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Electric Chair

Page 3

by J Niessen

  Chapter Three: Falling Stars

  Suddenly it’s daytime out. Nate finds himself at the top of the highest mountain, and wonders if he should search for a way down. The massive, pure-white stone-slab he stands on has matching columns at each corner. The top of this temple is open; the light-blue sky is crystal clear. A glorious presence dwells here in this holy place and it addresses Nate, “Seek ascension.”

  Looking around, there is no higher access point. How is he supposed to attain elevation? As if to answer his question a cluster of wooden pegs (grouping into cells) form a circular dome around the slab. By reaching the top of this formed dome he could participate in the Holy Spirit’s challenge. With a running leap Nate narrowly clears the chasm beyond the edge of the temple. Fearlessly grabbing a hold of the pegs he endeavors to climb higher.

  By reached the upper elevation he enters into the presence of Greatness. Here the thrill of wonderment diminishes. Among this benevolent Ruler Nathaniel may have any question answered. Even all his questions spontaneously resolved if that be his desire. A warning comes “No matter what the question, the truth will only supplement disappointment.”

  How could this be? There are secrets he has always wondered about, ones which no book or individual could ever address. Dilemmas that no one could ever offer a satisfactory resolution to.

  “Why is Karen the way that she is, and will she ever change?”

  God’s voice answers “Karen is this way because she wants to be.

  “It relates to the love that I reveal to all. I provide trials not because I have disdain for man. This example testifies that he cannot get through everything in life by himself. If he can learn to rely on someone other than himself, he has the potential to reach out to Me. My children need to know that friendships are important. Then all the gifts I want to bestow can be clearly recognized. There are no conditions to the blessings I give. I offer them so that all those who come to me will be happy. I want them to turn to me without reserve in their hearts.”

  The answer shines in its simplicity, Nate recognizing all the gifts his Heavenly Father has provided, despite his untrained gratitude, never considering the Lord’s responsibility for those blessings, He who is the One deserving of recognition. Nate’s even received enhanced blessing in addition, while living with a displeased satisfaction and a despondent outlook on life.

  “I will grant your second question, asking if she will ever change, if you feel you are ready?” Nate considers the prior warning. Solving the answer independently introduces greater peril. Nate suffers as he draws close and becomes one with the Father…experiencing the love God has for Karen, along with the devout hope He holds for her to change. It nearly cripples Nate to his knees, taking on all that the Father suffers by Karen’s avoidance to receive Him.

  “I’m grateful that You have shown the answer though Your eyes, Lord. I wish to ask You, Father: if You see that Karen’s heart is bitter toward You…why would You protect people like her, appointing Your angelic guardians to save the wicked from deathly harm?”

  “Regardless of a person’s self-centered motives, as they live to accommodate their worldly desires, they still perform serviceable works to fulfill my purposes. Karen may be living in denial, fighting against my daily instruction told through the Spirit, yet still her daughters are young and unbiased. They will become involved in children’s ministry programs. I will use their mom to drive them to church and to go over lesson plans the children’s group assigns them, until the girls are able to maintain their guided walk on their own. You see, with every era that strays from me, there is hope for the following generation to live an honorable life, to share in praise, to give respect, and to grow while telling loved ones about the saving hope of Salvation.”

  Nate’s reminded of a defensive ploy his friends use to justify their separation from Christ, saying “What about the guy living in a remote region? How is he expected to know of the meaning behind Salvation? Besides, God is supposed to be forgiving; I don’t believe He would send a person like me to hell. He sees that I’m not a bad person, and that really I’m good.”

  “You have two questions for Me and I am delighted to answer both,” God responds.

  “I have placed in man’s heart certifiable truth and understanding. I created him and all living things. It is not man’s place to assume he is free of judgment because of another individual’s circumstances. Man devises plots as justification, using ignorance as his defense for not knowing about Salvation. He is foolish and without excuse when all scriptural information is accessible at his fingertips. Every individual living in your country has seen My Word.

  “Man is evil and wicked. He follows the desires of his selfish heart. He longs to acquire self-fulfillment, chasing temptations and longing for the sinful pleasures of the world. I am not the One who sends the wicked to Hell. I grant My Son power and authority to judge. Final trials will be held on Earth. The wicked will never see Me or the glories of My Kingdom. They will come face to face with the One who died and waited throughout their life for them to make a personal decision to accept the sacrifice their Lord made for them. They chose to refuse the gift of eternal life. By this decision they chose to go to Hell rather than live with Us forever.”

  The realization is so profound and moving that sickening pains strike in Nate’s stomach from the emptiness of not having these answers when those friends made such naïve statements. Fear festers, considering the destiny of those caught up chasing a lifetime of avoidance. The facts instill terror, imagining how unbelievers go about each day led by their all-consuming wickedness. Knowing in their heart what is right, as they live apart from a glorifying union with the greatest friendship imaginable. Their careless disregard is an ensnaring trap as they dismiss the greatest invitation to personally know and interact with the Giver of all that is glorious.

  Nathaniel anticipates returning, exited to warn of the dangers that await his friends if they maintain their blind conditions. Seeing Nathaniel’s uplifted hope, God reflects His admiration…

  “Your heart is one of gold, My faithful son. Let it be known by this eternal gift I bestow.”

  A thousand loving arms embrace Nathaniel in appreciation, with compassion, and reverence. Then radiant comfort envelops him with rewarding peace in this time of frightful understanding.

  Nathaniel, accepting the compelling itinerary planted by The Lord inside his head, sees distant smoke rising into the atmosphere; a greater heaviness burdens his thoughts. God wants to receive the personal longing held in Nathaniel’s heart. “Whatever is going on down there can wait,” Nathaniel’s Heavenly Father assures. “Ask what you truly wish for, for now is the time.”

  It’s a recurring concept Nate has, first introduced to him by an article he read pointing out it’s not enough to believe in God. According to the Son of God’s teachings, we are to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. That Christianity relinquishes the power and authority man has over his audience, with the hope to read on our own of His word. That the core of salvation is admitting we do bad things with a longing to change, believing He died for those wrongs in our place, and to seek a life of living for Him by following His instruction.

  Prepared for what’s next, awkwardness absolves. It’s time Nate lay down all selfish longings, personal ambitions ruling his decisions, hindrances standing in the way of love and self-sacrifice, handing those convictions to Christ, and allow Him to be fully in charge, seeking divine leadership just as a devout spouse would hope to receive from their God-loving partner.

  Nathaniel bows to one knee, his faith boosted by unselfish promise, asking of the Father’s blessing to move forward in his relationship with the Son. Radiant approval shines as weightless organisms gleam amongst the surrounding air as Nate breathes in God’s glory. The Father, looking into Nathaniel’s heart, sees Nate’s willingness give up all to this unity. The hand of his Beloved encourages him to stand. I
t’s Christ, wearing ceremonial clothing. Powerful arms develop from Nathaniel’s shoulder blades where a heavy blanket of feathers drapes, wrapping Nathaniel with an adorning customary gown for the momentous event. A ring provided by his Bridegroom rises from the heavenly ground and slips past Nathaniel’s feet toward his head. There the wedding halo hovers at forehead level, closest to his mind and thoughts, as an endless source of encouragement.

  Preparations for a vast banquet feast begin. Music rehearsals take place in a spectacular amphitheatre where gloriously breathtaking angels recite newly composed orchestrations solely prepared for the Host’s celebration. Nate’s servitucde, once returned to earth, determines the festival’s splendor. Arrangements will continue in his absence, anticipating his return.

  A nauseating smell of smoke fills Nathaniel’s lungs, prompting his need to leave. Before departing Christ approaches Nathaniel, who has been exalted with a new body, and blesses him with a departing kiss. From that spot on his cheek warmth spreads and fills Nate’s heart. Whispering inside Nathaniel’s thoughts Christ shares “Your name is Criley, My beloved.”

  Nathaniel, now going under the name Criley, considers his mission. Inner struggle (of abandoning his heavenly home) must be ignored. Understanding the sacrifices he’ll face, versus the heavenly rewards he’ll gain, it’s probable his return will come quickly.

  Some believers value the hope to gain heavenly possessions. Others desire visual indicators such as ribbons, precious jewels, and medals to display their faithful service on Earth. These rewarding fashions mean nothing to Criley; visual rewards appear insignificant to what truly matters. His greatest hope is to do all he can to help those around him; through this service he longs to lead unbelievers to Christ. God recognizes this devout longing and because of it He has a special promotion in keeping. Criley will be rcanked amongst a top echelon, given greater ruling responsibility in the Celestial City, because of his readiness and devout servitude.

  Criley returns to the ominous midnight setting at Dead Creek Falls, finding himself atop the highest mountain, overlooking the valley where the camp is located. Bright flames engulf the meeting hall, the source of nauseating smoke. A separate matter threatens the high school varsity boys. Criley feel pulled to rush in to the lodgce where the football team is (where Ashura is) but Rachael is going to burn this entire camp to thec ground, jeopardizing the lives of many more people if she goes unstopped. As long as the high school guys exercise moral judgment then Ashura, this fallen angel of wrath, will sweep past them, while destruction befalls those who succumb to her allure of temptation. Criley will have to confront Ashura later. His feet strike down at the spot he chooses, able to travel like a bolt of lightning.

  His vision’s advanced to a 360 degree spectrum, complimenting his additional arms, which look more like massive wings that double as a robe of protection.

  “I hate your very name and everything you stand for,” Rachael screeches, the words akin to a kettle of boiling water, the spout wailing as the steam escapes. With eyes opened to the spiritual elements dwelling amongst our world, Criley sees this creature for what it truly is. Her wings like glowing-red palm fans, a total of six drooping from her back shoulder blades. A continuous flow of magma pours from her fiery hair, seeping past the earth and into Hell. Her energy powered by an endless rage burning in her heart, producing the molten byproduct.

  Criley takes hold of the halo around his head while ignoring the thought of what needs to be done, for then Rachael will gain full understanding. He flings the disk in an instant, the sharp blade of the outer ring slices past her arm, forcing her hand to release hold on the four-foot-bladed sword with which she was intending to sever Criley’s head. In a second the halo captures Rachael and then disappears from sight when cutting past the doors of the hall. Rachael deciphers the device and its function as it is flung, warning Ashura and the other stars to be mindful of this powerful weapon Criley bears, along with its imprisonment features.

  With his wings shielding his face from the fiery torrent, Criley breaks into the burning meeting hall, the dual locked doors blast open, offering the panicked campers trapped inside a way to escape. The halo spins like a saw blade in the flooring. Criley extends his hand and the wedding band returns to hover around his forehead.

  Peering beyond the building’s charcoal roof, as if it were a transparent skeleton, he notices in the distance a fourth star in its descent. It too taps into Karen just as the others have. Wickedness is extracted from her body; deep seeded hostility she’s nurtured all her life; there she holds toxins which derive from animosity, disrespect, and prejudice harbored toward her father.

  As Karen sleeps she visits a familiar childhood memory. Her father and stepmom, when she was over for the weekend, would lock themselves in separate rooms. The spaces were empty when Karen would peer in out of curiosity, wondering what her parents could possibly be doing in there the entire night without a chair, a bed, or modern conveniences. All they went in with was a cell phone, used by her dad to call Karen and let her know it was time the next morning, for her to let him out. Fear always hindered her from entering as no one was around. Suppose the door closed and she was confined all alone, indefinitely? Her parents practiced this ritual to communicate all they hoped to relay without interruption, by text message, to effectively strengthen their marital relationship. Unconcerned about those who may be affected, they alienated their daughter from the growth process, treating Karen as an outsider.

  Karen’s dad, having repeatedly come down on her as she was raised with banter and ridicule, is the source of bitter hatred inside her, being extracted, forming into the manifestation of a massive, brute-like gargoyle. The creature is marble grey; its dragon-like wings giving it the potential of flight; its body equipped with amplified strength; its jaws lined with fierce teeth; its hands those that rear poisonous claws. Criley realizes what element this creature represents; it is the quintessence of death. If Criley successfully harnesses its power then he’ll have the ability to reverse the creature’s fatal effects, controlling the gift to return life rather than willfully take it.

  Tapping in to the halo’s abilities Criley utilizes Rachael’s elemental power. Not only can he cause fire to ignite, but with his newly acquired control he forces the wild flames to extinguish and the set fire to the meeting hall ceases. The itinerary planted by the Lord inside Criley’s head affirms the only way to defeat death is to inflict deathly poison. It’s what he has hesitated to face, knowing he must conquer the powerful form Ashura has taken on, before battling this towering gargoyle.


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