this point. This seemed pretty damned important. What was the Source and, more importantly, what was its opponent? Source vs Source? What? It didn’t make sense. To get this many things here in such a short amount of time seemed impossible. Yet, there they were.

  The strange, three armed cat things he had fought. What were they called again?

  “Catkin.” She whispered. He nodded without looking.

  Antia hunters? Joy. But not as many as they had already killed.

  Not shocking, considering the distance they had to travel. Then again, the catkin seemed pretty numerous. Did they just move faster?

  Mostly, it was men.

  Oh…and those.

  “By the Source,” Gen whispered. “What are those?”

  “Dragon Spawn.” He couldn’t believe how many of those were down there. More than he’d ever seen anywhere else. They towered over the lesser folk.

  “Dragon Spawn?” She glanced at him.

  He shrugged. “Name that seems to fit them and they, in turn, don’t seem to mind.” They were the unfortunate offspring of a human and dragon’s pairing. Carrying the most dangerous and powerful abilities of both dragon and human. Upon a time, they were all mages. Dragons, back when they were many, used true magic. They could transform. Take human shape. Walk amongst the cattle that was man. These poor orphans were the result.

  But as magic died, so did they. No more hiding. Even the cattle can overrun the wolf given time and numbers.

  They stood two men tall at the least and without access to magic, they looked like dragons crunched down into human shape. No wings. No magic. No way to keep their human appearance.

  Deadly and powerful and fast all the same.

  And probably packing enough magical artifacts on each of them to defeat an army by themselves. I lead a blessed life…

  “They are thought to be immortal.” He grinned. “But they can die as easily as any mortal creature. They are just…” He paused.

  “Tough?” She asked.

  “You could say that.” He counted at least two dozen. He’d never seen that many in one place at one time. They stayed away from most battles, trying to keep secluded until magic returned to the land and they could reclaim their former glory.

  “‘Die as any mortal’. So, I’m guessing you have fought them?” She shook her head. “You fought them? I’m not shocked. Is there any creature you have come across that you haven’t killed?”

  He looked at her, thought of mentioning the catkin and decided against it. “I haven’t killed you.” He slid back down the slight rise as she began muttering in her own tongue.

  “Ok my mule headed, stinky footed warrior…” she crossed her arms. Was she afraid? “What now? I have to reach that well.” Gen glanced up at the sky. “Today.” Her eyes, when they looked into his, were awash with color. He had ignored the entire glowy thing around her for the last few hours but it was much brighter now than it had ever been.

  The Source readying her for one last use?

  As he watched, the light around her swirled upwards…

  Is that a face?

  …what had seemed a face blinked slowly at him before flowing back over Gen. He studied her. It wasn’t his imagination before, she had changed. As the Source rippled over her, it was also sliding smoothly into her eyes and nose and mouth as she breathed.

  Is it emanating from her? Or is it just filling her?

  Sometimes it looks like she is producing it. Other times, she seems like a sponge. Sucking it into herself.

  What are you Gen?

  Right now, at this moment, she was no child. She had filled out like any woman. She was, as he had feared, beautiful in his eyes now. Her eyes blazing colors so warmly over him. Her hair a rainbow of dancing hues. Shades that were hard to name twisting in and out, around and around. Was she an angel or devil on a mission? And he was her companion in this madness?

  Why not?

  When he blinked, she was just Gen again.

  “What are you looking at? Have you heard a word I’ve said?” She hmphed at him, shaking her head. “Keep your fo
cus. We need to figure out how to get to–”

  “We fight.” He shrugged, beginning to pull out his weapons to take count. One last battle? Considering the force, it seemed likely.

  Thank the Gods and Devils for this at least. I get to go out as is my destiny. Fighting.

  “I–” She sounded scared.

  “Did you think it’d be a walk to sou–to the well?” He laughed when he saw her answer. “Gen, things like this never end that easily. Not yet. It will be tough, bloody, brutal and then…it will just end. Just like that. That’s how journey’s end.” He snapped his fingers. “Just like that. No drawn out and thoughtful look back. Not here. Not in a bloody battle. It just–” he shrugged. “–ends.” He glanced at her. “Hells, I probably won’t even live long enough to know what this Source does. That’s life Gen. It ends and those left behind must come up with their own answers.”

  Seeing her for the girl she was. Seeing her for the being the Source was powering. He didn’t know which was truly her but he felt now was his chance to join his lost ones.


  “Y–you’re happy about this? You are looking forward to dying!” She sounded offended. “Leaving those that care about you–” she took a breath. “…leaving those that care about you behind?”

  “Gen.” He smiled sadly as he went through his weapons of choice. “No one is left for me. No one. All that did care,” he sighed. “they were taken long ago girl.”

  He nodded towards her little satchel. “Best pull out what ya got, girl. Any weapon or potion that will get you to the well.” Damn. Even the shield bracelets were gone. Not as many daggers as he had hoped either. He held his little crossbow. Nothing. Sadly, he set it aside. After so many battles together, it would just hinder here.

  So…just daggers? He shrugged after a time. Wouldn’t be the first time he was under equipped. One battle had ended with bony, bloody fists alone.

  I wonder if I’m insane to be feeling this way?

  He smiled as a familiar shiver ran through him. A battle. A no win situation. Again. How he loved them. But this time, he knew he’d not come out unharmed. This was it.

  I’m fine with that.

  “You are happy about this!” Gen sounded scared. Or mad? Hard to tell. “You are insane.”

  “No, Gen. I’m–” He stopped to think about it. “Maybe I am.” He looked at her, he could see his smile reflected in those large eyes of hers. “This is what my life is, Gen. Battle. This is what I know. This is how I will go. I will go on to all those that have went before me. At last.” He sighed happily. “No way we’re making it through this.” He calmly began lining up vials of liquid.

  Everything or nothing, no middle ground here.

  “I thought you said there was only black oblivion after life?” He paused. Did he say that? Sometimes he was confused…

  “Yes you said it. I…I don’t want to die.” She sounded afraid. Sad. “I haven’t lived long enough. I haven’t lived! It’s not fair. Why did the Source have to choose me? I don’t want to die here.”

  “We all die, Gen. It just matters how we die. Here, at last, I get to die the way I want. In battle. You–” He reached out, catching her tear. “Have no fear, Gen. I’ll get you to that well.” Oh yes, he would get her there. “Maybe this Source of yours will provide for you.” A little lie wouldn’t hurt. “Maybe, for you, there will be an after. Life after this battle. It’s brought you this far hasn’t it?”

  She sniffed loudly. “Oh, so now you believe?” She didn’t mention the fact he had been calling her by name.

  “Whatever this Source of yours is trying to do, do you think it will let you down now? At the end? With me here?” She sniffed in response trying to wipe tears before he could see them. She had never really shown this side. She had always seemed completely at ease with her fate in the hands of the Source. Whatever it was.

  Good thing too, this side of her…this side could destroy my resolve.

  “Have faith Gen.” He lifted his lip in a snarl. “What do you see when you see me?” She blinked, looking at him. Before she could answer he nodded. “Blackness. Bleak. Lonely. Isn’t that what you said? A void. A scar on the land. An empty place in a lively world. This is what I was born for girl. Death. I am death. You will reach that well. No worries, Gen. With my lack of caring and–” He stopped himself from mentioning the vials of potions he was about to ingest. A toxic soup if ever there was one.

  She finally nodded, giving up to the steady, confident glare he held. “I actually believe you…mule.” She turned then, pulling things from her satchel.

  Good. I’ll need the power she can throw around while I die out there, cutting a path to that damned, strange old well.

  Looking at her out of the corner of his eye, he saw determination set in. And faith. Faith in the Source no doubt.

  She’d never have that kind of faith in me.

  He paused, lightly touching the strange colors that still swirled around his middle. Ugly colors. He still could not really feel there. Whatever it was, it was keeping him whole enough to finish this.

  Don’t let her down.

  Was he actually speaking to the Source?

  Whatever you are, devil or god, at least let me get this one through.

  The colors brightened in response.


  He got onto his knees, sliding daggers back into his sleeves. Sleeves she had somehow made just for this purpose. He glanced at her back. Creepy. How would she have known this was where they would go for battle? With rings of daggers around his arms they worked as a sort of shield. Stacked close enough, he could use his arms to swat aside blows.

  Ok…now you, you little beauties.

  He began to pick up the vials.

  “Here.” Without looking, she handed him a bowl. He took it without a word. Popping the vials created various kinds of colors and sounds. One even screamed!

  Each one had a special purpose. Speed. Strength. Perception. Even a bit of magic resistance he hoped. Some were foreign to him. Some he had snagged from Antia hunters he could only guess at their purpose.

  It didn’t matter. None were poison. He didn’t know how he knew this, he just did. As he poured them into the bowl, their colors swirled and fought, causing little rainbow tornadoes to spin this way and that in the liquid. Fighting for control. Before he was done, a small hand reached over his shoulder.

  “This will help.” The liquids she pored in looked thick, like syrup. They seemed to cause all the other colors to glow more vividly and sharply, bringing them under control.

  The colors in the bowl were still chaos, but a controlled kind of chaos.

  If there is such a– was her hand armored?

  He spun. She was dressed in some kind of black armor. Dark blue lines swirled over her, gently pulsated. It made her look…

  “A true warrior.” He nodded, chewing at his lip. “How long have you had that–” armor seemed the wrong term for something so obviously magic but, what else could you call it? “–armor?”

  “You like?” She smiled as she turned a slow circle. “How long have I had it?” Here she frowned. He nodded, guessing.

  “It just now appeared in that little magic thing of yours, eh?” She nodded. “Good. Good.” He had little doubt it would protect her from the worst of it. Maybe even–“What are you drinking?” He frowned as she emptied vials of light potions into her mouth, he could see the light sliding slowly down her throat and into her core. A little burp escaped. She blushed.

  “’scuse me.” The lines flared around her armor. Her eyes glassed over. Her hair…well…with the helmet he couldn’t really see her hair. “You take your poison mule…I take what is given. I have faith.” Her voice betrayed her. She wanted to have faith. Turning, she began to walk up the very small rise that hid them. Were her feet even touching the ground?

  Hells, she looks like she’s walking on the grass itself.

  Her weight seemed to float from one blade to the next. As sh
e moved, he watched red lines of power spill out of her. They whipped about, looking more like the tentacles of a kraken than anything. Whipping about her faster than he could see in this state.

  “Alright Mayla. I’m coming home.” He lifted the bowl to his lips and fire followed it done his throat, exploding through his body.

  He wasn’t sure how long he was lost in the black fire before realizing he was standing by the girl and all those below, every single one of them, turned on them. He saw them through a black veil. As the first man ran forward, screaming something, he flicked out a dagger.

  He watched the black fire dancing along his arm powering the dagger faster than thought. It took the man’s head off in a popping splat and passed cleanly through two that had been standing a bit behind him.

  “It’s been fun, Gen.” He looked down into those amazing pools of color. Without thinking, he gave her a quick kiss on her cheek. “As endings go, this will be a fine one. Thank you.” Turning from her blush and opening mouth, leaving before she could speak, he was lost in the trance.

  It came without effort. It came without his will. It came with a chill. And so he moved. No pain. No aches. Filling himself with the darkness that he saw all around. Feeling alive for the first time in a long time. Funny that, in feeling so alive he knew he was death. One more time.

  He was death.


  The battle that raged was one unlike anything he had ever been in before. Being in a battle was usually much the same. Some good fights. Some cheap shots. But one side more or less equal at the start. Not here.

  There is one thing in common, the whirlwind of flesh and armor and weapons and trying not to hit your own men while trying not be hit by them. At least here I’m lucky as they are all the enemy.

  Even as good as he was, wound after wound threatened to slow him, but the strange colors around his middle seemed to break away, bits of itself covering anything that was too crippling.

  Avoiding wounds was impossible. Even in his warrior trance, even with all the potions, he was only one man. One man could not hope to–

  A thunderous boom rocked them all. Red black lightning slammed into the ground, taking out countless men and beasts as it spread through them, simply passing over him without a hint of pressure. He shot a glance at the girl behind him.

  She stood atop the little rise, her arms held above her head, her voice calling out words in different languages. As some enemies bypassed him, he watched the red power whipping around her catch them and simply make them vanish. Her fingers twitched this way and that as a spout of twisting power shot from her up into the sky.

  He studied her for a heart beat. Her core glowed bright as any sun to his eyes.

  Ok, so it is more than one man fighting alone.

  He turned in time to catch a blow from a glowing Dragon Spawn. The blow sent him to the ground. Dragon Spawn were having a very deadly impact on him. While most of the others were almost stop motion slow, the Dragon Spawn were as fast and deadly as he remembered.

  He spun away, slashing at the thing’s legs. It easily leaped aside and caught him with the dull side of a massive sword. He took the blow and used the momentum to crash into a group of men.

  The Dragon Spawn came through swinging, cutting down the men without care. Its sole focus was

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