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Meave (Naughty Witches Book 1)

Page 7

by Erin R Flynn

  The second I was done, I stood to throw out my trash, biting back a smirk at his shocked face that I would just ignore him, and then found a different seat. If that didn’t scream he had no chance, I didn’t think anything short of shouting it in his face would work.

  The game started, and I really didn’t know much about football, but I wasn’t completely devoid of understanding. I mean, I knew touchdowns and how the score worked; a bit beyond that though, and I was lost.

  I just enjoyed the mood of the crowd and cheered when it seemed something good happened.

  Mostly that Ash didn’t get hurt or tackled.

  It might have seemed weird to most that I had no problem sitting there alone, but working as a model from a young age… Was lonely a lot.

  I could sit surrounded by people and everyone doing their own thing, and no one cared or noticed me until it was time to start shooting. I was completely fine with being alone in crowded places.

  Hell, I did that better than having to actually talk to people and shmooze. That was never what I was best at.

  Halftime came and seconds after the team went into the locker room, my phone vibrated.

  Ash: Are you here?

  Meave: Of course. I told you I’d come.

  Ash: I couldn’t find you.

  Meave: Don’t look for me and stay safe. I’m cheering for you.

  Ash: Wait for me after?

  Meave: Have fun with your friends. Isn’t there a party after?

  Ash: I’ve been to enough of those. I want to see you.

  Meave: That’s sweet but you’ve only got this year left. I’ll wait to say hi but go at least hang with Clay a while. I’m not going anywhere.

  Ash: Fine, but I’m coming over early tomorrow for what you promised.

  Meave: I hope you do.

  I chuckled as the texts stopped, figuring he got caught texting when he was probably supposed to be paying attention to something.

  The second half seemed to pass faster once it was clear we would win. and by a lot. Relief filled me when they even put in Ash’s back-up to get the guy play time. Good—less chance for him to get hurt.

  When the game was over, I was honestly ready for bed. It was way too early, and I was way too young to feel that tired on a Friday night, but with the move and everything, I wasn’t remotely getting full nights of sleep.

  And I was going to end up with an ulcer with all the coffee I was drinking.

  I went back to my tablet while I waited, approving a few things and responding to some emails. By then, I saw most people had cleared out, not sure where to wait for Ash, but sitting in the bleachers by myself didn’t sound appealing.

  “Meave!” someone called just as I reached the stairs. I glanced down and around to see Clay and a bunch of people hanging out on the walkway under the stands that seemed to lead one place or another.

  I gave a wave and headed over to him. “You did great!”

  “Yeah? Thanks. I didn’t know you were into football.”

  “Not at all, but I don’t doubt you rocked it,” I teased him. I glanced around, but didn’t see Ash, giving Clay a smile. “I just wanted to say hi before I head out.”

  “Ash is coming,” he assured me. “You can come to the party if you want.”

  “Meave!” Ash called as he jogged over to us. “Hey, sorry.”

  “It’s fine. You were great. Good job dodging.”

  A girl off to the side snorted. “Is she for real? He throws great passes all night and she says that?”

  I glanced over to her, giving her a condescending smirk. “Well, I care if he gets hurt, not how many yards he throws. No game is worth something that could affect the rest of his life, but I get you wouldn’t have the maturity to understand that.”

  “Damn,” Clay coughed. “I invited Meave to come to the party.”

  “No cougars allowed, and especially dressed like that,” another girl cut in.

  I threw back my head and burst out laughing. “I’m about a decade too young for that sexist label.” I shot her a warning look to shut her mouth. “Be very careful, little girl. You toss around insults to women because you think there aren’t consequences, but there are. And normally when you need the support because it blew back on you, no will be there to help you.”

  “Sorry, the lighting’s bad, but I stand by what I said about your outfit,” she snarked back. “Just doing you a solid, sisterhood and #metoo and all of that.”

  Now I was pissed, moving over to her and getting in her face. “Don’t throw that around like it’s a fucking punchline or just buzzword trending. Some of us have had to live with sexual harassment and sexual assault, fighting against it and the bullshit so those who came after us would be safer. And you should shut your mouth, unless you know what you’re actually talking about.”

  She flinched at what I said but tried to rally. “I have over ten thousand followers on Instagram. I think I know fashion.”

  “Oh, ten thousand? Really? That many?” I waited until she preened at the praise. “That’s so cute.” I reached out and patted her on the head. “Let me know when you hit over a million and maybe I’ll give you tips on how to hit over fifty million. Or I could just call several places and get you blacklisted from ever getting a deal.”

  “Like you have—”

  “Jesus, shut the fuck up, Courtney,” Ash cut in. “Fuck, I said no. You’re talking to a friend of Clay’s mom and our boss. Are you seriously that stupid and petty?”

  “Courtney? The little girl who sent you the tits picture that weren’t hers?”

  “I don’t know what he told you, but—”

  “I was standing right there when the text came in, and he burst out laughing how desperate you were,” I purred. “And I was the one who told him that they weren’t your tits, as they’re a famous model’s.

  “It’s actually a photo that was illegally taken when she was drugged, and it’s a crime to have possession of it, so would you like me to call the FBI and report you, or will you try and grow a brain, Scarecrow?”

  “I’m Courtney, he just said that,” she snapped.

  “Oh wow, okay. Not even worth engaging if you’re that dense,” I muttered, shaking off how she didn’t even get that. I wasn’t a big Wizard of Oz fan, the movie scared the crap out of me when I was a kid, but I still got the reference. I glanced at Ash. “Oh, and I printed out all those disparaging tweets and posts that little ditz put up about you and gave them to my attorney. He assures me he’ll handle it.”

  “Handle what?” someone shouted, her voice shrill.

  “This her?” I checked with him, turning and smirking at her when he nodded. “Making sure any college you apply to gets a copy of your bullying and lying.

  “That you’re so stupid to say whatever you want, thinking there aren’t consequences, but there are. If was I really petty, I’d let my attorney file a defamation lawsuit. Ash isn’t a public figure or someone you can just go after.”

  “It’s my first amendment right,” she snapped. “I can say whatever I want.”

  I gave her a cold smile, knowing the desire to bash her face in was reflected in my eyes. “And it’s my right to send in what you put on the internet. Hell, there’s enough for a restraining order, you’re that crazy. Get kicked out of school for sure. Did you ever want a job in the future? All of it matters. It’s all on the record, you idiot.”

  “I only said—”

  “Yeah, you said a lot, and basically implied he forced himself on you, making all women who have actually suffered through rape have to deal with bitches like you who call foul when there wasn’t one.

  “You’re an unripe peach who is too stupid to figure out what she wants, and instead blames the guy when it goes wrong. Fucking put your big girl panties on and welcome to life.”

  “Oh and I should listen to someone who clearly shares her fruit with lots of people?” she sneered.

  Now I was extra pissed, as I hated women who tried to make other women feel like sl
uts. “Yes, idiot, because I have the experience to say you fucked up by not preparing your body to have sex with someone of his size.” I smirked at her. “I forwarded your posts, and my friends were dying that you were whining how it was his fault, and we’re all laughing. You’re a tool for not seeing it’s you.”

  I held up my hand to silence her when she went to say something, focusing on Ash.

  “Once you move on from girls, you’ll understand she was the problem, and stupid for assuming everything will just be taken care for her in all walks of life.

  “Women know what they want, and will not only tell you what they prefer if you ask, but will appreciate a man who will leave her aching. Ask Arianna Grande if you don’t believe me.”

  “Um, thanks,” he muttered, clearing his throat as he blushed.

  Damn, it was hot, and made me want to push him a bit, but I wouldn’t in front of his friends.

  “Be safe, and I’ll see you both tomorrow,” I said to Ash and Clay. “They’re starting at nine to dig out the addition so we don’t annoy the neighbors on a Saturday.”

  “Got it. We’re just going to swing by the party and show our faces,” Clay told me. “We didn’t finish the lasagna yet, but it was killer. Like seriously awesome.”

  I gave him a real smile. “Glad you guys liked it. I tend to make a bunch of trays when I cook like that, as they go right in the freezer, and I make a mess less often.”

  “I burn toast, but I will clean the mess if you feed me,” he threw right back.

  “Deal,” I chuckled.

  “I’ll walk you to your car,” Ash said as I turned to leave with a wave.

  “Thank you, kind sir, but there’s still plenty of people around.”

  “Yeah, some are idiots though,” he threw right back and I relented.

  I waited until we were alone and in the parking lot. “Sorry if I went too far. I didn’t mean to embarrass you.”

  “That wasn’t what I felt at all.”


  He leaned in as he opened my door for me after I unlocked my SUV with the fob. “I’ll show you what I feel when I come over in the morning. Early. And eat you for breakfast. Repeatedly.”

  “Greedy boy,” I muttered, my tone amused. “Fine, I won’t even take the edge off tonight and wait for my man to give me what I need.”

  “Damn right I will,” he groaned, giving me a look like he was debating climbing in with me once I got in the SUV. “I’m only going for a bit. I’ll text you when I’m home in bed and wishing I was with you.”

  “Good boy.” I gave him a wink and smiled as he chuckled. Now that he knew I didn’t see him as a boy or a child, but teasing, he liked that I called him that… Especially because it normally meant I was planning to spoil him.

  I was so tired I started taking off my makeup on the drive home, always having towelettes in my vehicles and in lots of hidden places. Tricks of the trade, and smart, if you didn’t want to draw attention after shoots or events.

  And smart that night, because I was out moments after I flopped onto my mattress. I didn’t even catch his text, as my phone vibrating normally still woke me up even if I didn’t turn back on the ringer.

  His truck pulling into the drive woke me up. I hurried to throw on some workout clothes, even if I wasn’t going to be helping with the construction, and headed to open the door for him.

  I opened the back door along the way. The house was a bit stuffy and I wanted to air it out some before construction started and I’d have to keep it all closed off.

  “I’m getting you a key made so I don’t have to get up when you want to come over and molest me before others arrive,” I said in greeting.

  “I brought coffee,” he muttered. “Sorry, I got a bit worked up when you didn’t text back. You looked really tired last night.”

  I nodded with a yawn as I let him pass, locking the door behind him. “I was.” I glanced at the clock and saw it was only eight. “Wow, that was some good sleep though. Sorry, I never even heard your text.”

  “I figured, but I crashed too, so I figured why not get up and bring my girlfriend coffee.” He set it down on the island, moving behind me when I reached for it. “It’s the least I wanted to do to thank her for standing up to those bitches.”

  “Mm,” I hummed when his hands wandered over my body and he kissed along my neck. “I think you promised to have me for breakfast.”

  “I did.” He knelt down behind me, taking my leggings with him and kissing my ass, licking and leaving marks before he moved on to tease my lips with his tongue.

  Damn, man was learning tricks too fast.

  I swallowed a moan when I saw a woman coming into my yard, reaching back and holding his head to my body to warn him. Unfortunately, he took it as a signal to do more, and then I really wanted to groan.

  “Can I help you?” I called out, glad when he flinched, realizing something was going on.

  The woman’s head snapped around, and she flinched, looking busted. She moved closer to the back door, but at least had the decency to not just walk in like she owned the place.

  “Is Ashton here? I saw his truck parked out front.”

  “And you are?” I asked, having a guess when Ash flinched at the voice.

  “His stepmom.”

  I didn’t answer. “And you thought sneaking around my backyard was the way to find him, instead of calling him or knocking on my front door?”

  She cleared her throat. “I apologize. It’s early, and I thought he might be working in the yard. I didn’t want to wake you.”

  I bit back a smirk. More like she thought she might be able to catch us in bed. “He’s running an errand for me. I’m doing some renovations, and he’s picking up the breakfast I ordered.”

  “His truck is here,” she argued.

  “Yes, he is able to drive other vehicles or go with other people,” I drawled. “Is there anything else you need?” I almost chuckled when Ash placed a soft kiss on my ass, like thanking me for calling her out and getting rid of her.

  “I think we need to discuss Ashton working for you,” she said after a moment.

  “What’s there to discuss? He’s eighteen and helping me out for pay, along with Clay.”

  She cleared her throat. “I didn’t realize Clay was coming as well.”

  I didn’t say anything, waiting for her to get the hint to leave or her point.

  “I’m still not sure this is an appropriate setting for Ashton.”

  “How so?” I asked, leaning over the counter and pushing my ass in his face more.

  “I wouldn’t think you need me to explain how a young boy shouldn’t be spending much time around an older single woman. Something could happen there.”

  And that was when I saw it. There was jealousy simmering in her eyes. I smirked at her. “Much better for him to be home and spend time with you, right?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “So you can have something ‘happen’ with him?” I pushed, raising an eyebrow as if daring her to deny it as I used my power to check her aura. Yep, full of jealousy, and now anger. “So you marry Mr. Perry Senior, who I hear is a wealthy lawyer but away a lot, but that’s fine, because he’s got a hot young son that would keep you entertained. How come you didn’t jump on that the moment he turned eighteen?”

  “I think you’re severely misunderstanding a lot,” she replied.

  “I’m not. You’re brimming with jealousy that he’d rather be here with me than you. You’re sneaking around, thinking you could catch us in bed or whatever you’ve got in your head. He’s eighteen, and not actually your kid, so this is not only an inappropriate conversation, but over the line.”

  “He lives in our house,” she said as she stepped into the house.

  “I didn’t invite you in,” I warned her. “You’re already trespassing, so I suggest you not compound the infractions.” She shot me a look that would make a weaker woman flinch, but I just kept smiling. “I’ll tell Ash you stopped by, stalkin
g him, but I suggest you not come back.”

  “He won’t be working for you after today,” she snapped.

  “That’s his choice,” I chuckled, cradling my face in my hands with my elbows on the counter, just to be extra condescending. “I’m sure I can talk him into helping me more. Maybe give him a nice bonus.

  “I bet he’s amazing to take for a ride. How often have you thought of it?” I snorted when she flinched. “That much? Wow, great home environment. You watch him shower too?”

  “That’s not your business.”

  “And that’s not a no,” I snapped. “You’re his father’s wife, and you’re acting like Ash’s yours. Gross. Then you have the balls to show up here and act like I’m the predator or doing something wrong?

  “Bitch, get off my property. If Ash doesn’t come to work tomorrow, I’m calling the cops and telling them I think his stepmom snapped and has him locked in her sex dungeon.”

  She gaped at me before making a few furious noises and storming off.

  Fuck, if she only knew he was licking and kissing me the whole argument she really would have exploded.



  The second my stepmom was gone, I dove in, desperate for Meave. She moaned as I licked, sucked, and nipped every inch of her pussy.

  When she came, I did it all over again and then I thought I would die if I didn’t give her more. Give us the connection of more.

  I stood and pulled down the front of my shorts, teasing her with my cock.

  “Waiting for permission?” she teased.


  “Then my answer will always be yes. Fuck me, Ash.”

  I thrust in her, pulling up her sports bra and palming her breasts as I held onto her with everything I had. She moved her hands lower to protect her hips from the counter as I got completely lost in her and more importantly, pleasing her. She came with a scream, but I wasn’t nearly done yet.

  “You’re fucked now, Meave,” I grunted, my body possessed with need for her. “I’m not ever letting you go. I hate that bitch, and you claimed me as yours by warning her to stay away. Fuck, you’re stuck with me now.”


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