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Page 3

by Stephen Brandon

  “How did you do that?”

  “Well, since we cannot live on the planet you found us on because of our enemies, we just started switching atmosphere and large sections of land.”

  “You did what?”

  “It is all being accomplished with modifications to your travel gate technology.”

  The Captain suddenly looked sick. “You gave me your word that your people would not conquer the Federation. You did not give your word that you would infiltrate the Federation and take over from within.”

  “Captain, I assure you that we are not going to take over the Federation. However, we intend to make great profits trading, once we get setup. Would you like to come over and meet the boss?”

  “I think I should meet all my trading partners.”

  Sitting in the bosses office the Captain relaxed. “I see that you are also an honorable man.”

  With a smile the boss commented, “I'm glad you gave Ted and his people a chance. I would not have liked; to have had to raid planets to get them back.”

  The Captain opened his mouth to reply when a red light lit and a siren started.

  As the boss pushed a button on his desk, a voice announced. Two warships of unknown type jumped into the system. Fighter wing on the way.

  Five more warships jumped in behind them. Scramble all fighters. All personnel to shelters.

  The boss said, “Captain, I think you may want to be on your ship and prepare it to jump out. Ted will contact you later. Don't worry about the cargo. Keep Martha and her family safe.”

  “As Ted engaged his jump drive he caught part of a message. As he exited the jump a mere thousand kilometers from the first warship he keyed his radio. “Warship, this is a legal mining company under Federation laws and permits. If you attack we will have no choice, but to defend ourselves against pirates.”

  “This mining operation has been under observation. Your fighters attacked a civilian trader. We are here to rescue them.”

  “Warship, if you use your long range scanners you'll see them loading cargo. If you want to talk to the Captain of that trading ship, meet me in a small ship and I'll tow you in-system to meet him.”

  “Who am I talking to.”

  “I am designated as Ted, Colonel in the system defense force, part owner of the Aztec mining company.”

  “This is Captain Ja, commander of the 4th Federation defense force. You are ordered to stand down. We will board your mining station and confiscate all mining machinery. We have a court order signed for the Threw Mining Corporation claiming you defrauded them when you purchased the mineral rights to this star system.”

  “Captain Ja, that court order is not valid. This star system is just outside the star-chart border of the Federation. The Threw Corporation thought they could get over on us when they sold this system to us. They are using the court, and you, to try to get our mining tehnology.

  “Ted to the boss. Evacuate all mining equipment to point alpha. Follow with the station and shipyard. I'll take command of the fighters, and we will depart after you've removed all temptations.”

  “Boss to Colonel Ted. We are on war footing. A messenger just arrived from the home planet. It is under attack by seven major warships. I'm pulling four special fighters to destroy invasion fleet. Out.” In the next instant four fighters jumped out. That left two to confront the seven warships.

  “Colonel Ted, this is Captain Ja, you are outnumbered and out-gunned. I demand your surrender now.”

  “Captain Ja, you must not have been listening. You are outside the Federation at present. I'll give you five minutes to turn off your weapons. If you fire on any of my fighters, I will destroy your ships.”

  “Captain Ja to ships two and five. Destroy those fighters.”

  Ted pressed two icons on his dash and then said fire. “Captain Ja, I'm sorry.”

  Captain Ja screamed a curse as two of his battleships exploded. The hull fragments damaged three others.

  “Captain Ja, this is Colonel Ted, I am still willing to accept your surrender. However, at this time I do not have personnel to board your ships or offer assistance and aid to your damaged ships. Once you power down your weapons systems, you may maneuver to aid your damaged ships.”

  “Colonel Ted, this is the boss. Remaining surface equipment will be destroyed in five minutes. Station will jump in one minute. Meet you at point alpha in thirty. Out!”

  “Ted, this is Phillips. The last two ships are maneuvering. One is launching fighters.”

  “Phillips, burn the first dozen fighters.

  “Captain Ja, I strongly suggest you tell the commanders of those two ships to power down their weapons now. They will be destroyed in one minute if they don't.

  “Screw you colonel, we are the Federation defense force. We surrender to no one.”

  “Phillips, destroy any ship that moves, I'll take the ones on this end.” It only took a few seconds to designate targets and then a breath to order the computer to fire. Four more warships disappeared in the glare of nuclear fire. The last ship was drifting. The rear half of it was a mass of twisted metal.

  As they accelerated out of the star system Phillips reported, detecting an approaching jump signature.

  Ted keyed his radio and said, “Cut power, let's see who the company is. Hope they don't detect and attack us. I've had enough for one day.”

  Ted and Phillips listened to the conversation between the huge mining ship and the wreck of a warship. Then the mining ship fired several missiles at the warship and destroyed it.

  “Ted, that was completely uncalled for. Permission to lite them up.”

  “Go ahead Phillips, I agree.”

  Ted watched the missile emerge from Phillips' fighter, and then disappear as it jumped to the target. The mining ship exploded in a dozen directions around the fireball. The nuclear fireball only lasted seconds until it consumed everything within range. “Phillips, our job here is done, jump now, I'll follow.”

  As Ted emerged from jump his alarms started screaming. In horror he watched Phillips' fighter consumed by the fireball destroying two warships. Engaging a short jump he watched as the computer surveyed the home system. Six warships attacking the planet. Nine more attacking point alpha by the seventh planet. Most of the mining ships reported damage and the station was venting atmosphere. Two friendly fighters attacking, using lasers. The warships were to close to the station to use missiles.

  Designating the closest warships for laser attacks on the heat-sink exhaust for engines, he pressed the activation icon. Jumping directly behind one warship his laser fired right up the thermal exhaust for thirty-two seconds, until the computer detected engine breach. His computer calculated and jumped behind the second warship and fired the laser right up its exhaust. Thirty seconds later the computer jumped him behind the third warship. As it started firing the computer announced.

  Warship launching fighters. “Ted replied, jump to launch bay hatch. Sweep hanger with laser for three seconds, then jump us out of there. His fighter jerked to the side to avoid an enemy fighter exiting the launch hanger. The laser started firing, and Ted saw the refueling section hit. Several fighters inside the hanger were trying to fire at him. His fighter jumped halfway to the new home-world as his computer reported two warships exploding and one on fire.

  Four incoming missiles. Impact thirty seconds.

  “Computer, calculate remote transporting those missiles to interior of several warships.”

  Insufficient time for calculation. One window ready. “Transport it, then jump us.”

  “Computer find three remaining missiles and transport them one by one inside enemy warships. Maneuver as necessary to maintain safety. Then report on enemy warships.”

  All enemy warships attacking point alpha disabled or destroyed. Four enemy warships operational attacking planet.

  “Computer, are any of the enemy warships at sufficient distance from planet to attack with missiles witho
ut damage to planet.

  Two warships converging on last operational fighter outside danger zone for planet.

  “Target those two warships using missile to destroy or disable them.”

  Calculation complete, one missile required, target lock.


  One target destroyed, one disabled and on collision course for planets moon.

  “Computer, calculate laser attack on last two enemy warships. Execute.”

  Three minutes later the computer reported all enemy warships in-system destroyed or disabled. Six enemy fighters still attacking planet.

  Correction, three fighters still attacking planet.

  Correction, one fighter still attacking planet.

  Computer, calculate laser attack on disabled enemy warships to destroy them.

  Calculation completed.


  “Computer, status of enemy forces in-system.”

  One unidentified spacecraft in heliosphere cycling jump engines.

  “Computer, target that ship with remaining missile.”

  Last enemy ship has departed. Destination unknown. Unable to target.

  “Computer, any functional friendly fighters in-system.”

  Negative, two fighters damaged in-system.

  “Computer, jump to location of nearest fighter.”

  “System defense fighter, this is Colonel Ted, report.

  “Computer, contact system defense fighter, report status.”

  Multiple failures reported by on-board computer including life support. Pilot incapacitated.

  “Computer, transport fighter to point alpha after activating its emergency beacon. Execute. Then transport this fighter to other damaged fighter.”

  “Computer, contact system defense fighter, report status.”

  Unable to contact, fighters computer system inoperative.

  “Computer, calculate transport window to point alpha, transport us and fighter, activate emergency beacons. Execute.”

  Mining ship 608 to fighters, report.

  “This is Colonel Ted, I have a disabled fighter in tow, advise rescue location.”

  Colonel Ted, medical triage and spacecraft salvage is at the shipyard. Tow him to the blue lights for pilot removal, they'll tell you where to put the ship. We recovered the other fighter and the pilot is in the medical section.”

  “Shipyard control, I have a damaged fighter. Where do you want him.”

  Fighter, we'll tractor him in. What condition is the pilot in?

  “Shipyard control, pilot status unknown. His ship is non-responsive. My fighter is operational, but I need full weapons reload.”

  Fighter, you will also be tractor-ed in and checked. A crew will rearm your fighter and return it to you. Name please.

  “Shipyard control, this is Colonel Ted, mining system defense force.”

  Colonel, we'll notify the boss. Out.

  * * *

  Chapter 5

  Colonel Ted was eating when the room communicator signaled. Pressing the button, Ted saw the boss scowling. “Ted, you have the only operational fighter. Thanks for bringing in the other two. Maintenance indicates they'll be operational sometime tomorrow.

  “We have six fighters out on exploration missions.

  “We have almost fifteen hundred casualties from the mining system. Estimated another three thousand casualties from the planet, but no breakout by race. However, the planetary president has called for all able bodied adults to mobilize. You know he's a xapien.”

  “Boss, there was a ship at the edge of the system, it got away.”

  “Thanks for that information Ted, I'll notify defense control. Will you be able to defend the system until we can get you some help?”

  “Boss, I'll need weapons ready to reload my fighter immediately after any enemy contact.”

  “It will be arranged. Get some rest.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Six hours later, Ted jerked awake as the alert siren started blaring. As he pulled on his boots, the announcement came. One ship is one of the system defense fighters. The other two contacted the planet and the president thanked them for coming and requested them take high orbit for defense.

  Stepping into the corridor, a young soldier snapped a salute and asked, “What do you need Sir. I'm your liaison for everything.”

  “Your name soldier.”

  “Lieutenant Jones, Sir.”

  “OK Lieutenant Jones, first I need a light meal, then a shower and clean uniform.”

  Ted watched as Jones whispered into his lapel microphone. “Any particular food sir, or just something heated up.”

  “Stew with crackers, plus a few energy bars to go.”

  Looking up Jones said, “Stew will be ready in ten. This way to a shower. A uniform will be waiting when you get out.”

  Following Jones down the corridor, Ted commented, “What's the status of my fighter.”

  “Sir, an airlock was installed at the end of this corridor while you slept. Your fighter has been rearmed, and the laser replaced and tested. There are two maintenance chiefs keeping it warm for instant takeoff. The chief said a rearming crew is practicing now. They've got it down to less than three minutes.

  “For your information, there are ten mining ships that have missile pods installed. They've been posted around the system. They'll also be under your command. The call card is in your fighter and the computer has their id's.

  “Sir, in there, I'll wait out here and notify you of any updates.”

  He was finishing his second bowl of stew when the alert siren went off again. He'd made it all the way to the airlock and was reaching for his helmet when the corridor speaker announced. Four enemy warships headed toward the planet. They appear to be headed toward the two allies in high orbit.

  Slipping into his fighters cockpit, he said, “Computer, do you have all enemy warships identified.”

  Affirmative, calculations completed for laser or missile attack. Missile attack can only be safely made for the next nine minutes.

  “Station control, release the docking clamps.”

  “Negative, Colonel Ted. Your computer calculation have been forwarded to mining ship three. Missiles launched. Wait, Wait, four enemy warships confirmed destroyed.”

  “Computer, use all resources, scan star system for any unidentified spacecraft.”

  Colonel, two unidentified spacecraft in heliosphere, solar north and south. Instructions.

  “Computer, lock targeting information on both ships, send to nearest mining ship. Inform defense control to monitor those spacecraft and determine friendly status.”

  Colonel, immediate status change on north unidentified spacecraft. It is being attacked by a confirmed Federation warship.

  “Ted, this is the boss. Two of my advisors think this is a diversion in preparation to another mass attack. The station will release the docking clamps, however I want you to remain in the radar shadow until we get more information. We have a volunteer flying a fighter shell in the vicinity of the home planet, as bait. Her last words before launching was, make those bastards pay.”

  Colonel, three sets of jump signatures detected. Calculated eighty percent probability enemy warships.

  “Computer, run calculation for probable entry point into system.”

  Colonel, convergence points in vicinity of bait fighter.

  “Excellent, calculate best entry location and time. Calculate bait fighter and lock on for immediate transfer. One second before best calculation transfer fighter to safe location nearer home planet. Relay best calculations of targeting information to nearest fighter for missile launch as soon as they emerge.”

  Bait fighter transferred. Two groups of four warships jumped in and launched missile toward calculated location of fighter. Missiles launched.

  Two armed spacecraft exited jump in high orbit and are calling planet.

  Six warships destroyed. Launching two more missiles.

>   One warship destroyed. Second warship jumped out before missile arrived, sent redirect signal to target spacecraft at south heliosphere location. Target destroyed.

  Ted calmly maneuvered his fighter back to the station airlock.

  Computer, using all resources continue to monitor star system. Notify defense command and me of any enemy ships entering system.

  * * *

  Chapter 6

  Ted was eating his dinner when the boss called. “Ted, just got a message from Martha on the Count Profit. They are requesting assistance. I think we can spare you for a few days. Coordinates are in you fighters computer.”

  Ted accelerated away from the station for a few seconds and jumped.

  Coming out of jump his alarms started sounding. The computer identified two Federation warships bracketing the Count Profit. They were under attack by unknown spacecraft. Magnifying the battle area, Ted recognized the Cartel markings. Three were marked as traders and one as an escort warship.

  “Computer, open all communication frequencies. Attention Earth Cartel spacecraft. Attention Federation warships. This is Colonel Ted of the Aztec mining company. Cease firing and back off from each other. I will hear complaints, and enforce judgment in this territory. Acknowledge, or be considered the aggressor. You have one minute.”

  “Aztec fighter, this is the Captain of Count Profit, a Federation trader. We are disengaging.”

  “Aztec spacecraft, this is Captain Mek of the Federation warship Ka Toe. We cannot disengage until the unknown spacecraft cease firing.”

  “Cartel warship, this is Colonel Ted Armstrong of the Aztec mining company. Cease firing and assume defensive posture, or I will be forced to neutralize your ship.” Computer, start targeting all missiles fired from Federation and Cartel warships with laser and move to a position equidistant from both groups putting us at one point of a triangle.

  As quickly as the commanders of both groups realized the size of Ted's fighter they switch targets and started diverting their missiles toward him.

  “Computer, contact Martha on Count Profit, give her point alpha coordinates and tell the Captain to jump out.”


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