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Fighting For Carly

Page 6

by Deanndra Hall

  To his dismay, ten minutes later, the same woman stepped out the house’s front door holding the hand of a girl who looked to be about eight. Carly was right behind her, and in her arms she carried a boy who was probably three or four. Both children were sobbing and wailing, and the sight broke Ross’s heart. But there was something going on in the whole melee that made his whole chest warm.

  Carly hugged the little boy close to her. As he cried, Ross watched her whisper to him, kiss his little forehead, and squeeze him tight. His arms wrapped around her neck and held on for dear life. When the social worker tried to take him from the pretty deputy, he screamed and fought, but Carly pried his arms loose from her neck, spoke quietly to him, and Ross watched as the woman was able to carry him to the car. In seconds, they were gone.

  A lump formed in Ross’s throat. Those poor little kids. Their lives would never be the same, and for what? An argument? Dear god, people were crazy. He was still standing there, leaning back against a cruiser and deep in thought, when Carly stepped back up to him. “Hey,” she said quietly.

  “Hey. You handled that extremely well.”

  “You can’t handle that well. You just handle it the best you can.”

  “So their parents are gone now,” Ross said.

  “Actually, no. That was their mother and their grandfather, the mother’s dad. Apparently the mother had some kind of back issues and took pain pills. The grandfather was an addict. He came over to try to get his daughter to give him some of her pain meds. She refused. And this … this is the result.”

  It was hard for Ross to even comprehend. “He killed his own daughter for pain pills?”

  She nodded. “Yep. Sure did. Their names are Wilcox. Lived here all my life. Good people, but he just got addicted to that stuff and lost his mind.”

  “And the kids?”

  “They have a dad. He lives on the other side of San Antonio, but he’s on his way now. They’ll go live with him. He and the mom had joint custody.”

  “Oh. Well, that’s good.”

  “I dunno. Social Services will make that determination. For right now, there’s nothing else we can do.”

  “And your coworkers?”

  “Fine. One was grazed by a bullet. The other fell and twisted his ankle. They’re both going to the hospital, but they’ll be okay.”

  “Will you be okay?” he asked, gripping her waist with his hands and pulling her close.

  “Yeah. I’ll be fine. Seeing Sandra Wilcox dead like that was no picnic, but it’s part of the job.”

  “I meant with the kids.”

  There was a sadness in her eyes that made him wince. “It’s not their fault, but they’re the ones who suffer.”

  “Do you have to hang around here?”

  She nodded. “Yep, until everything’s sorted out.”

  “Then call me or text me when you get off shift and let me know you’re okay.”

  “Will do. I need to get back over there. I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Okay, beautiful. Talk to you later.” Ross watched her go and let out a sigh of relief. If he was going to be involved with her, he knew those sighs were going to be plentiful in his world.

  At least he hoped they’d be. The alternative was unthinkable.

  When he didn’t hear from her at midnight, he shot her a short text: You okay?

  Yeah. Gotta get some sleep. Gotta be back at eight thirty for the day shift.

  Ah. He hadn’t understood that. Gotcha. Missed that part. Be careful and get some sleep.

  Will do. At the end of those two words, she put a smiley face. Hey, emoticons! That was a good sign, right?

  He spent the morning going through his bags and the afternoon making sure things were washed so they could be packed. At three thirty, he got a short text. Off work. Be there soon.

  He shot back his own emoticon—a thumbs-up.

  It was barely ten after four when he heard someone in the drive and peeked out to see her pulling in. He checked to find Michael already out back, opening the big doors on the building so she could pull the SUV in, and they walked side by side to the house after he’d closed the doors, chatting as they went, with Michael carrying her bags.

  “About ready to go?” she sang out when he heard the back screen door slam.

  “Yep. All packed. I think I’ve got … Whoa!” His jaw dropped as he stopped dead at the sight in front of him.

  It was Carly, and it was the first time he’d seen her out of uniform. Her hair was loose and tumbling over her shoulders, and the sundress she wore showed off every curve and angle of that luscious body. She was wearing little strappy sandals, and her toenails were painted a gorgeous fuchsia color. Her hands held a sweater, he presumed for a cool evening. Unlike the Carly he’d been used to seeing, this one was softness and femininity personified. Barely able to look up, she peered at him from under her brows. “Do I look okay?”

  “Okay doesn’t even touch it. You look amazing, girl! Ready to go?” he asked as soon as he’d gathered his thoughts.

  “Yes. Got room for my bags?”

  “Of course. Come on. Let’s hit the road.” He took her bags from Michael and headed out the front door.

  “You kids have fun and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” Michael pretended to scold.

  He laughed loudly when Carly said, “Guess that means we can’t pull off that bank robbery after all.”

  Less than a minute later, Ross was backing the rental pickup out the driveway and onto the roadway. Instead of cutting through town, he skirted it on the four-lane highway and turned the truck toward San Antonio. “Good day?”

  “Decent. A few speeders and old Mr. Wiggins’ dog got loose. I spent two hours trying to help him catch her.”

  “And did you?”

  “Nope. Sadie’s still running wild in Bandera County!” she said with a laugh.

  Ross laughed too. “As long as it’s not Cujo, we should be fine.”

  And then the conversation fell flat. It seemed like no matter what he said, he couldn’t draw her out. Something was obviously bothering Carly. He finally got frustrated and outright asked, “So what’s going on? You’re not talking to me, and you’re acting a little weird. Did I do something wrong?”

  “No. Yes. No. I …”

  “Which is it? Yes or no?”

  “We both did something wrong.”

  “Like …”

  “Like we were touching each other and talking together at the scene last night.”

  Up ahead Ross could see an abandoned gas station, and he whipped into the parking lot and threw the truck in park. “Okay. Let me just say this. I’m not going to pretend to not even know you. That’s simply not going to happen. If that’s what you really want, we should just turn around right now and go back because―”

  “NO! No, that’s not what I want! I’m just afraid for you, that’s all.”

  He tipped his head downward, looked up at her from under his brows, and took her chin in his hand. “You let me worry about me, little girl.”

  “Little girl? Don’t you think―”

  “Let’s just get this out in the open right now.” Ross unbuckled his seatbelt and turned toward her, his knee up on the seat. “You are a deputy sheriff. You are tough and capable, and I know you can handle yourself. I’ve seen that. I get that. I’m a firefighter. I’m tough and capable, and I know I can handle myself. But in this relationship? When we’re together, fuck that badge of yours. It’s my job to protect you, because you’re mine to protect, and because it gives you a needed break from being constantly on your guard. We can be partners in the relationship, but in this relationship, I’m the alpha partner. Do you understand that?”

  “In this relationship―”

  “Yes. This relationship. I’m not fooling around with you here. I don’t fuck around all over the place. I start this, it’s going to mean something to me. If it’s not going to mean something to you, we need to just go back to Tarpley and forget the whole thing.” />
  “But Ross―”

  “There’s no ‘but’ about it. That’s how it’s going to be and―”

  “Can you just―”

  “What, Carly? Can I just what?”

  “At the risk of sounding too alpha, can you just shut the fuck up and kiss me already?”

  The instant their lips touched, Ross knew he was exactly where he was supposed to be and with exactly who he was intended to have. By the time he fished around and found the seat adjustment to send it sliding back, she was already astride his lap, kissing him like he was the last man on earth and it was up to them to save humanity. Those soft, round breasts pressed into his chest and he felt himself stiffen, but the feel of her in his arms … That was heaven. Soft and warm and sweet, she molded herself to him and Ross couldn’t get enough. When she finally broke the kiss, she leaned back and grinned into his face. “Well, look at this! See who’s on top?”

  Ross gave her a menacing laugh. “Won’t be for long, I guarantee!”

  Her eyes twinkled with mischief. “Is this going to be a power struggle?”

  “Nope. No struggle. I know how this will end, and there’ll be no struggle, I can promise you that. You’ll surrender without a fight.”

  She climbed off and for a split second, he was sad. He already missed her warmth and softness. “I suppose we should get going if we’re ever going to get to the hotel and see how this struggle is resolved, huh?”

  It seemed his hand rose of its own accord and his thumb brushed her cheek gently. “If it’ll make you happy, I’ll let you think you’ve won.”

  Her smile almost glowed. “That’ll be perfectly okay with me.”

  “Good. Let’s go.”

  Chapter 6

  “Oh. My. God. This place is amazing.” There was a reverence in Ross’s voice that Carly couldn’t miss.

  “Yeah. It’s pretty awesome. I’ll show you around a little while we’re here. So what do we want to do first?” she asked as they meandered down the hallway to the elevators.

  “Well, we’re going to the room …” he said and waggled his eyebrows up and down.

  “But we need to eat first. I mean, after all, we’ve got to keep our strength up, right?”

  He fired back instantly. “Do they have room service?”

  “I’m sure they do, but wouldn’t you like to see a little bit of San Antonio first?”

  “There’s a little bit of Carly Cross I’d like to … What?”

  She laughed even as she frowned. “Oh, you’re going to see that! But seriously, can’t you wait an hour and a half?”

  He laughed and kissed the top of her head. “Of course. I’m just messing with you.”

  “Good. There’s a Thai fusion place down on the Riverwalk that I read about and I’d like to try it out. Like Thai food?”

  “Yeah. And we don’t have that in Corbin, so I’d love to have some while we’re here.”

  She chuckled. “Sure isn’t any in Tarpley!”

  Twenty minutes later they’d unpacked and headed across the breezeway to the Riverwalk. The excursion dinner boats were gliding up and down the river, and there were a lot of people wandering around for a Sunday evening. The restaurant wasn’t crowded, and minutes after they were seated, their food was ordered and they waited for it. They talked and laughed as they ate, and Carly could honestly say she was having a great time. Ross was funny, smart, and fucking amazing to look at. She’d almost drooled as she’d watched him sitting there on the platform of that dunking booth, and she couldn’t wait to see that broad, muscled-up chest again, not to mention what was under those trunks.

  By the time they wandered back to the hotel, the lighting had come on at the Alamo, and it was beautiful. “Wait right here,” he told her and ran away. When he came back, he had a rose in his hand. “For you.”

  “Aww, thank you!”

  “You’re welcome. A beautiful woman should have beautiful flowers.” And you’re a silver-tongued devil, Ross McEvers, she thought with an internal chuckle. He could charm the pants off her, and that was what she was counting on.

  As soon as the door of the hotel room closed behind them, Carly grabbed her toiletry bag. “I’m going in here to rinse off the road dust.”

  “Great. I’ll get in when you’re finished.” She’d secretly hoped he’d ask if he could join her, but it was okay. It would take her less time alone, and she wanted their first time to be in a bed and be at least something that resembled proper, even if they were fucking each other’s brains out.

  It didn’t take her long, and she stepped out of the bathroom with one of the hotel’s big fluffy robes on. “Your turn.”

  “You’re not going to run off somewhere before I get out, are you?” he asked as he stepped up in front of her and grinned down into her face.

  “Nope. I’ll be right here. Not going anywhere.”

  “I won’t be long.” As soon as he closed the bathroom door and she heard the water start, she threw off the robe and pulled on the little lacy chemise she’d brought with her. Black. He’d like that. God, she was hoping he walked out of that bathroom without a stitch on! After brushing her hair and putting on a little more perfume, she crawled under the sheet and lightweight blanket and got comfortable.

  But he had on boxer briefs. Bummer. Carly wondered if he planned to take them off soon. She hoped so. There was already a sign that he was rising to the occasion, and she really wanted to see that. “Well, well, well! What do we have here?” he asked as he stood beside the bed. “Don’t you look beautiful!”

  “Thanks! You look pretty damn gorgeous yourself.”

  “Thanks. Want to take these off me, or do you just want me to lose them now?” he asked with no trace of a grin.

  “Honestly? You can get rid of them.”

  He didn’t hesitate, just hooked his thumbs in the waistband and whisked them off, then dragged them down his legs to the floor. When he righted himself and stepped out of them, she almost gasped. Whatever happened past that point, Carly was pretty sure he was man enough to handle it. Yeah, man enough and then some.

  He slid under the covers beside her, and she wondered if he’d made a mistake. “You need to be on the other side of me, right?”

  He shrugged. “Well, first off, I think we’ll be all over this bed, so it probably doesn’t matter. But to answer your unspoken question, I’m a southpaw.” Holy hell, how lucky can a girl get? Carly was amazed. Everything was working out perfectly. “I think we’re gonna get along just fine.” She waited as he leaned over to kiss her, and she let her hands stroke his pecs. His hands gripped her waist, then slipped upward to cup her breasts. “I’ve been dreaming about this for days,” he said in a voice coarse with need.

  “Me too. Haven’t thought about much else except this. And now, here we are. Like my little ensemble?” she asked and gestured down her body.

  Ross grinned. “I’d like it a lot more if it was on the floor.”

  “I think that can be arranged.” He moved back enough to let her sit up and, gripping the bottom hem, she pulled it up and over her head and dropped it off the side of the bed. The cool air in the room hit her nipples and they tightened painfully into two good-sized pebbles, but the coolness was replaced almost instantly with his lips, and when he sucked one nipple and pinched the other, she couldn’t help but moan. Those greedy lips came back to her own, his tongue strong and insistent against hers as a hand roamed her body. She groaned into his mouth as his fingers parted her sex, two of them plunging into her and curling to rake that sensitive spot in the front of her channel.

  He broke the kiss and smiled down into her face. “Honey, you’re soaking wet.”

  “I know. I want you, Ross.”

  “I want you too. But I want you to come first so you’re good and ready. Now where is it? Hmmm.” He closed his eyes, and the minute he hit it, they popped open at her groan. “Yeah. There it is. Okay, baby. This body of yours is quite the Maserati. Let’s take it for a little spin.”

That come-hither motion he was making against her G-spot drove her crazy, but it wasn’t until he knelt beside her and said, “Goin’ for broke, girl. Let me know if I’m doing it right,” that she knew exactly what he wanted. The fingers of his other hand found her clit and gave it a single stroke. Carly couldn’t keep her hips still. “That’s it, baby. Pump. It’s okay. Do what you need to.” God, she ached with need! When she couldn’t stand it anymore, she trailed her hands from her waist up her ribcage, up and under her breasts, and gripped her nipples with thumbs and forefingers. It occurred to her that he might see that as a little too wanton when she heard him whisper, “Oh my god, babe. Do you have any idea how fucking sexy you look doing that? Jesus, girl, I’m so hard for you.”

  Permission. Ross had just given her permission to be wanton and crazy and wild, and she needed it so badly that when the familiar chill swept over her, she cried out, “Oh, god, I want it! I want it so bad. Oh, Ross, please, oh, oh, ohhhhh …”

  Just as her hips bucked, he slowed his stroking and Carly rode it for all she was worth. The thrumming of blood in her belly and between her legs intensified every second he went on, and she couldn’t speak, just feel. She was sure he was about to stop when he speeded up again, and she mumbled, “What are you doing?”

  “You’re gonna do it again and this time, it’ll bring you right up off the bed, girl. I want to see you fly.”

  No. She couldn’t. It was a little scary. Her body was wound tighter than a kite spool, and she wanted to push his hands away, but something inside her wouldn’t let her. “I don’t think I can, babe. I really don’t think―”

  “Stop thinking, Carly. Just let the sensation take you. You can do this. I know you can. Let me see you playing with your nipples again. That’s so fucking hot, babe … yeah, just like that.” She pinched them, then pulled them hard. “Oh, yeah. You’re so sexy, babe, so damn sexy. Now, clamp down tight.” She did her best to contract every muscle in her pussy. “That’s good. Now release.” It was difficult, but she tried. “Good. Clamp down again. Alternate. It’ll pump blood into your clit and make this happen even faster. Go on. You can do it, angel.”


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