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Just One Glance (Oh Tequila Series Book 5)

Page 9

by C. A. Harms

  Emelie stood and passed her son off to Clayton.

  “Even if it’s something you don’t want to hear, at least you’ll know.”

  And with that she walked inside and left me alone with Clay. “Nothing worth your time is easy. All the great things take time and dedication.”

  Clayton had changed, I’d seen it. Hell, we’d all seen it. He chose to love a girl and her son without pause. He’d been thrust into the life of a dad and he was good at it. The love he had for Em and Ethan no one could deny.


  I stood outside of the dorm Isaac had told me Ruby’s friend Darcy lived in. Somehow setting up camp outside of the Dean’s house felt like a bad idea.

  The sounds of laughter echoed as a group of girls walked up the sidewalk. Hope shot through me that one of the girls may be Ruby but I was left disappointed. However Darcy was there.

  Standing, I gained the attention of a couple of them and one by one they slowly all saw me waiting. Darcy noticed, watched, and then a smile stretched out over her lips. She said something to the group and they all walked off, leaving her standing there alone.

  “Well, if it isn’t the infamous Jay Grady.” I didn’t bite back, instead I waited for her to give me more. “If you’re looking for Ruby, you won’t find her here.”

  “Where can I find her?”

  “You surprise me.” She ticked her tongue as she walked closer, pausing with only a few feet left between us. “I figured you’d be entertaining another female. Or is it all about the chance and your itch has not been scratched because you didn’t get in her panties, so you’re still hanging around? Holding on to that hope maybe?”

  “She won’t call me back.”

  “And you don’t know how to accept rejection.” Darcy pouted and shook her head. “All you frat boys are the same. Used to everything being so easy for you and when it’s not you just don’t know what to do with yourself.”

  “You act like you know me so well.” I tried not to grow pissed that this chick acted as though she had me all figured out.

  “You’re all the same.”

  Scorned bitch, who’d guess.

  “If she’s not calling you back, it’s because she’s not interested.”

  Coming here was a bad idea, I knew that now.

  Turning around, I started to walk away and paused when she called to my retreating back. “She actually believed for a short second that you were a sweet guy who actually wanted to get to know her.” Turning to look back at her, I fisted my hands at my sides. “That night after your date I had to remind her that all college guys are the same, they only truly wanted one thing. Ruby’s a sweet girl, and yes, I thought you would be good for her, help her face reality in a way. But now I just feel bad for sitting back letting her believe that something could develop between you and her. It’s my job as her best friend to keep her head out of the clouds.”

  “So because her best friend is a scorned bitch who got wrapped up with the wrong kind of guys you have to convince her that she’s done the same? It’s your job to make her a judgmental asshole just like you are?” I’d give it to the girl, she didn’t even flinch when I fired back. “Thank God she has you on her side, encouraging her to live her life and enjoy it. What would she do without you?”

  I didn’t waste time listening to the things she shouted after me as I walked away. What would be the point? She’d already categorized me and nothing I said or did would change that.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  “Ruby, right?” I pulled the one earbud from my ear and looked up to find a tall blond guy standing to my left. “Hey, I’m Mark.” He holds out his hand. “We have International Relations together.”

  “Hi.” I felt like I should say something in return, but honestly I just wanted to plug my ears and go back to listening to my music while scribbling in my notebook. I’d found a quiet spot beneath a shade tree that was relaxing. I was hidden from most that passed by and I’d gone back to being invisible. I’d avoided everyone and everything. Darcy even, because it was easier. She had questions I didn’t want to answer and I was a little tired of hearing her go on and on about what she thought I should be doing.

  “I wanted to introduce myself a few times but…” He shrugged as if that alone were answer enough as to why he’d never said anything to me.

  Mark was cute enough, a kind smile and fit in a swimmer guy kind of way, but all I could manage when looking at him was comparing him to the one guy I’d thought of daily since the party I wished now I’d never gone to. Things were so much simpler before I allowed myself to believe that I could attract the attention of a guy such as Jay.

  “I was wondering if you’d like to study for the upcoming finals together?” Mark sat down on the grass next to me, but not too close. “Professor Miles is tough and I’ve heard his finals are killer.”

  I’d heard the same, but mostly from my father. He and Professor Miles were friends. They were both older men who found joy in torturing others.

  “I’ve always been more focused on studying alone, I seem to absorb it more.” Honestly, no one had ever asked to be study buddies. Well, no one other than those that were struggling in a class and hoping that by pairing up I could somehow carry them to a passing grade.

  “Okay, then instead of studying, maybe we could just grab a coffee sometime. Or a pizza?”

  I started to gather my things, feeling annoyed that my quiet session had been interrupted when just over Mark’s shoulder I saw a familiar blue truck pull into an empty space. Jay climbed out of the driver’s seat and then the passenger door opened. A flash of blonde hair followed by long lean legs peeking out beyond the passenger door gained my full attention. He waited for the girl at the front of his truck.

  As she met him she said something to him and he wrapped his arm over her shoulder, dragging her off. I watched as they continued on this way and found a heaviness settling deep in my stomach.

  He wasn’t the kind of guy that settled for just one girl.

  I was reminded of Darcy’s explanation of the guy I barely knew and it hurt even more seeing how she wasn’t far off. I’d wanted to talk to him, wanted to respond, but the fear of being just another notch on his belt made me hold back.

  “If you don’t drink coffee we could just grab a soda then.” Being reminded that I was not alone pulled my attention away from Jay and I looked back to Mark, forcing a smile.

  “A coffee would be great.” It was honestly the very last thing I wanted to commit to. “How about tomorrow morning before class, maybe at eight?”

  “Eight is perfect.” Even when Mark smiled I analyzed it and it was missing that fear of Jay’s. The flash of perfect teeth, the resemblance of a dimple in his left cheek. Mark’s smile didn’t even come close to making me feel the same things as Jay’s.

  We said goodbye, making arrangements to meet at the café just outside of campus and I walked home with a heavy heart. Stepping inside my home, I heard the annoying laughter of my father’s new, very young assistant. I didn’t make my usual stop in the kitchen but instead went straight to my room. Closing the door behind me, I locked it and gathered my clothes before going into my bathroom. I started the water, quickly undressed, and stepped into the tub, lowering my body slowly. The warmth of the water felt amazing. Placing one earbud in each ear, I drowned out the sounds of my father and his company and instead got lost in the playlist that reminded me of the guy I just needed to forget.

  The sound of an incoming message made me jerk in surprise and I almost dropped my phone in the tub.

  It was an image attached to a message from Darcy.

  Darcy: See, I told you.

  It’s Jay with his arm around the same blonde I saw him with already. It’s from today obviously as they were wearing the same clothes. They were smiling while talking in a group of others and seemed innocent enough. It’s not like he had his hand up her shirt and pushed up against some wall or something.

  Instead of res
ponding I closed out the thread and went back to listening to my music. Ignoring it seemed easier.


  “I got it.” Mark reached around my shoulder and paid the barista for his coffee and my own. Smiling a thanks, I moved out of his way and toward the door.

  “Do you mind if we sit outside?” I was already pushing open the front door and stepping out into the courtyard. “It’s nice out.”

  The courtyard was made up of several small shops, a café, a sandwich shop, and many more places college kids could grab quick necessities. It was nice when you were looking for a place to grab a quick bite while taking advantage of free Wi-Fi.

  I found a small table with the shelter of an umbrella. Mark sat in the seat closest to me and stretched out his long legs. He was the type of guy my father would approve of. Clean cut, primed, and proper. You could just sense that he came from a well-educated family, one my father would love.

  “So tell me something about you, Ruby. Something I can’t know by looking at you.”

  “There really isn’t much to tell.”

  “I don’t believe that.” Mark leaned in and rested his elbows on the table. “What do you like to do? Your interests?”

  I stared at him, honestly unsure of what to say. I loved to dance, draw, oh, and I had an obsession with romance movies. All things that would bore him.

  “Hey pal.” I didn’t even have to turn around to know who was standing behind me. “Don’t for a second think this one is sweet. She’ll convince you she’s timid and kind and then after you take her out she’ll ignore every call and text you send. She likes playing games. I wouldn’t waste your time. She is definitely not your kind of girl.”

  My body was rigid, and I focused on the way Mark was looking behind me. There were no signs of a smile on his face.

  “Isn’t that right, Ruby?”

  I took in a slow, steady breath before I pushed back my chair and stood tall, turning to face Jay. My body felt the effects immediately of seeing him once again, this close.

  Gone was the sweet smile from the day at the movies, replaced by a look of distaste.

  “You don’t know me.” My voice was shaking and in no way as confident as I was hoping for.

  “That’s right, I don’t, and you don’t know me.” He moved in a little closer and I was engulfed with the scent of his cologne. “Yet you allowed your so-called friend to fill your head with her opinions of who I am. I thought you were smarter than that. Better than that. I guess I was wrong.”

  With the rapid way my heart was beating I’d swear it was seconds from beating right out of my chest.

  “Good luck with Mark.” I was surprised Jay knew that guy’s name. “Last month he was accused of drugging a girl at a sorority so he could get into her pants. Good thing for him his daddy is a big time lawyer and got the charges dropped.” Jay reached up and ran his finger over my forearm, giving me chills over my arms and shoulders. “Where is your best friend now to warn you about him? Since you value her opinion so very much and plan your life choices around them?”

  He lowered his hand, staring at me for a few seconds before looking back over my shoulder. Something passed over him, a look of anger and disdain before he turned and walked away.

  My body grew limp and I sat down in my chair, only I didn’t take my eyes off of him until he disappeared out of my view.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  “Did you talk to her?” Emelie bumped into my shoulder with her own and I almost dropped the beer in my hand. “Oh shit, sorry.” She laughed and I could instantly tell she too had been drinking.

  I started long before the party began, but hell why not, it’s who Ruby thought I was, so why not prove her right.

  “So?” I’d forgotten she’d asked me a question.

  “Yes, well, a little.”

  “A little.” Emelie laughed once more and it was confirmed she’s tipsy. Not that Em doesn’t ever laugh but she was beyond giddy. Immediately I was looking around for Clayton, knowing in her current condition he could not be far. I found him leaning against the door frame with a bottle of water in his hand and I instantly felt better. He offered a nod to ensure me he had her and I relax. “What exactly does a little mean?”

  “She took the advice of her friend and decided that I wasn’t good enough for her.”

  “She sounds like an idiot.” Again she giggled, which was so out of character for her. Emelie is a mom, first and foremost. Rarely does she ever step out of that role. She got knocked up by a douche at a party and from that moment on she avoided any type of situation that could ever be a repeat of that night. But now she had Clayton, she was safe and she knew it.

  “Apparently all college guys are the same. We get drunk and sleep with random girls.”

  Em stopped laughing and stared up at me, her eyes wandering a little as if it took her a minute to focus. “Mostly yes.” She nodded entirely too slowly, which made me laugh. “But there are good ones in the bunch. The key is finding the good ones and holding on before someone else snatches them up. You are a good one, Jay, and if she can’t see that, then it’s her loss.”

  When she leaned in to kiss my cheek she missed and got my chin instead. I laughed when Clayton moved in and hooked her around the waist, tossing her over his shoulder. “Okay, boozy, that’s enough for you.”

  “Wait!” She dropped her cup and half of it sloshed onto the floor before I grabbed it. “I was talking,” she wailed, and pounded on his back as he carried her off.

  “And now you’re done.” All the guys in this house were so territorial of their girls, it was fun to watch them go from fun to pissed in seconds.

  I spent another hour enjoying the party, talking to girls, hanging with the guys.

  I watched as Elijah carried Corbin outside to the backyard and tossed him into the pool fully clothed all because he mentioned the night he walked in on Blake in all her naked glory. Maybe it was the comment about her having nothing to be ashamed of that pissed him off most.

  Word of advice: if you ever see one of the other guys’ girls naked, you should never mention it again. Just pretend it never happened.

  Retiring to my room, unable to allow myself to be the guy Ruby thought I was, I chose to go there alone. Sitting on the end of my bed, I took off my shoes and socks before pulling my shirt up and over my head. Tossing it to the floor, I crawled up my bed and lay back against the pillows.

  Holding my phone in my hand, I turned it over and over, pausing to look at the screen, feeling that pull inside of me to do something more. A mixture of still being pissed off and not yet ready to give up battle in my mind.

  Waking the screen, I skim through my texts and find the thread where I had sent her a few messages.

  Jay: I had a great time.

  Jay: Next time you can choose the movie.

  Jay: Trying to study but got a craving for pizza, wanna join me?

  Nothing was ever sent in return. I hovered over the button, again knowing I should just let it go but unable to stop myself.

  Jay: How was your coffee date with Mark?

  I hit send and immediately regretted it.

  I almost dropped the phone when it vibrated with a response.

  Ruby: How is the blonde I’ve seen you with around campus?

  Sitting up and staring at her message, I wondered what in the hell she was talking about. What blonde?

  Jay: Not sure I know who you are talking about?

  Too much time passed and I was just about to send another message when one came through to me. It’s a picture and I lean in closer and almost laugh when I see who was with me.

  Jay: Are you stalking me?

  Nothing came back. I waited but she never messaged back. So instead I hit the phone button and called her. One, two, three rings and I knew it’s about to go to voicemail. I should hang up, only I couldn’t.

  “Who’s the creeper now? Did you take that image or was it your reliable resource? I think you should really r
ethink those you base your choices on. If you want to think the blonde in the photo is some girl I’ve moved on with then go ahead. But just so you know you couldn’t be more wrong.” I paused when I knew my anger was getting the best of me. All kinds of things were on the tip of my drunken tongue I knew I would regret later. “So fucking wrong.”

  I ended the call and tossed my phone to the end of my bed. I heard it hit the floor and fell back against the pillow once more. If Jade only knew that she was being considered some bimbo I was moving on with I knew she’d be searching out Darcy herself. Honestly, what the fuck? That bitch took a picture of me and sent it to Ruby as if I were doing something wrong.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  I entered the kitchen to find Bianca standing in front of it, bent over in nothing more than a t-shirt. My father’s t-shirt, to be exact.

  She must have heard my gasp because she stood and turned around to face me. “Oh, sorry.” She didn’t look even slightly apologetic. In fact, she smirked and gripped the hem of my father’s oversized t-shirt, lifting it slightly, fully exposing her bare hip. Call me naïve but I wasn’t stupid enough to believe she was actually wearing anything beneath. “It was a late night.” She clicked her tongue and I felt my stomach grow sour. “We hit it pretty hard.”

  I shivered at the thought.

  “I mean the preparations for our meetings.”

  “Yeah.” I forced myself to be polite though she was obviously nothing more than a sleazy bimbo trying her hardest to make me feel uncomfortable.


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