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Bound by Torment (The Alliance, Book 5)

Page 8

by Brenda K. Davies

  “That eye thing is a real dealbreaker, huh?”

  “Damn right it is.”

  Declan couldn’t stop himself from laughing. “Good to know.”

  “When I joined the Alliance, my younger sister, Cassidy, stuffed worms into one of my bras. I discovered them while I was unpacking.” Willow almost gagged at the memory. “I still owe her for that, which means we have to make it out of this.”

  “Why did she do that?”

  “My siblings and I have always pulled pranks on each other. My older siblings started them, and after they pretty much retired, the rest of us took over. Vicky and Abby never really got involved, but the rest of us have spent years torturing each other.”

  “Sounds like fun.” And he meant it. He couldn’t imagine what it must have been like to grow up in such a large, loving family. It definitely wouldn’t have been as lonely as his childhood.

  “It was.”

  Her melancholy tone tugged at his heart. No matter what it took, he would get her back to her family.

  “Come on; we should hunt,” he said.

  Willow finished washing her hands and leapt to her feet. Her mouth watered at the prospect of food.


  Finally sated, Willow ran her hands over the deer’s soft fur before releasing her. The doe lowered her nose into Willow’s palm; her warm breath billowed across her skin, and Willow’s heart melted when the doe nuzzled her palm.

  “Thank you for letting me feed on you,” Willow whispered as she petted the animal’s beautiful head.

  Declan watched in amazement as the deer turned its head into Willow’s touch. He’d been feeding off animals for centuries, and he’d never seen anything like the tender moment between them. Then the deer turned and bounded into the woods with the inherent grace of her species.

  Willow rose and wiped her hands off on her jeans. She wrinkled her nose at the dirt, blood, and sap staining them; the first chance she got, these things were going in the trash.

  Turning, she found Declan’s ravenous gaze on her. Except the desire in his eyes wasn’t for blood; it was for her, and her body reacted in an instantaneous, primal way that left her mouth dry and her body aching for his touch.

  In her dreams, his hands caressed her with an expertise that caused her to wake wet and aching. In reality, his eyes alone elicited the same response.

  Now that her stomach wasn’t in a knot, her veins weren’t on fire, and Savages weren’t breathing down their necks, she recalled how he made her heart race the few times they were within fifty feet of each other. Images of her dreams flitted through her mind as she dug her fingers into her palms.

  The first distant howl doused her rising lust.


  Willow had no idea what time it was when they finally stopped running, but the crescent moon was high in the sky and stars sparkled through the trees. Leaning her back against a tree, she panted for air as she slid down the trunk and drew her knees up to her chest. She bowed her head and rested it against her legs while she tried to catch her breath.

  They’d been moving so fast and so often that even if her brother-in-law, Brian, were in the states, he wouldn’t be able to track them. She hoped they were out of this mess before Brian and Abby returned; she didn’t want them to cut their vacation short because of her, and she really did not want another one of her sisters entangled in this mess.

  “Get some sleep,” Declan said. “I’ll keep watch.”

  Lifting her head, Willow discovered him leaning casually against a tree a few feet away. He was annoyingly not out of breath and looked entirely too good, while she felt like a sweaty, filthy mess.

  “Do you think we outran them?” she asked, she hadn’t heard any howls and cries in a couple of hours.

  “It’s a good possibility.”

  There was also the possibility the Savages decided to try something new and went quiet, but he kept that to himself. He didn’t think she’d sleep if he told her that, and she desperately needed to sleep.

  Besides, he believed it was more likely they’d outrun them. As purebred vampires, they would move faster than the Savages, and no matter the number of monsters in these woods, the forest was too vast for them to cover all the land.

  “Do you think Vicky went home?” she asked.

  “I’m not sure if she’s gone home, but I doubt she’s in the woods anymore. I wouldn’t have brought her with me if I considered her reckless. As desperate as she was to find you, she wanted to survive for her husband and son more.”

  “They’re her world,” Willow murmured.

  “Go on, get some rest.”

  Willow nodded because she was too tired to talk anymore, but she doubted she’d get any sleep.

  Those were her last thoughts before she woke to find herself enveloped in warmth and nestled securely against something smelling of earth and pine. She realized the wonderful aroma was coming from Declan. At first, she assumed she’d dreamt his arrival of and was still in the tree, but the tree was never this warm or enticing.

  Her hand flattened against Declan’s chest. Beneath her palm, his heart beat a steady, reassuring rhythm. Between that beat and the warmth of his arms, she couldn’t recall the last time she felt this safe and secure.

  When his head turned toward her, his warm breath ruffled her hair. If she lifted her head, their lips would only be inches apart. She would be able to smell his breath, and if she moved her mouth a little closer, she would learn what he tasted like; was it as good as in her dreams?

  She bet it was much, much better. He definitely smelled better than she’d imagined.

  With the way she nestled against him, Declan could barely make out the sweeping curve of her lashes against her cheek. He almost shifted her so he could see more of her face, but he didn’t move. Her confusion and uncertainty beat against him, but he also sensed her need, and it was enflaming his.

  Then she lifted her face, and he found himself gazing into the purest, violet eyes he’d ever seen. They were striking in their vibrancy and beauty. He’d seen many women over his six hundred and four years, but none ever stole his breath the way she did.

  Instinctively, his arms constricted around her. When her eyes fell to his mouth, every part of him became focused on her. The beat of her heart was all he could hear, the warmth of her body was all he could feel, her natural scent of roses was all he could smell, and the beauty of her face captivated him. If he lowered his mouth to hers, she would be the only thing he tasted.

  Willow couldn’t breathe as his silver eyes darkened to the color of graphite. When her tongue nervously wet her lips, his gaze latched onto the movement. Her heart lurched, and her fingers curled into his shirt before digging into the wall of his thickly muscled chest.

  She couldn’t count the number of times she dreamt about kissing him, but in her dreams, there were no consequences. Unfortunately, in reality, there were plenty of them.

  He was a senior member of the Alliance, Ronan’s secondhand man, and a complete mystery to her. She had a feeling that if she took what she wanted now, it would be one of the most amazing experiences of her life. And it could turn into the biggest mistake of her life.

  Do not get involved with someone you work with! Disappointment filled her as her eyes fell from his mouth to the forest floor. Not getting involved with him was not the choice she preferred, but it was the one she’d make.

  Willow’s warring emotions battered Declan as she lowered her eyes to stare at the ground. He buried his frustration; they shouldn’t be this close. He shouldn’t be holding her. He’d spent years controlling his emotions and impulses, and she made him forget all his training and discipline. If he wasn’t careful, he could become a threat to her.

  The possibility he could attack her was enough to douse his desire, but he still couldn’t bring himself to part from her. If he weren’t so enamored with her, he would set her aside and walk away. It was the best choice for her, but as much as she rattled his control, she also ca
lmed him, and he wasn’t ready to part with her yet.

  He couldn’t resist running his fingers over a strand of hair that had fallen free of its tie. In the dim light, he could make out the strands of gold and pale blonde in her hair.

  “I hope I didn’t offend you by holding you,” he said. “You were shivering, and I was trying to warm you up.”

  Willow swallowed the bitter disappointment choking her throat. She should have kissed him. She’d nearly died and might never get another chance with him. That should have been enough to make her live in the moment a little more. Instead, she couldn’t get out of her head.

  “Not at all,” she murmured. “Thank you.”

  She couldn’t kiss him, but she found herself burrowing closer to the warmth he emitted. Even if she couldn’t seize the moment, she wasn’t ready to give up her position in his arms. He was so warm and secure around her. Beneath his bomber jacket, she felt the power coursing through the corded muscles surrounding her.

  “Have you heard anything from them?” she asked.


  “Nothing?” Willow asked as she lifted her head to meet his stare.


  Willow anxiously searched the shadows as the swaying tree branches clicked together over her head. The wind created a low, mournful sound as it blew over the land. Despite the heat of Declan’s arms, a chill ran through her.

  “Why does that not make me feel as good as I assumed it would?” she asked.

  “We probably lost them in the woods.”

  Willow wanted to believe him, but… “They’re stubborn. I spent two nights in that tree; they should have moved on from the area, but they were still hunting it when I descended.”

  “They either knew you were still somewhere nearby, or they suspected someone else was.”

  Dismay clogged her throat. “Do you think we left someone behind?”

  “No,” he said. “I think they were looking for you.”


  “Because while I think Lucien still has a chance of being alive, I don’t think anyone else is,” he said honestly. “They wouldn’t have been so focused on you if there were others to distract them. The Savages probably found the river, assumed you went in, and followed it until they picked up your trail again.”

  “I hate them.”

  “So do I,” he said as he idly twirled her hair around his finger.

  “What are we going to do?”

  “We’ll keep heading west until we find something. We have to run across civilization eventually.”

  “I hope so. I’d love a hot shower and a mattress. You’re warm, but you’re not exactly the most comfortable bed in the world.”

  The sexy smile curving his mouth made her understand the term butterflies in the belly as a strange sensation fluttered to life there. She had a couple of crushes as a teen and some experience with men over the years, but they were all immature little boys compared to Declan.

  This man, she realized with terrifying certainty, could break my heart.

  The possibility scared her almost as much as the Savages crawling through the woods in search of them.

  “I’ve been called worse,” he said.

  Willow couldn’t stop herself from smiling back at him; with his eyes twinkling in the moonlight, he was impossible to resist. Most of the time, he came across as reserved and thoughtful, but a playful air surrounded him, and she was eager to play.

  Her knowledge of him was limited, but she did know he was the second-oldest member of the Alliance, younger only to Ronan. “I’m sure you’ve been called many things throughout the vast years of your life.”

  He quirked an eyebrow at her. “Are you calling me old?”

  “If the shoe fits,” she said with a grin.

  “Listen here, whippersnapper,” he said as he twirled a strand of her hair around his finger. “I’m not old; I’m seasoned.”

  “By centuries of experience.”

  His playful smile remained in place, but something shimmered in his silver eyes as they ran over her face. She couldn’t quite put a name to that look, but it caused her toes to curl in her boots as her mouth went dry.

  “And that experience makes me better at everything I do.”

  The innuendo in his words surprised him. Even when romantic relationships consumed his life, he was never one for flirting, but he found himself enjoying this banter between them.

  Willow had no idea how to respond. She was desperate to find out how much better it made him, but thankfully she was saved from doing anything rash, like kissing him, when a branch cracked in the distance. Declan’s body went rigid against her as their heads turned toward the noise.

  “Stay here,” he said.

  Before Willow could protest, he plucked her out of his lap and set her on the ground. Without the warmth of his body enveloping her, the cold of the night rushed over her. She shivered as she rose, but by the time she stood, he’d vanished into the shadows.

  Willow reached into her jacket and removed one of the stakes tucked inside. She pulled it free as her hands patted the numerous hiding places she’d created on the inside of the jacket. But, no matter how much she felt over those places, she came back to the same conclusion—she only had two stakes left. Her crossbow, knife, and two other stakes were victims of the waterfall.

  It didn’t matter; she would make do with what she had. She was trained to kill with her bare hands if necessary. She started after Declan but stopped when he reemerged.

  “A raccoon,” he said.

  Willow’s shoulders sagged, but she didn’t put her stake away. It was a raccoon this time, but they might not be so lucky next time.

  “Do you feel rested enough to continue?” he asked.

  She’d love to crawl back into his arms and stay there for a few more hours, if not days, but as much as she yearned to be held by him again, she didn’t want to end up in the hands of the Savages.

  “Yes,” she said.


  The sun was high in the sky when Declan called a halt so they could feed. Nowhere near as starved as she was the day before, Willow contented herself with a fox while Declan fed on a coyote.

  When she finished with the fox, she set it on its feet and ran her hand over its back before petting its head. Its fur was silky beneath her hand as the creature leaned into her touch before nuzzling her hand with its head.

  Willow smiled when it gave her fingers a playful nip before rolling onto its belly and wiggling on its back like a dog in search of a belly scratch. When she happily obliged, it kicked its feet in the air and grinned at her.

  Declan released his coyote, which sprinted into the forest as fast as it could. He watched in awe as the fox, finished with its belly rub, rose and circled Willow. It rubbed against her as it walked.

  He’d fed on animals countless times over the years, and every single one of them bolted the first chance they got. Even slightly weakened from blood loss, they still fled as fast as their legs would carry them.

  He’d never seen anything like what they did with Willow. He could have chalked the deer up as a fluke, but not anymore. These creatures truly liked her, and the love she felt for them was evident in her radiant smile and the way she giggled as she played with the fox.

  Something inside him shifted, and a strange sensation he’d never experienced before rose in his chest while he watched her. This woman who ruthlessly killed Savages, hated worms, and charmed animals was the most amazing being he’d ever encountered. And he longed to get closer to her, even if it ended in his demise.

  Willow pet the fox’s head again before giving it a nudge toward the woods. She wiped her hands on her jeans and turned to Declan as she rose. The look on his face trapped her words as he stared at her with an expression she’d never seen before. It was as if he was bewildered, yet amazed by her.

  The smile she gave him caused his cock to stir. For centuries, he’d battled the lust that once ruled him, but there was no cont
rolling it around her, and he didn’t try as his gaze ran over her lithe body.

  Her open jacket revealed the swell of her breasts against her black, formfitting shirt. His mouth watered as he recalled the feel of those breasts against his chest, and he imagined cupping them while running his tongue over her taut nipple.

  He’d tease her until she begged for release. Tease her until neither of them could take any more, and then he’d fuck her until they were too exhausted to move, pull her into his arms, and hold her as he’d never held another before.

  Willow’s heart beat a little faster as Declan’s eyes latched onto her breasts. Normally, she’d tell the guy exactly where her eyes were, and if he didn’t take the hint, she’d bash his nuts into his body, but she couldn’t move. She didn’t want to move as her nipples hardened against her sports bra.

  Then, Declan tore his gaze away from her, and Willow found herself able to breathe again as the tension between them eased. If this kept up, bad idea or not, she was going to jump his bones.

  Maybe if they screwed, she could work him out of her system and go on about her life as if nothing happened. People and vamps did it all the time. She’d never been with someone more than once, but that was because she liked her relationships casual.

  Curious about sex, she’d been with four men, but she never saw them again. She’d spent the night and next day with one of the guys, and that was her longest relationship. It was a fun night and day, though. Her first was a boy she’d gone to high school with and run into again a year after graduation.

  She’d always thought he was cute and figured why not? She might never meet her mate, and if she did, she could be three hundred or a thousand when it happened. There was no way she was staying a virgin for that long. She wasn’t going to be the forty-year-old virgin, never mind the thousand-year-old one.

  So, they had sex. It was a blundering mess, and she left before he woke up the next morning because there was no point in awkward goodbyes or building a relationship with someone who wasn’t her mate. Besides, friends with benefits was too much of a commitment to her. However, she might enjoy a friends-with-benefits arrangement with Declan.


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