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Hearts Intertwined

Page 10

by K. L. Myers

  Emmersyn’s screams were getting louder and louder, and the only thing he contemplated was running as far away from the sound as he possibly could. But he knew leaving his home was not an option, so he did the next best thing; he ran to his room and slammed the door behind him in an attempt to muffle the sounds of her crying. Desperate to tune out the noise, he turned on his radio and twisted the volume to ten. But nothing worked and the cries seemed to have gotten louder, giving his music a run for its money.

  Braxton started pacing, back and forth in front of the foot of his bed while thinking to himself. Make it stop. Please. Dear God, make it stop.

  Braxton felt useless, and the questioning of whether or not he had what it took to be a single dad began all over again. Every time he asked himself the question, his instinct told him no. Maybe he should consider giving Emmersyn up for adoption. But then, the thought of doing that killed him; he could never walk away from her. She was his flesh and blood. He and Alissa had created this little human, and she’d have never forgiven him for doing so.

  Braxton’s phone vibrated in his pocket. When he pulled it from his jeans, the caller ID read Paisley. He swiped to the right but did not get a chance to speak before her voice bellowed from the phone.

  “What the hell, Brax?” Paisley’s voice cracked as she spoke. “I can hear Emmy crying. Is everything okay?”

  “No, nothing is okay, Paisley. Emmy has been crying for over an hour now. I’ve tried everything, and I’m on my last nerve. I don’t know what to do.”

  Paisley was silent for a few seconds and the crying got louder and louder. “Open the damn door. Paxton and I are here and we’ve been knocking for ten minutes.”

  Braxton felt like--maybe, for the first time in days, he wasn’t alone. If Emmy didn’t stop crying, at least, he had someone there to help him. Even though it was just for moral support to help him keep his sanity.

  Without hesitation, he pulled his bedroom door open and was instantly blasted with how loud his little girl’s crying was. He unlocked the front door and the second Paisley saw him. She forced her way in and rushed past him, heading for Emmy’s room.

  Both Braxton and Paxton stared at each other, neither with a clue of what to do.

  “Auntie Paisley is here.” Paxton calmly mocked his friend. “She’ll know what to do.

  Paisley entered the room, rocking Emmy as she walked. “Car keys—now,” she barked the order at Braxton.

  Braxton rushed to the kitchen counter and retrieved his keys. “Got them.”

  Paisley looked at her brother, who immediately held both of his hands in front of him. “You go ahead without me. If the three and a half of us get in that car together, only one of us will be exiting alive. And I assure you, it will be me.”

  Paisley’s eyes drew tightly together. She was obviously less than pleased with her brother, “Fine then. You have dinner here for us when we return.”

  Braxton sat in his car at the end of the sidewalk watching Paisley walking towards him with Emmy in her carrier, he quickly exited and pulled open the passenger-side door. Paisley snapped Emmy's carrier into the base that was already strapped in.

  When the door closed, Braxton looked at Paisley, one eyebrow raised and his lips twisted as if he was perplexed “You want to slap me don’t you?”

  “Yes, but I understand you’re frustrated and feeling like a failure but you handled the situation all wrong.”

  “I’m sorry Paisley, really I am.”

  “Don’t apologize, just turn the key and put your foot on the gas and go.”

  Without a destination in mind, Braxton drove mindlessly all over town for thirty minutes. He was sure they had passed the same IHOP twenty minutes ago, but he couldn’t be positive. He’d been moving on autopilot, turning left and right without knowing where he was going. He was just doing as he had been told.

  Emmy’s cries had begun to soften some two left turns ago, and as he took a right turn, she had fallen asleep.

  “Holy shit, P. She’s asleep. How did you know this would work?”

  Paisley glanced over at Braxton, the smile on her face matching the gleam in her eyes. “I’d like to say I’m the Yoda of crying babies, but that would be a lie. I’ve heard friends talk about doing it with their kids.”

  Regardless of whose idea it was, Braxton was overly excited that it had worked. “That’s twice you’ve saved me, butterfly. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  Paisley felt a little flutter of hope deep inside. Could it be possible that Braxton had finally realized that she was the yin to his yang? The peas to his carrots? No. You cannot go there.

  What she had once wished for would never happen, and she had to give up the notion that there would ever be anything between them. Her heart had been locked down years ago and damn her for thinking she could open the lock a tiny bit.

  She reached over, placing her palm on his shoulder. “Let’s get her home and to bed. I just texted Paxton to ask him to order food. We’ve got some talking to do.”

  Chapter 20

  When Braxton and Paisley arrived back at his home, Emmersyn was wide awake. But this time, she wasn’t crying. In fact, aside from her puffy red face you would have thought she was the happiest baby there was.

  After a bottle and a diaper change, Paisley rocked her back to sleep and placed her in her crib. Braxton watched in amazement.

  Now they all sat at the kitchen table, boxes of their favorite Chinese food opened in front of them. Braxton and Paxton didn’t hesitate to dig in, but Paisley hadn’t touched a single thing. This was going to be an uncomfortable conversation to have at any time, but now, she just wanted to get it over with.

  Paisley took a small sip of her water. No time better than the present. “Ahem.” She patiently waited, but neither of the boys gave her a second glance. “Ahem,” she grunted out, a little louder this time, which garnered her Paxton’s attention. But Braxton seemed to be lost in his own little world. Paxton motioned for his sister to continue and, rather than clearing her voice, Paisley spoke up loud and clear. “Brax, there’s a reason we came by tonight.”

  Braxton’s fork stopped midway to his mouth; he slowly lowered it before resting it on the plate in front of him. “And here I thought you just wanted to spend some time with me,” he replied half-heartedly. Neither of the twins smiled at his joke and Braxton knew something more was up.

  “Brax,” Paisley started, but then the enormity of what she had to tell him set in. Her eyes glistened with moisture; the tears ready to spill over. It didn’t take Braxton long to push away from the table and kneel before her.

  “What is it, butterfly? What’s got you in such a tizzy?”

  Paisley raised her right hand and began fanning her face quickly, hoping to stop the tears before they fell. “I got a call from Alissa’s parents.” Her voice cracked as she spoke.

  Braxton stood quickly and pulled out the chair beside her, giving her his full attention. “Go on.” His voice was deeper than normal.

  “They’re having Alissa’s body flown back to New York.” She paused for a moment to give Braxton an opportunity to express his feelings, but he didn’t. When it was apparent that he had nothing to say, she continued, “That’s not it, Braxton.” A single tear fell down her face. She could no longer hold back her emotions, no matter how hard she tried.

  “I didn’t figure it was.” There was bitterness in Braxton’s voice. Deep down, he knew the worst was yet to come. That tidbit of information could have been shared over the phone. He hadn’t expected that Alissa’s family would allow her to be buried out here since they weren’t officially married yet and he had no right to ask that of them.

  Paisley reached for a napkin and dabbed under her eyes. She was finding it hard to keep the tears at bay now. When she was done, she cleared her throat, trying to remove whatever it was that was blocking her air—only she couldn’t. How did you take away something that wasn’t physically there? She knew it was just a side effect of her anxie
ty over having to share the next bit of information with him.

  “Bonnie wants custody of Emmersyn; she’s claiming she is better suited to raise her grandchild.” There, she had said it. She’d torn the Band-Aid right off and let the words fly.

  Braxton jumped up, causing his chair to fall over. He began to pace, while his hands pulled at the sides of his hair. “No!” he barked out. “No fucking way in hell are they getting my little girl. I may not be the best for her, but she’s mine, goddamnit, and I’ll fight for her.”

  “Already on it, bro,” Paxton said with a smug look on his face. “Paisley’s already hired you Samuel Travis.”

  Braxton stopped in his tracks when he heard the name. Anyone in the entertainment business knew that name. Samuel was the Dalai Lama of lawyers, representing the elite for their divorce and custody battles.

  His lips pursed and began to tap his index finger against them in rapid succession. His best friends watched him, waiting for the moment he lost it and started screaming.

  It never happened. Instead, it was quite the opposite. Braxton’s once rigid and tense body relaxed as he stared out the window in contemplation.

  Paisley had expected his reaction to escalate further, so she was surprised he was looking so calm.

  He turned away from the window, his face blank. There was no indication that he was still angry, nor that he felt anything at all. His friends watched him as he moved slowly back to the table, still expecting him to blow up. When he reached them, he took a seat across the table from Paisley and resumed eating. He was silent and neither of the twins knew what to make of it. They shared a glance with one another.

  Paxton’s eyebrows raised in question as he stared at his sister. Paisley shrugged. She had no idea why he was acting so calm when he’d just been given the worst news any father could have received.

  “Braxton.” Paisley waited until he gave her his full attention. “Why are you so calm? They want custody of Emmersyn.”

  “I heard you. I also heard Paxton say you’ve hired me Samuel. It’s not going to do me any good to freak out until I’ve talked with him personally.”

  Paisley was surprised by Braxton’s response. He’d always been one to fly off the handle when he felt threatened. And yet here he sat, going about his business as if she’d just told him it was a sunny day. He didn’t have to feel threatened because of the action she had taken.

  “I’ve talked to him a little about the case you know,” Paisley spoke up.

  Braxton quickly stopped eating and devoted his full attention to her. Now she’d piqued his curiosity. “And what did he say?”

  “He said this wasn’t going to be an easy battle. Even though you are her father, you lack some of the stability that Alissa’s parents can offer. They are financially sound and have the ability to provide a safe environment for her.”

  “I can do both of those things as well.” Braxton said angrily

  “I know, Braxton. But there are two of them and only one of you. Mr. Travis said it might be harder to prove you are the best choice since you are a bachelor and will be relying on a full-time nanny to help raise Emmy.”

  Braxton’s arm swiped along the table, sending boxes of Chinese food flying through the air. Noodles and rice covered the floor, and the sauce and meat slowly ran down the wall. Paisley knew she would be the one cleaning up the mess at the end of the night.

  “I’ve been a bachelor for all of three days, damn it.” Braxton’s fists hit the table. “I’m not going to just lay down and give in. I’m going to fight this.” He paused briefly as he took in a few breaths and released them. “I can provide as easily as they can. We can rearrange my office and convert part of it to a nursery so Emmy can be with me while I work. And with the two of you helping, she won’t be left to a nanny to raise her.”

  Paxton threw his hands up, shaking his head. “Hold up there. I know nothing about raising a kid. Hell, half the time I act like a child. What you need is a wife.” Paxton scratched his chin.

  All eyes were on her brother, and Paisley was about to agree that he was one hundred percent a child. But before she could tell him that his idea of a wife was stupid Paxton’s eyes light up like a winner on the slot machine when it had hit three sevens.

  “I’ve got it. Why don’t you marry Paisley?”

  Braxton couldn’t believe what he’d just heard. How could Paxton suggest such a thing when he’d recently lost his fiancée? His eyes closed momentarily as he thought about the last nine months with Alissa. They’d been together since college and he couldn’t deny his feelings for her. The thought of even contemplating Paxton’s advice would be absurd.

  But his daughter was everything to him. If there was a possibility that he could lose her because he was a single father—no, he couldn’t let that happen. A shiver ran down his spine just imagining what his life would be like without his little caterpillar. Maybe he should be open to the suggestion. It wasn’t like he was going wife shopping; it was Paisley. He’d known her most of his life. Was it that absurd when you thought of it that way?

  Braxton slapped his palms on the table, startling everyone.

  “I’m not hip on the idea, but I don’t want to lose Emmersyn either. Richard and Bonnie love Paisley; there is the possibility that they wouldn’t fight me on this if Paisley was in the picture permanently for Emmy.”

  Braxton wasn’t sure if he was agreeing to this just to reassure himself with false hope, or if he truly believed it would work. Anyone in their right mind would know it was a sham. After all, who married someone so quickly after losing their fiancée?

  A guilty someone—that was who. But he wasn’t guilty of anything. It was just a tragic happenstance.

  “HOLD UP!” Paisley screamed. “You’ve got to be freaking kidding me. That’s the solution to your problems? Marry Paisley. Did anyone stop to ask me what I thought of this idea? Noooo.” She looked Braxton in the eye. “You hear Paxton tell you to marry me and you have no issues with that solution? You’re ready to march me down the aisle, say a quick I do, and then, voila! All your problems are solved? Are you crazy?”

  There was a twinkle in Braxton’s eyes when he spoke. “Pretty much. Plus, you’ve seen me do crazier things.”

  “This isn’t funny you idiots. Did either of you stop to think that maybe I wouldn’t want to marry Braxton? That possibly I might have plans of my own for my future.

  She stood with her hands firmly planted on her hips. “Did you ever consider that maybe when I say, I do, I want it be to a man I love and want to build a life with? No, you both didn’t think about me at all, or what I want.”

  “Ah, butterfly, you do love me and we already have a life together.” Paisley closed her eyes briefly to hide the pain she felt. She knew Braxton had been joking when he’d spoken.

  “She’s right.” Braxton sounded defeated this time. “I’m sorry, Paisley. I wasn’t thinking about you at all. I was just thinking about myself, like always. It seemed like the perfect idea.”

  Braxton’s eyes began to well with tears, and they soon began to fall. He rubbed his palms against them, hoping to end the rain of tears. “I can’t lose her, butterfly. She’s my little caterpillar and my whole heart.”

  BAM. Like an arrow to the soul, Braxton had just found the soft spot in Paisley. She knew she was going to regret her decision, not because she didn’t already love Emmersyn, but because she still loved Braxton and playing make-believe was going to kill her. Her hands began to sweat. Goosebumps peppered her skin as trepidation set in. And then, without hesitation, she opened her mouth to seal her fate.

  “I’ll do it.” The words fell from Paisley's lips.

  Chapter 21

  On Friday afternoon for lunch, Paxton, Paisley, and Braxton headed to the county courthouse with two witnesses by their side to seal their nuptials. Paisley and Braxton exchanged their vows before a court judge. No other family or friends were present. There was no white dress with a veil or floral bouquet.

s was far from the wedding that Paisley had always dreamed about—except for the groom. Braxton was always the groom in all her dreams. And yet here she was today, marrying the one person she’d always hoped she would get married to, but the emotional connection was missing. Clearly, a marriage of convenience. And as she said I do, she felt empty inside. It took everything she had not to let the tears fall when the judge told Braxton he could kiss his bride and all he had to offer was a peck on the lips, followed by a powerful hug.

  “Thank you, Paisley,” Braxton whispered in her ear as he held her. “I owe you more than I’ll ever be able to repay.”

  His words sliced through her heart, causing pain more severe than when she’d fallen off the roof of her childhood home and broken her arm. Braxton and Paxton had been playing in the backyard that day, and she’d been trying to prove that she was their equal. They had bet her she couldn’t climb up the trellis. Not only had she done it, but she’d climbed onto the roof and taunted them. But when she’d scurried to the edge to climb back down, she’d lost her footing and fell. Braxton had been by her side within seconds, consoling her as Paxton ran into the house to get their mother.

  Braxton had comforted her that day, trying to ease the pain as they rushed her to the hospital. But there would be nothing he could do that would take away her pain or put her heart back together. He’d broken the last string that had been holding it together all these years. Today, she knew he would never see her as more than his friend. She’d sensed it before now, but never let herself honestly believe it.

  Hand in hand they exited the courthouse, pushing Emmersyn’s stroller as they headed to the office to meet someone from Bryer and Son’s Construction. Braxton was adamant that they immediately meet with a contractor and start renovations in the office. He wanted to ensure that when and if they had to go to court, they would be ready to show the judge that they were a normal family. Even if they were anything but.


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