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Unthinkable: (Unstoppable - Book 2) (The Unstoppable Series)

Page 6

by Danielle Hill

  Quit fucking looking at his ass. Shit.

  “My fucking head.” He rolled to his back and spread out his legs, lifting a hand to rub at the spot I assume took the brunt of the impact.

  “Lucky for you, there's plenty of padding around your tiny brain. I doubt you've done any lasting damage.”

  With one eye squinted, he scowled up at me. “You're evil, you know that? Pure fucking evil.”

  Pressing my lips together to hold back a chuckle, I linked my arms over my chest and arched a brow. “You're still cleaning my car.”

  “That's what you say to me? I'm fucking laid out on the road with a possible concussion, and who the fuck knows what else—I could have a catalogue of injuries—and you're telling me I have a tiny brain and I need to clean your car?” His breath came out on a huff as he shook his head. “You could ask if I'm okay. It wouldn't fucking kill you.”

  I dragged in a breath and rolled my eyes. “Fine! Are you okay?”

  “Don't even fucking bother,” he threw back, pushing himself into a seated position, knees braced apart.

  “Whatever. I don’t care, anyway. Get your ass up and off the road before I run over it.”

  His head lifted. “You would too, wouldn't you?”

  I looked away. “Don't tempt me.”

  He extended an arm out to me. “Help me up, Snow Queen. I might need to go to the ER.”

  Reluctantly, I reached down and took his hand. Rough fingers closed around mine and swallowed my hand completely, and the contact sent a warm tingle shooting up my arm. My breath hitched and my first instinct was to snatch my hand away, but Leon’s grip tightened as he boosted himself to his feet. My hand sat limp in his, nothing more than a useless accessory, and the lack of support from my end sent him tumbling right into me.

  His hard frame collided with mine, and we both wobbled on our feet. Firm hands clamped around my biceps as he hauled my body tight against his to prevent another fall, but the impact had the air rushing from my lungs with a whoosh that made my head spin, and I twisted my fingers into the fabric of his shirt to steady myself.

  Silence descended over us like a heavy blanket as we stilled, holding onto each other. I lifted my gaze and brought my eyes level with his throat, watching as his Adam’s apple jerked when he swallowed. Warmth from his denim clad thighs seeped into my bare skin, and I quickly became aware of how closely aligned we were.

  The weight of his chest compressed mine with every shallow breath he took, each harsh rasp of air from his lips fluttering the loose wisps of hair at my temple and dancing them around my head. The firm grip of his fingers tightened around my upper arms, and I felt every single point of contact between us, from the gentle pressure of his chin resting against my forehead, to the scuff of his sneakers against the toes of mine, and everything in between.

  Blood flooded my head and heated my cheeks, my heartbeat a violent thud against my breastbone. Leon had to be able to feel it because I could feel his. Amongst other things. The hard length of him wedged between our bodies was doing nothing to chill my internal thermostat.

  Saliva pooled in my mouth, my breaths short, sharp bursts that stuttered past my lips. I couldn’t figure out how to extract myself from the situation, it felt like one wrong move and anything could happen.

  “Lissa...” Leon grated, voice low and rough. And sexy as fuck.

  The hard line of his jaw twitched as the moment stretched, heavy with tension and unfamiliar emotion. When his head drew back and his eyes fell to my lips, my heart kicked out at my ribs like a wild horse, and the realization that followed knocked the wind clean out of me.

  I wanted him to kiss me.

  I goddamn needed him to kiss me.

  The air froze in my lungs as he lowered his head. My heart sped up; my brain buzzed with anticipation. His lips were a hairsbreadth from mine… and then the idiot spoke.

  “Sorry for spilling beer in yo—”

  Oh, screw this.

  I shut him up.

  With my mouth.



  My head spun out of control; synapses sparking, blood burning. My lips against Leon's created a series of mini explosions that rocked me to my core, and I grasped at his waist while his mouth devoured mine, rough palms dragging up the column of my throat and gripping the nape of my neck. He angled my face, increasing the pressure of his mouth as our wet tongues tangled.

  My mind whirled, dizzy, caught up in the feel of his mouth, and a low moan escaped my lips when he rolled his groin into me. I curled my hands over his shoulders and hooked a leg around his thigh, my body searching for more.

  He released my head and wrapped his arms around my waist, lifting me off my feet. My body slammed into the side of the car a second later and Leon’s movements turned frantic, his greedy hands roaming down, skimming over my hips and ass, before clutching the back of my leg and hiking it higher.

  My breath escaped on a hiss when he ground into the space he’d created between my thighs. The feel of him pressed against me had my eyelids squeezing tighter, my body clenching, and every thought spinning off into orbit.

  “Fuck,” Leon said on a groan as he broke the kiss and planted his forehead down on mine.

  My head swung back, the loss of his mouth allowing sanity to dawn and three distinct words to blare in my head with devastating clarity.

  I kissed Leon.

  My senses returned, late as fuck, and slapped me back to reality with a resounding crack.

  I muttered a strangled curse before shoving away from him, my lungs pumping furiously in my chest and my heart hammering. Leon straightened and turned to me, the dazed look decorating his face slowly giving way to a devilish smirk.

  His gaze flicked down to my still-tingling lips and every vertebra in my spine locked into place. Shit… only in my wildest dreams was there a chance he would let me sweep this aside and pretend it never happened.

  As if reading my thoughts, he ran a thumb over his kiss-swollen bottom lip and arched a brow. “You kissed me.”

  I’d sell my bratty sister to be able to deny it, but since that wasn’t possible, and words adequate enough to explain my actions didn't exist, I blurted the first thing that entered my head instead, “You spilled beer in my car.”

  My lids swooped down momentarily because what. The fuck. Was. That? But I cleared my throat and tipped my head up, meeting his gaze with a defiant stare. I goddamn said what I said. Deal with it.

  The corners of Leon’s lips pulled up into a self-satisfied grin, and my insides roiled at the sight. That smug little asshole was getting way too much enjoyment out of this.

  His head bobbed as he scrubbed a hand over his whiskered jaw. “Yeah, I can see how that would make me irresistible to you.”

  I shrugged. “You pissed me off. The heightened emotions confused me. Don’t worry, it won’t happen again.”

  He dropped his hand, blue eyes sparkling. “Wasn’t complaining, sweetheart. You can kiss me anytime, that was—”

  “A serious error in judgement,” I finished for him, but I didn’t possess the mental functionality required to accurately process his words or the staggering effect they had on me. Sweetheart? God, I needed to get a hold of myself and not swoon at a stupid endearment. I needed to remember exactly who I was dealing with.

  And I needed to shut this down.

  But I didn’t anticipate Leon’s reaction.

  Those eyes flashed, and I found myself pressed up against the car for a second time, trapped in place by the hands he planted either side of me. My breath caught on a stunted inhalation as Leon positioned himself as close to me as humanly possible—without touching. He must have done it on purpose, knowing the effect it would have on me, because all I could think about was that inch of space separating us… and how fucking much I wanted it gone. I clenched my teeth to curb the reaction.

  Contrary to popular belief, I wasn’t carved into existence from ice and stone. On occasion, I did have feelings. On this occasion,
they were the kind I wanted to stuff into a weighted suitcase and toss into the Atlantic. Preferably with Leon inside. Because somehow, he’d figured out how to push my buttons, and right now, he was playing me like a damn X-Box.

  His head drew closer, full lips brushing the shell of my ear, and an involuntary shiver ran through me even as a string of muttered expletives danced on my tongue. I pushed my shoulders back and gave myself a mental shake.

  Pull yourself together, woman.

  “Call it what you want, Snow Queen,” Leon purred into my ear, “but it’ll be a long time before I forget the feel of you grinding yourself up against my dick.”

  I caught and held a lungful of air, then released it slowly. Reaching up, I laid both palms flat against his chest. His muscles tensed beneath my fingers, and I forced myself to ignore it, giving him a firm push. He stepped back willingly.

  “We’re just slaves to our hormones,” I murmured, avoiding his eyes. “Don’t go thinking you’re special, Bradshaw.” The words were for me, as much as they were for him.

  I didn’t succumb to my emotions easily, but I was only human, and that meant even I was capable of the odd slip. And that’s what this was. It didn’t mean anything. It was nothing more than a combination of lust and pheromones.

  Making my way around the car to the driver’s side, my stride tightly controlled, I stopped and hooked an arm over the door before looking up. “You know you’re walking, right?”

  Leon smirked. “Probably for the best. It’s clear you can’t control yourself around me, Lissa. I’m not looking to get mauled twice in one night.”

  I ground my teeth and tossed him a scowl before climbing into the car.

  It wasn’t until I’d scrubbed my face clean, jammed my toothbrush in my mouth, and met my eyes in the mirror later that night that it really hit me…

  I might fucking like Leon Bradshaw.



  Alissa Bedford might have ruined me for other women. For tonight, at least.

  Surrounded by an assortment of drunken, scantily clad females all looking down the barrel of graduation and looming responsibility, inhibitions at an all-time low and enough cleavage on display to knock out an eyeball… and what was I doing? Risking fucking hypothermia staring at the snow queen who’d spent the past two hours ignoring my existence.

  I was no stranger to Liss’ cold shoulder—usually preferred it, in fact. My options were pretty limited with Lissa; it was either frostbite, or a sarcastic put-down designed to tear my ego to shreds. The choice was obvious.

  Tonight, though, the cold front wasn’t sitting well with me.

  Because now I knew how fast I could get that icy exterior to melt. Now I knew how it felt to have her moaning into my mouth while her peachy ass filled out my palms… and that was the kind of shit that could get addictive real quick.

  So, I didn’t think twice about following when Lissa made her way out of Danny’s kitchen and climbed the stairs. My empty solo cup landed in the trash can as I traipsed after her.

  Did I think it was smart to follow her to the bathroom? No. Did that stop me? Hell, no.

  If anything, a sense of urgency propelled me forward faster, and I barrelled into a tiny redhead as I reached the top step.

  “Shit!” I muttered as I grabbed onto her shoulders and rolled us forward, colliding with the wall.

  A face ended up smashed against my chest, small fingers fisting my shirt and pulling me closer.

  Easing back, I bent low and looked down at her with squinted eyes. “You okay?”

  Red looked up through thickly coated lashes and sunk two teeth into her glossy, pink lip. “I’ll say.” She smiled. “You can run into me anytime, Leon Bradshaw.”

  My brows nipped. I had no idea who this chick was. She looked about twelve, though. “You go to Claremont?”

  “Yeah. Sophomore year. I’ll be sixteen in two weeks.”

  Jesus. I grinned but took a step back. When her lips twisted into an exaggerated pout, I tossed her a wink. Might as well lap it up. It was all coming to an end in a couple of months. Fuck, I’d miss the fawning. Not gonna lie.

  “You really will screw anything with a pulse.” The hard scrape of Lissa’s unamused voice came from over my shoulder. “Even jailbait.”

  Shit. I dropped my head and reached down to loosen the fingers of the fifteen-year-old seductress still clinging to my shirt.

  “Better head back downstairs, Sophomore.” I tipped my head back over my shoulder. “She bites.”

  Red lifted her face and aimed a glower around me. Her eyes widened a second later, then she spun on her heel and flounced down the stairs.

  I turned to face Lissa and nearly swallowed my goddamn tongue. I’d been trying to play it cool all night, covert glances and all that, so I hadn’t gotten a good look at her… I fucking did now. My eyes damn near fell out of my head as they roved over her body.

  The arms folded over her chest plumped up a pair of creamy breasts that practically begged for my attention. Her shimmering gold dress barely made it to mid-thigh, but it slid over every slim curve it touched on the way down, making my mouth water and my balls ache.

  Lissa was magazine cover gorgeous—even with that mean-ass death glare twisting up her pretty face. Wouldn’t surprise me if she were feeding my balls through a mincer in her head right now—those slitted blue eyes fucking impaled me.

  It probably shouldn’t turn me on. My dick didn’t seem to care.

  “Birthday girl.” I grinned, fighting the intense urge to push her back into the wall.

  Her eyes pinched. “Dickface.”

  I licked my lips. “Not where I’d planned to put it first, but I sure as shit wouldn’t say no.”

  She rolled her eyes and untucked one of her hands, curling the tips of her fingers inwards and dropping her gaze to her black fingernails. Okay, Snow Queen… act bored. I didn’t buy it for one fucking second.

  “Finally ran out of legal aged girls to bang and now you’ve resorted to cradle-robbing, huh?”

  A rough chuckle escaped my lips, and I brought my head down as I stepped into her space. The rush of air that fled her mouth kissed the skin of my neck, her throat convulsing on a tight swallow, and it all sent a heady burst of adrenaline charging through my veins.

  “There’s still one legal-aged girl I haven’t fucked yet, Snow Queen,” I drawled into her ear.

  She backed up a step and cleared her throat, eyes darting away. “Well, I wouldn’t put it on the bucket list, Pretty Boy. It’s never gonna happen.”

  A prettier fucking lie had never been spoken.

  My thighs brushed against hers as I planted a hand on the wall above her head. “You sure about that, Lissa?”

  Her tongue darted out to touch her lips, and she shifted on her feet. Lids hooded, her eyes flickered over my face, pausing briefly on my mouth. “As sure as I am that what happened last night was a mistake. One I won’t be repeating anytime soon.” A slim hand flattened against my chest. “Back up, Bradshaw.”

  I hadn’t missed the way her eyes flared when they’d hit my lips. “Can’t stop thinking about it though, can you?”

  The chords of her neck strained as her jaw pulled taut. “What I’m thinking, is I could live five lifetimes and never do anything that could fill me with as much regret.”

  My lips tugged up at one side. “Want me to fill you with something else instead? Take your mind off it.”

  Her eyes widened, and she dipped out from under my arm.

  I grinned, head falling. “That’s a no, then?”

  “That’s a no in every spoken language under the sun, Pretty Boy. Forget what happened, forget I exist, and stay the hell away from me.”

  When she made to storm away, I latched my hand onto her wrist and tugged her back against my chest, wrapping an arm across the front of her body to hold her in place.

  Her breath hitched, breasts heaved, and her heart slammed into my forearm.

  “What are you doing?”
she asked in a breathy whisper.

  “Still need me to clean your car?” I murmured into the crook of her neck.

  The subtle tremor that wracked her sent hot blood hurtling straight to my groin.

  “If you can do it without touching me.” Her voice faltered, and I smiled into her neck.

  “Now, where’s the fun in that, Snow Queen?”

  Nuzzling my nose against her jaw, I suppressed a groan when a mixture of vanilla and cinnamon hit my nostrils. With her ass pressed into me and her sweet as sin smell invading my senses, I couldn’t remember the last time I’d wanted to fuck a girl as much as I did her right now. Someone had switched out my dick and replaced it with a steel rod. The throbbing bordered on painful.

  It would take so little effort to just lift her dress and slip it up over her hips, slide a finger up the inside of her smooth thigh and hook it under her panties…

  My eyelids lowered on a tortured growl as my chin sank into her shoulder. She’d snap my dick off and batter me to death with it before she admitted kissing me was anything other than a mistake… didn’t bode well for my chances of getting laid.

  “Lissa? You up here—woah!”

  Danny’s head appeared over the wooden bannister and he stalled, his mouth flapping open. He looped his hand around the handrail as a grin slowly stretched out over his face, and then the asshole just fucking stood and leered. Settling in for a private show, apparently.

  Liss pushed out of my hold and ran her fingers through her tousled blonde hair. I straightened up with a scowl as Danny wagged his brows and braced a shoulder against the wall.

  “I’m sure I came up here for a reason.” He grinned. “No fucking idea what it was now, though.”

  “Fuck off,” I said, reaching down to attend to the baton trying to bust out of my pants. A harsh yell from outside drew my head round.

  “Shit, yeah.” Danny jerked away from the wall and turned to Lissa. “Liss, you need to get your ass outside.”

  Brow creased, I swung my gaze to Lissa’s confused face.

  “Why?” she asked.


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